How To Use Plant fibre In A Sentence
The wick of the candle is either made of a braided or twisted plant fibre (cotton or hemp) which is the safest to burn.
Plant fibre used in carpet construction, including sisal, cotton, jute, coconut, pineapple, ramie, and hemp, have characteristics similar to cotton.
Gypsum is used as cementing agent, the grid curtain made of plant fibre stalks as aggregate and slag from blast furnace as light filler to make wall partition by moulding and pressing.
The carbohydrates that make up plant fibres (cellulose, hemicellulose, lig - nin, etc) cannot be digested, so pass through the digestive system as fibre and are egested.
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A large, multi-chambered stomach supports bacteria that can break down plant fibres, though they prefer shoots, blossoms, fruit and gum from tree bark.
The preparation method of oxalic acid from plant fibre sunflower shell by hydrolysis - oxidation - hydrolysis was investigated.