
How To Use Planet In A Sentence

  • They are essential atmospheric cladding which prevents the earth from becoming a frozen planet.
  • The terrestrial planets in our solar system all have very specific spectroscopic fingerprints that tell us quite a bit about their atmospheres.
  • They establish a colony on Ragol but this perfect planet soon unleashes a few surprises and all hell breaks loose.
  • If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
  • I claim it is helping save the planet, being heated by the odd feline and my doona. The post in which I whine about the weather
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  • He looked like something from another planet!
  • The planet Pluto is comparable in size to the moon.
  • We have one great thing in common with Mars - both planets orbit the same star.
  • The traditional view is that the malefic planets tend to be obstructive; planets debilitated by sign or house position tend to find it difficult to act.
  • [12] The original reference to experience from which the meaning of the term astronavigation should be derived is not essentially "space-travel," but forms of transoceanic navigation which take into account the effects specific to changes in specific astronomical experiences, from fixed to variable, which are relevant to transoceanic navigation within what had appeared, initially, as a permanently fixed set of changes within the ordering of the planets or specifically stellar phenomena. LaRouche's Latest
  • One of only two remaining alligator species in the world, this reptile has the dubious distinction of being the planet's most endangered species.
  • The crew are split up and captured by the strange enemy on a planet that luckily has an atmosphere identical to Earth 's. The Sun
  • The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.
  • Having browsed through this book, you've probably realized that despite the noise, stink, stupidity and self-destructiveness of Planet Earth, it's not a bad place to vacation.
  • Geoengineering, its proponents would say, is about keeping the planet earthlike, and critics would say, is about making it non-earthlike. The Volokh Conspiracy » Time to Look at Geoengineering?
  • What mattered was the planet's diurnal position relative to the horizon - whether it was rising in the east or culminating overhead.
  • The moons will look like pinpoints of light lined up on either side of the planet.
  • For example, synchrotrons, cyclotrons, linear accelerators and interplanetary spacecraft all cost too much for single investigators.
  • PROS: Very interesting sci-fi ideas about life at extremely low temperatures, includes facts based on the very latest science available in biology and planetology, characters were very interesting and well managed. REVIEW: The Sunborn by Gregory Benford
  • Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe.
  • People are repulsed at the idea of limiting the amount of children someone can have, despite the fact that our schools, health care, and planet itself simply cannot support us.
  • Scientists believe the magnetic field is generated deep inside the Earth where the heat of the planet's solid inner core churns a liquid outer core of iron and nickel.
  • No place on the planet can remain an island of affluence in a sea of suffering.
  • The discovery of a small planetoid in the Kuiper belt, the distant disk of debris whose chunks eventually formed the solar system, make Pluto's chances of holding onto its status of bona fide planet weaker.
  • Gray-brown stratus clouds in the upper atmosphere flew at high speed as though the planet was racked by a perpetual storm.
  • The planet they call the evening star, the morning star.
  • The world yet again faces another mind-boggling issue which threatens the existence of human beings on planet earth.
  • This gathering is the largest periodic assemblage of human beings on the planet.
  • At my Nativity," writes Browne in Religio Medici, "my ascendant was the water signe of Scorpius, I was borne in the Planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have a piece of that Leaden Planet in me. Out of Novemberland
  • Press coverage of this long-term infrastructural build-up has been remarkably minimal, given the implications for future conflicts in the oil heartlands of the planet. Nick Turse: As Washington Talks Iraq Withdrawal, the Pentagon Builds Up Bases in the Region
  • They have one of the planet's healthiest diets and the lowest obesity in the world. The Sun
  • Makes me think that if you went to different planets or times the animation would be different. frater gymnos from the website... Forget the Film, Watch the Titles « Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog
  • A new aspect of inter-planetary inhabitancy or occupancy -- The Book of the Damned
  • Well, how about a forested planet with the deeply "connected" natives, a human military raid on a huge tree-city and a subsequent retaliation of natives ... some scenes seem incredibly familiar, even though Le Guin plot is markedly deeper and more sophisticated. 10 Possible Sources of "Avatar" in Classic Science Fiction
  • In fact, the off-grid market consists of some of the largest industrial enterprises on the planet, operating in remote and often extreme environments. Let the Market Pay for Renewable Energy
  • And, by the same argument, if the circumsolar planets were supposed to be let fall at equal distances from the sun, they would, in their descent towards the sun, describe equal spaces in equal times. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
  • And Unless we keep this planet healthy, everything else is for naught.
