
How To Use Placid In A Sentence

  • My disorganization was a chaotic river that I waded through every day, somehow coming out the other end dry only due to the comparatively placid pace of being a Londoner. Ed Zitron: Ride the Whirlwind: Making a New York Minute Last
  • [She has risen and stands rubbing her arm and recovering her placidity, which is considerable.] Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • But this was a perfectly placid surface, so the constant coming and going calls for some explanation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hannah's remembrances of things past, however, are sometimes skewed by subtle dissonances and a sense of anxiety that disturb the apparent placidity of his picture-perfect world.
  • An extravagant collection of activities centered on the family shrine, as the sweet scent of incense hovered placidly above us.
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  • The report noted that a large volume of water produced by a storm had turned the normally placid river into a fast-flowing torrent.
  • She is very placid and wouldn't do anything to upset an animal.
  • The little girl studied the room, her expression placid. The Master
  • A less driven woman might have been content with such generous helpings of immortality, but she was not that placid woman.
  • O longum memoranda dies! quae mente reporto gaudia, quam lassos per tot miracula uisus! ingenium quam mite solo! quae forma beatis15 ante manus artemque locis! non largius usquam indulsit natura sibi. nemora alta citatis incubuere uadis; fallax responsat imago frondibus, et longas eadem fugit umbra per undas. ipse Anien (miranda fides) infraque superque20 spumeus hic tumidam rabiem saxosaque ponit murmura, ceu placidi ueritus turbare Vopisci A Villa at Tibur
  • Despite his life going downhill, he was still described by people who knew him as a gentle, placid, easy-going, amiable man.
  • Sunny played the song again, but this time at a placid adagio place.
  • In a provincial war office, a young woman, Eve, placidly attacks her work (she is a coder), her days enlivened by the gossip of her female colleagues and the joshing of the Big Bad Wolves, a couple of lippy sergeants.
  • Now the lake was placid in the heat of the afternoon, the tiny wavelets lapping the shore like a hurried metronome.
  • Right now, you may have noticed, I'm obsessing about Plácido.
  • _iuuerit_ aura,/obruta de mediis cumba resurget aquis ', ix 73' et si quae _dabit_ aura sinum, laxate rudentes ', and _Tr_ IV v 19-20' utque facis, remis ad opem luctare ferendam,/_dum ueniat_ placido mollior aura deo ', The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Their somewhat placid life is disturbed when an old friend comes to stay.
  • All the eye can see are evergreens, a placid body of water and the occasional loon.
  • The sight of an ox with hay wrapped around one horn was common enough; the hay was a warning that the animal might look placid, but it would suddenly gore with the hayed horn. Fortune's Favorites
  • The views were striking, with the Mountains of Mourne on our right and, just after Kilcoo, the placid waters of Lough Island Reavy on our left.
  • '_From that placid aspect and meek regard, _' on the ground that; '_meek regard_ conveys no new idea to _placid aspect_.' Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • Keeping carefully out of sight, I followed the crest along for a couple of miles to a natural amphitheatre in the hills, where the little river raced down out of a gorge and stopped for breath in a large and placid rock-bound pool. MOON-FACE
  • A new genus and species of goneplacid crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Goneplacidae) from the Caribbean. All that matters
  • His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg.
  • For years, he was a placid, unobtrusive student of his, but he's emerged from the long shadow cast by his mentor.
  • The placid look of his countenance never changed for an instant; his whole frame rested, uncontrolled, in perfect stillness and repose; not a muscle was seen to twitch.
  • His facial appearance was fair, with the placid blue eyes and short silvery hair.
  • It was a placid, snowy day around Christmastime in 1916 when I met her.
  • Caged, with no food or water, his placid disposition changed to that of a raging fiend.
  • Go placidly, amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
  • To look after the wheelchair-bound at matches, you might think that only tolerant, placid individuals need apply.
  • In other families, relationships that may have seemed untroubled in the past sometimes splinter completely due to some invisible fracture that has long lain hidden beneath an otherwise placid surface. Fatal Error
  • A placid woman in uniform was sitting behind the raised desk. Times, Sunday Times
  • If Harold Bloom is correct – and he's been quite sure of himself for almost 40 years – the placid scene of influence is in reality a brawl, with writers engaged in pugilistic agon against their aesthetic progenitors. The Anatomy of Influence by Harold Bloom – review
  • Seemingly placid but boiling with passions - from carnality to intense anger - The Housemaid is a hard-boiled little tale dressed up like something calmer and more measured. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: The Housemaid
  • Tyrtaeus this commoner of Nizhni Novgorod spurs on his troops of freedom-loving heroes to conquer, as it were, the placid, self - satisfied literatures of to-day, and bring new life to pale, bloodless frames. The Man Who Was Afraid
  • Gordon - whose gentle, unhurried manner lulls one into a feeling of calm - says a placid nature is essential for the job, but he is realistic about the rewards it brings.
