How To Use Placenta In A Sentence
And then my etymological heart quickened in the presence of the Grand Design, for there was one more definition: "One of the cotyle-dons or lobes of the placenta in ruminating animals.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
In a healthy pregnancy, cells that come from the embryo's placenta-called trophoblast cells-move into the walls of the uterus and help to open up maternal arteries, thereby increasing the available blood and nutrient supply.
Slate Articles
Transplacental transfer of small - cell carcinoma of lung.
First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
The placenta derives from embryonic cells called trophoblasts, which form a ball around the cells that ultimately develop into the fetus.
It is always a good idea to take your mom to the vet shortly after whelping to be sure she has not retained a placenta or even a dead puppy that will need to be expelled.
monotremes and marsupials are aplacental mammals
It most likely functions as an adhesion protein, connecting the placenta to the uterus.
Dogs, rhinoceroses, tree sloths, horses, and whales are placentals.
The oligonucleotide is chemically modified for in vivo stability and specific placental uptake.
The Scientist
Blood then courses down through the descending aorta and comes back to the placenta where it gets oxygenated again by way of two umbilical arteries.
Most placental mammals have teeth that are capped with enamel, but there are also lineages without teeth, such as anteaters, pangolins and baleen whales, or with enamelless teeth, such as armadillos, sloths, aardvarks and pygmy and sperm whales.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
We felt that compared with placentas with focal lesions, placentas with well-established HEV would more reliably reflect associated events.
Conclusion: To find placental abruption early and treat correctly can decrease danger of pregnancies and infants.
Chorioangiopagus vessels are vessels that join the fetuses in the placenta.
Your first example hearkens back to the idea of quickening — the point at which a woman “feels” a child inside — hardly at the moment of fertilziation, indeed, often not until week 20 or even later depending on how the placenta is situated.
First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
When the placenta function obstacles, umbilical cord around the neck, improper use of pregnant women, the case of adverse external stimulus, may cause abnormal fetal movement.
Clones displaying a preferential expression in early placenta after Southern blot analysis were selected and sequenced.
I would like to see more about the possibility of using the placental and adult stem cells vs. the embryonic ones.
And it was nothing more, -- would have been a whit roused from its apathy, by the information that the primrose is a Dicotyledonous Exogen, with a monopetalous corolla and central placentation.
Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews
Human cytotrophoblast cells were collected from the placentas and cultured.
Signs of the Times
The mammalian chorioallantoic placenta synthesizes, transports, and metabolizes a suite of steroid and peptide hormones
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Remarkable similarities between certain placental and implacental mammals, between the bird's-head processes of
On the Genesis of Species
Nurse Callan taken aback in the hallway cannot stay them nor smiling surgeon coming downstairs with news of placentation ended, a full pound if a milligramme.
When the placenta grows across the opening of the cervix, it is described as a placenta previa.
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
On the other hand, the villi on that part of the chorion which is in contact with the decidua placentalis increase greatly in size and complexity, and hence this part is named the chorion frondosum (Fig. 28).
I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
They are caused by a tearing of the inner part of the placenta called the amnion, which produces the fiber-like bands that may trap the baby's extremities such as the arms, legs, fingers or toes.
But as leaves produce other leaves, from their edges or their surfaces, and as they form buds in the same situations, just as axial organs do, [561] there is surely little ground for considering the placentas, or ovuliferous portions of the plant, to be of necessity axial.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The berries in the most derived clade (Olmstead et al.'s subfamily ‘Solanoideae’) are all morphologically similar, with two carpels, axile placentation and mostly lenticular seeds.
She therefore underwent dilation and curettage to remove fragmented placental tissue.
The ovary is superiorly positioned with basal placentation.
During EXIT, which stands for ex-utero intrapartum therapy, the baby is delivered through an abdominal incision, but remains connected to the umbilical cord to allow the baby to maintain placental support.
CCAM — Ryan
But living animal was produced only if the sheep blastomer was taken from trophoblast, the structure giving rise to placenta and extraembryonic fetal membranes, and goat cells from inner mass of embrionic stem cells.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Doctors thought she might have “placental abruption”, and that the baby would be at risk of being stillborn.
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Sucking lice are exclusively hematophagous ectoparasites of eutherian (placental) mammals, and are worldwide distribution.
There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
[2], [15] Therefore, if the CAM has similar steroidogenic properties as the chorioallantoic placenta, then it should synthesize key placental hormones, such as P4.
