How To Use Plant food In A Sentence
Fertilize monthly during spring and summer with a dilute liquid plant food according to label instructions.
Feed flowering plants with a higher potassium indoor plant food once a week in spring and summer, and foliage plants twice a year in spring and summer.
Times, Sunday Times
The yellow colour comes largely from carotenoids, which hens get from plant foods, or lutein, which is added to feeds specifically to colour egg yolk.
However, if present day anthropoids are any indication, early primates were quick to take advantage of these new arboreal plant foods.
A small New Jersey organic plant food company (TerraCycle) whose products are made from earthworm droppings and sold in reused soda bottles is the subject of a 177 page ...
Scotts Miracle-Gro Sues TerraCycle

The offer also includes five free sachets of plant food, and postage and packing is free.
The Sun
The yellow colour comes largely from carotenoids, which hens get from plant foods, or lutein, which is added to feeds specifically to colour egg yolk.
Instead, he says, health-conscious consumers should focus on getting their vitamins from plant foods, such as vegetables and whole grains, which contain precise mixtures of hundreds or even thousands of compounds.
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In a novel study, they recruited women who eat both animal and plant foods - the omnivore regimen typical of most Americans - and women who only eat plant-derived foods.
He says a complete plant food with plenty of trace elements especially potassium and nitrogen and water it well in.
All authorities say now that the major part of the diet should be based around whole plant foods.
What if we ate a diet chockful of plant foods?
Times, Sunday Times
Flax oil also known as linseed oil, and valued in manufacturing for drying to a tough water-resistant layer is by far the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids among plant foods.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Even when reproductive periods were evaluated separately, there were only two differences in the fractions of animal and plant foods in the diets of those congeners.
Dietary fibre is a substance obtained from plant foods, as distinct from animal foods.
Use the lab and prepare some plant food for young tomatoes.
Not only do they add colour, but the plant food they thrive on benefits the bush as well.
They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.
If land is to yield good crops year after year, it must be fertilized, that is, there must be added chemicals containing the above-mentioned plant foods.
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We did not observe any consistent association with poly-unsaturated or fat from plant food sources, " she said. "Altogether, these results suggest a role for animal fat in pancreatic carcinogenesis.
This needs to contain plant foods and also retain moisture.
Planning the Organic Herb Garden
At this point you may want to water the plant with a weak solution of balanced plant food.
Fiber: Parts of plant foods that are indigestible or very slowly digested, with little effect on blood glucose and insulin levels; sometimes called roughage.
Having said that, some plant food constituents rejected as non-essential or non-vitamins, are now known to have important health functions.
Selling or possessing mephedrone and methylone, also known as "miaow" and "plant food", was made illegal in 2010.
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Feed flowering plants with a higher potassium indoor plant food once a week in spring and summer, and foliage plants twice a year in spring and summer.
Times, Sunday Times
The offer also includes five free sachets of plant food, and postage and packing is free.
The Sun
Plant foods vary from fruits to nuts, including wild grapes, cherries, apples, persimmons, berries, and acorns.
It is true that most plant foods fall short in one or more of the essential amino acids.
Studies of other aphid species have reported that pods are higher quality plant food than leaves.
They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.
Feed flowering plants with a higher potassium indoor plant food once a week in spring and summer, and foliage plants twice a year in spring and summer.
Times, Sunday Times
The 1995 text addresses the science linking antioxidant nutrients found in plant foods with a potentially beneficial role in fighting disease.
The enzyme myrosinase reacts with glucosinolates present in plant foods and generates thiocyanate.
Feed flowering plants with a higher potassium indoor plant food once a week in spring and summer, and foliage plants twice a year in spring and summer.
Times, Sunday Times
Most plant foods, other than grains, bring about the opposite metabolic situation; whereas meat consumption causes a metabolic acidosis, green leafy and colorful vegetables and low-glycemic fruits bring about a metabolic alkalosis.
Rebuttal to the PCRM | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Raccoons, civets, jackals, badgers, skunks, and bears also eat fruit, honey, seeds, roots, and other plant foods.
A small New Jersey organic plant food company (TerraCycle) whose products are made from earthworm droppings and sold in reused soda bottles is the subject of a 177 page ...
Scotts Miracle-Gro Sues TerraCycle
At first, layer grass clippings with a dash of leaves and twigs to create a concoction that turns into humus, the best plant food.
Raccoons, civets, jackals, badgers, skunks, and bears also eat fruit, honey, seeds, roots, and other plant foods.
All that was needed was a sustained opportunistic exploitation and minimal encouragement of what were still rather unimportant plant food sources.
Feed plants regularly with a balanced granular fertilizer or liquid plant food.
Dietary fiber - also known as roughage or bulk - includes all parts of plant foods that your body can't digest or absorb.
They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.
Moreover, whereas most domesticates feed on widely available plant foods, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they have a limited ability to digest anything but meata far rarer menu item.
Hard wired to the past | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
The ash usually contains little plant food, but can raise the soil pH as it may be slightly alkaline.
The Sun
Greens and other plant foods easily hold their own against dairy in terms of calcium content.
Fiber is the part of plant foods that your body doesn't digest and absorb.
The bulb of the camas lily, which grows primarily in wet meadows, was a principal plant food.
Meat alternatives like plant food such as legume, nuts and beancurd they also provide the same vitamins and minerals that you can get from meat products. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
Wood ash contains very little plant food, but may raise the soil pH as it may be slightly alkaline.
The Sun
Phytochemicals (plant chemicals) are defined as bioactive non-nutrient plant compounds in fruits, vegetables, grains, and other plant foods that have been linked to reducing the risk of major chronic diseases including cancer.
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Food fibers are the part of plant foods that remain undigested.