How To Use Pityingly In A Sentence
He spoke pityingly, as if saving a bewildered tourist from a cultural faux pas.
Among other contributions, Neil Allen looks pityingly at athletics and boxing, and the stink is just as pronounced in soccer.
The conversation sticks with me; if I close my eyes, I can hear the inflections of his speech, the tone of voice that spoke unpityingly, straightforwardly, of his life.
At the end, when the text hints at redemption, the music turns, unpityingly, yet more brutal.
Perhaps they will patronize him, and consider pityingly his bibliomania.

Teucrians and men of Sicily rise eagerly; a cry goes up, and Acestes himself runs forward, and pityingly lifts his friend and birthmate from the ground.
The Aeneid of Virgil
You're forty minutes late, Pearl," she said more pityingly than accusatorially.
The Metrognome and other Stories
Her flesh was torn and raw and now unpityingly scorched on that side exposed to the caustic desert sun.
The mingled rain and sleet fell unpityingly from above, while the ground beneath was covered with mud and water.
'A pretty expression you have in your countenance, 'she went on, still gazing keenly, though not inimically, rather indeed pityingly at Caroline.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
Of Falla in Paris, Stravinsky wrote: ‘His nature was the most unpityingly religious I have ever known - and the least sensible to manifestations of humor.’
the nurse looked at him pityingly