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Molecular and morphological supertrees for eutherian (placental) mammals.
We flightless primates
AIM To isolate cytotrophoblasts from human placentae and investigate the specific route of mother to infant transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV).
And, last of all, the first scan showed that, this time, the placenta is placed towards my back, effectively removing a potential frontal shock absorber from the equation.
The drug can be transferred to the baby via the placenta.
Both taxa are placental or eutherian mammals, but their relationships to other eutherians continue to be a source of discussion.
· Once the line of cleavage has been found, use the edge of the pronated hand as a knife, to dislodge the placenta.
Chapter 7
The distance from the placental edge to the insertion of the umbilical cord was measured after delivery, and the results were used to classify cord insertion as normal, marginal, or velamentous.
Split of therians into placentals and marsupials happens at this time.
Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish".
Moffett A, Loke C (2006) Immunology of placentation in eutherian mammals.
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The bacteria can also be passed through the placenta during pregnancy, this is known as congenital syphilis.
In countries outside the United States, Doppler flow velocimetry is used to monitor uteroplacental blood flow.
And unless the little sack [folliculus] of the placenta is the intermediary between the falling blood and the child, [the blood] by penetrating would kill him who is exposed.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
This ancient placental family coexisted with the marsupials from the early days of the continent's isolation.
Placenta previa and placenta abruptio, both of which can cause severe bleeding. to name a few.
Apollo's Daughter :: June 2nd, 2009
Selective bipolar umbilical cord cautery and transection of anomalous parabiotic twin The patient was a 33-year-old, second pregnancy, referred at 21 weeks gestational age for pregnancy complicated by a monochorionic, monoamniotic (single shared placenta, single shared amniotic sac) twin pregnancy, with one twin reported to have multiple congenital anomalies.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
The virus traverses the placenta and, may seriously interfere with organogenesis.
It occurs as a consequence of an edematous fetus or placenta.
In those plants which present this deviation from the ordinary condition with the greatest frequency, it often happens that the axis is normally more or less prolonged, either between the various whorls of the flower, as in the case of the gynophore, &c., or into the cavity of the carpels, as in the instances of free central placentation.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
We analyzed tissues from 368 specimens of pregnancy loss and 219 placentas of live-born infants using CGH.
In an analysis of case fatality rates among pregnant women who had placental abruption subsequent to trauma, 69 percent of fetal deaths were prevented by cesarean delivery.
The stalk lengthens as the fetus develops within its amniotic sac, and at the uterine end the blood vessels become part of the developing placenta.
In each later pregnancy, maternal Rh antibodies can cross the placenta and reach the fetus.
In pre-eclampsia, the placenta runs short of blood.
The Sun
He pointed out that whales share a number of traits with land mammals, such as milk and a placenta.
The true place of Moringa seems to be near Xanthophyllum with which genus it has some remarkable points of resemblance, witness the papilionaceous corolla; unilocular stamina, their situation, ovary, placentation, and lastly glandulation.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
Turns out I didn't write a newsletter for your 59th month, and I blame that entirely on what I call placenta brain, the situation that occurs when a pregnant woman's blood supply is so concentrated on growing someone else's fingers and toes that her brain doesn't have enough juice to complete simple tasks.
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An unquestioned monotreme, Steropodon has molars that are surprisingly similar to those of marsupials and placentals, suggesting a closer relationship to living therians than had generally been thought.
We applaud stem-cell research, especially with adult cells, and placental and umbilical tissues.
She could also transmit the infection to the fetus across the placenta.
It reports the quantitative analysis of Purkinje cell fractality in a number of placentates, one marsupial and two bird species, showing that fractal complexity is essentially identical in these species.
Another unintelligent move - The Panda's Thumb
For unknown reasons, Australia was apparently originally populated entirely by marsupials rather than placental mammals.
_Rhododendron_ I have observed a similar condition of the ovules, which, moreover, in the primary flowers, were attached to the walls of the carpels -- parietal placentation.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The visceral veins are the two vitelline or omphalomesenteric veins bringing the blood from the yolk-sac, and the two umbilical veins returning the blood from the placenta; these four veins open close together into the sinus venosus.
V. Angiology. 3. Development of the Vascular System
Medics carried out the emergency operation after she suffered a placental abruption which caused severe bleeding.
