How To Use Plagiarist In A Sentence

  • Colleagues call Oates an unlikely plagiarist.
  • Especially if one can simply push forward and pay perhaps later: this is why the big guns, the one's who will be called "appropriators" instead of 'plagiarists', have seemingly abandoned copyright law altogether. Cat Weaver: The Panda Appropriations: When Your Property Is My Medium
  • He was a great borrower, but he didn't borrow like a plagiarist, he borrowed to change things according to his need.
  • Such was his regard for his patron's memory, that when Sallust described him as having a brazen face, and a shameless mind, he lashed the historian in a most bitter satire [882], as "a bull's-pizzle, a gormandizer, a braggart, and a tippler, a man whose life and writings were equally monstrous;" besides charging him with being "a most unskilful plagiarist, who borrowed the language of Cato and other old writers. De vita Caesarum
  • Unlike the countless self-pitying plagiarists who have followed in his wake, his was not simply another all-American whine.
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  • Here, before the chapel of St. Louis, Raphael lingered, learning the frescoed Sibyls of its vault so by heart that he almost reproduced them afterward in the Pace at Rome -- that dear Raphael who did not fear being called a plagiarist, his soul was so full of beauty, and he so transfigured whatever he touched with that suave pencil of his that seemed to have been clipped in light for a color. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • Eliade's typology separated shamans from priests - the latter indulged in ‘plagiaristic aping’ of the original - and, as has often been argued since, claimed that shamanism had no place in Africa.
  • The DI’s position weakened further when they tried over and over again to claim that they weren’t calling Jones a plagiarist—a clumsy attempt at a paralepsis, indeed. DI's Plagiarism Allegations Against Jones Get Even Lamer - The Panda's Thumb
  • Computers, the Web, and this news database make it much easier to expose plagiarists and fabulists whose crimes would have gone undetected in 1966.
  • He constantly goes on about how he is the only credible lyricist in the Western world and implies that everyone else is some kind of pseud/plagiarist, And about being working class - he doesn't seem to do a fat lot of work to me. The Fall
  • Are you by any chance the same plagiarist as Andrea, who spammed the "portobello" post? YAKUZA JAPANESE.
  • Bob Dylan as a "fake" and a "plagiarist" - insisting the folk legend's entire act is a - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • On the other hand, because of its nature as an abyss, it's an illimitable source for the plagiarist.
  • I love the idea of and PlagiPedia and what it might mean for journalism - Being shamed and exposed as a plagiarist should be a stain on a reputation but I'm not sure it will be. The Guardian World News
  • Biarpun polisi bertindak untuk memberantas obat-obat palsu, DVD bajakan, atau bahkan sampai merambah ke dunia maya dengan menangkap para plagiarist artikel, tetap saja ga akan efektif selama di otak orang-orang yang hidup di negara ini hanya cara instan saja yang terpikirkan. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Battle over Intellectual Property Rights
  • For instance, I wonder if - I doubt there are more plagiarists and fabulists in journalism today than there were in the past.
  • And when someone like Stephen Ambrose turns out to be a serial plagiarist, which is what he was from the beginning of his career, as I document in the book, then that pulls down the whole edifice the rest of us are trying to construct whereby people respect us because we follow the rules that we impose upon ourselves. Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, Fraud American History from Bancroft and Parkman To Ambrose, Bellesiles, Ellis and Goodwin
  • The newspaper lost face when one of its reporters was exposed as a plagiarist.
  • He has inspired imitators, tolerated plagiarists and confounded the computer geeks who try in vain to turn his craft into software.
  • Visit the site and you can read the "truth" about King -- communist, wife-beater, plagiarist, sexual deviant and all-around fraud. Keith Thomson: White Supremacist Site Marks 12th Anniversary
  • Plagiarism is first and foremost a moral crime - it's about deception, and it's reprehensible because the plagiarist is passing off someone else's ideas or words as his own.
  • The answer is you point out that plagiarists will be exposed and shamed in public - and this is exactly what happened two decades ago with the VC.
  • You could be forgiven for thinking that they were indeed the clever-clever early - 80s plagiarists paragraph one has them pegged as.
  • Meanwhile, the hit parade of plagiarists and liars turning their moral shortcomings into cold, hard cash continues.
  • a self-confessed plagiarist
  • That journal is nothing but a bunch of copyright stealers, plagiarists and intellectual thieves.
  • NB: As an addendum to my last comment (still the last on the page, unless someone comments while I write this), because I've learned in the last few hours that calling Biden a plagiarist is truly unfair, I add the following, which I'm stealing directly from a comment thread at Making Light and I don't know how to do a proper hyperlink: But Dick Cheney was a statesman
  • I often wonder what journalism's legendary scribes would say about this year's crop of liars, plagiarists, and incompetents.
  • Turns out my plagiarist is taking a class with him too, and Tom starts raving about this Joyce paper the kid wrote. Horseman
  • The first thing I see right off the cuff is this group is still in love with LaVey and his plagiarist thoughts! Progressive Satanism? Satanic Insurance or an Cult! | Disinformation

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