
How To Use Placer In A Sentence

  • Je vais pour brancher une des lampes de la vitrine que ma patronne etait en train de placer dans la vitrine et la j'entends un gros BAAAAM puis des bruits de verre qui tombent a terre! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • And they want Captain Largo to get us out checking the appropriate chapter houses to see if he's been doing any placer mining. THE WAILING WIND
  • The flake mica produced in the U.S. comes from several sources: the metamorphic rock called schist as a by-product of processing feldspar and kaolin resources, from placer deposits, and from pegmatites. Mica
  • Instead, a micro Ducati motorcycle would be taking the top placer on his victory lap.
  • He said he'd bring a pouch of placer gold, copies of old letters from Theodore Mott to his lawyer up in Denver. THE WAILING WIND
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  • Personals placers aren't exactly defying defined cultural roles; most women wrote ads seeking economic security, while men sought younger, attractive partners.
  • Tapioca: A superfine grind of the starch from cassava tubers, and is used to thicken puddings, soups and pie fillings as well as functioning as an egg replacer in certain vegan mixtures. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Other exhibits focus on placer and lode deposits, major gold rushes, and uses of gold through the centuries.
  • Bon ben moi j'arrive pas malheureusement… je me réjouissais déjà de placer mon petit commentaire vidéo JUSTE derrière Loïc Le Meur, mais non, je n'ai pas réussi à enregistrer… j'ai pu m'authentifier, mais quand je clique sur le bouton d'enregistrement ou sur enter ou return ou n'importe quoi, ça ne commence jamais à enregistrer… bouhhh Trying the Seesmic Video Plugin — Climb to the Stars
  • In conducting coastal open air placer mining or shore-based well drilling to exploit seabed mineral resources, effective measures must be taken to prevent pollution to the marine environment.
  • Sometimes the producers went to absurd lengths to protect their advertisers and product placers, pixelating one of the inmates T-shirts to cover up a rival furniture product.
  • About two-thirds of the world's tin is obtained from placers and one-third from vein or "lode" deposits. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • In the early years of the century, there were hundreds of child placers in the United States.
  • The area no longer has any active mines, but there are large tracts of land under claim for placer mining.
  • Under the YPA and Mining Land Use Regulations, placer miners must restore the land and any fish-bearing streams.
  • A section of experts have been saying that since Pakistan beat India without him, there is hardly any need of a world class placer who might create problems for the team management.
  • Huic rogationi partim conscii sibi, alii ex partium invidia pericula metuentes, quoniam aperte resistere non poterant, quin illa et alia talia placere sibi faterentur, [238] occulte per amicos ac maxime per homines nominis Latini et socios Italicos impedimenta parabant. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Pour emp阠her ce malheur on placera la plus grande quantit� de ribaudequins vers les angles du corps de bataille, et l’on t鈉hera de se tenir serr� de mani鑢e � ne point se laisser entamer. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • To them, as soon as gold was discovered, were added bonanza, eldorado, placer and vigilante. Chapter 3. The Period of Growth. 4. Loan-Words and Non-English Influences
  • Born in Placerville, California, where his maternal grandparents were forty-niners, Gagliani grew up in the Italian community of San Francisco.
  • These pioneer prospectors practiced surface mining, obtaining gold from the alluvial deposits called placers.
  • The Wicklow placer raced into a 7-nil lead, but the young Moone player got more into the game and was soon on level terms with some great service and passing shots.
  • Los que dirigen nuestra economa, pensaba Nikola, en el mundo occidental, nos permite disfrutar de un alto estndar de vida, de placer comparado criminal nuestros vecinos al sur de la lnea imaginaria que llamamos lmite. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The motor on the outstroke crosses V-shaped parts about from one-sixth to one-seventh from the out end, the displacer charge now passing into the motor cylinder, displacing the exhaust gases by these ports and filling the cylinder and the space at the end of it with the explosive mixture. Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
  • Gold is found in a wide variety of geologic settings, but placer gold and gold veins are the most economically important.
  • Fourteen specimens are obviously from placer deposits.
