How To Use Planetary In A Sentence
For example, synchrotrons, cyclotrons, linear accelerators and interplanetary spacecraft all cost too much for single investigators.
At my Nativity," writes Browne in Religio Medici, "my ascendant was the water signe of Scorpius, I was borne in the Planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have a piece of that Leaden Planet in me.
Out of Novemberland
A new aspect of inter-planetary inhabitancy or occupancy --
The Book of the Damned
Kepler's third law of planetary motion says that the square of the planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of its semimajor axis.
Terraforming, or altering the atmosphere of Mars to make it habitable for humans, via planetary engineering processes, is still being discussed in planetary circles and is the seed to more current discussions of planetary or geo-engineering to reduce the impacts of global warming on our planet.
Mel Averner - NASA Watch

Today's emphasis is on your ego, as there are a few planetary influences showing that you need to feel important.
The Sun
If so, such a cropping would have directly affected the development of our entire planetary system.
They may involve several independent elements, such as orbiters, sub-satellites, landers, rovers, penetrators, airborne robots, planetary ascent vehicles or re-entry vehicles.
A meteoroid is matter revolving around the sun or any object in interplanetary space that is too small to be called an asteroid or a comet.
Cosmic Projectiles
Planetary characteristics are defined by these humoural temperaments where, as in nature, warmth and moisture promote health and vitality whilst cold and dryness are conducive to decay.
We conclude that it is still possible that our current understanding of planetary systems is unduly coloured by our intimate knowledge of our own solar system.
The science of planetary ecology is still young and undeveloped.
He then used a handheld planetary polishing tool with diamond cutting pads to put a high grit finish on the surface.
Your planetary ruler, Saturn, squares the Virgo Moon on Thursday.
Newton, too, chose to work principally in the more traditional field of planetary astronomy.
A meteoroid is matter revolving around the sun or any object in interplanetary space that is too small to be called an asteroid or a comet.
Cosmic Projectiles
The current planetary setup is honing your capacity to assess such matters.
Times, Sunday Times
This site contains astrobiology news and links about: astrochemistry, bioinformatics, biosatellites, gravitational biology, hydrothermal vent communities, genomics, astropaleobiology, radiation physiology, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, extremophiles, exopaleontology, cell biology, evolution, planetary protection, and space medicine.
The outcome for a particular planetary system might be wildly different if the nebular gas is expelled sooner or later than in our system.
New planetary star systems and galaxies are being discovered almost daily.
With positive planetary influences surrounding you today, you can turn matters to your own advantage.
The Sun
He and his colleague Anthony Ladd a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
The early experiments involve simple angular measurement of the coordinates of celestial objects for star positions, planetary motions etc.
neither national nor continental but planetary
The stealthy ship had arrived on the planet several hours before, undetected by the Planetary Defense Grid.
During the mission, planetary scientists hope to be able to extract a wealth of data as to the internal composition of Enceladus, which is undoubtedly one of the most interesting bodies in our solar system.
Softpedia News - Global
It has also adopted a "planetary management" perspective calling for action in areas deemed especially important to the future of the planet.
Below the planetary display, each bit serial adder controls one element of the display, the orrery, each of them corresponding to calculate that planet's orbit.
Judging by the current spectacular planetary activity, it would be insanity to refuse what comes your way.
Times, Sunday Times
Such events are called "planetary transits" and most of what we know about the sizes of planets outside the Solar System comes from such transit events.
SETI Institute: First Planet Orbiting Two Stars Discovered by the NASA Kepler Spacecraft
A planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology has discovered the first extrasolar planet under three suns in the constellation Cygnus.
With the planetary emphasis on new ideas, you're better off learning as much as you can.
Times, Sunday Times
Earth was made of embryos like Mars, but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.
Traveling up to a thousand miles per second, they fly through space and are deflected by planetary magnetic fields.
In the ancient teaching all planetary spheres, including suns, are septempartite (seven-fold) in nature, the same as a human is said to be.
The first of his laws of planetary motion asserts that planets orbit the Sun in ellipses.
The other spectre that haunts liberal economics – other than the lingering unhappiness that its happy-clappy consumerism generates – is the broaching of planetary boundaries for survival.
