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How To Use Pius x In A Sentence

  • Lefebvre in 1988, the materials now coming from the Society of St. Pius X continue, in my opinion, to add to the burden such an article must carry if the remission is to make sense to otherwise well-disposed outside observers. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • There have been almost fifty antipopes and right now there are three: Michael I, Linus II and Pius XIII.
  • One difference is that Pius XII first conducted a long and wide consulta-tion with all the bishops of the church. Hail, Mary
  • Pope Pius XII infallibly proclaimed the doctrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 1 November 1950.
  • Both the Blet and Cornwall volumes are also part of the current struggle over the possible beatification and canonization of Pius XII.
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  • The priests and nuns routinely punctuated their prayers with paeans in praise of the goodness and greatness of Pius XII.
  • O God, who didst fill the soul of Saint Pius X with a burning charity and called him to be the Vicar of Christ, grant that through his intercession we may follow in the footsteps of Jesus, Our Divine Master; and may our prayers to this saintly Pope be fruitful for life both here and hereafter, through the same Christ Our Lord. Feast of St. Pius X
  • Nor did Pope Pius XII eschew the field of psychotherapy, if one credits his allocutions to those who practiced in the field.
  • The Biblical Commission, originally established to foster biblical scholarship, had been used by Pius X to repress it.
  • Officially, as Pius XI ruled in 1930, frustrating the procreative act is "an offence against the law of God and of nature, and those who indulge in such acts are branded with the guilt of a grave sin". Condoms and the Catholic church: a short history
  • To put it another way, the infinite sea of quantum potential is a kind of exteriorized mirror image of God's interior. this article, noting that the Vatican maintains that the theory of evolution is fully compatible with the Bible: "In 1950, Pope Pius XII described evolution as a valid scientific approach to the development of humans, a view that was reiterated by Pope John Paul II in One Cʘsmos
  • Williamson isn't the only Holocaust denier among the St. Pius X followers, and the Web site argues that Jews are guilty of "deicide" for crucifying Jesus. Free Internet Press
  • He was the Papal Nuncio to Germany, and he also wrote Mit Brenender Sorge, the encyclical letter released by Pius XI that soundly condemned The Nazi's. Texas Faith: Should government practice social justice? | RELIGION Blog |
  • And so, what we got yesterday were all of the records from the pontificate of Pius XI, that is, covering the years 1922 and 1939, dealing with the relationship between Germany and the Holy See, that is, the Vatican. CNN Transcript Feb 16, 2003
  • Pius XII did warn in his speech of the "unlawfulness" of cosmetic surgery undertaken for The Daily Register
  • He is fictional, but his character is interestingly similar to the early life of Pius XII.
  • Of Germanus 'works "certain homilies on Marian themes have survived, of which some have had a profound influence on the piety of entire generations of faithful, both in the East and the West", including one which Pope Pius XII "set like a pearl in the 1950 Apostolic Constitution' Munificentissimus Deus '", dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Benedict XVI on St. Germanus of Constantinople, defender of holy images
  • Instead, the conclave of 1903 elected Pius X, whom the Italian government had dubbed ‘the most intransigent of the intransigents.’
  • Cardinal Pacelli, the future Pius XII, is seated upon the faldstool on the Epistle side. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • During his Rome visit, Teilhard had hoped to meet with the pope, Pius XII, but was unable to gain an audience.
  • The Biblical Commission, originally established to foster biblical scholarship, had been used by Pius X to repress it.
  • And I really do not understand why Brown decided to pick on Pius XI in such a grotesque manner. Trash and More Trash
  • The Catholic Church even had an “antimodernist oath”, endorsed by several popes of the like of Saint Pius X, an oath that was “just discontinued” in 1967. Pope Bene does America |
  • Pope Pius XI condemned this so-called sin of "onanism" because he misunderstood the biblical story. Planet Atheism
  • We do not usually link to reports which are mostly pictorial, but the images of the ordinations celebrated last Sunday by the Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X FSSPX / SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay, at the austere Romanesque abbatial church of the Benedictine Monastery of Our Lady of Bellaigue are truly beautiful and deserve to be seen. Archive 2009-05-01
  • They were expelled from the postwar coalition government, subjected to frenzied propaganda Pope Pius XI declared that voting communist would condemn one to eternal damnation, and held responsible for repressive acts in the USSR which they felt compelled to justify. The Tailor of Ulm: A Possible History of Communism in the Twentieth Century by Lucio Magri – review
  • Denifle, who was beloved by Leo XIII and Pius X was a conductor of the cardinalitial Commission of Studies, a member of the Imperial The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Pope Pius XII in particular contributed heavily to renewal of the Church's liturgical and Sacramental life.
  • Might I recommend a spin through the anti-modernist encyclical of St. Pius X, Pascendi dominici gregis; you should be able to find it on the web in a number of places. Clarification
  • Before that can be done well, I think, the archives of Pius XII's pontificate will probably have to be fully catalogued and opened.
  • The Biblical Commission, originally established to foster biblical scholarship, had been used by Pius X to repress it.
  • Both Pius XI and Pius XII had pontificates that built upon the concordats begun under Benedict.