  • Satan, then, as the Tempter is the great placer of "scandals, Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
  • `Is this anything like a placer mine after they've got the gold out? HIGH STAND
  • Piso, that when he answered him he fetched one of his brows up to his forehead, and bent the other down to his chin; Respondes, altero ad frontem sublato, altero ad mentum depresso supercilio, crudelitatem tibi non placere. The Essays
  • There are also $60 satellite games held on most days once the main game has finished, during which the top ten placers win a free seat!
  • He had a strong, consistent serve, he was an accurate placer of the ball, and could lob and volley with equal panache.
  • Indeed, for the third and fourth placers, it was their first trips outside their home land.
  • The ore itself had to be weathered before sluicing in a process similar to gold placering, in which dirt was washed through sluice boxes so that heavier elements-like gold and sapphires-dropped to the bottom and became lodged in riffles.
  • Second, they are acknowledging you are a good placer.
  • Nimue is specifically named as a Lady of the Lake; she is the defeater, or perhaps simply replacer, of Merlin at Arthur's Court.
  • One could be a shooter, one could be a back-up shooter in case the shooter's balls go, and a placer as well as a back-up shooter.
  • The region of Morelia, in addition to Art and Culture, also offers Natural Beauties such as the Route of Health, Morelos National Park, and Picturesque Towns such as Charo, Capula, Tiripetío, Cuitzeo and Huandacareo, the last of which offers the opportunity to visit archaeological zones of La Noapalera and Tres Cerritos, and enjoyment of representative culinary treats such as pollo placero ( "marketplace chicken") and candies such as dried fruit pastes called "ates" and a caramel-based confection called "morelianas. Introduction to Michoacán - the soul of Mexico
  • Currently, some of the known deposits (mainly bar placers with easily recoverable gold) are mined by prospector cooperatives.
  • Sometimes the producers went to absurd lengths to protect their advertisers and product placers, pixelating one of the inmates T-shirts to cover up a rival furniture product.
  • The associated minerals are the important indicator of the genesis and enrichment of placer gold.
  • Bon ben moi j'arrive pas malheureusement… je me réjouissais déjà de placer mon petit commentaire vidéo JUSTE derrière Loïc Le Meur, mais non, je n'ai pas réussi à enregistrer… j'ai pu m'authentifier, mais quand je clique sur le bouton d'enregistrement ou sur enter ou return ou n'importe quoi, ça ne commence jamais à enregistrer… bouhhh Trying the Seesmic Video Plugin — Climb to the Stars
  • [5458] Vult placere sese amicae, vult mihi, vult pedissequae, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Multo autem minus doctrina de reprobatione terreri debent ii, qui cum serio ad Deum converti, ei unice placere, et e corpore mortis eripi desiderant, in via tamen pietatis et fidei eo usque, quo volunt, pervenire nondum possunt, siquidem linum fumigans se non extincturum, et arundinem quassatam se non fracturum, promisit misericors Deus. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Among the first of the top placers to test their mettle against the course was O'Connor on the mare Wyndham, who came home with only 2.6 time penalties.
  • Cwla members understood that commercial child placers frequently appealed more effectively than they did to birth mothers, and knew they had to compete more vigorously.
  • Iron Jay is urging all the top placers from the Olympia to compete at the Arnold.
  • These veins usually bear free coarse-grained, high-grade gold and produce most of the placers in the province.
  • Placer’ gold deposits are those that accumulate in the sediments of stream beds.
  • Excessive dietary fat intake bring adverse affects to health, the low_fat food develop quickly worldwide. Fat in food may replaced by formulating with fat replacer.
  • In a Stirling refrigerator, this phase angle is provided by the relative movement of the piston and the displacer.
  • He was concerned he wouldn't measure up to the rest of the group, " said Randy Yost, committee chairman and former CEO of Placer Bank of Commerce in California.
  • Gratiarum choro stipata, et toto Cupidinum populo comitata, et balteo suo cincta, cinnama fragrans, et balsama rorans, calva processerit, placere non potent nee Vulcano suo. Gryll Grange
  • An automotive road spring bolt rapid replacer comprises a shell component, a power input mechanism, a triple retarding mechanism and a power output mechanism.
  • Nonetheless, I do firmly believe that with all that money pouring in, the English FA could spread it around to all the teams, with the lowest placers getting a slightly larger percentage.
  • Until standards were firmly in place, child placers would stumble along with nothing to guide them but trial and error.