The wellbeing agenda isn't navel-gazing, it's innovation and survival | Pat Kane
IIRC the serious solar sail attempts (one Progress mod, one Japanese unit, the Planetary Society's Cosmos I) have all used aluminum/gold coated Kapton for the reflector, not just aluminum.
Reader's Consensus: Develop a new launch vehicle - NASA Watch
Only these ‘smart’ systems can allow us to think and act synoptically on a planetary scale.
With the planetary emphasis on new ideas, you're better off learning as much as you can.
Times, Sunday Times
The transmission has a planetary gear train and a hydrodynamic torque converter.
They're part of an experiment to find out how a crew would handle the stress, claustrophobia and fatigue real astronauts would face in long-term interplanetary travel. Top headlines
I work in planetary science, which includes very different fields like geology, atmospheric science, and magnetospheric studies - fields that rarely overlap.
In addition to many projects related to imaging, adaptive optics and interferometry that NASA has carried out with the Keck telescopes, the recent mapping of the sources of methane on Mars is just one example of important planetary science being done by NASA with these instruments.
Weiler Seeks to Cut NASA Access to Keck Observatory - NASA Watch
They may involve several independent elements, such as orbiters, sub-satellites, landers, rovers, penetrators, airborne robots, planetary ascent vehicles or re-entry vehicles.
Yet in the past humanism has always played down our dependency on our planetary habitat, placing the fulcrum of our humanity in an essentially mythological realm of spirit and reason.
Mundane practitioners also make use of maps for the moments of New and Full Moons, eclipses and planetary ingresses (especially the Sun's ingress into Capricorn, which is considered an important predictive tool).
The reason why most planetary nebulae are not spherical is not well understood.
Past accomplishments include in-situ sampling of atmospheric and magnetospheric regions that neither orbital spacecraft nor standard aircraft can reach, examining physical phenomena in microgravity conditions that are unattainable on the ground or only briefly available in drop towers and zero-g aircraft, using instruments too massive for spacecraft to detect cosmic rays that cannot be detected from the ground, and testing scientific instruments before committing to orbital or interplanetary flight.
Next Generation: NASA Offers Grants for New-Space Research Concepts
I know that a planetary nebula is different than a hydrogen cloud.
About: The Progressive Diminishment of Man
Some of the most bizarre stuff you will ever see in planetary science is associated with ITAR.
ITAR - Red Tape in the Final Frontier - NASA Watch
Given data on planetary orbits, conventional GA could only perform mundane tasks like sorting them into ascending order of diameter.
Variability at optical wavelengths and the brightness in the F606W passband suggest additional sources of luminosity such as starlight reflected from a circumplanetary ring system.
SpaceRef Top Stories
We have just discussed some of the positive benefits of planetary impact by comets and asteroids.
This discovery is the first clear detection of significant changes in the intervals from one planetary transit to the next, what we call transit timing variations," said Matthew Holman, a
News and Features - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The amount and efficiency of the energy released by fusion makes it a good candidate for interplanetary travel.
The rooms are themed after a Victorian inventor's attempts to reach space with steam power and are styled with retro planetary drawings.
Times, Sunday Times
The rear transaxle is also a three shaft configuration with one motor/generator and no planetary gears.
Al Gore says everyone should worry about what he calls a planetary emergency.
CNN Transcript Sep 26, 2007
A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.
Like recently discovered extrasolar planets that reveal new planetary configurations to astronomers, pentaquarks are alerting physicists to possible new sub-atomic arrangements, he adds.
Make the most of the positive planetary trends that are in the air by focusing on home and hearth.
The Sun
planetary rumblings and eructations
NGC 2818 is a beautiful planetary nebula, the gaseous shroud of a dying sun - like star.
CJYman: Conversely, there is no scientific understanding of angels and demons, no scientific models of 'artificial' angels/angelicness or demons/demonicness, and so far no scientific 'inter-relatedness' between angels, crystal spheres, and planetary motion.
Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
If those who hold the common doctrine of a carnal resurrection should carry it out with philosophical consistency, by extending the scheme it involves to all existing planetary races as well as to their own, should they cause that process of imagination which produced this doctrine to go on to its legitimate completion, they would see in the final consummation the sundered earths approach each other, and firmaments conglobe, till at last the whole universe concentred in one orb.
The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
As a Pisces, your planetary ruler is Neptune, god of the oceans.
planetary year
Displayed on the immense luminous wall screen behind the briefer was a planform depiction of the planetary system.
