How To Use Planaria In A Sentence
The planarian hasn't eaten for at least about 50 hours.
Bipalium adventitium
In order to prove that the amounts of genomic DNA in planarians and Cladonema were enough for single-copy gene detection under the experimental condition, the Cladonema Pax-B paired box was used to probe the same blot.
The initial studies involved little flatworms called planaria that have a very primitive nervous system.
I have selected an unfortunate earthworm from the backyard and will be giving it to the planarian soon.
Archive 2009-09-01
The mostly free-living Turbellaria include the planarian, Dugesia, shown above; these are found in the oceans, in fresh water, and in moist terrestrial habitats, and a few are parasitic.
Thus, we conclude that neoblasts, the totipotent stem cells in the planarians, of acquired sexuals remain ‘asexual’ and the worms require external supply of a sexualizing substance for the differentiation of sexual organs and gametes.
Within a year, the presence of RNAi had been documented in many other organisms, including fruit flies, trypanosomes, plants, planaria, hydra and zebrafish27.
Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
The existence of a division of the genus Planaria, which inhabits the dry land, interested me much.
Chapter II
The planarians used in these studies, also called flatworms, live in fresh water and have a singular ability to regenerate.
Around the same time, they reported that planarians move away from intense visible light, and they showed that even blinded planarians are negatively phototaxic.
We then conducted competitive hybridization experiments of cDNAs between a head portion and the other body portion of planarians in order to screen genes specifically expressed in a planarian brain.
By using its pharynx, cannibalic planarian feeds on the decayed animals, eat worms (especially earthworms), snails, and other small animals.
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Thus, the list of species studied in his laboratory ranges from planaria to mammals.
To test the function of Hox genes in anteroposterior axis specification in flatworms, single, double and triple injections of dsRNA of Dthox-D and C and GtAbdBb in intact and regenerating planarians are presently being studied.
Here we describe trans-splicing in the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea, a free-living member of the phylum Platyhelminthes.
Amongst the lower animals nothing has so much interested me as finding two species of elegantly coloured true Planaria inhabiting the dewy forest!
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
Some of these genes have already been found in freshwater planarians, polyclads and acoels, but their expression is still unknown.
As usual, I was looking for slugs and snails and there was this planarian crawling around the roots of a tree.
Archive 2009-06-01
July 28th, 2009 3: 39 pm ET yeah, fascinating like planaria ... but I wouldn't put one of those in office either ...
Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure'
And now for something completely different: the land planarian Bipalium adventitium.
Archive 2009-06-01
I have selected an unfortunate earthworm from the backyard and will be giving it to the planarian soon.
Archive 2009-09-01
In planarian regeneration, they could be instrumental to transforming the homogeneous blastema and postblastema fields into discrete patterned regions corresponding to the lost elements.
Jim, this research—if I'm understanding Ael correctly—had its earliest antecedents on Earth in some very primitive mind experiments concerning planaria.
My Enemy My Ally
This experiment involved one of the most primitive forms of life, a type of worm called planaria.
Meditation as Medicine
Make a classroom wall dictionary of all the new worm words your students are learning: annelid, fanworm, earthworm, flatworm, leech, lugworm, nematode, planarian, ribbonworm, spoonworm, tapeworm… to name several.
Although animals such as planaria and starfish can regrow virtually any part of their bodies, humans have restricted regenerative capabilities.
Media Newswire
Charles Darwin used Werner's Nomenclature of Colors but the only mention of "broccoli-brown" in Voyage of the Beagle is in a description of some kind of planaria.
Archive 2008-05-01
a division of the genus Planaria, which inhabits the dry land, interested me much.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Per. _, a _Planaria_, _Salpa vivipara Per. _, a _Pyrosoma_, resembling that of the Atlantic, and a _Lepas_, attached to the shell of the
A New Voyage Round the World, in the years 1823, 24, 25, and 26, Vol. 2
Here is a picture I took in the field; the planarian was still on the underside of the log.
Bipalium adventitium
I wrote about the land planarian Bipalium adventitium in this post.
Bipalium adventitium
Irrespective, this evidence establishes the existence of actively crawling organisms, almost certainly bilaterians, and almost certainly above the grade of planarians because of the implied hydrostatic skeleton.
Planaria Cross Section - Planaria are generally carnivorous night feeders that consume aquatic insects, snails, microcrustaceans, and proteinaceous detritus, though a few species are parasitic.
In planarian worms, Pax6 orthologs are expressed in developing eyes, but do not appear to be required for eye development.
In Hydrozoans the same orthologous six genes are required for eye regeneration as in planarians, and in the box jellyfish Tripedalia a pax B gene, which may be a precursor of Pax6, was found to be expressed in the eyes.
The expression of Djhox#1053 in X-ray irradiated planarians cut two days after irradiation, was tested by whole mount in situ hybridization.
In planarian regeneration, they could be instrumental to transforming the homogeneous blastema and postblastema fields into discrete patterned regions.
The tiny flatworm Planaria can be cut into as many as 32 pieces, each of which will grow into a whole new animal complete with eyes, mouth and internal organs. News of the Underwater World
I took a little walk; by a curious coincidence, I found a new white species of Planaria, and a new to me Vaginulus (third species which I have found in S. America) of Cuvier.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
He received his Ph.D. in 1902 working on the behavior of planarians and stayed on as instructor of zoology until 1906.
Planarians are free-living flatworms, and have a much simpler life history.
He and his colleagues worked primarily on hydroids and planarians.
Scientists kept a group of planaria in a dark box, flashed a light at them, then shocked them with electricity.
Meditation as Medicine
The neoblast system is best characterized in planarians and macrostomids.
Nevertheless, duplication of Hox genes has been observed, notably in the planarian D. tigrina in which the genes DtGtHoxC and DtGtHoxE were proposed to derive from a recent duplication event.
Some animals also show great ability to regenerate: small fragments of animals such as starfish, planarians, and Hydra can give rise to a whole animal.