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How To Use Placebo In A Sentence

  • BDC is currently conducting a Phase two placebo-controlled proof of concept study with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor, etanercept, epidurally administered to a minimum of 40 patients with sciatica. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • PHILIPS: Well, I think there is what we call a placebo effect. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2005
  • Three studies found no difference between those taking beta carotene supplements and those on a placebo pill.
  • Shulman CE, Dorman EK, Cutts F, Kawuondo K, Bulmer JN, et al. (1999) Intermittent sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent severe anaemia secondary to malaria in pregnancy: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But again it would be inappropriate and unethical to use a placebo when the consequences of doing so would subject someone to the risk of serious or irreversible harm.
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  • Interestingly, giving the subjects something that blocks the effects of the original drug resulted in the effects of the placebo being lost.
  • Creating double blind conditions in trials of counter irritants can be problematic; rubefacients irritate the skin whereas inactive placebos do not.
  • And, if some patients benefit from placebos, and they are not harmed, I guess I can live with that.
  • However, inactive agents are a poor placebo for an easily discriminable drug such as nicotine.
  • For the new study, almost 200 postmenopausal women who reported having at least 28 hot flashes a week were randomly selected to receive either a placebo or a daily flaxseed bar for six weeks. Flaxseed fails as treatment for hot flashes
  • Patients were randomized to the study drug -- a fixed-dose combination of 2 mg perindopril and 0.625 mg indapamide (Preterex) -- or placebo for six weeks. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • In the first instance, the word placebo comes to mind. Archive 2009-06-01
  • In each study, the rates in the vitamin A and placebo groups were similar.
  • Half the women received magnesium sulfate by injection or infusion in the hospital over about 24 hours, and the rest got a placebo.
  • The group was split in two with half getting statins and the other half getting a ‘placebo’.
  • A funnel plot showed noticeable asymmetry in the 11 placebo controlled trials.
  • In relation to controlling CAM, well I'm rather fond of certain placeboes myself, and why shouldn't I have them? "It Should Be Banned!" - Thoughts On Banning Things
  • All patients received placebo via the inhaler and were instructed on the proper technique for using this device.
  • In the study addressed yesterday, Vytorin was tested against a placebo in patients with a condition known as aortic stenosis, a calcification of the heart valve that is increasingly common among elderly patients and leads to congestive heart failure and death. More Vytorin Bad News
  • The medium/high caffeine consumers who got the placebo reported a decrease in alertness and increased headache, neither of which were reported by those who received caffeine. Caffeine Addicts Get No Real Pick-Me-Up From Their Morning Cup of Coffee | Impact Lab
  • Compared with those on placebos, patients who received active compounds said they both felt less pain and less muscle spasticity - the spasms characteristic of this neurodegenerative disease.
  • The pharmaceutical industry including some prominent researchers and supposed regulators continue to insist that testing new drugs against a placebo is the only way to get scientifically valid and meaningful results even though administration of placebos means some subjects get no treatment at all. The Constant Greedy
  • More than twice as many in the placebo group developed pre-eclampsia. The Sun
  • Adverse side effects included constipation, nausea, asthenia, and dizziness in 6.2 per cent more patients than those taking placebo.
  • All patients enrolled in the TEC-006OL trial first participated in the TEC-006 trial, which is a multicentre, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial comparing the efficacy and safety of TTX to placebo in approximately 120 patients with moderate to severe inadequately controlled cancer-related pain. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • In three small studies, men taking nettle root reported slightly better urine flow than men who were given a placebo.
  • There were also side effects in both groups, namely bloating, diarrhea and nausea, most likely due to the fiber in the placebo and flaxseed bars, said study author Sandhya Pruthi, an associate professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Flaxseed fails as treatment for hot flashes
  • Following a two-week placebo or vitamin capsule lead-in period, a randomized crossover treatment paradigm was utilized.
  • In meticulous detail it explained that some patients responded better to placebos than others, that they might respond at some times and not at others, and that considering the placebo response was essential in clinical trials.
  • Deep vein thrombosis occurred in 34 patients taking Crestor and 60 people who were taking placebos, indicating that treatment reduced the risk of clots by 43%. Statin Crestor lowers risk of deep-vein clots without bleeding
  • In both studies, bright light was superior to the placebo condition in producing clinical remissions.
  • Thirty-eight percent of patients responded to the placebo, and 52 percent to the medicines.