  • Two open carriages each pulled by a pair of placid horses had begun to make their parking lot rounds when I sat down.
  • One morning after breakfast, when the sun shone bright, we walked out together, and 'pored' for some time with placid indolence upon an artificial water-fall, which Dr. Taylor had made by building a strong dyke of stone across the river behind the garden. Boswell's Life of Johnson Abridged and edited, with an introduction by Charles Grosvenor Osgood
  • Her eyes gaze placidly out from skilled maquillage, her expression indecipherable.
  • a placid everyday scene
  • Second, there was the placidity of the creatures.
  • After the war, he came down with Shell - Shock, and was prescribed the antidepressant placidyl.
  • Within, was the peace as of innocence, reckless blindless, deluding joy, hope, whose still anchor rested on placid but unconstant water. The Last Man
  • Providing you are not encroaching on their space, they are pretty placid animals.
  • Chewie was just one-year-old whereas a lot of the other dogs were six or seven-years-old and a lot more placid but as long as Jessica is grooming him he is happy.
  • We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.
  • Theres a lake in front with boatsful of nobillaty and musitions floting on its placid sufface — and a curricle is a driving up to the grand hentrance, and me in it, with The diary of C. Jeames De La Pluche, Esq., with his letters
  • But perhaps Andy is so placid because he lives amidst the stunning vistas of Waianae, Hawaii, to which we are magically transported for the first home visit. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Finale: Part One Recap
  • On a placid pitch England could ill afford such lapses. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked up at me, incredulous, but it subsided into introspectful placidity, his neck finally unhitching its strained composure.
  • But the placid prettiness of Marjorie appealed to him far more than the cold, disdainful beauty of the young woman he had called ungenerous, and who had in her turn called him a cad. The Imaginary Marriage
  • His features were smoothly regular and extraordinarily placid, as if he surveyed the world from a lofty perch, far removed from any of its foibles and cares.
  • A placid parent makes a placid home.
  • Your placid nature seems to have disappeared. The Sun
  • A quick-tempered man will react more aggressively to an unpleasing situation than a placid one.
  • A placid parent makes a placid home.
  • As Nicholls puts it, Kauto Star, normally known as a docile and placid beast, is "mad fresh, really well in himself", having been brought to peak fitness for today's King George VI Chase at Kempton, which he has dominated over the past four years. Paul Nicholls has Kauto Star ready for historic King George Chase bid
  • When the wind blows, it can be a fearsome proposition, yet, like all links, it is vulnerable when the weather is calm and placid.
  • First, these characters are not placid creatures risen by voodoo for slave labour but the dead, reanimated by a virus, whose single instinct is to eat human flesh.
  • Some contend that he is too placid to succeed, and he understands why.
  • A single fly was placed on the platform, and placidly stayed there, motionless, until the test stimulus was presented.
  • not everyone shared his placid temperament
  • Now five months old, the three sisters are described as ‘really placid babies’ by their mum and dad.
  • Having delivered this eulogism of the dead, the lady folded her hands placidly, and with eyes cast down, but attentive, settled herself to await developments. The Return of Peter Grimm Novelised From the Play
  • [5340] Et quamvis aberat placidae praesentia formae Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Within, was the peace as of innocence, reckless blindless, deluding joy, hope, whose still anchor rested on placid but unconstant water. The Last Man
  • Despite his life going downhill, he was still described by people who knew him as a gentle, placid, easy-going, amiable man.
  • Placidyl is a ‘sedative-hypnotic’ developed to help insomniacs sleep.
  • To this day it remains filled with placid, crystal waters lapping at the craggy hewn cliffs.
  • '_From that placid aspect and meek regard, _' on the ground that; '_meek regard_ conveys no new idea to _placid aspect_.' Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • As the water settled and all became placid again only the wrecked and sinking craft remained, alone in the sea.
