Pitt the Younger

  1. English statesman and son of Pitt the Elder (1759-1806)
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How To Use Pitt the Younger In A Sentence

  • William Hague really did pave the way for his return to the political stage at his packed out event on his book William Pitt the Younger.
  • If he enters Cambridge at 14, Arran would be the youngest student there since William Pitt the Younger became an undergraduate in 1773.
  • And if Smith's economic ideas affronted the paternalism of the traditional Tory party, they were eventually taken up by William Pitt the Younger, the late-18th-century prime minister who is now seen as one of the fathers of free-market conservatism. A Wealth Of Ideas
  • Thus a portrait of William Pitt the Younger, undertaken as a faithful likeness, portrayed the prime minister with an overly sharp nose.
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