
  1. having been flattened
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How To Use planate In A Sentence

  • Certainly, nobody can guarantee a complanate road for us; nobody can declare his research is sure to be successful; there is no one's anything definite to you before the result of an activity appears.
  • No one knows exactly how life on Earth will end, But scientists claim that a collision with Mercury or Mars could destroy our planate long before the Sun bakes it to a crisp in five billion years times. Mercury,Mars can destroy Earth
  • The main difference is in the stelliplanate elements, which are diagnostic for this species.
  • All of these foliage forms are planate pinnate fronds, frequently with open venation.
  • The only other species of Cahabagnathus that has a pastiniplanate element that displays a similar constriction is C. directus.
  • ChronologyThe data of chronology explanates that both of them are belong to Proterozoic Era.
  • The first chapter summarizes the conception of Valueing Stateliness and explanates preliminarily the historical value and the practical significance of The Great HanWu Emperor.
  • These applanate thalli are dimerous and in many examples only have the prostrate filaments and one epithallial cell in the perpendicular system.
  • Former low domes were planated by wave erosion.
  • I just can not imagine that these things could exist on the planate Earth! Most Popular
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