  • Theres a lake in front with boatsful of nobillaty and musitions floting on its placid sufface -- and a curricle is a driving up to the grand hentrance, and me in it, with Mrs., or perhaps Lady Hangelana de la Pluche. Burlesques
  • Go placidly, amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
  • Madame Speck said they always drank it; and so placing a teaspoonful of bohea in a cauldron of water, she placidly handed out this decoction, which we took with cakes and tartines. The Fitz-Boodle Papers
  • In such works, the serene surface of domestic placidity is only occasionally ruffled by dissonant details: Lou presents a world that is as familiar as it is banal.
  • Continue to look at them and their placid, inoffensive appearance draws you in with a curious and unexpected power.
  • The mysterious beauty of hundreds of handmade candle lanterns and the haunting figures of stiltwalkers are glowingly reflected in the placid rippling water of Trout Lake.
  • For once, and once only, in the long course of his butlership did the placid and unmoved calm of his manner entirely desert Jessop. Antony Gray,—Gardener
  • But this was a perfectly placid surface, so the constant coming and going calls for some explanation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sports surferess Stephen Colbert Bobsleds at Lake Placid [video] ojkim, "" bellbind MADDEN NFL 10 by EA SPORTS: 1817 gtblogscott Georgia Tech vs. Georgia breakdown solacetech Dallas Cowboys upset about repeated officiating errors solacetech Dallas Cowboys vs. Philadelphia Eagles Ticket Give-Away! Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • People know me as a calm, placid man, slow to anger, uneager for confrontation, but this ... this was the final straw. The Keg of Knob Creek : Bev Vincent
  • I found no spark of intelligence darting from the pupilless eyes; there was no change of expression on the placid countenance to indicate that the ears had been touched by the heart-cries of the prostrate worshippers; no word of blessing fell from those silent lips, immobile and set as on the day when they received the last touch of the artist's hand. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • This gesture of taking the son hostage, the better to placidly kill the mother, this calm affirmation, in the face of the world, of a crime of filiation that extends an imaginary guilt to an entire family is well worth recalling a few ambassadors (to France, Spain, Italy, even to the United States). Bernard-Henri Lévy: After Sakineh, Her Son
  • Malati, a sedate old female, was a placid soul, unflappable even in a crisis.
  • He sat calmly smoking a cigarette, his eyes upturned in placid and Oriental contemplation of the heavens. Tish
  • Andrew Schoultz throws this metaphor hard and down the middle with his assaultive explosions, tornados -- anything that intrudes transcendent energy into a world that by choice would remain placid. ArtScene: Whatever It Looks Like Is Never Quite What You Think
  • In arias such as ‘Quando le sere al placido’ from Luisa Miller, some might feel that Bocelli overdoes the portamento, though; at times he's even croony.
  • On the one hand, the placid, joyful temperament — the lover and enjoyer of life, of music and dancing, cigars, women, good food: the easy-goer. Election Day 2008
  • Verses like "Trivia ride tra le ninfe eterne" ( "Trivia smiles among the eternal nymphs") have always seemed only if he remains the continuer of pseudo-existential enlightenment, the decorator of placid human sentiments, or if he does not penetrate too profoundly into the dialectic of his time, whether from political fear or simple inertia. Salvatore Quasimodo - Nobel Lecture
  • At the southern tip of the city, another enterprising group is trying to market the placid backwaters of rural Kerala.
  • Gradually, however, the talking became more infrequent, the cheerfulness passed into a kind of placidity; and without any particular crisis or sign of the end, Robert Browning
  • A less driven woman might have been content with such generous helpings of immortality, but she was not that placid woman.
  • This decision reached , he finally felt a placid drowsiness steal over him.
  • Water buffalo and goats graze placidly alongside the track; elegant white cranes glide serenely across the paddy fields.
  • Often at such conjunctures as these, when the futility of her great undertaking was more than usually manifest, did Ethelberta long like a tired child for the conclusion of the whole matter; when her work should be over, and the evening come; when she might draw her boat upon the shore, and in some thymy nook await eternal night with a placid mind. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • They are framed by a bower of leafy trees, a placid lake and a glorious orange sunset.
  • Secondly, the team has suffered through a febrile 2005, falling off the pace, storming back into the race, and then settling for long stretches of placidity.
  • They're recognizably human characters with serious problems of their own and lives that don't always stay on placid waters.
  • Who gave me love placid who accompany me to see through the fleeting landscape.
  • The attendant asked Sue, with the same doting, placid face, the same question.
  • The city looked dark to the south, while numerous lights along the near shores, and the beautiful aspect of the banks reposing in placid night, the waters keenly reflecting the heavenly lights, gave to this beauteous river a dower of loveliness that might have characterized a retreat in Paradise. II.2
  • Years later, the sacking still makes the normally placid Burt uncharacteristically testy, but he doesn't dwell on it.
