- a person authorized to act for another
- a symbol in a logical or mathematical expression that can be replaced by the name of any member of specified set
How To Use placeholder In A Sentence
- Most are "reserving places in a [regulatory] queue as placeholders to keep future options open," according to Nuclear Engineering International, a trade magazine.
- But I don't mind using such a term as a kind of mental placeholder for whatever ancestor the shaman may've had, always keeping in mind that some evidence might cause one to adjust what the placeholder signifies. Supernatural Superserious
- With the Impress files created, I needed to replace my graphic image placeholders with the actual image.
- But even users of low-end databases can benefit from using placeholders because they ensure strings will be quoted correctly, even if they contain quotation marks or apostrophes.
- Their ethereal, angular post-punk replication is competent but anonymous, and their lyrics are epigrammatic bordering on cryptic, serving as ideal, nondescript verbal placeholders.
- You can go as far as do dynamic keyword insertion by putting in placeholders into your text such as \% keyword\% or even a long nonsense string that'll never get used in the actual text such as Blue Hat SEO-Advanced SEO Tactics
- •domain.com is a placeholder for the name of the domain that the server joins. Site Home
- By that definition, an antihero is a flat character, one that is simply a placeholder in a story rather than a true protganist. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Hero vs Antihero
- Each Moleskine notebook also has a built-in elastic closure that holds the sturdy cover closed a ribbon placeholder, and an expandable accordion pocket in the back made of cardboard for holding tickets, notes and clippings. Moleskine Daily Planner 2006
- Even if the Tag amount is just a placeholder for a trade and new contract, the leverage swings hard to Flynn for a strong contract either with the Packers or an acquiring team. CNN.com