  • I have a boss who is an alien from another planet.
  • Earth is such a beautiful, unique, unbelievably complex planet and yet humans are simply hellbent on destroying it and everything on it. Death by Plastic
  • The water going down your plughole, the planets going around the sun, the electrons spinning around a nucleus, they all reflect the same dynamic tension between opposing forces.
  • Kepler's third law of planetary motion says that the square of the planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of its semimajor axis.
  • When you consider that between Spanish, English and Arabic, well over half of the planet doesn't speak a tonal language, that puts Chinese at a serious competative disadvantage. Kaplin's Simplifiid Speling, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This hypothesis has been fruitful, leading to the discovery of extrasolar macromolecules, extrasolar planets and advances in abiogenetics. Continuation…
  • Hayes breathed out in reverence as he watched the day spreading across the planet.
  • They look at the stupid action on the part of the police, in preferring those charges against Mr Ardern, and ask just what planet these people are on.
  • If this is the case but there is no aspect, yet the planet to which the Moon applies is angular, the pregnancy will be successful.
  • It's a program called the Anglo-Australian Planet Search Program, and what you're looking for is stars whose motion encompasses a wobble.
  • In fact, as other articles pointed out, our -- as no fitting word has been found for it, let's go with -- withdrawal was a magnificent feat of reverse engineering, worthy of a force that was a nonpareil on the planet. Tom Engelhardt: Debacle!
  • And although she was probably just an ordinary-looking kid, in my eyes she was the most beautiful child on the face of the planet.
  • You could almost regard earth and moon as a double planet. The Sun
  • Climate change in the same breath as greed and consumption, sounds like our man (as was) at the IPCC, Houghton, who believed that emissions reductions would save the planet from mankind's 'greed and indifference '. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator.
  • In 1926, the year of his birth, 2 billion people inhabited this planet.
  • Hasn't he any conception of the devastation caused to this planet by burning fossil fuels?
  • Mars is in this instance considered a 'malefic' trigger for the larger configuration of slower planets. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Pluto, which has the greatest orbital eccentricity of any of the Solar System planets, was during those years at perihelion and actually closer than Neptune to the Sun.
  • Humans are too afraid to accept the truth that they're not the only creatures inhabiting this small planet.
  • In the heliocentric universe conceived by the sixteenth-century astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, for example, planets orbited the Sun in perfect circles.
  • The ships were undoubtedly troop transports and were less than six hours away from the planet at mark five.
  • Terraforming, or altering the atmosphere of Mars to make it habitable for humans, via planetary engineering processes, is still being discussed in planetary circles and is the seed to more current discussions of planetary or geo-engineering to reduce the impacts of global warming on our planet. Mel Averner - NASA Watch
  • Pool will use the outer planets to create the illusion of a nova.
  • Today's emphasis is on your ego, as there are a few planetary influences showing that you need to feel important. The Sun
  • That much we can take away from this latest close encounter with planet Nirvana without fear of contradiction.
  • This event catalyzed a year-long quest to develop an observer/participant art form reflecting the integration of time (particle) and space (wave) into the living breathing presence of a new archetype, the "wavicle" reflecting Tambellini's space/time experiments in art & physics at MIT, anticipating the hyperdimensional model based on the torsion effect of the rotation of the planets and their satellites arising from behind the Iron Curtain. Lisa Paul Streitfeld: (R)evolution in Art & Physics: The All-Round Genius of Aldo Tambellini
  • Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
  • As the science of robotics advances, the search for resources and signs of life on distant planets and moons will be carried out increasingly by rovers and other robots.
  • Does life exist on other planets?