  • Theft is on the rise in previously placid rural areas.
  • Despite the placid surface that suggested a serene dream, he twitched occasionally, as if his eyes would burst wide awake.
  • The moments sped, the ripples died away, the face of the pool grew placid and untroubled, and neither black nor golden head broke surface in quest of air.
  • I had no ambition of asking for a luxurious house by a placid lake from my husband because I was used to hearing airplanes every day.
  • As you know I am a calm and placid individual who tries to see the best in people. The Sun
  • The other, TPF-I, relied on a technique called interferometry, where starlight is split into separate beams and recombined so that it annihilates itself, like two out-of-phase waves colliding in a pond to form a placid surface. SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
  • He's more placid, but can still be unpredictable and difficult.
  • Placido Domingo has released more than 100 recital discs, crossover albums and complete operas over his five-decade career.
  • Neither of these people, in either of the hypothetical situations, would be so placid and unaroused that his body would exhibit the peaceful physiology of sleep or daydreaming. Stress and the Manager
  • People should also avoid getting between a cow and her calf as the maternal instinct could make otherwise placid animals aggressive.
  • Wherever you look, fish are jumping out of the placid water, landing with audible plips and plops, while ospreys swoop down to pluck up dinner.
  • This was something entirely missing in the placid ' millpond ' climax of the television dramatization.
  • With that he placidly resumed his walk, and was soon seated in the stern-sheets of a whaleboat manned by uproarious Kanakas, himself daintily perched out of the way of the least maculation, giving his commands in an unobtrusive, dinner-table tone of voice, and sweeping neatly enough alongside the schooner. The Wrecker
  • It's very important that Placido saw my trials and tribulations.
  • Malaria perpetuates in 39 major anopheline species, including some that breed in water contained in footprints, and others in the axils of pineapple-like plants, in eddies at the margins of mountain streams, and in placid ponds.
  • Above all, I told myself, don't disturb the placid collegiate waters a month before my tenure decision. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • He was not a cruel man, but he held landsmen and women in a kind of placid contempt and so felt little sympathy for their trifling complaints. The Mistaken Wife
  • But every one or two minutes, the placid water erupts in an explosion of mud, followed by a plume of white steam.
  • A few miles away, old Roger is taking his ease in a chair on the sunny main drag that bisects City Island, a placid outcrop of land humming gently with daytrippers and yachtsmen, the extreme eastern tip of New York City.
  • A placid woman in uniform was sitting behind the raised desk. Times, Sunday Times
  • To their credit, they performed with belief here but had scant success on a placid pitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was placid, very pleasant, proud, charming and unassuming.
  • All slept -- all England slept; and from my window, commanding a wide prospect of the star-illumined country, I saw the land stretched out in placid rest. II.7
  • remained placid despite the repeated delays
  • But every one or two minutes, the placid water erupts in an explosion of mud, followed by a plume of white steam.
  • The Cancer child is usually very placid and serene, with a loving and sympathetic disposition.
  • He didn't miss by a little bit either; he completely airmailed Placido Polanco, the second baseman who was covering the bag. Mistakes, bad luck, and the cool of the Cardinals take toll on Tigers
  • It reminds you of placid rivulet, meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees.
  • Arrived at this decision, she had telephoned to her own home as to the uncertainty in regard to her movements, and thereafter had awaited the issue of events with that simple placidity which is the boon sometimes granted by much experience of the world. Making People Happy
  • Plácido Domingo persuades the Met to revive Sly, an opera rarely seen since 1927 (then he doesn't really deliver); New York Festival of Song throws a splendid fête.
  • During a relatively placid economic period like the mid-2000s, about 65% of all hiring is associated with what economists have dubbed "churn"-the job-to-job movement of workers through the labour force, which neither adds to nor subtracts from total employment. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Quietude is a similarly becalmed sonic vista of placid sine-waves, nervous clicks and lithe atmospheric details.
  • In "The Jumping-off Place," about San Diego as the nation's suicide capital, epitome of native anguish and exhaustion, he concludes with a black parody of the all-American Whitmaniacal catalogue: they stuff up the cracks of their doors and quietly turn on the gas; they go into their back sheds or back kitchens and eat ant-paste or swallow Lysol; they drive their cars into dark alleys, get into the back seat and shoot themselves; they hang themselves in hotel bedrooms, take overdoses of sulphonal or barbital; they slip off to the municipal golf-links and there stab themselves with carving-knives; or they throw themselves into the bay, blue and placid, where gray battleships and cruisers guard the limits of their broad-belting nation-already reaching out in the eighties for the sugar plantations of Honolulu.
