How To Use Plaice In A Sentence
The plaice were the only ones which had not to be cut open.
Chatterbox, 1905.
I'm talking flat fish, Lemon sole, Dover sole, plaice, dabs, witch, turbot, halibut, brill and skate.
The plaice is one of the smaller flatfish found around the British coast.
At a fish-and-chip shop called the Balancing Eel, a stone's throw from the quayside, cod, haddock, plaice and sole are the fish of choice with scampi and prawn fritters close behind.
There wasn't a fish shop for miles, although the local supermarket was full of breaded plaice and battered scampi.
As a youngster he fished off the rocks for the usual species of cod, pollack, coley, wrasse, mackerel and dogfish with the odd plaice or eel.
Yellowfin sole, Alaska plaice, and rock sole consume mostly infaunal prey such as polychaetes, clams, and echiuran worms.
General description of the Arctic biota
Not only will the cuts apply to cod but will apply also to associated species such as whiting, haddock, sole, saithe, monk, plaice, prawns, hake and megrim.
Replaice in teh cranium, refix cranium boans an fix wiv dukky taipe.
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As a youngster he fished off the rocks for the usual species of cod, pollack, coley, wrasse, mackerel and dogfish with the odd plaice or eel.
It is a magical place, truly a dream for the roving angler; outsize black bream, sole, conger, plaice, wrasse, undulate rays, tope, pollack and mullet reside within casting distance of the shore.
The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
Waal dere was a kinda racist poast an den awl heck broke loose wif alla kindsa nastee politikal-ness flinged awl ober teh plaice.
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The island has held the UK record for mullet, plaice and sole and been very close with bream and blonde rays so you can see why we started to visit the place.
We have had plaice, pollack, wrasse and garfish from here but bass and rays are also taken.
Drop in the plaice fillets and leave for four minutes.
Times, Sunday Times
Ai just dropt inn butt ! it seamed taht effreebuddy wuz halpin brake hurz plaice inn.
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For the improvement of stocks like whiting, haddock and plaice it is essential that discarding be reduced.
Collection Sauvignon Blanc as an ideal partner for shellfish and delicate fish such as plaice, sole and skate, and also goes well with asparagus and avocado.
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The amount of fish caught per unit of fishing power has declined markedly since 1889: Halibut catch has declined 500 times, haddock has fallen more than 100 times, plaice, wolffish, hake and ling have decline more than 20 times, with cod declining by 87%.
Fresh catches such as plaice, mackerel, turbot and lobster regularly feature on the menu.
Times, Sunday Times
From this month, the ban will apply to haddock, sole and plaice in some areas.
Times, Sunday Times
Fish is perfect for this treatment, particularly white fish such as haddock or cod, plaice or sole.
Times, Sunday Times
Even though this rig is especially good for gurnards, it also proves superbly successful for dabs, plaice, megrim, even small turbot and brill, also haddock, cod and whiting.
Both white fish (such as haddock, plaice, halibut and sole) and oily fish (such as sardines, salmon, trout, pilchards and mackerel) are valuable sources of protein, vitamins and minerals.
Use a knife and fork to carefully remove the skin from the plaice.
Times, Sunday Times
The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
Not only will the cuts apply to cod but will apply also to associated species such as whiting, haddock, sole, saithe, monk, plaice, prawns, hake and megrim.
Nevertheless, always willing to reinforce failure with, er … more failure, ICES are now calling for a complete ban on cod exploitation AND – in the height of moronic fatuity – are telling EU member state governments that other species, such as haddock and plaice, will have to be severely curtailed if cod is to be protected.
Pity the poor readers
The advice given is that there should be zero fishing for cod, whiting, haddock, plaice, sole and prawns in the Irish Sea.
Cross of York usually sells species such as haddock, cod, plaice, lemon sole and monkfish that are caught off the east coast of Britain, as well as more unusual varieties when available.
It always ends in my having plaice, which is good for the soul!
The Altar Steps
These include perch; bream; the john-dory; carp; barbel; salmon; pike; trout; sturgeon; the shark; thornback; lamprey; turbot; plaice; sole; flounder; cod; haddock; &c. INSECTS AND SHELLS.
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We have had plaice, pollack, wrasse and garfish from here but bass and rays are also taken.
These are always the prime spots for bass, dabs and plaice.
Thornback and blond rays are most often seen, with brill, plaice, sole, flounder and even turbot on occasion.
Pulls out cressent rench – wich she awlwaiz haz wif hur frum old theatre habits ov needing to adjust teh liting – an poundsz at teh plaice where hur hand iz stuck!
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Under his softly spoken guidance we have learnt to tell our bream from our snapper, our sole from our plaice.
Times, Sunday Times
The fish is apparently a plaice or at least a flatfish of some sort, but, to be perfectly honest, it looks more like a dolphin.
