How To Use Planck In A Sentence
Planck suggested that radiant energy exists only in discrete packages that he called quanta.
Thanks to the non-perturbative, background independent methods, unlike in other approaches the quantum evolution is deterministic across the deep Planck regime.
They said Newton was mad, they said Tesla was mad....
Electrical power can be related to the Planck constant, defined as the ratio between the frequency of an electromagnetic particle such as a photon of light and its energy.
It's going to be really muggy, just think about the muggiest Washington day you can think of, said Lisa Kaltenegger, an astronomer with the Max Planck Institute in Germany, and author of the new study.
Super-earth exoplanet found that could support life
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute inserted a light - sensitive protein into a lab mouse.
So Tomasello's Max Planck colleague, primatologist Christophe Boesch, looked for evidence of altruism in the wild.
This paper introduced a method for measuring Planck's constant using a bulb as a radiation source.
Centre Limburg, Belgium, numerous awards, becoming director of the Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie in Freiburg,
Georges J.F. Köhler - Cirriculum Vitae
I am an artist who has made plaster casts of the crania of noted physicists, including Max Planck and Charles Glover Barkla.
A Selection From Einstein's Letters
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born in Kiel, Germany, on April 23, 1858, the son of Julius
Max Planck - Biography
This paper introduced a method for measuring Planck's constant using a bulb as a radiation source. The experiment setup used is simple and easily realizable.
If the standard model holds unchanged up to the Planck scale, then the Higgs mass will be renormalized up to that scale.
Identifying Dark Matter
However, the masses of scalar fields receive large corrections from quantum effects (so-called quadratic divergences) and, unless one fine-tunes the theory a truly ridiculous amount, the expected mass of the Higgs boson may be as high as the Planck scale - sixteen orders of magnitude higher than the weak scale.
The LHC Olympics and the Mysteries of Mass
The vessel was probably used to store acorns or water, Ver Planck said.
The title song, with lyrics by Johnny Mercer, was recorded by a number of big bands at the time, but the only singers to exhume it over the years were scholarly inclined divas like Barbara Lea and Marlene VerPlanck.
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The system works, says Eleftherios Goulielmakis of the Max Planck Institute, because the electrons come in pulses of 250 as, while the electric field oscillates at 2.5 fs.
There were certainly red faces on the editorial board of the Max Planck Institute, afterthe text from a flyerfor a Macau strip club ran on the front page of its latest journal.
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So the Planck length arises naturally when we ask what is the minimal size object we can make which doesn't collapse into a black hole and which obeys the uncertainty principle.
The "h-bar" constant is a dimensional intelligence a s we symbol used in Max Planck's defi - know it, but with systems of fifth nition of a constant derived from a to ninth dimensional intelligence in light continuum.
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the physicists redetermined Planck's constant
For E = h-bar omega I guess you can refer to planck blackbody, and make a leap that it will hold for matter waves as well (just like deBroglie did!)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Quantum Mechanics, But Were Afraid to Ask
According to Orch OR, under normal conditions in an intact, healthy brain, consciousness occurs as frames or snapshots extending through multiple spatiotemporal levels from networks to neurons to microtubules to quantum forces, down to and including Planck scale geometry.
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The old quantum theory, as these efforts came to be called, was an uneasy and unreconciled combination of the classical ideas of Newton and Maxwell with the quantum prescriptions of Planck and Einstein.
He studied at the University of Berlin under Planck, writing his doctoral dissertation in 1897.
We can do this without conflict to any of Einstein's descriptions only if we introduce Planck's proven quantisation scheme for length minima and time minima.
Scientifically, his respectful hagiography of the doyens of modern astro-physics - Einstein, Roemer, Planck - kept alive the questions of the universe they had formulated, and maintained a space for answers.
Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in Mainz,
Paul Crutzen - Curriculum Vitae
Descriptions of Planck scale geometry include quantum gravity, spin networks, twistor theory and string theory.
Deepak Chopra: Can Science Explain the Soul?
Photo supplied by archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Geschellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem
Chemistry 1938
Perhaps the most interesting realization is that the concept of reciprocity applies to the ‘kludge’ factor called emissivity – the correction value that permits a greybody to be modeled with planck’s law and stefan’s law – applies to the atmosphere.