  • I saw the transformation take place, the placid exterior to the violent, savage beast.
  • Philpot's face, they were softened down by the pallor of death, and a placid, peaceful expression pervaded his features. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • Sports surferess Stephen Colbert Bobsleds at Lake Placid [video] ojkim, "" bellbind MADDEN NFL 10 by EA SPORTS: 1817 gtblogscott Georgia Tech vs. Georgia breakdown Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Trimble stops - abruptly - and contemplates the peaceful meadowlands by the River Bann lying below him, with their placid herds of grazing cattle.
  • Thursday, the ratio of put options to profit from a calmer market versus call options for stormier trading favored the more placid of the two. 'Fear' Dissipates as Traders Shed 'Crash Protection'
  • She pulled him off of the sofa and placed his arm around her shoulder once more, pulling him up the steps carefully, placidly listening to his babble.
  • Perplexingly placid, it resembles a midway instalment marking time in a padded-out series. Times, Sunday Times
  • And finally, at the end of an hour, with aching back, sweat-soaked shirt, and slaughtered hands, you are through and swinging along on the placid, beneficent tide between narrow banks where the cattle stand knee-deep and gaze wonderingly at you. SMALL-BOAT SAILING
  • The other is elitism, a charge that clearly grates on him and unnerves his wife, who has a great deal that would be attractive in a first lady (intelligence, accomplishment, beauty) but lacks placidity, which is, actually, necessary. While McCain Watches
  • They were easy targets, as the presence of people doesn't seem to disturb them and they are placid and friendly by nature.
  • I saw the transformation take place, the placid exterior to the violent, savage beast.
  • Each one is pre-programmed to have a different temperament, some will be really placid, others will cry all night, it is pot luck.
  • He faced the situation with placid courage, and unsoured he kept to the end of his long life the playful humour and kindly temper which made him loved alike by old and young.
  • The placid grey door whisked open as he approached, admitting him to his dark cabin.
  • Who gave me love placid who accompany me to see through the fleeting landscape.
  • So one bio-day placidly followed another, the ship plunged on through Highlight, and nothing at all of importance happened.
  • The effects are chintzy, the creature is uninteresting, and the story incredibly placid.
  • Forced to smile under the sudden shift of attention to them, Althia placidly glided into the throne room on the arm of her sister, any evidence of their recent quarrel absent from their countenances.
  • Go placidly, amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
  • He's a peaceable and placid person and likes to lead a peaceful life.
  • The sea was so calm and placid on top but underneath, it was as busy as a train station.
  • Heaven's fluid is placid, desireless, and unbusied. Lunheng
  • Macte toris, Latios inter placidissime uates, quod durum permensus iter coeptique laboris prendisti portus. uiduae sic transfuga Pisae amnis in externos longe flammatus amores flumina demerso trahit intemerata canali, 205 donec Sicanios tandem prolatus anhelo ore bibat fontis: miratur dulcia Nais oscula nec credit pelago uenisse maritum. The Marriage of Stella and Violentilla
  • What matter for the arrow-head, illegible stuff? give us the placid grinning kings, twanging their jolly bows over their rident horses, wounding those good-humored enemies, who tumble gayly off the towers, or drown, smiling, in the dimpling waters, amidst the anerithmon gelasma of the fish. John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character
  • Placidi ", purporting to be written by one Gordianus, a servant of the saint, on the strength of which he is usually described as abbot and martyr, is really the work of Peter the Deacon, a monk of Monte Cassino in the twelfth century (see Delehaye, op.cit. infra). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The Ouse may look placid, but it is cold, wide, deep and fast-flowing.
  • Inspection indicated no rock collapse or fall of trees but the surface of the normally placid water was said to be seen rippling.
  • Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees. Chapter 19
  • Musically, they stroll rather than rock, constructing songs round punchy guitar harmonics and placid basslines.
  • But I want only to complect that I am here, for the anniversary of 125 years of the Metropolitan, but also for the anniversary of 40 years Plácido Domingo at the Metropolitan. WNYC New York Public Radio
  • Secundum moenia locus erat frondosis populis opacus, vitibusque sponte natis, tenuis prope aqua defluebat, placide murmurans, ubi sedile et domus Democriti conspiciebatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A visit to Lake Placid every year allows you to watch as the cute little tykes from pre-juvenile and juvenile dance morph into coltish adolescents in novice and then stunning young heartbreakers in juniors and seniors.
