How To Use Place bet In A Sentence
A portage is a place between lakes and rivers where the waters become so shallow or rapid that they cannot be navigated, and the boats have to be lifted ashore and carried overland until it is possible to take to the water again.
The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 41, August 19, 1897 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls
You just start down this road and hope you end up someplace better than where you started.
A runoff is to take place between the two top vote getters as no candidate gained more than 50 percent of the votes, needed to secure an electoral victory.
There is no entry fee for the competition and judging will take place between July 1 and August 31.
Sam would place bets on the horses for him, as Dad was unable to write a slip, nor comprehend form.

After being told by producers that a match would run long, abbreviating the Evening News, he mysteriously found someplace better to be, thus leaving the network with more than six minutes of dead air.
Possibly, a spiritual action analogous to exosmose and endosmose, takes place between certain souls.
The Flight of the Shadow
The four ships will replace the smaller LSLs of the Sir Galahad and Sir Bedivere classes, which displace between 6,700 tons and 8,585 tons fully loaded.
This is why most of the major sea battles took place between the narrows of Tunis and Sicily.
And all of that yodeling means less time for the kinds of discussion that can take place between each of the sections of the Torah reading, bring the weekly Parsha to life.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Making Synagogue Stimulating Again
The aims of the day were to promote services and enable referrals to take place between relevant service providers and to reflect on how services deal with clients.
Those discussions, which took place between Sen. Jon Kyl R-Ariz. and top economic adviser Gene Sperling, were described as cordial compared to the earlier ones.
Obama Warns Cantor As Debt Talks Stall: 'Don't Call My Bluff'
Yes; but the term affinity is objectionable in this case, because, as that word is used to express a chemical attraction (which can be destroyed only by decomposition), it cannot be applicable to the slight and transient union that takes place between free caloric and the bodies through which it passes; an union which is so weak, that it constantly yields to the tendency which caloric has to an equilibrium.
Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
The best-known type of Greek galley was the TRIREME, with three banks of oars; a famous trireme battle took place between the Greek and Persian fleets at SALAMIS in 480 BC.
This fairly common phenomenon stresses the interaction that normally takes place between our body clock, our social commitments, and time-cues.
The faded red brick church sat at the falling-off place between the flat prairie in front and a deep gorge in back, with a cemetery that spilled down the hill behind the parsonage.
The second reason is that it's the mixing place between the biosphere and the atmosphere.
Examples such as this of contrariety within religion can be seen by the years of long debate and argument which have taken place and continue to take place between scholars and theologians alike.
This steep sided sea flows like a meeting place between the two continents of Africa and Asia.
The group clamored to place bets and it took Anna a while to find her voice again.
It would be ideal if all sexual congress took place between consenting couples in love but unfortunately this is unrealistic.
So I tried to imagine what dialogue might have taken place between those organising the various protests.
Times, Sunday Times
Professionals don't completely eschew the standard win and place bet, but their focus is overwhelmingly on the exotic bets, especially trifectas.
Long ago, the fronton was a glamorous venue, where high-society folks came to place bets on the fast-paced game and where celebrities performed.
Construction took place between 1804 and 1808 although it was modernised in the 1860's when the outer caponiers were added.
There is only one place better than a video shop, and that is a good second-hand bookshop.
Writing of the conditions in steerage, one cabin passenger commented ‘poor creatures, it is a horrible place between decks, so many people in so small a space, I wonder how they live.’
The Highland space that provides the setting for much of the story's action is also a predominantly homosocial space notable for the bonding that takes place between Alan and Davie.
She said printmaking operates as a kind of meeting place between the conscious intention of art-making and the unintended happenings of life.
He was spoiling for a fight that was 15 years in the future and probably never to happen — by the time prom dates start showing up, so much has taken place between father and daughter that the handoff, while charged, is more an enactment of an emotion than an experience of it — so the next thing you know, he pulls onto his street, comes across the photographer, and punches his lights out.
The Passion of Alec Baldwin
The players other than the banker take turns to ask for cards and place bets.
The surgeon dislocates your elbow and stitches the piece of skin or tendon in place between the bones that make up your elbow joint.
The acid's active ingredient is positively charged hydrogen, so a transfer of electrons takes place between the zinc and the acid.
They ignored the noisy, screeching fight taking place between an insulted margay and a panda certain he had been cheated.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
_symbolum_ to be disbursed -- in other words, a mutual exchange of courtesies take place betwixt Beaujeu and his guests.
The Fortunes of Nigel
So I tried to imagine what dialogue might have taken place between those organising the various protests.
Times, Sunday Times
The company carefully monitors the effectiveness of its advertising spend, and monitors the sites from which punters travel to place bets.
When daylight circus-show over, he take me by hand and lead me to shady place between tents -- he sit down -- put me at he knee, and in what you call primer-book with he long brown finger he point out and make me know all those big fat letters -- yes, he do _that_.