Genellan- Planetfall
It's a very optimistic study of the potential for humans and non-humans to pool their collective knowledge and sort out the horrible planetary mess we've made of things so far.
This scenario proposes that a jovian gas giant forms when, by gradual accretion of rock or ice, a solid planetary core has reached a critical mass of perhaps 10 M.
Jupiter is the largest of our nine planets, containing two-thirds of the planetary mass of our Solar System.
The real payoff in present terms is the spinoff technology that will be used for future lunar and interplanetary missions.
At the heart of BMW ? ? s Active Steering system is the planetary gear steering column.
MZB was still writing what was being published as SF... the situation that exists today of low-overhead publishing on line and print on demand and self-publication with the web for promotion and publicity and ordering, didn't exist way back when... swords and psionics space and planetary fantasy is rife today with ebooks and paranormal/furistic romances and some science fiction romance.
Making Light: Scholarly works to avoid citing at all costs
The ringed world of Saturn is almost a year of interplanetary travel away.
Newton, too, chose to work principally in the more traditional field of planetary astronomy.
Taking advantage of the ideas and offers triggered by the current planetary setup is easy.
Times, Sunday Times
The sprawling story of how extraplanetary imperialists impose a mission civilisatrice on the dune-dwelling, sandworm-herding "savages" of an almost waterless world is rich in historic, anthropological and archaeological allusions.
Any Drop to Drink?
When astronomers study all those exoplanets and the systems they inhabit, it is natural to look to our own solar system as a template for other planetary systems.
On the planetary scale the geoid is approximated by an ellipsoid of revolution about its minor axis with a degree of flattening of around 1 part in 300 caused primarily by the Earth's rotation.
The interplanetary and relativistic corrections can be shown, to lowest order in perturbation theory, to result in the major axes of the planetary orbits precessing in space.
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Common Sense
Mankind has taken Just two other images of Earth from the outer solar system during more than half a century of planetary exploration.
Times, Sunday Times
The early experiments involve simple angular measurement of the coordinates of celestial objects for star positions, planetary motions etc.
However, as Emily Lakdawalla pointed on in the Planetary Blog, the most important purpose of this flyby was the last gravity assist that will allow MESSENGER to enter orbit in 2011, and to that end, the flyby was a complete success.
MESSENGER Went Into Safe Mode Approaching Mercury | Universe Today
On Mars, NASA's robot rover Spirit is spinning its wheels on the soft shoulder of planetary exploration, up to its axles in silt millions of miles away from tense engineers who are struggling to extricate it by remote control.
Significant changes in the planetary scheme and semipolitical genre hit led to dubiety regarding the content of external mercantilism rates.
Yet with the current powerful planetary emphasis on the portion of your chart that accents such alliances, you've no option.
Times, Sunday Times
The "puffing" from the AGB star converting into the PNN Planetary Nebula Nucleus is not like a switch that is instantly turned off, but is likely an intermittent affair.
Red Giant Brightness Variations Still Mysterious | Universe Today
I find that the noosphere is a good metaphor and mneumonic device for doing that and helps us think on a more planetary and informational scale.
Jason Silva: Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants and the Evolution of the Noosphere
Lori's primary research interests include aeolian geomorphology -- how wind shapes a planetary surface -- for both Mars and the Earth, recent and ongoing climate changes, and the mobility of wind-blown sand and dust.
SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Lori Fenton -- Sand Seas of the Solar System
Well, if we don't get a planetary monarchy to keep order, this planet will decivilize like anything in the Old Federation.
Space Viking
Your planetary ruler Mercury in Cancer will give you insights into how to do this with feeling, understanding and compassion.
I suppose that, at the beginning of this chapter, one had the notion that, by hard scratching through musty old records we might rake up vague, more than doubtful data, distortable into what's called evidence of unrecognized worlds or constructions of planetary size --
The Book of the Damned
All the planets should have started warm, when gravitational energy was transformed into heat during planetary accretion.
Parker also showed how the solar wind would carry the solar magnetic field into interplanetary space.
The current dynamic planetary activity is doing wonders for your worldly pursuits.
Times, Sunday Times
Generally a spacecraft is first placed in an Earth parking orbit, and from there is given another boost to give it the appropriate interplanetary trajectory.
It is worth emphasising that there is a major step to be made from an inverse square law of force to explain planetary motion and a universal law of gravitation.