  • Many of Kevin Pollard's costumes were unflattering: Ms. DiDonato spent most of the show slouching around in what looked like a muumuu and dreadlocks, Ms. de Niese's androgynous brown getup made nothing of her beauty, and Plácido Domingo Neptune was overpowered by hair and clothing that made him look silly rather than godlike. Promoting the Baroque In an ADHD World
  • It's the same in the fishing hamlets by this now calm and placid sea.
  • Her gaze was fixed on Svenson, her expression placid, amused. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters
  • The river may look placid, but it is cold, wide, deep and fast-flowing.
  • Antonia was quite as much excited in her own way, which was naturally a much quieter way; and Lopez sat under a great pecan-tree, smoking his cigarito with placid smiles and admiring glances at every one. Remember the Alamo
  • '_From that placid aspect and meek regard, _' on the ground that; '_meek regard_ conveys no new idea to _placid aspect_.' Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • Together, they go angling for the state's native muskie fish in the placid waters of Rib Lake.
  • Kayaking on the ocean is not the same as kayaking on a placid lake.
  • She found Hyacinth, placid and biddable, an agreeable playmate and Mada Joyce a fine source of entertainment.
  • The placid nature of many of the skits is due mostly in part to the fact that times have changed and so has the country's sense of what is funny.
  • Whenever, therefore, any one of us put in an appearance at the breakfast table, looking a little rusty and "pindling," without appetite, Gram would survey the unfortunate critically, with commiseration on her placid countenance, and exclaim, "The Worms are at work again! When Life Was Young At the Old Farm in Maine
  • Miss Bailey turned to the so lately placid face of Sadie in search of the devastating "snoot," but met only a serene glance of conscious guilelessness and the assurance: Little Citizens
  • Then a genuine live television moment happens, the sort of occasion that could induce hyperekplexia in the most placid soul.
  • Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees. Chapter 2
  • Such things were spoken of quite openly, as though they were quite natural, with that placidity which is one of the great features of the town, the inhabitants of which are able to maintain it in the face of suffering and death. Jean-Christophe Journey's End
  • Half the folks gazing placidly into the middle distance were too stoned to blink.
  • Your placid nature seems to have disappeared. The Sun
  • And yet he had never been so deeply conscious of the gulf which lay between the oriental fatalism of his life and ways and the placid self-assurance of these westerners, so well-content with the earth upon which their feet fell. The Great Prince Shan
  • It was midafternoon, the air blighted of moisture; heat hazes wavered over the placid waters of the Yamuna, and Jai Singh sat under the shade of the tamarind at the very edge of his property, the farman on his lap. Shadow Princess
  • a placid everyday scene
  • His placid nature and sense of humour instilled confidence in patients seeking counselling.
  • When the wind blows, it can be a fearsome proposition, yet, like all links, it is vulnerable when the weather is calm and placid.
  • She has a drowsy smile and a plump, placid face. Times, Sunday Times
  • '_From that placid aspect and meek regard, _' on the ground that; '_meek regard_ conveys no new idea to _placid aspect_.' Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • There was a moment of shimmering flashes on the bosom of the lake; then the blue surface stretched placid and unrippled again. Wings in the Night
  • This approach, while not pretty, has been effective; yet it is a mean, small-minded strategy crafted for placid times.
  • The ending she placidly anticipates is a perfect marriage for her long-widowed mother; it is, she thinks, right and normal that Mrs. Cunningham should spend the interim years resting in a chair instead of engaging in what her daughter dismisses as "some productive occupation. The Mistress of Gloom
  • The placid, short-legged Ryelands suited the purpose, but have not been kept by the Royal Family since those days.
  • The limbs grew stiff and rigid -- the features smoothed into that mysteriously wise placidity which is so often seen in the faces of the dead, -- the closed eyelids looked purple and livid as though bruised ... there was not a breath, not a tremor, to offer any outward suggestion of returning animation, -- and when, after some little time, Heliobas bent down and listened, there was no pulsation of the heart ... it had ceased to beat! Ardath
  • Few know that Hebbal Lake is an ideal place for a quiet paddle on placid waters.
  • A quick-tempered man will react more aggressively to an unpleasing situation than a placid one.
  • The real question is how on earth they have got so many busy and placid people so utterly disillusioned with the political process that they are marching in columns thousands deep through the streets of the capital.

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