  • The study was a double-blind, randomized, crossover study in which the subjects used identical inhalers containing placebo or salbutamol for 6 weeks.
  • A more extensive study involving 86 CD patients examined the effect of 50,000 IU vitamin A acetate twice daily or placebo for an average of 14.1 months.
  • Safety and tolerability assessments of the treatment versus placebo group will be performed and secondary efficacy endpoints will include long-term microbiological responses, time to an exacerbation, severity of exacerbations, length of time to resolve exacerbations, and changes in spirometry and in quality-of-life measurements. Undefined
  • I'm not even against people recommending placeboes for self-limiting medical conditions, to help you "feel better", where the main alternative is to wait to get better. "It Should Be Banned!" - Thoughts On Banning Things
  • In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess potential abuse in adult patients, Strattera was not associated with a pattern of response that suggested stimulant or euphoriant properties.
  • There was no superiority to the usual effects of inactive placebos - which is the assumption made by active placebo advocates.
  • There was also an improvement on vagally mediated arterial baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity in a subset of ten testosterone patients who were compared with 12 placebo patients. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Complement properdin increased by 21 percent compared to the placebo group.
  • If there is no existing treatment, a placebo might be used (a placebo is a treatment that has no physical effect).
  • If yesterday was about admitting and addressing the illness, today and tomorrow will hopefully be about prescribing a direction for recovery [not a short-term placebo]. Cameron Sinclair: Davos: Looking Beyond the Obvious to See the Future
  • They found a significant improvement of symptoms compared to patients taking a placebo.
  • Experiments on animals have proved beyond doubt that even a placebo can cure by improving the immunochemistry of the body.
  • Korean researchers had 45 impotent men take either 900 mg of Korean red ginseng or a placebo three times daily.
  • Researchers from Philadelphia gave a single intravenous dose of secretin versus placebo in 61 children with autistic spectrum disorder.
  • There was also a 1.7-times higher chance of cure in the fluticasone group than in the placebo group.
  • The panel noted that the treatment, an improved version of naproxen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that can increase blood pressure and cause stomach problems, appeared to be more effective than placebo but was not necessarily shown to be as effective as naproxen, which is available generically. PharmaTimes World News
  • The big reveal is that everyone, getting real caffeine or fake, saw their brain getting more blood flow and activity, and the placebo crew felt just as awake or tired throughout the day as their temporarily lucky counterparts. Beat Caffeine Addiction, Then Stay Awake With Placebos | Lifehacker Australia
  • Some of the patients in the control group who did not achieve resolution of the wart following the placebo injection were unblinded and given Candida antigen injections.
  • Is there anything special about homoeopathy and placebo? Times, Sunday Times
  • The part of the Conservative is played by the banker who sold the victim this placebo.
  • Maybe I don't but there needs to be work done even if just to prove that the Placebo effect is in operation.
  • This implies that our findings perhaps cannot be explained purely in terms of the placebo effect.
  • Half were given the cream and the rest a non-active placebo.
  • According to the report published in the British Medical Journal, 60 percent of medical professionals prescribe placebos to their patients.
  • Until the allocations are revealed at the end of the trials, neither patients nor doctors know who is getting the real drug and who the placebo.
  • About half the patients were given the shark derivative, called AE-941 or Neovastat, while the balance got a placebo. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • If a curative effect doesn't show up in double-blind tests, then you're mainly talking about the placebo effect, in any case.
  • Biases are present in placebo-controlled trials of both homoeopathy and conventional medicine. Nightmare Advice on Allergies
  • The under-5s were given either a placebo or the anti-malarials artesunate and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. Times, Sunday Times
  • We undertook separate analyses of micronised oral progesterone and progesterone pessaries or suppositories versus placebo.
  • Any effects of rhino horn are almost certainly placebo effects, of which scarcity, improbability, and high cost play a part.
  • And trust is a priceless asset in medicine, where a placebo can work wonders.
  • That last bit -- essentially blaming study design for placebo response rates -- is the kind of prestidigitation that passes for science in psychiatry these days. Furious Seasons
  • Turned out that the five-year mortality of those on clofibrate was 20.0 percent whereas the five-year mortality of those on the placebo was 20.9 percent, or essentially the same. More statin madness | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It was used to investigate the different effects of ultramolecular potencies compared with placebo rather than pragmatic homoeopathy.
  • But it was a placebo controlled study, and early use of another active compound such as weak 1% hydrocortisone may have also prevented such flares.