  • His strong points were as a microphone placer and a recorder - he really captured some really great sounds on tape.
  • The objection to the placer origin have centred around the softness of uranium compounds.
  • Puisqu'il faut bien tenir la balance égale et faire une place aux ronchonneurs à côté des soupirs d '"une admiration stupéfaite d'être si admirative", voici donc une autre réflexion très rapide sur la décision de BHO de remplacer Petraeus par McChrystal, - non, pardon, McChrystal par Petraeus … Elle est de Andrew Sullivan, sur son site personnel de Dedefensa
  • Bon ben moi j'arrive pas malheureusement… je me réjouissais déjà de placer mon petit commentaire vidéo JUSTE derrière Loïc Le Meur, mais non, je n'ai pas réussi à enregistrer… j'ai pu m'authentifier, mais quand je clique sur le bouton d'enregistrement ou sur enter ou return ou n'importe quoi, ça ne commence jamais à enregistrer… bouhhh Trying the Seesmic Video Plugin — Climb to the Stars
  • For example, many ad placers wrote that they enjoyed walks by the beach though their Utica, New York, town is 170 miles from the Atlantic.
  • Unlike other events where only the top placers get awards, everyone who finishes gets an award.
  • We built this heavy-duty water cart to haul milk replacer to our 60 calf huts.
  • The appearance and classification of fat replacer, study and application of carbohydrate fat - mimetic overseas are introduced in the paper.
  • This is followed by chapters devoted to the general characteristics of bedrock and placer gold.
  • Comparing λ-carrageenan and an inulin blend as fat replacers in carboxymethyl cellulose dairy desserts. DairyReporter RSS
  • However, such placers became exhausted very quickly, and diggers did not have the equipment or money to mine deeper layers.
  • For example, about 80 percent of the world's tin deposits occur as unconsolidated placer deposits in riverbeds and on the seafloor.
  • Diamond drilling bits were used in prospecting, and thermal ore processing allowed winter panning in placer mines.
  • Bridge = the card game (also called "Bridge" in French = jouer au bridge = to play bridge); une mauvaise perdante = a sore loser; une poignée (f) = a fistful; Tu dois déplacer une de ces baguettes sans déranger les autres = you must move one of these sticks without upsetting the others; un tas (m) = heap, pile; la balle (f) = ball; sans déranger le tas = without upsetting the heap Mauvais perdant - French Word-A-Day
  • There is also the situation with placer reserves.
  • Geologists commonly reserve the term placer for unconsolidated sediment - materials that have not been lithified.
  • As a kind of productive material, every type of engineering machine has no monopoly market structure, and the approximator and replacer are emerging in endlessly.
  • Huge mounds of river rock stand with great hubris along the creek banks, remnants of the exhaustive sluice and placer mining operations that once took place on the town's perimeter.
  • Prices will fluctuate and, for low-end matrix specimens and most placer gold, will be keyed to the prevailing spot price of gold.
  • The first placers of this race received instant 1000 baht prize money and were very happy for their first piece of luck in the races.
  • This also comes on the heels of a large pullback in the year-to-year layoff announcements as calculated by executive outplacer Challenger Gray & Christmas. Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: Has the Employment Situation Bottomed?
  • However, the Colombian mines remained the only source of platinum until the discovery of the Russian placer deposits in the 1820s.
  • En fait le capteur du pied gauche glisse et a la facheuse habitude de se deplacer a coté de la fleche du bas ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Like testers intent on detecting feeble-mindedness among students, immigrants, and soldiers, child placers welcomed intelligence as a proxy for social status.
  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Wikipedia is a good textbook-replacer because it gives the same broad, over-arching view of a topic that any textbook can give you.
  • A placer camp he knew was ephemeral, while a quartz camp abided, and he kept a score of men in the quest for months. Chapter XI
  • It followed the contour line of the mountain, running above the placer plant, then dipping quite sharply. HIGH STAND
  • Prospectors equipped with picks, shovels, and the ubiquitous gold pans searched for placer deposits - loose flakes and nuggets that have eroded and washed into streams.
  • Lode gold deposits and related placers located in the southern part of the upper Yana basin form a special group.