Stage Confidences
So I tried to imagine what dialogue might have taken place between those organising the various protests.
Times, Sunday Times
He had known his own place better than they did — there was nothing uncommon in his appearance or conversation — nothing at all frappant — she scarce believed he could even draw that sketch.
Saint Ronan's Well
Violent clashes took place between riot squads and protesting police officers that had blocked the entrance to Greece's finance ministry.
U.S. players will be able to withdraw money from their accounts after January 31 but will not be able to place bets or deposit money.
She described a library technician as occupying a place between a librarian and a clerk.
To accomplish this endeavor, perhapsConsumers andLabor Unions throughout the worldshould consider joining their existingforcesto establish a competitive "NewWorld Order" Labor Organizationthatwill protect the rights of workers andalso establish equality in the world market place between Business, Labor, and Consumersthat does not exist today.
OpEdNews - Diary: Documented Reasons Why The Business Sector Should Be Denied Tax Cuts in 2009
Spawning takes place between December and March, with eggs being laid in rock cavities or empty bivalve shells in shallow water or even on the shore.
Preliminary talks on possible sites have taken place between Leeds United and the city council at the highest level and will continue as plans are firmed up.
Serapis" and the "Countess," and a terrible conflict took place between the former and the "Bon Homme Richard," a two-decker, carrying forty guns, and which was Paul Jones's own ship.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
Like many other men who are unrepentant skirt-chasers, he appears to hold women in an awkward place between reverence, fear, and contempt.
This took place between 1990 and 1992 and I was there as a minister one of the ranks beneath that of ambassador.
Apparently the film will take place between the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Plataea.
300 Prequel/Sequel to be The Battle of Plataea? | /Film
The temper of the corslet threw the point of the weapon upwards, but a deep wound took place between the neck and shoulder; and the force of the blow prostrated the bridegroom on the floor.
A Legend of Montrose
This study took place between 1981 and 1985 in a large northern, metropolitan social services department.
The main service on Good Friday takes place between midday and 3 pm.
[S] he took Sato Kenji by their linked hands and led him to the rickety, shivering place between the carriage cars, where the wind keened and crooned through the cracks in the grating and the white walls gave way to chrome.
How To Kill My Interest as a Reader
Discussions took place between the two parties over a possible electoral alliance, but broke down in April.
Did one want to live out his days in sweet content, amid fancied picturings of paradisial beauty, I know of no place better suited to the taste than this residence.
Mountain Scenery. The Scenery of the Mountains of Western North Carolina and Northwestern South Carolina.
“For $35,000 a week, the place better come with a b-ball court and some players!”
Beat 360° 10/5/09
It is impossible, with the best of wills to conduct free and fair elections under occupation with a war of attrition taking place between rebels and occupiers.
Next, cut each steak in half, place between two layers of clingfilm and flatten with a meat mallet or rolling pin.
Times, Sunday Times
The latest initiative took place between August and October of 1996.
For $35,000 a week, this place better come with a b-ball court and some players!
Beat 360° 10/5/09
By the time Scala had been given his jotters nine months later, they were only one place better off, a string of poor results ensuring Scala was given a media roasting for failing to grasp the local demands.
There's gonna be a lot of fail-safes put in place between state, local and federal law enforcement agencies.
It is a significant gesture that 'crystallizes' the healing taking place between Russia and Poland.
CTV News RSS Feed
I think there is more often than not a routine that takes place between improvisers that is more conformist and restrictive than they would ever imagine or admit to.
Kicawtan [393] ward, or from any place between this and that, to go upwarde, upon paine of forfaiting ten pound sterling a time to the
Colonial Records of Virginia
It's an overhead crane called a truss, custom-built to hoist each of the rail line's elevated segments into place between the giant piers along the line's path and to propel itself by remote control from one stretch to the next.
Dulles rail bridge project looms on horizon at Tysons Corner
A constant process of leapfrogging takes place between industrial and post-industrial economies.
In my opinion, troubleshooting is most effective when taking place between 2-3 people in the informal setting of the lab versus wasting the time of 10 people in a conference room.
The Pesky Group Meeting
• "Men, unlike women, have few positive ways of defining themselves outside of the workplace between when they leave school and when they retire," •*maybe thats why men die sooner, once they jobs are done, they lack purpose •*Men think of themselves as providers •*Women look at you differently when you dont have much money.www. South AL gunman kills 12 people during a shooting spree •Michael McLendon of Kinston, AL •shooting spree covered two counties - Articles related to No criminal charges for South Carolina governor in ethics case
There is only one place better than a video shop, and that is a good second-hand bookshop.
His concern is "not so much with the dead sea of masscult as with the life of the tide line where the decisive struggles for survival take place between higher and lower organisms.
Fragment from an Untelevised Revolution
A constant process of leapfrogging takes place between industrial and post-industrial economies.