  • And I go round this planet to do a kind of archeology of that time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
  • Yes | No | Report from osobear50 wrote 45 weeks 6 days ago jmcctheboss23 you have to be the dumbest SOB on the planet if you think my comment is the dumbest. The Catch-And-Release Preacher
  • The planet you zoom round feels like it is actually there. The Sun
  • Microscopic coprophilous (dung-loving) fungi help make our planet habitable by degrading the billions of tons of faeces produced by herbivores. MicrobiologyBytes
  • We can use these faculties to tend the planet and all its inhabitants, by means of inclusive social practices and arrangements that ensure a loving sufficiency for all.
  • There exists a well-defined population of material aggregates in the Universe - planets, stars, galaxies, and clusters.
  • On the circulation coin the springbok has been replaced with an image of planet earth with the focus on Africa, as well as the words "Johannesburg World Summit 2002" and the WSSD logo. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Since plants suck up more of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide than anything else on the planet, understanding leaf veins is an important part of grappling with the global carbon budget puzzle.
  • The three races of conscious beings which inhabit the planet live together in perfect harmony. Times, Sunday Times
  • Single fish-eye projectors that cover an entire dome now display digital skies in planetariums in many schools, science centers, and public libraries.
  • If so, such a cropping would have directly affected the development of our entire planetary system.
  • The text emphasizes that agricultural management strategies and techniques influence other ecosystems, and that this interaction has spillover effects on the entire landscape, in fact, the planet.
  • The algorithms ran their determined courses, and our thoughts followed one after another, as mechanical and as predictable as the planets in their orbits.
  • This documentary took four years to produce, using more than a dozen cinematographers filming on every continent of the planet.
  • One was just on the limb of the planet and one was far off but the other two were nowhere in sight.
  • There was the Embarcadero with its numbered piers stretching out into the ocean, just like on my Lonely Planet map, and in the middle, the crosshatched pattern of streets snapped to a perfect grid. Nique sa mère
  • Stars in pairs both orbit around a point in space called a barycenter, and researchers at times saw these orbits were slightly off, suggesting the presence of a planet tugging at both stars. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The inner parts of the planet were squeezed under the growing weight of the accumulating outer parts.
  • The Canadian science show Daily Planet sent a message to 37 Geminorum back in 2005. A Month of Writers, Day Two: Charles Stross « Whatever
  • In a Star Trek-inspired turn of events, he ends up forwarding centuries through time, crashing onto an alien planet where roles between simians and humans are reversed.
  • Today, the frontier of private enterprise is the halo of communications satellites in geostationary orbit 24,000 miles above our planet. Google Offers $20 Million X Prize to Put Robot on Moon | Impact Lab
  • In doing so it had cleared all the gunk from my arteries, tweaking my ciliary muscles so my eyesight is as good as anyone's, and generally made me into the healthiest human being on the planet. Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners
  • After all, planetesimal sized portions of the Solar System cannot be considered to be orbiting the Earth, except in the obvious case of the Moon.
  • Now people can live and survive on what may as well be the surface of another planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • They may involve several independent elements, such as orbiters, sub-satellites, landers, rovers, penetrators, airborne robots, planetary ascent vehicles or re-entry vehicles.
  • Crick, and his colleague Leslie Orgel, who originally suggested the idea with him, supposed that the bacteria had originally evolved by natural processes on the home planet, but they could equally, while in the mood for science fiction, have added a touch of nanotechnological artifice to the mix, something like the molecular gearwheel illustrated opposite. Scientists' Responses Solicited
  • Humans are the most destructive, filthy, pollutive creatures around and are wrecking what's left of the planet with their false morals and breeding culture. James Lee, Discovery Hostage Taker, Has List Of Demands That Is Hilarious And Crazy
  • A meteoroid is matter revolving around the sun or any object in interplanetary space that is too small to be called an asteroid or a comet. Cosmic Projectiles
  • Planetary characteristics are defined by these humoural temperaments where, as in nature, warmth and moisture promote health and vitality whilst cold and dryness are conducive to decay.