The atmosphere is still recovering from problems associated with the impact of a group of extraplanetary objects about two hundred years ago.
But the institution of the pope is steeped in overtly history-shaping doctrine that, in my humble opinion, has lead directly to planetary overpopulation.
Duh pookie
Six of these discoveries are of planetary systems with two or more planets.
Cassini will be able to measure the mass of the rings to a few percent," added NASA planetary scientist Jeff Cuzzi, with the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.
They have to make use of planetary alignments, or ‘launch windows’, to provide an extra gravitational slingshot effect, helping to catapult them further out into space.
In the Golden Age of science fiction, advances in atomics, aeronautics, and astronautics allowed writers to envision a future that very easily lent itself to an adventure story: namely, the planetary romance.
Science Fiction vs. Fantasy: Speaking for the Defense
'Do you know anything of theosophy, or more specifically, the Seven Planetary Chain Logoi, perhaps?
This tradition owed much to Ptolemy's work on planetary motions.
Sir Isaac Newton formulated a single law of gravitation based on Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.
However, planetary chemistry is sufficiently complicated that this can not be regarded as a firm conclusion.
But ice ages or no, millions of years of erosion will slowly flatten the planetary mineral heaps we call mountains.
in the Ptolemaic system of planetary motion the earth is fixed as the center of the universe with the sun and moon and planets revolving around it
Its principal responsibilities are to support interplanetary spacecraft missions and radio and radar astronomy observations.
These grids collect a n d continually qualifying for service in those who are there to spiral stellar experience is first preceded store information on biological the Seraphim ranks of biosatellite through that meridian of Light into by an appraisal m a d e by the sub-systems, biomes, ecosystems, worlds by the way they supervise a higher system of space-time con - Higher Evolution of a complete geological-evolutionary cycles, and the consciousness of planetary tinuum. round of biogenesis experienced by make use of noise-glow pressures societies.
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The IAU has been the arbiter of planetary and satellite nomenclature since its inception in 1919.
Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
You may get some truly bizarre planetary climate models, involving such things as water soaking up through the ground to keep plants alive let’s see–if there is so much water underground that it soaks UP to the surface, isn’t that what we call a bog?
The Glory - The Panda's Thumb
The planetary precariat -- illegal immigrants, temporary and informal workers, insecure indebted citizens in neoliberal post-welfare states, dwellers in peri-urban slums and refugee camps are profoundly limited in their capacity to engage in acts of consent.
Amor mundi
The different coals were pulverized into ultra - fine powders on a planetary mill.
The design and calculation of close planetary transmission of power diffluence is discussed in detail in this paper.
Since losing the 2000 presidential race, Gore has spent much of his time traveling the world and lecturing about what he calls a planetary emergency.
CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2006
Researchers plan to evaluate the likelihood of panspermia by studying whether microorganisms can survive an interplanetary journey.
The formula deals with the mesh efficiency of a planetary gear mechanism of NGW type.
That means interplanetary missions would no longer need to wait for a ‘shortest journey’ launch window.
That’s the first point I want to get across: that if the distances involved in interplanetary travel are enormous, and the travel times fit to rival the first Australian settlers, then the distances and times involved in interstellar travel are mind-numbing.
Grudging admission « Love | Peace | Ohana
More unusual degrees include sound recording and space technology and planetary exploration.
Times, Sunday Times
This system is modeled on that of the seven planetary periods embracing the native's life - span in genethlialogy.
Mr. Lynas explains that the chaotic nature of the planetary atmosphere expresses a great deal of interannual variability.
2008 February 07 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
Heavily insulating the hydrogen tanks with multilayer insulation can reduce in-space boiloff of liquid hydrogen to less than 1 percent per month during the six-to-eight-month interplanetary transit without any requirement for active refrigeration.
The Case for Mars
The average radial velocity of 47 planetary nebulae is about 45 km. per second; and, if the motions of the planetaries are somewhat at random, their average velocities in space are twice as great, or 90 km. per second.
Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
That lets one translate the radialvelocity periods and amplitudes into actual planetary masses - not just lower mass limits.
Interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule.
Scientists have identified 14 landforms called lobate scarps scattered over the surface of the moon, explained Thomas R. Watters of the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the
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Six of these discoveries are of planetary systems with two or more planets.
a planetary vagabond
So many, perhaps most, of these so-called planetary systems may in fact be stellar or brown dwarf binaries.
