plant disease

  1. a disease that affects plants
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How To Use plant disease In A Sentence

  • Diverse crop species encourage soil microfauna, which can help reduce soilborne plant diseases.
  • If the plant is too bushy, the inner leaves do not get sun and air circulation, making it an easy target for plant disease.
  • Multiple cropping vegetable and rice can improve soil utilization rate, reduce plant diseases and insect pests and prevent soil Stalinization in protective field.
  • The USDA regulates plants, plant products, and other organisms that may introduce plant diseases or pests.
  • Specific duties may relate to regulation, promotion, agricultural research, price supports and agricultural subsidies, plant diseases and invasive species.
  • aphids are transmitters of plant diseases
  • A single viroid was found to cause more than a dozen different plant diseases.
  • The potatoes will also have to meet minimum quality standards such as appearance and freedom from defects and plant diseases.
  • Could previously isolated species hybridize and become a serious plant disease threat?
  • We'd like to let you have those vines growing in Australia, but it can't be done, they might be carrying infectious plant diseases.
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