She went through four sessions of a process called plasmapheresis, which removes the plasma from the blood and allows transplants to take place between two different blood types.
The Marietta Times
A chemical reaction takes place between sodium, potassium and magnesium chlorides from salt with calcium oxides and hydroxide from soil to form calcium chloride.
The clean up of rubbish and river detritus took place between 12 pm and 2.30 pm.
ADVANTAGE plate heat exchangers consist of a number of stainless steel transfer plates that are held in place between a fixed plate and a movable pressure plate to form a complete unit.
Why is the king indifferent (today) to that disunion, which is about to take place between persons related so closely?
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
In the case of molecules, the emission is called fluorescence if the transition occurs between states of the same spin, and phosphorescence if the transition takes place between states of different spin.
The border closure meant, in effect, that no trade took place between the countries.
You know that theres no place better to plot your strategics then at a strip club.
Think Progress » RNC spent $1946.25 at sex-themed nightclub Voyeur West Hollywood.
When amid the autumn woods, it were well for us to consider the falling of the leaves as premonishing us of the separation that must soon take place between our bodies and our souls.
Adesmy, moreover, was by the Belgian savant said to be homologous when it occurred between members of the same whorl, _e. g._ between the sepals of an ordinary monosepalous calyx, or heterologous when the separation took place between members of different whorls, as when the calyx is detached from the ovary, &c.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Don's picture captures the listless, boarded-up feel of the place better than mine does, but I fell too much in love with the lifts and wanted to make them look beautiful.
Where was the running battles that would take place between these bitter rivals?
The Sun
The alleged offences are said to have taken place between November last year and September this year.
The Sun
Clone Wars takes place between the second and third installments of George Lucas's prequel trilogy.
Her father on this occasion having amused them at home by relating the tift which had taken place between Cooney Finnigan and himself, which was received with abundant mirth by them all, especially by Margaret, seriously introduced the subject of her marriage, and of a recent proposal which had been made to her.
Phelim Otoole's Courtship and Other Stories Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
It is a casual and commonplace betrayal that psychiatrists say 'has to be questioned'.
Times, Sunday Times
The group clamored to place bets and it took Anna a while to find her voice again.
A steep increase took place between 1981 and 1991 as the Conservative government carried out a major dismantling of heavy industry and mining.
We got jammed in the door in the rush to place bets.
The Sun
Clone Wars takes place between the second and third installments of George Lucas's prequel trilogy.
The chemical equations and mechanisms commonplace to stoichiometric chemistry describe only the overall reactions, they do not specify the molecular transformations that place between colliding molecules.
In short, they held a place between heretic and unbeliever.
The name danewort originates from a belief that it is found only on sites where battles took place between the English and the Danes, as the plant grew from the blood of Danish soldiers.
The frequent anastomosis thus seen to take place between the branches of the radial, the ulnar, and the interosseous arteries in the hand, should be carefully borne in mind by the surgeon.
Surgical Anatomy
In the great race to prosperity—and thus global hegemony—presently taking place between India and China, anyone interested in the survival of a liberal-minded and tolerant civilization must be rooting for the victory of India, infused with the best traditions of Westminster-style representative institutions, over a sabre-rattling, resentful and totalitarian China.
India, Still the Brightest Jewel
Ender in Exile is a midquel that takes place between chapters 14 and 15 of the original Ender's Game.
Reviews of fantasy and science fiction books
With the roof open, wind disturbance is reasonable and much reduced when the fabric windbreak is put in place between the seat headrests.
No communication had taken place between the natives and the "tabooed" prisoners.
In Search of the Castaways
A formal merger has taken place between two agencies that have closely cooperated on projects over the past three years.
Place between two large sheets of clingfilm and use a rolling pin to gently but firmly double the size.
Times, Sunday Times
The sponsored fasts will take place between February 28 and March 1st.
It is alleged that the incident took place between last Sunday and Wednesday in township areas around the city.
Times, Sunday Times
And if a "gauger" lost his life in some one or other of the bloody encounters that frequently took place between the smugglers and the revenue officers, why, so much the worse for the "gauger.
Stories of the Border Marches
Hundreds of youngsters got their first taste of a day at the races in the Rails Enclosure, with many pestering their parents to place bets for them.
Many fierce and sanguinary conflicts took place between Saladin and the crusaders, but neither side, for a time, gained any decided advantage.
Spawning takes place between October and December, and is very similar to that of the brown trout.
About half the normal amount of trades took place as traders were reluctant to place bets ahead of the long weekend.
The service would still be free to patients and the financial transaction would take place between the two authorities.
With an online betting account, punters may call to place bets or bet through the Internet after the betting centres close.
It would be the kind of meeting that takes place between all incoming and outgoing governors, basically a standard transition briefing.
It was a peculiar exchange to take place between men in full vigour, aged forty and forty-four respectively.