Times, Sunday Times
To Santalaceae they approach in processes, valvate corolla, and placentation, also to Loranthaceae.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
EXIT, which stands for "ex utero intrapartum therapy," allows the baby to be partially delivered through a C-section while still attached to the placenta via the umbilical cord.
Giant Neck Mass -- Kelly
Trisomy 21 placentas: Histopathological and immunohistochemical findings using proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 12 (4), 210-215, 1997.
Prenatal Diagnosis
They described primitive cells found in a part of the placenta called the amnion, which they coaxed into forming a variety of cell types and which look very similar to sought-after embryonic stem cells.
Sutural, parietal, axile, free-central placentation, and, if there be more forms, all may be met with even in the same ovary (see pp. 96, 508).
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
It was a beautiful, round, full placenta: dark red on one side - the villous side, which had been attached to the wall of my womb - and glistening silver on Jacob's side, due to the covering of his membranes.
We are familiar with the monotremes, marsupials and placentals of today, but there were also other kinds, such as multituberculates, which are now extinct.
Nature has compensated, and the cord-placental blood has blood cells that are superefficient at utilising what oxygen is still around.
Times, Sunday Times
Fruit dicarpillary, stigmata four, hence they are placentary not costoid. bilocular, loculis dispermis, ovula 2 pend; 1 abortiv. semiunceum, testa vix arillus obsacuit clause lutescens carnosa et ab nuclei inter adhaeren.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
In abruptio placenta, the placenta starts separating from the wall of the uterus, and if a great deal of bleeding takes place, the fetus can be in real danger.
Shouldn’t I Be Happy?
We were unable to determine if the placental indications for placental examination were adhered to, as this determination is reliant on the accoucheur recognizing the abnormalities to warrant submitting the placenta for examination.
The relationship between placental development and villous proliferation in the vessels is presented.
Although dental local anaesthetic injections such as lignocaine can enter the placenta, which filters out most drugs, the doses used in most dental procedures are considered safe.
The Romans called the point at which the cord connecting the fetus with the placenta was cut and tied off the umbilicus, from umbo, “knob, projection.”
No Uncertain Terms
New alternatives, which are currently experimental, include harvesting stem cells from umbilical cord blood or placentas of new born babies.
The body has lots of different barriers – blood-brain barrier, the skin, the lining of the gut , the placenta – and it may be that this mechanism works in some of these barriers.
Thanks to the labours of those observers who have devoted their attention to that difficult but most important branch of study, organogeny, or the investigation of the development of the various organs, and to the researches of the students of comparative anatomy or morphology, the main principles regulating the arrangement and form of the organs of flowering plants seem to be fairly well established, though in matters of detail much remains to be cleared up, even in such important points as the share which the axis takes in the construction of the flower and fruit, the nature of the placenta, the construction of the ovules, and other points.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Causes of spontaneous abortion may relate to the fetus, the placenta, or the uterus.
As the ovary elongates only above the placenta, the ovules appear basal at anthesis.
However, as you have examined many flowers of both A. luteola and Loddigesii, such a difference in the ovulary or placental structures could scarcely have escaped your observation.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
However, by 27 October she was in hospital and the baby, which was at full term, was at considerable risk because the placenta was haemorrhaging.
Siamese twins are identical twins who develop with a single placenta from a single zygote.
Peppers produce these compounds only in glands located in their pods' placental partition, which is the white, fleshy membrane where the seeds are attached.
In the lower and smaller forms of placental Mammals the surface of the cerebral hemispheres is either smooth or evenly rounded, or exhibits a very few grooves, which are technically termed 'sulci,' separating ridges or 'convolutions' of the substance of the brain; and the smaller species of all orders tend to a similar smoothness of brain.
Lectures and Essays
It will be remembered, also, how, in certain natural orders, under ordinary circumstances, considerable diversity in placentation exists, according as the margins of the carpels are merely valvate or are infolded so as to reach the centre.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Dr. Lueck observed the organism in the placental tissue of toxemic mothers and identified it in the circulating blood of toxemic patients.
In Helianthemum the capsule has been described as unilocular or trilocular; and in H. mutabile, Une lame, plus ou moins large, setend entre le pericarpe et le placenta.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
In a 2009 French study at the University of Caen, scientists discovered that glyphosate can kill the cells in the outer layer of the human placenta (the trophoblast membrane), which in turn can kill the placenta.
Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
Notably, in the three mammalian groups, equids, murids, and peromyscids, in which placental development of interspecific hybrids was analyzed to date, placentation defects were observed.
One mechanism by which microorganisms might cause preterm labor is through ascension from the cervical/vaginal area and replication in the placenta, decidua and membranes.
The placental mammals include such diverse forms as whales, bats, elephants, shrews, and armadillos.
A placenta or afterbirth is attached to the wall of the uterus and is the source of food and oxygen for the puppy inside the matron.
Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish".
The primary estrogen secreted by the ovary is estradiol, whereas that of the placenta is estriol.
Primary Infarcts.-Discrete areas of ischemic villous necrosis (primary infarcts) reflect obstruction to maternal - placental blood flow.
Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish".
Second, the story is a reminder that caffeine, like alcohol, freely crosses the placenta.
The trophoblast eventually forms the placenta, through which the embryo proper receives dissolved nutrients and is cleansed of waste.
More recently, a placental hormone, dimeric inhibin, has been reported elevated in DS and, if included in the screening protocol, will increase the detection rate of DS to 80%.
Aminolaevulinic acid can cross the placenta and possibly cause toxicity to the developing fetal brain.
Now they have found, from studies of placental tissue, that the carbon monoxide in smoke makes the difference.
Times, Sunday Times
And, last of all, the first scan showed that, this time, the placenta is placed towards my back, effectively removing a potential frontal shock absorber from the equation.
Both genera were transferred to Flacourtiaceae by Warburg and later by Gilg on the basis of a number of morphological characters, such as a trimerous ovary with parietal placentation and anthers with longitudinal dehiscence.
When we studied all the patterns of amino-acid replacement and silent substitution, we discovered several replacements that all placental and marsupial mammals share.
Clones displaying a preferential expression in early placenta after Southern blot analysis were selected and sequenced.
If significant placental abruption occurs, a viable fetus should be delivered immediately.
It is said that Sucralose breaks down into 1,6-dichlorofructose, which is toxic and can lead to shrunken thymus glands up to 40% shrinkage and enlarged liver and kidneys, Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus Increased cecal weight Reduced growth rate Decreased red blood cell count Hyperplasia of the pelvis Extension of the pregnancy period Aborted pregnancy Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights Diarrhoea.
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Some reasons to undertake such procedures, as suggested by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, include: pregnancy-related high blood pressure; infection in the uterus; and leaking amniotic fluid without labor starting or a placental abruption -- that is, the placenta, which nourishes the baby, peels away from the uterus, a very rare complication requiring immediate attention.
Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Electively Induced Labor: Remember, For Babies' Sake, Every Week Counts
The atypical clinical appearances and short active phase of labor are the cause of antepartum misdiagnosed. Atypical abruptio placentae is an important causes of perinatal mortality.
Early diagnosis and timely treatment of mild abruptio placenta may decrease fetal and neonatal mortality and diminish maternal complications.
In the allied department of obstetrics we find chapters on the signs of conception, on the urine in pregnant women, on difficult labor, prolapsus uteri, retention of the placenta, post partum hemorrhage, afterpains, and the oedema of pregnancy.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
Then at 31 weeks into her seventh pregnancy (already complicated by placenta praevia) her membranes ruptured and premature labour ensued.
Cadmium also accumulates in the bone, pancreas, adrenals, and placenta.
Postulating a shared placental circulation between the two, he cross skin grafted them successfully (15).
Joseph E. Murray - Nobel Lecture
Researchers analyzed trophoblast cells from the placenta from 40 pregnant women about to undergo surgery for ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion.
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“Reversed arterial perfusion” is used to describe this condition because blood enters the abnormal twin through the umbilical artery (which usually carries blood away from the fetus back to the placenta) and exits through the umbilical vein, which normally carries blood from the placenta to the fetus.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
Following the birth of the neonate, the placenta was delivered and the patient began to experience severe hemorrhage, which was clinically attributed to uterine atony.
The placental tissue from the fetus then invades the uterine wall by sending finger-like extensions into it.
The physiological site of the defect in these mice, the chorionic placenta, is found only in therian mammals.
One point makes the above view more probable in Acropera than in other cases, viz. the presence of rudimentary placentae or testae, for
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
New alternatives, which are currently experimental, include harvesting stem cells from umbilical cord blood or placentas of new born babies.
The nodules were wrapped by anastomosing networks of blood vessels, reminiscent of the cotyledons of a placenta.