And you'll have three planets - what is called by some a planetary trio, because we're going to have three of them - kind of scrunched them to a little spot in the sky during the first week of August and should make for a very picturesque scene for anyone who's looking in the
NPR Topics: News
For interplanetary missions, such windows are much stricter than for satellites orbiting the Earth.
By the middle of the following century, on-the-scene data from Epsilon Eridani, the nearest known planetary system, could be in our hands.
Telepresence and Micro-bots for Exploration? - NASA Watch
One craft she identified as interplanetary, a new and shapely version of Moonjumper.
The Game Of Empire
Chiefs of Departments sat at their desks, concentrated upon problems or at ease, according to the demands of the moment; televisotypes and recorders flashed busily but silently; calmly efficient men and women went wontedly about the all-embracing business of Triplanetary's space-pervading Secret Service.
Ordinarily you're happy to leave burdensome matters to others, but the current rather tricky planetary activity is unleashing your stubborn side.
Times, Sunday Times
The Earth's crust, as with many planetary crusts, is brittle and breaks relatively easily.
Exploring Mars requires no miraculous new technologies, no orbiting spaceports, and no gigantic interplanetary space cruisers.
One of the great surprises about Saturn so far is the fact that the measured internal planetary field is very axially symmetric.
Our knowledge of climate is not yet sufficiently advanced to undertake real planetary geoengineering.
We could have marshalled our good name andtreasure andstrengthened our infrastructure; we could have taken the planetary leadin non-carbon fuel sources (we couldhave been at the forefront of a new industrial revolution for solar, hydrogen, etc).
Quote Of The Day
The infall is much smaller now, on the order of 5,500 tons per year and most in the form of micrometeorites or even smaller particles of interplanetary dust.
First Contact
Through the seven planetary spheres, represented by the Mystic Ladder of the Mithriac Initiations, and it by that which Jacob saw in his dream (not with _three_, but with _seven_ steps), the Souls, emanating from the Deity, descended, to be united to their human bodies; and through those seven spheres they must re-ascend, to return to their origin and home in the bosom of the Deity.
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Meteoroid: A meteoroid is a solid piece of interplanetary debris moving through space.
Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
The hydraulic drive (using a standard travel motor and brake from the excavator) is mated to a planetary gearbox.
It's probably aggravating that your planetary ruler is the speediest and least linear of the lot, Mercury.
Ptolemy's model was complex, with planetary orbits modified by smaller orbits called epicycles, but it fit with observations, and could even be used to predict what the night sky would look like at an arbitrary date in the future.
The Economist: Daily news and views
Armed with this knowledge and with the "disintegrator," a device invented by Edison which is capable of reducing to atoms any substance at which it is aimed, the nations of the world pool their resources and launch an invasion of Mars across interplanetary space.
Edison's Conquest of Mars
I want to cover the asteroid belt, comets, dwarf planets particularly TNOs or Trans-Neptunian Objects and interplanetary dust.
Small Bodies in the Solar System
The scope of the meeting is huge, taking in anything from space and planetary science, vulcanology, seismology, all the way through to science education and geoscience informatics.
AGU Day 0: Restarting the Climate Conversation | Serendipity
But the vortex theory did not explain the gravitation of terrestrial objects towards the earth's poles, and, when applied to celestial matter, the theory clashed with certain known facts about planetary movements.
Ragland and his collaborators are continuing to collect data on young stars and will combine their infrared observations with new data from the Keck Interferometer's "nulling" mode, a technique which will block out the light from the central star in a young planetary system. - latest science and technology news stories
The earth itself is feeling the planetary force, influence or information departing along those lines.
What are the odds of one of these things hitting the planet Earth and causing planetary devastation?
For interplanetary missions, such windows are much stricter than for satellites orbiting the Earth.
Today's planetary influences bring the weird and wonderful into your life, so anything old or unusual will interest you.
The Sun
A very small fraction of the sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space[Sentence dictionary], it hits the earth.
The nebula is clearly a planetary nebula, and the gas seen above composed the outer layers of a sun-like star only 10,000 years ago.
SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Paul Estrada -- From Dust to Planets
The existence of two Martian moons was predicted around 1610 by Johannes Kepler, the astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion.