  • At New York's St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital, for example, researchers found that Garcinia cambogia, a popular herbal weight-loss remedy, was no more effective than a placebo. What's 'Alternative'?
  • In light of this finding, it seems likely that the many such practitioners will continue to prescribe placebos.
  • That one doesn't get answered as often as it should, because the FDA generally only requires testing against placebo.
  • In their analysis, the UCSF researchers considered the location of the fracture and compared occurrence in patients who received bisphosphonates versus those who received placeboes. Featured News and Stories
  • Recurrent oral and vaginal yeast infections occurred in two patients receiving cyclosporin and oral thrush occurred in one patient receiving placebo.
  • Section Four, ‘Essays and Commentaries,’ examines aromatherapy and essential oils and homeopathy, the placebo effect, and herbs as a token and nocebos.
  • He concludes that the value of zinc in persons with common cold symptoms remains unestablished because of blinding problems in comparing oral zinc preparations with placebo.
  • Following up the placebo arm of a randomised trial can be a good way of tracking the course of benign diseases.
  • The study was a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial in healthy volunteers.
  • Those with moderate risk are randomly assigned to either an oral insulin or a placebo.
  • When checked one week after and three months after the second session, the 10 patients who had gotten placebos did slightly better than they had at the start.
  • * Number of patients tested (SINGULAIR and placebo, respectively): ALT and AST, 1935, 1170; pyuria, 1924, 1159. Nachrichten Ticker -
  • With a high rate of spontaneous cure of the illness, such studies need a large number of subjects to balance the expected high placebo reactors.
  • No differences in distribution of the bacteria were found between the spray and placebo groups.
  • In one experiment that compared zinc to a placebo, participants who sucked on zinc lozenges every couple of hours found that the length of their cold was cut in half.
  • As for vitamins, I am convinced that it is one big ploy and most vitamins are pricey placeboes looking meely to create some delusion of health. Smog sunsets are the prettiest
  • Because SHARP studied the combination of simvastatin and ezetimibe compared with placebo, it was not designed to assess the independent contributions of each drug to the observed effect; for this reason, the FDA did not approve a new indication for VYTORIN or for ZETIA ® (ezetimibe) and the study's efficacy results have not been incorporated into the label for ZETIA.VYTORIN is indicated as adjunctive therapy to diet for the reduction of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, triglycerides, and non-HDL cholesterol, and to increase HDL cholesterol in patients with primary (heterozygous familial and nonfamilial) hyperlipidemia or mixed hyperlipidemia when diet alone is not enough. News
  • The question exists as to why both the lidocaine and the placebo saline solution would have an inhibitory effect on muscle-firing characteristics.
  • The sum of evidence is now too strong to justify further placebo controlled trials in communities with vitamin A deficiency.
  • After one year, patients in the placebo group had significantly more knee surgeries than those in the treatment group.
  • At the end of the period, those who received citalopram, which is sold by a number of generic makers and under the brand name Celexa by Forest Laboratories Inc., were no better than those in the placebo group in terms of their general functioning or in their repetitive behaviors, the study found. Popular Autism Treatment Yields No Benefits
  • No significant differences were observed between the homeopathic group, a placebo group, and patients who were given nothing at all.
  • There was no significant difference in functional outcomes on either the mRS or the Barthel Index for the comparison of aspirin plus dipyridamole vs clopidogrel (which had not been shown previously to have any putative neuroprotective effect) or for the comparison of telmisartan vs placebo.
  • But Scriba said doctors aren't obliged to actually use the word 'placebo.' CBC | Top Stories News
  • Although statistically significant, the differences between anticholinergic drugs and placebo were small, apart from the increased rate of dry mouth in patients receiving active treatment.
  • All placebo controlled trials were positive and all comparative trials indicated equivalence with other active therapies.
  • For example, instead of receiving vitamin C as the experimental group is doing, the control group receives a placebo.
  • Most doctors are aware of placebos and the placebo effect, but probably few have given the subject any serious thought.
  • What I do need to be protected against is placebo-sellers making false claims for their placeboes - that is antisocial - though I don't want to rob them of all their mystique, which is probably part of being a good placebo. "It Should Be Banned!" - Thoughts On Banning Things
  • She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that's the placebo effect.
  • Hojer et al. 14 — a randomized, double blinded, placebo-controlled trial of 105 patients admitted with suspected drug overdosage. Flumanazil
  • The Bischop of Brechin, [73] having his placeboes and jackmen in the toun, buffatted the Freir, and called him Heretick. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • This requirement may conflict with the Declaration of Helsinki, which deems it unethical to give patients a placebo if an evidence based treatment is available.