Folic acid also is crucial to support the rapid growth of the placenta and fetus.
It will be remembered, also, how, in certain natural orders, under ordinary circumstances, considerable diversity in placentation exists, according as the margins of the carpels are merely valvate or are infolded so as to reach the centre.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The placenta produces a gonadotrophin of its own that is not quite like those of the pituitary.
The Human Brain
If you want to read about roast dog and human placenta wine, or just try recipes such as Keralan mussels with ginger and chilli, or roast pork and clam sticky rice, this book is for you.
Selective bipolar umbilical cord cautery and transection of anomalous parabiotic twin The patient was a 33-year-old, second pregnancy, referred at 21 weeks gestational age for pregnancy complicated by a monochorionic, monoamniotic (single shared placenta, single shared amniotic sac) twin pregnancy, with one twin reported to have multiple congenital anomalies.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
The corpus luteum is maintained by a hormone signal (HCG-human chorionic gonadotrophin) secreted by the developing placenta.
And it was nothing more, -- would have been a whit roused from its apathy by the information that the primrose is a Dicotyledonous Exogen, with a monopetalous corolla and central placentation.
Science & Education
The placenta produces large amounts of the hormone progesterone, which appropriately prevents the uterine smooth muscle from contracting, but also relaxes smooth muscle throughout the body.
The placentation is constantly axile in the inferior row and parietal in the upper one.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Ultrastructural research has revealed that the placental organization is remarkably diverse between major bryophyte groups but that, with the exception of simple thalloid liverworts, it shows only minor intra-group variation.
The sonographer scans the patient, taking an initial assessment of the fetuses, the placenta, and the amniotic cavity.
Sometimes ultrasound tests called biophysical profiles are used as well, and Doppler waveform measurement by ultrasound on the placenta/umbilical cord.
Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes
Alcohol enters the fetus readily through the placenta and is eliminated by maternal metabolism.
These invaginations represent placental outgrowths and they extend towards the centre, enclosing the central hole into a triangular slit.
Painter DL, Moore MC (2005) Steroid hormone metabolism by the chorioallantoic placenta of the mountain spiny lizard Sceloporus jarrovi as a possible mechanism for buffering maternal-fetal hormone exchange.
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Wilson RD, Johnson A, Ryan G. Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 2: Should laser ablation of placental anastomoses be used in all cases of twin to twin transfusion?
Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
In most pregnant women, the placenta forms and grows just as it should.
Phyllanthus, the carpella of which are ovuliferous below, the upper part being fleshy, the stigmata are two to each, obviously corresponding to the placentary inflexions, while the sinus terminating the dorsal suture is totally naked; it is this which should bear the stigma if Lindley's view were correct.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
In both species there are several layers of cells with labyrinthine walls (transfer cells) on both the sporophytic and gametophytic side of the placenta.
New Holland has merely marsupial and some monotrematous, but no placental, mammalia; even its tertiary strata give no placental mammalia, but marsupialia, in analogy with all living genera, herbivorous, and carnivorous.
The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
Cathy's work suggests that, unlike placentals, marsupial mammals never had to rediscover red; for them, it's always been there.
Extreme care is used in inspecting the placenta and membranes in an effort to insure complete expression of the entire decidua.
The identified infants were included in the study when placental pathologic and cranial ultrasonographic data were available for review.
Women with hypertension, diabetes, previous Cesarean births, fetal malformations, breech presentations and placenta previa were excluded.
Siamese twins are identical twins who develop with a single placenta from a single zygote.
We're talking about things like the amnion, the chorion, the allantoic sac, the placenta, the umbilical cord, if those words sound familiar to you.
The smoothies are prepared using a piece of raw placenta from the new mother and fruit such as strawberries or blueberries.
Times, Sunday Times
After the baby is delivered, the placenta's job is done and it is delivered as the afterbirth.
Sibley CP, Jones CJ, Turner MA, Greenwood SL (2001) The functional regeneration of syncytiotrophoblast in cultured explants of term placenta.
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And, like the author, the only thing that impresses me about these celebrity docs is their creativity -- Sepkowitz describes how the first Dr. Feelgood used solubilized placenta.
Archive 2009-07-01
transplacental passage of nutrients
This variant is an autocrine factor, acting on extravillous invasive cytotrophoblast cells to initiate and control invasion as occurs at implantation of pregnancy and the establishment of hemochorial placentation, and malignancy as occurs in invasive hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma.