'plaice' and extra 'place,' at which he laughed heartily, Mark considered the most tactful way of leading up to a discussion of the position of the Anglican Church in regard to Roman claims.
The Altar Steps
The Cowries also run a fish filleting factory, and family contacts in Scrabster mean they sell a large range of fresh, unsmoked fish - from haddock and halibut to monkfish, mackerel and plaice.
Such favourites as herring, plaice, cod, Dover sole, haddock, monkfish, snapper, mackerel, sardines, scallops and tuna are all as wild as cheetahs and antelopes.
A ban will apply to haddock, sole and plaice from January.
Times, Sunday Times
Use a knife and fork to carefully remove the skin from the plaice.
Times, Sunday Times
Sole is the most popular, followed by turbot and plaice.
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The weather has been good and the vessels have had catches of whiting haddock, monkfish, and plaice.
We have had plaice from here but there are also large eels and loads of wrasse if you fish close to the rocks.
They are the last remnants of a once-proud fishing industry, middle-water North Sea boats that fish for cod, plaice, haddock and lemon sole in an area that stretches down from Norway to the Thames.
Mebbe he uzez the litter box, my sun hadz a bunneh wen he wuz little dat shaird the kittehs boks and hardleh nebber did pees and poops any odder plaice.
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Sandbanks act as nursery grounds for many commercial fish species such as plaice and sole whilst also supporting sand eel communities that are a food source for seabirds and mammals such as seals, it said.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
She grew up to sit on teh herf…harf…bricky fing in front of fyerplaice an stare at hoomins…You has a thumbs.
Uncomfortable kitteh is.. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Nevertheless, always willing to reinforce failure with, er … more failure, ICES are now calling for a complete ban on cod exploitation AND – in the height of moronic fatuity – are telling EU member state governments that other species, such as haddock and plaice, will have to be severely curtailed if cod is to be protected.
Pity the poor readers
Oar dem kyute lill grey bebeh kittehs datz were teh ree plaice mints wunce. prysma-kitteh says:
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Landings from the Icelandic area were no longer almost exclusively cod, but species such as haddock, halibut, plaice ( '' Pleuronectes platessa ''), and redfish ( '' Sebastes marinus '') also became common items of the catch.
Fisheries and aquaculture in the Central North Atlantic (Iceland and Greenland)
Ann Kirk of the National Federation of Fish Fryers said: ‘Some fryers are moving over to other species - such as haddock, whiting, hake or plaice.’
The Northwest Atlantic's other groundfish include haddock, halibut, pollock, flounder and plaice.
We ate prawn cocktails and plaice and chips and cheesecake and drank champagne and watched the hare coursers do their business.
The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
In this case there have been endless erudite discussions about the advantages or otherwise of the long flowing trace for plaice fishing.
These in turn provide fertile spawning grounds for crabs, shrimps, scallops, cod, plaice, bass, sole and herring, and so are vital to maintaining fisheries.
Use a knife and fork to carefully remove the skin from the plaice.
Times, Sunday Times
This would go with anything, but made a deliciously healthy supper with fillets of plaice.
Times, Sunday Times
Redfish, snook, cobia and ladyfish are the main targets at this time of the year and we also took a couple of plaice and ‘sea-trout’.
The Northwest Atlantic's other groundfish include haddock, halibut, pollock, flounder and plaice.
Commercial fishing includes salmon, herring, cod, plaice, crustaceans and mollusks, mackerel, sprat, eel, lobster, shrimp, and prawns.
Margate and Long Sands in Kent, Red Bay in Northern Ireland and North Norfolk sand banks act as nursery grounds for many commercial fish species such as plaice and sole whilst also supporting sand eel communities that are a food source for seabirds, porpoises and seals. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
My grilled plaice was thick, juicy, hot.
Times, Sunday Times
Fished in good weather and sea conditions, over eighteen different species were landed from plaice and haddock to cod and whiting.
They are being asked to provide observations on cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, monkfish, prawns and plaice by comparing experiences between January and June this year with the same period last year.
Last Thursday there was a new one in plaice: Huw Irranca-Davies.
House Points: The future of fishing
The main species caught were cod, sprat, Baltic sprat, plaice , turbot, salmon, and smelt.
A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place ato be placed.
Thornback and blond rays are most often seen, with brill, plaice, sole, flounder and even turbot on occasion.
A pleasant place to place a plaice is a placea plaice is to be placed.
Les gets his sea bass, grey mullet, and plaice from Morecambe Bay.
Walnuts, Eggs, in which the Yealk rattl'd, a Peare, a piece of beefe, with the bones in it; an whole hedg-hog, a plaice on a Wooden Trencher turnd into Stone, & very perfect:
The World Wildlife Fund has now warned that haddock, cod, plaice and lemon sole could soon disappear from British waters.
