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[ UK /pˈɪtiləsli/ ]
  1. without pity; in a merciless manner
    he was mercilessly trounced by his opponent in the House

How To Use pitilessly In A Sentence

  • Chavalit was ridiculed pitilessly in the domestic media.
  • The automobilist is a good advertiser of what he finds _en route_ that pleases him, and scores pitilessly -- to other automobilists -- everything in the nature of a swindle that he meets with, and they are not few, for in many places the automobilist is still considered fair game for robbery. The Automobilist Abroad
  • A war during which the allies had pitilessly bombed us and we had died like mosquitoes.
  • Civil society is assaulted in the most criminal way by the most pitilessly reactionary force in the modern world.
  • Mr. Symonds offers a pitilessly clear indictment of Hornet skipper Marc Mitscher and his air-group commander, Stanhope Ring, for their mismanagement and cover-up of their carrier's wayward principal air strike on June 4, the "Flight to Nowhere," which saw their dive-bombers and fighters venture forth fruitlessly over empty seas. The Beginning of the End
  • The leap of faith has not led to a happy landing, and the plug has pitilessly been pulled on the publisher. Henry J. Stern: Black Thursday
  • As of this writing, Erik Millett, the principal of Belleisle Elementary School, is still away from his job, having been pitilessly hounded, vilified and threatened by what amounts to a national lynch-mob of true-blue patrioteers. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Our land, and all in it, would have been destroyed mercilessly, as pitilessly as a wild elephant in a lotus pond destroys all its flowers.
  • The victors pitilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share.
  • He was ruthless to his actors, muscling them about, japing them pitilessly, seeking a control over the filmic world that had eluded him offscreen.
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