  • Reid notes that Sacrosanctum Concilium identifies a number of very sound liturgical principles, such as the idea that the liturgy is “culmen et fons” (source and summit); the principle (whose source is to be found in the teaching of St. Pius X) surrounding “actuosa participatio” (active or actual participation); it also generally sought to promote a liturgical piety, taking its cues from the 20th century Liturgical Movement. Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • To comment first on Monsignor Maniscalco's letter: of course Pius XII was concerned for the Jews and their fate, and he abominated the Nazis.
  • (Pius XI seated upon the papal throne in papal mantum, with Cardinal deacons in cappa on either side) More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • Throughout his papacy. Pope Pius XII was almost universally, regarded as a saintly man, a scholar, a man of peace, a tower of strength, and a compassionate defender and protector of all victims of the war and genocide that had drenched Europe in blood.
  • Pius XII is standing, in full regalia; his papal cloak envelops him, draped over his shoulders like a protecting towel as if he had just emerged from a swim.
  • Before that can be done well, I think, the archives of Pius XII's pontificate will probably have to be fully catalogued and opened.
  • On the macro level, in the encyclical letter Quadrogesimo Anno in 1931, Pope Pius XI provides a starting point for an engaging conversation from the faith perspective about the current situation: Easy returns, which an open market offers to anyone, lead many to interest themselves in trade and exchange, their one aim being to make clear profits with the least labor. Rev. Seamus P. Finn, OMI: Restore Faith In The Markets
  • A dialogue which is comes under the responsibility of the supreme doctrinal dicastery since Lefebvre's followers argue that with the Second Vatican Council the Catholic doctrine has been changed and ask that this be clarified in view of a formal return of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X to the Catholic Church. Rumour Watch: Motu Proprio on the Reorganisation of Ecclesia Dei
  • (Left: Canon Missae with the Arms of Pius IX; Right: Dalmatic with Barque of Peter, Papal Arms and personal papal arms of Pius XII woven into the fabric) (The stemma of Pope Urban VIII embroidered onto the chasuble, with the distinctive element of his arms woven into the fabric) Revival in the Traditional Liturgical Arts on Display in Nantes
  • Saint Pius X, who answereth the prayers of those who cry to thee Feast of St. Pius X
  • The decline in vocations, which began under Pius XII, has not been reversed and there is now one seminarist for every twelve priests.
  • This was again highlighted in the recent letter of the Holy Father to the bishops of the world on the matter of the revocation of the excommunications of the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X. Reform in Continuity: Re-approaching the Second Vatican Council
  • In some press accounts this act was linked with the expected beatification, not of Pius XII, but of Pius IX.
  • Before that can be done well, I think, the archives of Pius XII's pontificate will probably have to be fully catalogued and opened.
  • The belief in the corporeal assumption of Mary was formally declared to be dogma by Pope Pius XII in 1950; Roman Catholics must therefore hold the doctrine as true.
  • Last month, Benedict met with the head of the Society of St Pius X, the schismatic traditionalist movement whose leaders were excommunicated under Pope John Paul II.
  • The apostasy, however, was not universal, and the "Intrepid Faith" of Pius XI symbolizes the martyrs in Spain and Mexico at the time. p.96 The fall of Russia into Communism and the resultant persecution of believers needs also to be remembered. Archive 2009-05-01
  • After a year Thomas finally escaped and went to study Aristotelian philosophy at Cologne, renown because of the teaching of a fellow Dominican, Albert Graf von Bollstädt, later know as Albertus Magnus, who was canonised and named as Doctor Universalis in 1931 by Pius XI. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • When in 1903 Leo XIII died and the Patriarch of Venice ascended to St Peter's throne as Pius X, the Vatican dismembered the political arm of the organization for good.
  • Williamson was consecrated a bishop by the pope's Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), an ultraconservative splinter group.
  • The pope's decree, issued Saturday, brings back into the Catholic Church's fold Bishop Richard Williamson and three other bishops who belong to the Society of Saint Pius X.
  • Much the same as Pius X, he spurred on the laity through the apostolate of Catholic Action, which he had reorganized in 1923 and purged of party intrigue.
  • We heard in some detail about the cursus of the psalms in the Roman breviary, in comparison with the monastic breviary, the changes to this cursus under St Pius X, and the effect of the changes in the precendence of feasts, especially the raising of the rank of the Sunday so that feasts of double rank were no longer allowed to "outrank" the Sunday. The hermeneutic of continuity
  • I have drifted slightly from the Feast Day - Monday February 11 in the underground basilica, or to give it its correct name, The Basilica of Pius X, was once again a wonderful experience.
  • Participation was also an issue which concerned the Liturgical movement, and Pius XII praised those who sought to promote more engagement on the part of the laity with chant, dialogue responses, and use of missals.
  • Benedict XVI explains that the revocation of the excommunication is personal, concerns the four bishops, and does not imply the canonical recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X which can take place only after a doctrinal realignment of the Fraternity, including the acceptance of Vatican II and the Magisterium of the post-conciliar Popes. Advance Report on the Papal Letter about the Lifting of the SSPX Excommunications

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