As a youngster he fished off the rocks for the usual species of cod, pollack, coley, wrasse, mackerel and dogfish with the odd plaice or eel.
Swimming onto the heavy granite sand, you will find dragonets, plaice and wandering hermit crabs.
They seem to have also eaten flounder, whiting, plaice, cod and brown trout too.
Conger to over 50 lb, pollack, bass, rays, sole, plaice, bream, mullet, garfish, wrasse, tope, cod and probably a few others I've forgotten.
Herring, sole and plaice were also smaller.
Times, Sunday Times
Available direct from the shop, which is just yards from the sea, from Gill's mobile shop or Aberystwyth farmers' market - and now also at Porthmadog Farmers' market - the laverbread is just one of the fabulous fruits of the sea available from Gill's Plaice.
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In shallow waters, you'll eventually get tired of tripping over monkfish (angler fish) of all sizes, plaice, turbot, soles, gurnards, scorpionfish and literally hundreds of edible crabs and lobsters.
Pop in the oven and cook for 8 min, less if you are using plaice or thin lemon sole fillets.
Times, Sunday Times
Suppose, then, that you have bought some cheap kind of fish, such as herrings, large flounders, plaice, small soles, or any other small or flat fish.
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And I can't tell one bit of difference between codfish and plaice.
Cod, haddock, salmon, plaice and prawns account for 70 per cent of UK consumption - and they are mostly overfished.
I have been experimenting with small circle hooks for the last couple of seasons and truly believe that they are better at hooking plaice than conventional hooks.
Not only will the cuts apply to cod but will apply also to associated species such as whiting, haddock, sole, saithe, monk, plaice, prawns, hake and megrim.
The chain had been serving 17 tonnes of cod a year, but simply replaced them with fish such as coley, rock salmon, whiting and plaice.
This follows a high-level scientific report saying fishing for cod, haddock and plaice must be halved or they will disappear.
Flounder and Plaice, considering the variety of squamation in fishes confined to fresh water.
Hormones and Heredity
Yellowfin sole, Alaska plaice, and rock sole consume mostly infaunal prey such as polychaetes, clams, and echiuran worms.
General description of the Arctic biota
There are also trouts, porpoises, rays, oldwives, mullets, plaice, and very many other sorts of excellent good fish, which we have taken and eaten, whose names I know not but in the country language we have of twelve sorts more the pictures as they were drawn in the country with their names.
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The Cowries also run a fish filleting factory, and family contacts in Scrabster mean they sell a large range of fresh, unsmoked fish - from haddock and halibut to monkfish, mackerel and plaice.
Commercial fishing includes salmon, herring, cod, plaice, crustaceans and mollusks, mackerel, sprat, eel, lobster, shrimp, and prawns.
This comes from Gerd Hubold, the general-secretary of ICES, who has told the uncritical Times that the main problem is that although cod catches have been cut to 26,500 tonnes a year, more than twice that amount is being caught in bycatches by fishermen chasing other species such as haddock, whiting, hake and plaice.
Pity the poor readers
Danes and Swedes are among the greatest enthusiasts for plaice, and the former at least prefer to buy their plaice alive.
The same kinds of places can throw up plaice, small turbot and dabs during the daytime, especially around the mouth of the Camel estuary, within which the fishing port of Padstow resides.
The advice given is that there should be zero fishing for cod, whiting, haddock, plaice, sole and prawns in the Irish Sea.
As a youngster he fished off the rocks for the usual species of cod, pollack, coley, wrasse, mackerel and dogfish with the odd plaice or eel.
The menu is striking in its simplicity: cockles, Bath chap and pickled onion, devilled kidneys and potato cake or plaice with leeks and herbs.
I'm sorry to carp on, but surely there's a time and plaice for this sort of language.
Letters: Hook, line … stinkers
When Truly Plaice's mother was pregnant, the town of Aberdeen joined together in betting how record-breakingly huge the baby boy would ultimately be.
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County: Summary and book reviews of The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker.
The menu is striking in its simplicity: cockles, Bath chap and pickled onion, devilled kidneys and potato cake or plaice with leeks and herbs.
Oysters, prawns, eel, trout, plaice, turbot, lobster, salmon and scallops with plenty of golden oldies such as sole veronique, poached and garnished with Muscat grapes.
When a customer came in and ordered haddock or plaice he was visibly nicer to them.
They seem to have also eaten flounder, whiting, plaice, cod and brown trout too.
Even though this rig is especially good for gurnards, it also proves superbly successful for dabs, plaice, megrim, even small turbot and brill, also haddock, cod and whiting.
Fish is perfect for this treatment, particularly white fish such as haddock or cod, plaice or sole.
Times, Sunday Times