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For that matter, we don't know why mass-energy is conserved, or why the Planck length governs the scale of quantum phenomena, or why the speed of light in a vacuum is constant.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
In 1902, two years after the physicist Max Planck first coined the term quantum to describe the core reality of light, a young British writer named James Allen penned a little book entitled As a Man Thinketh, which drew its title and its message from the biblical verse “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
The Answer
Dressed in solar-system ties and Alfred Nobel lapel pins, delegates at the meeting at the Royal Society dissected a clutch of experiments that so far suggest Planck's constant should equal 6.62606896 x 10 to the power of -34 joule seconds.
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Einstein used Planck's quantum hypothesis to describe the electromagnetic radiation of light.
He and his followers (led by the Junior Warden Max Planck) were then able to adapt the entire canon of physical and chemical science to sustain the second law.
Planck's theory was suggested by the apparent necessity of modifying the generally accepted theory of statistical equilibrium involving the so called "law of equipartition," enunciated first for gases and extended to liquids and solids.
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The money came from the proceeds of a special experiment devised by Manfred Milinski, of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, a connoisseur of food and fine wine, a zoologist and naturalist who feels equally at home with people and stickleback fish, as we saw in chapter 1.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, German physicist Max Planck postulated that energy was radiated in tiny, discrete units, which he called quanta.
This type of behaviour sent us down a path that later would lead to two of the defining features of our species:" carnivory "-- or meat eating --" and tool manufacture and use, "said co-author Shannon McPherron, a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
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A real-life example of such a contest was reported in 1987, when Manfred Milinski, now the director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Ploen, Germany, studied the behavior of stickleback fish.
A 6-cm receiving system with a polarimeter, made by engineers of German Max-Planck-Institute for Radio-astronomy, has been installed to the 25 radio telescope in Urumqi, the capital of western China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Max K.E.L. Planck put forward his radically new idea that the radiated energy could only be emitted in quanta, i.e. portions that had a certain definite value, larger for the short wavelengths than for the long ones (equal to a constant times the frequency for each quantum).
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Krause, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, and his colleagues extracted DNA from two 38,000-year-old Neanderthals collected from El Sidron Cave in Asturias, Spain.
Could Neanderthals Communicate? | Impact Lab
Sony and the Max-Planck-Institute in Germany created some of the first transparent displays that rendered moving images, and they did it through the chemical process of photoexcitation.
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Just think about the muggiest Washington day you can think of, said study author Lisa Kaltenegger, an astronomer with the Max Planck Institute in Germany.
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Recent statistically downscaled temperature scenario results based on the Max Planck Institute climate model ECHAM4/OPYC3 for Greenland project a warming trend for the period 1990 to 2050 of 1.3 to 1.6 ºC for West Greenland and around 0.4 ºC for East Greenland [9].
Candidate vulnerability case studies for climate change in the Arctic
In 2000 the Max-Planck-Institut (MPI, Jena, Germany) with the ICCN Mundja Post, established a long-term bonobo study site outside the western boundary of the south block at Ipope.
Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
It's going to be really muggy, just think about the muggiest Washington day you can think of," said study author Lisa Kaltenegger, an astronomer with the Max Planck Institute in Germany.
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Jason, kT = h-bar/(i*t). .where i is the square root of -1, t is the time, k is Boltzman’s constant, T is the temperature, and h-bar is Planck’s constant divided by 2pi.
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James Vaupel of the Max Planck Institute in Germany and his colleagues in Denmark concluded that the aging process may be "modifiable," based on their review of studies published worldwide on aging issues.
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Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany had previously dismissed the idea of interbreeding when he analysed Neanderthal mitochondrial
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Planck's distance from today's world, filled with battling blogs, turbulent tweets and pugnacious press conferences, doesn't make his message matter any less, Brossard suggests, as we ponder the latest high-profile hullabaloo in science —NASA's arsenic microbe kerfuffle.
Arsenic microbe answers a long way off
And the German physicist Max Planck made one of the discoveries that would shape the century: that atoms emit radiations of energy in bursts he called quanta.
American Sketches
What a asp web site it articulary be to not purse to decade picturesquely planck and perfunctorily get to moneylender comer gladly as a furze!
Rational Review
The smallest scale postulated is the Planck scale of 10 to the minus 33rd power for length and 10 to the minus 43rd of a second for time.
Building on previous observations, a group of scientists in the Department of Gerd Jürgens at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, together with scientists in Belgium, described the necessity of combining increased cell cycle activity and auxin, which is one of the major plant hormones, to give rise to an increase in root branching. - latest science and technology news stories
She spent two years as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Munich, Germany, then carried out research at Washington State University where her husband was a professor.