How To Use Placental mammal In A Sentence
The 13 living genera are relicts of this earlier diversification and represent one of the four major clades of placental mammals.
all mammals except monotremes and marsupials are placental mammals
The reproductive system of the therians (marsupial and placental mammals) is a complex variation on the egg-layer's basic tubular structure.
Lemuroid and the higher forms of primates; for those between the original primate and other root-forms of placental mammals; for those between primary placental and implacental mammals, and perhaps also for the divergence of the most ancient stock of these and of the monotremes, for in all these cases modifications of structure appear to increase in complexity in at least that ratio.
On the Genesis of Species
Again, the implacental mammals, including the Ornithodelphia and the Marsupials, are admitted to be lower than the placental series.
Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays

The placental mammals include such diverse forms as whales, bats, elephants, shrews, and armadillos.
The subject requires careful re-investigation, but if the currently received statements are correct, the appearance of the ‘corpus callosum’ in the placental mammals is the greatest and most sudden modification exhibited by the brain in the whole series of vertebrated animals — it is the greatest leap anywhere made by Nature in her brain work.
The quagga is a placental mammal, a group also called Eutheria by scientists.
The reproductive system of the therians (marsupial and placental mammals) is a complex variation on the egg-layer's basic tubular structure.
In all placental mammals the lower canine bites ‘ahead’ of the upper canine (look at sloths and you’ll see that they differ – almost certainly because one of their canines isn’t actually a true canine), and in peccaries the almost total lack of enamel on the posterior surface of the lower canine means that it is constantly sharpened as it moves against the enamelled anterior face of the upper canine.
Why putting your hand in a peccary’s mouth is a really bad idea
monotremes and marsupials are aplacental mammals
To distinguish them from the marsupials and the placental mammals the monotremes are placed in their own class, the prototheria.
New Holland has merely marsupial and some monotrematous, but no placental, mammalia; even its tertiary strata give no placental mammalia, but marsupialia, in analogy with all living genera, herbivorous, and carnivorous.
The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
The placental mammals include such diverse forms as whales, bats, elephants, shrews, and armadillos.
There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
In the lower and smaller forms of placental Mammals the surface of the cerebral hemispheres is either smooth or evenly rounded, or exhibits a very few grooves, which are technically termed 'sulci,' separating ridges or 'convolutions' of the substance of the brain; and the smaller species of all orders tend to a similar smoothness of brain.
Lectures and Essays
For unknown reasons, Australia was apparently originally populated entirely by marsupials rather than placental mammals.
There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
Remarkable similarities between certain placental and implacental mammals, between the bird's-head processes of
On the Genesis of Species
Most placental mammals have teeth that are capped with enamel, but there are also lineages without teeth, such as anteaters, pangolins and baleen whales, or with enamelless teeth, such as armadillos, sloths, aardvarks and pygmy and sperm whales.
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