  • In the clinical trials, people with depression were treated with either an antidepressant or a placeable (placebo), a pill that contains no medicine.
  • With Yaz, you take 24 days of active pills followed by just 4 days of placebos; it's approved not just for contraception but also for treating acne and a severe form of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Should you consider a period-reducing birth-control pill?
  • Results showed that the patients who received botulinum had significantly greater improvements in decreasing the severity of abnormal head position and neck pain than the patients who received placebo.
  • She says, "'I'm Not Afraid of Monsters' spray acts like a placebo to eliminate children's nighttime fears."
  • But belief increases the likelihood of a predicted outcome: placebos against psychic ailments work astonishingly well.
  • In clinical trials, moodiness was more common among users of Ortho Tri Cyclen than in placebo users, but overall occurred in less than 10% of users. Walmart offering $9 Birth Control Pills
  • Some women find colposcopy very painful while others hardly notice it, according to a clinical trial testing topical benzocaine and ibuprofen against placebo.
  • Is it unethical for a doctor to knowingly prescribe a placebo without informing the patient?
  • All placebo controlled trials were positive and all comparative trials indicated equivalence with other active therapies.
  • In some sense you can be perfectly healthy without bothering with the potion; the placebo only made you aware of it. THE BOOK OF THE DIE
  • It is also worth noting that the placebo has a negative counterpart - called a nocebo.
  • Normal saline solution is used as a placebo and 5% procaine hydrochloride is used as a pharmacologic spinal nerve block.
  • The androgen groups, however, had greater sexual desire, arousal levels, and sexual fantasies compared to placebo or estrogen alone; androgens did not impact on coital or orgasmic frequency.
  • BDC's Phase II placebo-controlled study with etanercept will include at least 40 sciatica patients dosed epidurally. GEN News Highlights
  • The drug defaulter, just like the placebo reactor is not a consistent or readily identified person.
  • The potential of probiotics to control allergic inflammation at an early age was assessed in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study.
  • Note the cautious phraseology, which implies that these could have nothing more than a placebo effect: if you think a treatment is doing you good, then you may well perk up a bit anyway.
  • Seven children died from illness or injury without oedema, three in the antioxidant supplement group and four in the placebo group.
  • In the first week, three patients in the fusidic acid cream group and eight patients in the placebo group did not comply with the treatment protocol.
  • Patients taking tadalafil experienced fewer Raynaud's episodes than those taking placebo (2.23 vs 3.36), and the episodes were also of shorter duration (31.5 minutes vs 53.9 minutes).
  • And although doctors don't have to use the word "placebo," they should tell patients they are getting an unusual treatment. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • a double-blind procedure is used to guard against both experimenter bias and placebo effects
  • The placebo effect is really large," notes Leonore Tiefer, Ph. D., a psychologist at the New York University School of Medicine who opposes what she calls the medicalization of female desire. Daily Fashion Show Pictures
  • Finding appropriate placebos or shams for treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, or complex herbal mixtures is challenging.
  • The study is called randomized because there is no rhyme or reason to whether a woman ends up getting the treatment or the placebo. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • For drug companies, the placebo effect can pose an obstacle to profits--if their medications fail to outperform placebos in clinical trials, they won't get approved by the FDA.
  • He found that the vast majority of 42 clinical trials submitted to the FDA between 1987 and 1999 for such best selling selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Serzone, and Effexor, showed no improvement compare to placebos. Robert Kuttner: A Depressing Story You Need to Read
  • Six studies showed a significant benefit of probiotic treatment compared with placebo.
  • Doctors are still working as scientists though, since placebos have accumulated enough evidence to be accepted as scientifically valid.
  • It apparently did not occur to Gary that maybe he had tapped into the placebo effect or the power of suggestion.
  • The study was a randomised double blind placebo controlled crossover trial.
  • Indeed, the potential use of placebos for medical benefit and their continued use in clinical trials are recent subjects of considerable interest and controversy among the lay public and scientists alike.
  • Our study was designed as a prospective, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial.
  • One group received the drug gemfibrozil while another got a placebo. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Anything with a whiff of potential controversy was being replaced with legislative placebos, with the mollification of leader-writers taking precedence over whether an idea would actually help the nation the parliament was there to serve. It's October, 1956.
