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How To Use Planaria In A Sentence

  • The planarian hasn't eaten for at least about 50 hours. Bipalium adventitium
  • In order to prove that the amounts of genomic DNA in planarians and Cladonema were enough for single-copy gene detection under the experimental condition, the Cladonema Pax-B paired box was used to probe the same blot.
  • The initial studies involved little flatworms called planaria that have a very primitive nervous system.
  • I have selected an unfortunate earthworm from the backyard and will be giving it to the planarian soon. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The mostly free-living Turbellaria include the planarian, Dugesia, shown above; these are found in the oceans, in fresh water, and in moist terrestrial habitats, and a few are parasitic.
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  • Thus, we conclude that neoblasts, the totipotent stem cells in the planarians, of acquired sexuals remain ‘asexual’ and the worms require external supply of a sexualizing substance for the differentiation of sexual organs and gametes.
  • Within a year, the presence of RNAi had been documented in many other organisms, including fruit flies, trypanosomes, plants, planaria, hydra and zebrafish27. Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • The existence of a division of the genus Planaria, which inhabits the dry land, interested me much. Chapter II
  • The planarians used in these studies, also called flatworms, live in fresh water and have a singular ability to regenerate.
  • Around the same time, they reported that planarians move away from intense visible light, and they showed that even blinded planarians are negatively phototaxic.
  • We then conducted competitive hybridization experiments of cDNAs between a head portion and the other body portion of planarians in order to screen genes specifically expressed in a planarian brain.
  • By using its pharynx, cannibalic planarian feeds on the decayed animals, eat worms (especially earthworms), snails, and other small animals. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Thus, the list of species studied in his laboratory ranges from planaria to mammals.
  • To test the function of Hox genes in anteroposterior axis specification in flatworms, single, double and triple injections of dsRNA of Dthox-D and C and GtAbdBb in intact and regenerating planarians are presently being studied.
  • Here we describe trans-splicing in the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea, a free-living member of the phylum Platyhelminthes.
  • Amongst the lower animals nothing has so much interested me as finding two species of elegantly coloured true Planaria inhabiting the dewy forest! More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
  • Some of these genes have already been found in freshwater planarians, polyclads and acoels, but their expression is still unknown.
  • As usual, I was looking for slugs and snails and there was this planarian crawling around the roots of a tree. Archive 2009-06-01
  • July 28th, 2009 3: 39 pm ET yeah, fascinating like planaria ... but I wouldn't put one of those in office either ... Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure'
  • And now for something completely different: the land planarian Bipalium adventitium. Archive 2009-06-01
  • I have selected an unfortunate earthworm from the backyard and will be giving it to the planarian soon. Archive 2009-09-01
  • In planarian regeneration, they could be instrumental to transforming the homogeneous blastema and postblastema fields into discrete patterned regions corresponding to the lost elements.
  • Jim, this research—if I'm understanding Ael correctly—had its earliest antecedents on Earth in some very primitive mind experiments concerning planaria. My Enemy My Ally
  • This experiment involved one of the most primitive forms of life, a type of worm called planaria. Meditation as Medicine
  • Make a classroom wall dictionary of all the new worm words your students are learning: annelid, fanworm, earthworm, flatworm, leech, lugworm, nematode, planarian, ribbonworm, spoonworm, tapeworm… to name several.
  • Although animals such as planaria and starfish can regrow virtually any part of their bodies, humans have restricted regenerative capabilities. Media Newswire
  • Charles Darwin used Werner's Nomenclature of Colors but the only mention of "broccoli-brown" in Voyage of the Beagle is in a description of some kind of planaria. Archive 2008-05-01
  • a division of the genus Planaria, which inhabits the dry land, interested me much. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Per. _, a _Planaria_, _Salpa vivipara Per. _, a _Pyrosoma_, resembling that of the Atlantic, and a _Lepas_, attached to the shell of the A New Voyage Round the World, in the years 1823, 24, 25, and 26, Vol. 2
  • Here is a picture I took in the field; the planarian was still on the underside of the log. Bipalium adventitium
  • I wrote about the land planarian Bipalium adventitium in this post. Bipalium adventitium
  • Irrespective, this evidence establishes the existence of actively crawling organisms, almost certainly bilaterians, and almost certainly above the grade of planarians because of the implied hydrostatic skeleton.
  • Planaria Cross Section - Planaria are generally carnivorous night feeders that consume aquatic insects, snails, microcrustaceans, and proteinaceous detritus, though a few species are parasitic. Undefined
  • In planarian worms, Pax6 orthologs are expressed in developing eyes, but do not appear to be required for eye development.
  • In Hydrozoans the same orthologous six genes are required for eye regeneration as in planarians, and in the box jellyfish Tripedalia a pax B gene, which may be a precursor of Pax6, was found to be expressed in the eyes.
  • The expression of Djhox#1053 in X-ray irradiated planarians cut two days after irradiation, was tested by whole mount in situ hybridization.
  • In planarian regeneration, they could be instrumental to transforming the homogeneous blastema and postblastema fields into discrete patterned regions.
  • The tiny flatworm Planaria can be cut into as many as 32 pieces, each of which will grow into a whole new animal complete with eyes, mouth and internal organs. News of the Underwater World
  • I took a little walk; by a curious coincidence, I found a new white species of Planaria, and a new to me Vaginulus (third species which I have found in S. America) of Cuvier. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
  • He received his Ph.D. in 1902 working on the behavior of planarians and stayed on as instructor of zoology until 1906.
  • Planarians are free-living flatworms, and have a much simpler life history.
  • He and his colleagues worked primarily on hydroids and planarians.
  • Scientists kept a group of planaria in a dark box, flashed a light at them, then shocked them with electricity. Meditation as Medicine
  • The neoblast system is best characterized in planarians and macrostomids.
  • Nevertheless, duplication of Hox genes has been observed, notably in the planarian D. tigrina in which the genes DtGtHoxC and DtGtHoxE were proposed to derive from a recent duplication event.
  • Some animals also show great ability to regenerate: small fragments of animals such as starfish, planarians, and Hydra can give rise to a whole animal.

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