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In _Casuarina_, _Juglans_ and the order Corylaceae, the pollen-tube does not enter by means of the micropyle, but passing down the ovary wall and through the placenta, enters at the chalazal end of the ovule.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish".
This change of position is regulated by the male sex hormone testosterone, the secretion of which is stimulated by the hormone called chorionic gonadotropin exuded by the placenta.
‘Looking across the world, 99.9 percent of modern mammals are placentals and marsupials, so finding how they came about is an important question,’ he said.
Fruit dicarpillary, stigmata four, hence they are placentary not costoid. bilocular, loculis dispermis, ovula 2 pend; 1 abortiv. semiunceum, testa vix arillus obsacuit clause lutescens carnosa et ab nuclei inter adhaeren.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
In mice, the gender of adjacent siblings on the placental fetus line in the uterus will affect such things as the male/female ratio of a given mouse's subsequent offspring, and even the longevity of those offspring.
To distinguish them from the marsupials and the placental mammals the monotremes are placed in their own class, the prototheria.
The fox cub was still attached to its umbilical cord and placenta when it was spotted in a garden and brought into the centre by the homeowner.
Times, Sunday Times
The 13 living genera are relicts of this earlier diversification and represent one of the four major clades of placental mammals.
The three main causes of post-partum hemorrhage are uterine atony; vaginal, cervical, or perineal lacerations; and retained placenta or placental fragments.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
There are lots of things I would personally rather not do breastfeed someone else's child, let someone breastfeed mine, keep my placenta in the freezer, have my parents present while I give birth, eat frogs' legs or live oysters, go potholing... but moral judgments have no place in such decisions.
They Shoot Wet Nurses, Don't They?
In all placental mammals the lower canine bites ‘ahead’ of the upper canine (look at sloths and you’ll see that they differ – almost certainly because one of their canines isn’t actually a true canine), and in peccaries the almost total lack of enamel on the posterior surface of the lower canine means that it is constantly sharpened as it moves against the enamelled anterior face of the upper canine.
Why putting your hand in a peccary’s mouth is a really bad idea
Exchange of respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) across the placenta from the mother to the fetus and from the fetus to the mother.
GDM is a well known risk factor for foetal overgrowth, termed macrosomia which is influenced by maternal hypergycemia and endocrine status through placental circulation.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Autoimmune disorders such as antiphospholipid antibodies can cause blood clots that clog vessels in the placenta.
Getting Answers on Miscarriage
The reproductive system of the therians (marsupial and placental mammals) is a complex variation on the egg-layer's basic tubular structure.
The presence of an apparently unique type of lymphocyte in the uterus at implantation and during early placentation is intriguing.
The dry seed was elongated along the main axis, with an elaiosome at the former placental end and revolute margins folded under the seed.
The placenta stain where she calved you is still there.
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At an early stage the embryo forms itself into two parts, one becoming the developing baby and the other developing into the placenta.
Women with morbidly adherent placenta were likely to experience more complications and transfusions.
And it was nothing more, -- would have been a whit roused from its apathy, by the information that the primrose is a Dicotyledonous Exogen, with a monopetalous corolla and central placentation.
Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews
The sonographer at the hospital noticed irregularities in the placenta.
The Sun
Placental abruption occurs in 5 per cent of pregnancies, but in only 1 per cent does it prove fatal.
Times, Sunday Times
Vitamin E injection significantly reduced the incidence of retained placenta and metritis but had no effect on clinical mastitis.
But, exactly in those respects in which the developing Man differs from the Dog, he resembles the ape, which, like man, has a spheroidal yelk-sac and a discoidal — sometimes partially lobed — placenta.
Stem cells can be derived from sources other than embryos - from adult cells, from umbilical cords that are discarded after babies are born, from human placentas.
The disease also can be seen from an apparently uncomplicated delivery and from more obvious causes of decreased oxygen such as Caesarean section or premature separation of the placenta (red bag delivery). News
They confirmed that explant cultures with a longer incubation period are valuable for studying the death and repair of the trophoblast and for investigating the chronic regulation of placental function under pathological conditions.
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We steam the placenta and dehydrate it and capsulate it.
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Partial view of flower and dissected gynoecium with two placentas.
Throughout the pregnancy the fetus obtains nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood, by transfer in the placenta to its own umbilical cord blood, and it excretes waste products of metabolism by the same route in reverse.