  • It seemed like decades ago that he had begun the project as a hobby in between building planetoids for superstars. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The picture shows six of the nine planets in the solar system.
  • Likewise, each planet holds sway over certain houses in a horoscope.
  • However, I believe in respecting the animals on this planet. Bears Don't Play Hockey
  • We conclude that it is still possible that our current understanding of planetary systems is unduly coloured by our intimate knowledge of our own solar system.
  • Economically, militarily and culturally, Washington rules the planet, and it seeks to enhance that position in the new century.
  • Perhaps 10 percent of the surface area of the planet is dark, clear, and populated at any given time.
  • Nothing I have done in my 29 years on this planet comes close to a parachute jump.
  • The science of planetary ecology is still young and undeveloped.
  • His whole life was lived at the mercy of the second favourite planet.
  • Is it possible the first Starbuck, from the old series, joined the fray, and was killed -- remember, he "mated" with an angel and was stranded on a planet in Galactica 80, so his arrival could have been delayed. Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
  • There isn't an ME on the planet who isn't going to rule on Clayton's death the same way I did. DEVIL'S CLAW
  • The rate of the planet's motion, along the elliptical pathway, was constantly non-uniform.
  • Robbie does come across as the smuggest ass on the planet. Robbie Williams | My[confined]Space
  • He then used a handheld planetary polishing tool with diamond cutting pads to put a high grit finish on the surface.
  • At the centre of Kant's disc was the Sun, and the planets were assembled from material that surrounded it.
  • We can regard the statistical argument about numbers of planets as an argument of last resort.
  • In that span, astronomers have reported more than 500 planets orbiting nearby stars, a gold rush sparked by the 1995 discovery of a large planet orbiting the star 51 Pegasi, some 51 light years away, by members of a Swiss team. Researchers question discovery of 'Goldilocks' planet
  • Extending it out to 30 or even 50 or so light years which would then include nearest giants, Pollux - & its exoplanet "Polydeuces" (34 ly) Capella (42 ly)plus other sun-like F & G type dwarfs would be fantastic. 32 Nearby Stars
  • The second is the reckless, destructive and self-destructive way we humans manage the planet. Times, Sunday Times
  •  Hemmed in by its straightedge boundaries, shining moons and planets of dust would swirl and turn, or glide in, through, and out of the beam's dimensions like miniature ships. I didn't know Nostradamus played in McNamara's band (Novel - excerpt)
  • Japan's largest earthquake on record may have knocked the planet 3.9 inches off its axis as one crustal plate slid beneath another, Eric Fielding, a principal scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told Bloomberg news agency. Report: High chance of magnitude-7 or higher quake in Japan in coming days
  • As soon as they were out of my house, I intended for them to disappear from the face of the planet.
  • One instrument will measure the gravity to see if there is a rocky planet like Earth hidden within. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your planetary ruler, Saturn, squares the Virgo Moon on Thursday.
  • Remus, in close orbit to Romulus, is locked in an odd rotation around its sun, causing half the planet to be in perpetual darkness.
  • Why, for goodness sake, should it have been our planet?
  • On Jupiter, it blows material clear out of the atmosphere but is nevertheless a mere pinprick to the giant planet.
  • Newton, too, chose to work principally in the more traditional field of planetary astronomy.
  • A meteoroid is matter revolving around the sun or any object in interplanetary space that is too small to be called an asteroid or a comet. Cosmic Projectiles
  • The first law, sometimes called the law of orbits, states that planets orbit the sun elliptically.
  • The current planetary setup is honing your capacity to assess such matters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people get their news about global warming second-hand, but for those who want to keep their own finger on the pulse of the planet, two Web sites merit special interest.
  • Drift-netting is another example of our inability as humans to establish a sustainable relationship with the planet.
  • The whole continent is unowned and has no permanent population, and as such it offers a more complete form of escape than anywhere else on the planet.
  • The water going down your plughole, the planets going around the sun, the electrons spinning around a nucleus, they all reflect the same dynamic tension between opposing forces.