Before the Apollo samples became available, many planetary scientists had favored an early, intense bombardment associated with the late stages in the accretion of the planets.
Astronomers used and authored astrological tracts, astronomical tables and ephemerides, calendars and weather diaries, cosmographies, defences and histories of their discipline, instrument-treatises, observations of celestial phenomena, studies on optics, theories of planetary motion, and works on geometry and trigonometry.
Many of the early commentators believed that Plato was the inspiration for Eudoxus's representation of planetary motion by his system of homocentric spheres.
It is likely that whoever inherits power after the leader's death - even if it is his brother, who does not suffer from his Napoleonic drive - will concentrate on maintaining control over the national calabooses and forget all about planetary adventures.
What typical magnifications did 19 th-century observational astronomers use for lunar and planetary viewing?
Put simply, transits are a map of the current planetary positions at any given time.
But the presence of a planet in this triple system has foxed astronomers, causing some to suggest that we need to rethink theories of planetary formation.
Of particular interest to me was his discussion of the chaotic motion of the planetary orbits and of the slingshot effect that can give spacecraft a planetary boost.
What Newton did to simplify the planetary motions must now be done to unite in one whole the various isolated theories of mathematical physics.
The only other movie to do that more graphically is "Wall•E," with its extraplanetary leisure world of grotesque waddlers.
'Incendies' Burns With Mystery, Truth
The expansion of human civilization into space is feasible because of the availability of vast asteroidal and planetary resources.
The planetary day begins at sunrise and not at midnight as in the civil calendar.
Occasionally, one of those leftover chunks of protoplanetary matter strikes Earth's surface.
In interplanetary space, the fast wind often collides with the slow wind.
interplanetary travel
If plans for interplanetary human space missions are to be realised, with a return journey of up to a couple of years, future astronauts will have to be able to act during a medical emergency.
Kepler connected the planetary orbits with the five regular polyhedra, or Platonic solids.
The library of Assurbanipal at Nineveh included catalogues of stellary and planetary observations, among others the times of Venus, Jupiter and Mars, and the phases of the moon, for every day in the month. [
A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
The solar motion is relatively constant, but the planetary motion appears to change greatly according to the direction from which it is seen.
While the manuscripts and etchings of the 19th century had already identified it as a marvel, the development of first steamships, and then the railways and air travel, made it what Mr. MacGregor calls "on a planetary scale, one of the more remarkable things humans do.
The British Museum's Pilgrimage
In keeping with astronomical tradition, the new planetary nebula will probably be named after its lead discoverer.
One of the overarching goals of planetary science is what we call "comparative planetology," in which we compare what we see on other planets to what we know about the Earth.
SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Cynthia Phillips -- Decipering the Cosmic Puzzle
Sure enough, there was a huge shell of clumpy, hole-riddled gas that looked like a nearly dissipated planetary nebula.
In addition, most upper stages that are used to propel systems to high orbits or even into interplanetary trajectories are also solid-fuel systems.
Here, on a little spinning, askew-axised thing we call a planet -- (impertinently enough, since we are far more planetary ourselves).
On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
All ancient astrologers placed the greatest significance upon heliacal risings and settings and ancient Mesopotamian astrology was also heavily predisposed to observance of this kind of planetary phenomena.
His work ran the gamut from star and planetary system formation to the study of the planets themselves.
Certainly the book would be more compelling if it contained a success story on a par with accounting for the periods of the planetary orbits or the perihelion shift of Mercury.
Fragments of asteroids and comets pervade interplanetary space.
They were embarked aboard transport ships, not planetary assault ships.
Planetary reducer motor with small size, light weight, wide range of reduction ratio, high transmission power, smooth running, compact structure, high bearing capacity.
If confirmed, the moons would be the first found outside the solar system and be a huge step forward in understanding how planetary systems form and evolve.
Times, Sunday Times
This is the smallest potential solar system ever seen, and could help scientists understand more about how planetary systems form.
Religious services were held at sunrise - part of the priest's duty being to invoke the planetary deity of the day.
They launched interplanetary probes and major orbital observatories, including the Hubble Space Telescope.
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In 1781, astronomer Sir William Herschel spotted an object moving in the sky and originally thought it was a comet but later realized its planetary nature.
Late-forming chondrules in meteorites are thus the last souvenirs of the process that formed our planetary system.