  • Those on cytisine were 3.4 times more likely to succeed than those on the placebo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two small, industry-funded trials found that overweight adults who took garcinia cambogia for two months lost significantly more weight than a placebo group. Q&A: Is Hydroxycut safe and effective?
  • The stock markets, leisure travel, and all the other industries affected are relying on the sum of all these measures, including the placebos, to recover.
  • Chris Travers says: kumquat: This does not actually work, except via the placebo effect. The Volokh Conspiracy » The FDA to Target Salt
  • A recent clinical trial found that one antidepressant, called desipramine Norpramin, and lidocaine -- used either alone or together -- appeared no better than inactive placebo pills and ointments. Reuters: Press Release
  • Although people commonly think of a placebo as a component of pharmacotherapy, the placebo effect may also exert powerful effects on surgical outcomes.
  • Half of the group added the odorless pheromone to their preferred perfume, the other half added a placebo.
  • Clomipramine was equal to desipramine and both tricyclic agents were superior to placebo for amelioration of hyperactivity.
  • The incidence also explains the powerful placebo effect of some treatments.
  • Of the tricyclic antidepressants, amitriptyline appears to be the most efficacious in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy when compared to placebo.
  • He delivered himself of a Ratner moment, when asked if there was any known benefit to homeopathic remedies, beyond the placebo effect (otherwise known as gullibility). The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • But the drug wasn't significantly different from a placebo in two key measures -- the deformability of plaques and a measure of inflammation. Mixed Results for Glaxo Plaque Drug
  • The eight patients treated with placebo from all dose groups were combined for the purpose of summaries and analyses.
  • They were given either a placebo beverage, a carbohydrate solution or a carb / protein solution before and during the workouts.
  • The revised declaration also calls for new treatments to be tested against the current best treatment rather than placebo.
  • For example, your question might be whether it is ethical for nurses to administer placebo medication.
  • On day 8 they were randomized to nonsteroid placebo or to continued prednisone at a dose maintained at 5 mg per day after six months. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Serota has famously refused to explain why Tate Modern "art" is not tested against controls of obvious nonart artifacts to check whether it is all not a placebo effect. The Guardian World News
  • Most scientists, however, are sceptical about the effectiveness of homoeopathic remedies, and many say they work no better than placebos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Live, attenuated influenza virus vaccine and placebo were administered as an intranasal spray in a single dose between mid-September and mid-November.
  • These data imply that kava extract is superior to placebo as a symptomatic treatment of anxiety.
  • The conclusion, again, was that homoeopathy was no more effective than the placebo. Times, Sunday Times
  • The act of rubbing it in may well be soothing, but in four placebo controlled trials arnica was found to be no more effective than the placebo.
  • This finding was confirmed by a study that randomised 112 patients to treatment or placebo.
  • We performed a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover trial in seven healthy men aged 21 to 27.
  • The study was a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial in healthy volunteers.
  • The 2.5 milligram dose was associated with a 34% reduction in the risk of heart-related death 2.7% on the drug compared with 4.1% on the placebo and a 32% reduction in death from any cause. J&J Drug May Have New Role
  • The studies were usually withdrawal studies contrasting withdrawal to placebo after a symptom-free period.
  • In certain ways, placebos are ideal drugs: they typically have no side effects and are essentially free.
  • But belief increases the likelihood of a predicted outcome: placebos against psychic ailments work astonishingly well.
  • The drug and placebo were administered at school.
  • In two studies conducted at Exeter University on 15 men, Stephen Bailey and colleagues found cyclists who drank a half-liter (about a half-quart) of beetroot juice several hours before setting off were able to ride up to 20 percent longer than those who drank a placebo blackcurrant juice. Beetroot Juice May Help Endurance
  • 'chemistry, manufacturing, be compared with toxicology coverage, well - and controls' (for which read 'pharmaceutics') as matched placebos may or may not be available, about clinical ef fi cacy and safety. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Double-blind trial comparing the effectiveness of the homeopathic preparation Galphimia potentisation D6, galphimia dilution 10-6 and placebo on pollinosis. The Best Alternative Medicine
  •  The term placebo: an inert medication or bogus treatment that is intended to control for expectancy effects. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Half of the group added the odorless pheromone to their preferred perfume, the other half added a placebo.
  • Half received treatment with the drug topiramate, an anti-convulsant sold under the brand name Topamax, while the other half received a placebo. Epilepsy Drug Helps Alcoholics Quit the Bottle | Impact Lab
  • The subjects received three consecutive weeks each of MPH and placebo in random order and under blind conditions.