  • With Mars looming large in the morning sky, astronomers are capitalizing on a great chance to study our neighbouring planet.
  • The mission will send a lander and a rover to the red planet to carry out exobiology and geophysical analysis of the Martian environment.
  • This site contains astrobiology news and links about: astrochemistry, bioinformatics, biosatellites, gravitational biology, hydrothermal vent communities, genomics, astropaleobiology, radiation physiology, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, extremophiles, exopaleontology, cell biology, evolution, planetary protection, and space medicine.
  • The orientation of the planet's orbit is changing continuously.
  • Mullins 'Planet swelled in gibbosity, bright and blue-green under the clouds. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Kepler showed that the distances of the planets can be correlated with the radii of spherical shells, which are inscribed within, and circumscribed around, a nest of the five regular solids.
  • Earth has burrowed into itself, shunning space exploration for centuries, walling itself away from nature and other planets in enclosed cities that people are terrified to leave. Interplanetary Manifest Destiny
  • 'World Heritage Sites' (Firefly Books, 2011) takes readers on a tour of the planet's highlights, from the famous (Egypt's pyramids) to the more far-flung (the Wrangel Island reserve in the Arctic, home to many walruses and ancestral polar-bear dens). An Armchair Tour of World Wonders
  • Gladiator planet Mars gives you confidence to put ideas across at work or in a job search. The Sun
  • The ceremony was prompted by an astrologer who told the girl's father that the union would transfer the evil effects of the planet Saturn from the girl to the dog.
  • As opposed to the guy who sits in the same spot every day asking for a hand-out, the bum [from the German for "saunter"] roams freely throughout the city, the country, the planet: He is king of the road. Boing Boing
  • Not to mention needing a daddy with deep pockets to fund the path into one of the richest and most elitist sports on the planet. The Sun
  • This slingshot trajectory requires the probe to be launched precisely when the planets are in an exact alignment, which if missed would not occur for another 600 years.
  • The outcome for a particular planetary system might be wildly different if the nebular gas is expelled sooner or later than in our system.
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Supporters argue that wind farms are a small price to pay for saving the planet.
  • She says that medicine will allow human beings to "transcend commonly accepted limits" of human life and calls futurist Raymond Kurzweil, who promotes similar ideas, "the smartest guy on the planet. From Satellites To Pharmaceuticals
  • As a boy growing up on Long Island he had greeted news of hurricanes by going up to the attic to sit with an anemometer, and built his own telescope in order to gasp at the planets it revealed.
  • Most of the other creations showed doves, the symbols of peace, holding on to strings attached to planet earth.
  • Dr Pitman and his colleague Dr John Durban helped a BBC film crew capture their behaviour for the TV documentary series Frozen Planet, to be shown later this month.
  • New planetary star systems and galaxies are being discovered almost daily.
  • Why is Zinn voting for a “distractor whose campaigns put the planet at risk of further right wing control”? Is Howard Zinn a Parasite?
  • Long long ago, we knew the periodic motion of a planet.
  • How many planets orbit the sun?
  • We are, of all countries on the planet, the most apologetic about asserting our common values. Times, Sunday Times
  • British firms are leading the world in the new eco-friendly technologies needed to keep the planet clean. The Sun
  • The composition of aërolites may also be taken as indications of the common origin and elementary texture of the planets, whether they are independently formed or have originally pertained to a former planet; for no hypothesis of telluric or selenic origin yet advanced, can stand against the weight of evidence against it. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
  • The first astronomer to study the surface of Mars was Galileo Galilei, who noted the phases of the planet in 1610.
  • With positive planetary influences surrounding you today, you can turn matters to your own advantage. The Sun
  • We, the richest, most powerful nation on the planet, could solve our social problems in a heartbeat.
  • He and his colleague Anthony Ladd a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
  • By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.
  • The flood of dazzling light reaching out from the _Interplanetarian_ snapped off and the little green ameba things were gone. Empire
  • That our lovely, blue planet is not a popular tourist attraction for extraterrestrials.
  • Those compounds should be abundant on a planet, but pure oxygen, whether monatomic or molecular, should be vanishingly scarce - as it is, in fact, on Mars and Venus.