  • But I hadn't read up on the geological background of placer gold deposits then. HIGH STAND
  • In general the mineral is recovered on a commercial scale only from placers, where it has been concentrated along with other dense, insoluble minerals such as zircon, garnet, ilmenite, and sometimes gold. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Car même si elle affirme placer son pouvoir plutôt du côté du bien, elle peut parfois balancer à l'opposé. Carmen : The Last Witch
  • The studied platinum - gold placer occurs in Quaternary alluvial - diluvial a piedmont valley of ultrabasic rocks, Northwest China.
  • It has a conchoidal fracture and a calculated density of 3.51 gm / [cm.sup.3], just high enough to be recovered by the careful panner or through traditional placer techniques.
  • Many people do not realise the importance of continuing to give colostrum, mixed with milk replacer, for the first two weeks.
  • Erosion of the rocks around the dikes created Arizona's richest placer deposits, and the site of Arizona's greatest gold rush.
  • The number of new entrepreneurial startups plunged in the first half of 2010, says a survey from outplacer and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
  • He was third in the hammer won by Hull's Smith, but with the second placer from Southern Ireland he secured the second international spot.
  • There are many favorable conditions for forming marine gold placers, many large and medium-scale endogenous gold deposits have-been found there.
  • The state heavily pushed gold miners toward it; a special governmental decree even authorized free placer gold prospecting and mining.
  • Those occurring at or near the surface, and called "quarries," "placer deposits, The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Child placers who acted out of ignorance were all too prone to confusing love with money, and those motivated by money obviously overlooked love entirely.
  • Elles tendent à placer nos troupes dans un dispositif leur permettant de prendre l'offensive dans un délai assez rapproché. 1914
  • The economically most important minerals concentrated in placers are listed in Table 1.
  • It is an inexorable trend to reduce the quantity of fat in meat products with food gums mixture as fat replacer in the development of low-fat meat products.
  • Nunc placerat nibh ut odio rhoncus ut gravida est suscipit. Site Home
  • The second and third placers will receive $1,500 and $1,000.
  • Kinship by design allowed agency workers to distinguish themselves from both commercial and humanitarian child placers.
  • These pioneer prospectors practiced surface mining, obtaining gold from the alluvial deposits called placers.
  • Because of their resistance to weathering, they accumulate on shale slopes and sometimes form small placer deposits in stream beds.
  • Emesis, lactogenic lavage, can you take sotolol with levaquin of bandaided displacer followed in 30 coughs by a blueandgrey hypolipidemic would permeate dreadful therapy. Wii-volution
  • A knob of the granite that is known as Granite Mountain is a prominent landmark, and most of the placer deposits are in washes draining this feature.
  • Diamond drilling bits were used in prospecting, and thermal ore processing allowed winter panning in placer mines.
  • Other exhibits focus on placer and lode deposits, major gold rushes, and uses of gold through the centuries.
  • This work has helped to increase the efficiency and profitability of Yukon placer mines in spite of rising production costs and low gold prices.
  • Alder Gulch, discovered in May 1863, rendered prodigious amounts of placer gold-arguably the most ever extracted from a single gulch.
  • Sunday early evening saw a dinner at Nang Nual Restaurant in Jomtien where officials handed out trophies to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placers in each class.
  • This province is among the leaders in lode gold production and is also a significant source of placer gold.
  • A woman accused of leaving her five-year-old child alone in a car overnight Monday while she gambled at a Placer County casino is being booked on felony child endangerment charges.
  • Hade skribenten väntat ett par dagar med texten hade han kunnat lägga till att Svenska Kyrkan och Luleå kommun tillsammans beslutat att ställa in en traditionell minneshögtid för förintelsens offer för att det känns "obekvämt" och "malplacerat" efter Israels militära insats i Gaza. av gudmundson kl 00: 09 0 kommentarer: kommentera länka Gudmundson
  • Thus gold can be mined either from lode or from placer deposits.
  • Venus ipsa non placeret comis nudata, capite spoliata, si qualis ipsa Venus cum fuit virgo omni gratiarum choro stipata, et toto cupidinun populo concinnata, baltheo suo cincta, cinnama fragrans, et balsama, si calva processerit, placere non potest Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A placer gold area is usually distributed in the flowing regions of plain terrain, belt-like rivers.
  • Before the finals they organized a betting pool on who the top two placers would be.

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