  • Each pink tablet in the Demulen 1/50-28 package is a placebo containing no active ingredients, and the inactive ingredients include calcium sulfate, corn starch, FD&C Red No. 3, FD&C Yellow No. 6, magnesium stearate, and sucrose. Demulen Birth Control Pills Still Lactose Free
  • N-acetylcysteine, which is available in pill form at mainstream stores like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, had improvement of symptoms after 12 weeks, compared with 16% of those taking a placebo. Top Stories
  • In the Health Study, individual children were randomly assigned either vitamin A or placebo.
  • In the first placebo controlled trial conducted in rapid cycling disorder, lamotrigine improved the overall relapse rate.
  • In some sense you can be perfectly healthy without bothering with the potion; the placebo only made you aware of it. THE BOOK OF THE DIE
  • It was shown in a multi-centre double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 133 patients that a non-acidic form of vitamin C significantly reduced pain compared to a placebo.
  • The trial involved 1,432 men with so-called castrate-resistant prostate cancer who were randomly assigned to receive injections every four weeks of denosumab or a placebo. NYT > Home Page
  • The test, conducted in London by four general practices and a hospital ear, nose and throat outpatient department, studied the effects of homeopathic remedies versus placebos on 50 patients with allergic rhinitis.
  • “You mistake the matter entirely, my dear Mrs. Blower,” said the Doctor; “there is nothing serious intended — a mere placebo — just a divertisement to cheer the spirits, and assist the effect of the waters — cheerfulness is a great promoter of health.” Saint Ronan's Well
  • After swabbing and assessing the lesions and collecting data, the nurse randomly assigned each patient to treatment with 2 percent fusidic acid cream or identical placebo three times daily.
  • According to a new study by Israeli researchers, most doctors prescribe placebos to their patients, and in most of these cases, the patients are told they are receiving real medication.
  • The Strive study tested the drug in 161 patients with the mutation and showed that a measure of air exhaled, called forced expiratory volume, increased after 24 weeks and 48 weeks in comparison to placebo. Vertex Reports Success of Cystic Fibrosis Drug
  • The double-blind placebo trials use inactive agents to control for placebo effects.
  • After one month placebo-treated patients were crossed over to yohimbine and yohimbine patients continued in the same manner.
  • Therefore, we evaluated the effects of the inhalation of lidocaine, salbutamol, lidocaine and salbutamol combined, and placebo on an inhalational histamine challenge.
  • Placebo's love affair with the British music press screeched to a halt in mid-2000 when the NME penned a scathing feature accusing the singer of being arrogant, difficult, unapproachable, obnoxious and deluded.
  • The authors say, ‘We find it almost inconceivable that a rational patient with suspected prion disease would be in equipoise… between quinacrine and placebo.’
  • Only two of the 12 reacted to the large dose of MSG but not the placebo in the retest.
  • It was a 24 week study, which assessed the long term bronchodilator efficacy and safety of inhaled aclidinium bromide 200 μg and 400 μg, both administered BID, compared to placebo in 828 moderate to severe COPD patients mean baseline FEV1= 1480mL. Almirall and Forest Announce Positive Results from the ATTAIN Phase III Study of Aclidinium Bromide and the Phase IIb Studies with the Fixed Dose Combination with Formoterol in Moderate to Severe COPD Patients - Yahoo! Finance
  • Each trial patient applied a teaspoon of aminophylline cellulite treatment formula twice daily to one thigh, while the opposite thigh received an inactive (placebo) cream applied twice daily for comparison. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • At the end of the period, those who received citalopram, which is sold by a number of generic makers and under the brand name Celexa by Forest Laboratories Inc., were no better than those in the placebo group in terms of their general functioning or in their repetitive behaviors, the study found. Popular Autism Treatment Yields No Benefits
  • For example, during the first year, patients receiving orlistat lost more weight than patients receiving a placebo.
  • The activation in the brain of chemical receptors, called mu-opioid receptors, appears to be involved in producing what is known as the “placebo effect,” according to a report in The Journal of Neuroscience. Placebo Effect may actually be Physical | Impact Lab
  • Four patients received lithium and three received placebo.
  • Our interview was supposed to be 10 minutes but we started geeking out on Placebo together and it lasted an hour.
  • The researchers gave half the children daily co-trimoxazole, the other half received a placebo.

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