  • The discovery suggests that life could exist on planets very different from Earth.
  • We know little of its holy days and less about its teachings, which embrace sharing this planet in peace with others.
  • The planetarium staff also prepared talks for radio broadcast.
  • But what about the geologies of the nine planets and over sixty moons of the solar system?
  • More than 200 bands from across the planet gathered for the event, which saw a crowd of over 32,000 spectators.
  • Either spacetime could be made to fold, skipping ninety lightyears and putting the colony ship only seven years away from the earthlike planet that was its destination, or the ship would obliterate itself in the attempt . . . or nothing would happen at all, and it would crawl on for nine hundred more years before reaching its new world. Pathfinder
  • They appeared even less interested in ecology than I was, going through the motions in their wellingtons and anoraks, as if they were stood in a draughty lecture theatre rather than in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
  • Many researchers believe there was a collision that occurred one billion years ago between a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt known as Haumea and another object that caused Haumea's icy mantle to break into a dozen or so smaller bodies, including 55636. Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
  • A good costume for trick-or-treating on this frigid planet would be a toasty self-heating spacesuit, an oxygen supply, ice skates and plenty of hot cocoa.
  • The early experiments involve simple angular measurement of the coordinates of celestial objects for star positions, planetary motions etc.
  • The truth that men seek there to evade is that this small planet cannot survive a nuclear exchange ... The Nobel Peace Prize 1982 - Presentation Speech
  • It was positioned almost outside of the ring, near the planet itself.
  • (The observed precession is really 5270 ''/century, but a painstaking calculation to subtract the disturbances from all the other planets gives the value of 43 ''.) Forces
  • After measuring the path of the subsea cable on a globe, students can work out the planet's circumference from the speed of the signal and the amount of time it takes to make the large transoceanic hop.
  • Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.
  • I've heard a good astronomical theory that the moon was created by a planetoid crashing into the earth a long time ago, possibly carrying with it the seeds for life itself.
  • About 10% of the land mass - or just 2.5% of the planet - can support agriculture to feed and clothe us.
  • The same small telescope will also show the four brightest moons as they orbit around the planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • I haven't seen it yet, and don't intend to, because altho' I was a - fan is too strong a word, I was a *fan* of Battle of the Planets and Starblazers and Voltron, but I watched and liked the series when it was running tho' I thought it rather simplistic and corny by comparison to the other shows I mention - I have heard so much that sounds depressing and Othering about it as a liberal woman, that I don't really need to spend any of my scanty budget on seeing CGI and explosions. Proper Credits for Transformers
  • At opposition, a planet also comes closest to earth and shines at its brightest for the year.
  • Because it remains beyond Earth's orbit, the heliosphere continues to deflect dust particles away from the planet.
  • Where the hulk is the only person alive on earth, a hundred years after nuclear fallout, with cockroaches the only things on the planet. Mark Millar Pitches His 8-Hour Epic Trilogy of Superman Films | /Film
  • Richard Douthwaite is the author of The Growth Illusion: How Economic Growth Enriched the Few, Impoverished the Many and Endangered the Planet.
  • Mrs. Cook assured him, the conjurer was a good Christian; and that he gained all his knowledge by conversing with the stars and planets. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • The problem remains to determine whether other decisive astronomical factors in planet formation are functionally linked to the surface conditions needed for biochemical processes.
  • We should aspire, along with being world champions in the sporting arena, to being the most humane and compassionate people on this planet.
  • For the sake of a handful of people making huge profits the entire planet has been put in jeopardy.
  • Now even the strong global economy which 10 years ago promised to save the planet is stuttering to a slowdown.
  • This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.
  • You are not only fratricidal, but matricidal, ecocidal and suicidal, dangerously in denial, certifiable, a maniacal, omnicidal menace not only to yourself and other animals, but all of the life on the planet. You Are What You Eat
  • Although much of this heat was radiated back into space, a significant fraction was retained by the growing planet.
  • Is it too late to repair the damage we have done to our planet?

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