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How To Use Pitiless In A Sentence

  • The scene is lit by pitiless fluorescent strip lights. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stirner would laugh out loud, pitilessly; they have enslaved themselves to an idea - Freedom! Stephen J. Gertz: The Most Provocative, Revolutionary, Dangerous and Radical Book Ever Written
  • The insurrection of five kulak districts should be pitilessly suppressed. Matthew Yglesias » Geithner on Nationalization
  • I would add a few refinements of my own devising, concessions to our cruel and pitiless modern age.
  • The comedy of the early scenes bleeds away to set up a surprisingly pitiless finale. The Sun
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  • He was ruthless to his actors, muscling them about, japing them pitilessly, seeking a control over the filmic world that had eluded him offscreen.
  • He told us his story in pitiless detail.
  • And in the country the single stately elm rising gracefully and benignantly over the wayside cottage, year after year like a guardian angel sending down its blessings of shade, moisture and coolness in times of drought, and shelter from the pitiless storm, recalls the tenderest associations of generation after generation that go from the old homestead. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Unrelenting and pitiless in their quest for fun, they snuff out their torches and shout louder while walking upon the poor squire.
  • The victors pitilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share.
  • The plague in Wales and the Marches were as pitiless as elsewhere.
  • The evidence of a wasted life is pitilessly clear.
  • Our land, and all in it, would have been destroyed mercilessly, as pitilessly as a wild elephant in a lotus pond destroys all its flowers.
  • The comedy of the early scenes bleeds away to set up a surprisingly pitiless finale. The Sun
  • As of this writing, Erik Millett, the principal of Belleisle Elementary School, is still away from his job, having been pitilessly hounded, vilified and threatened by what amounts to a national lynch-mob of true-blue patrioteers. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Faces were stripped of pretence by the pitiless bombardment of harsh reality.
  • And his voice is so subtly ironic, and so pitiless - toward himself among others - that he makes Sebald look almost soft.
  • We must not let one side be ruthless, self-confident and organised: ‘It is civilization, pluralism and secularism that need pitiless and unapologetic fighters.’
  • Epitia argues for this course of action because she does not want to regard herself as ‘a pitiless and cruel woman.’
  • They utterly failed to see how the event had changed everything, by revealing just how pitiless and ruthless our new opponent was prepared to be.
  • And a large "bumble," with a sting as pitiless as the finger of scorn, just then climbed up the inside of Mr. Middlerib's nightshirt, until it got squarely between his shoulders, and then it felt for his marrow, and he said calmly: Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor
  • ‘Now for the first time you have hurt me, you cruel, pitiless man are sleeping the sleep of death‘.
  • It's a vicious ideology and it's sustained by violence and by the pitiless conversion of its own adherents into dumb weapons.
  • Her spirit had blazed the blinding blue of pure fury, and her soul had been filled with the purest black of the most pitiless executioner.
  • And what would be the taste of all these holy things when bound up with this hideous thing? while, if he accomplished his sacrifice, a celestial idea would be mingled with the galleys, the post, the iron necklet, the green cap, unceasing toil, and pitiless shame. Les Miserables
  • But pitiless producers are defying her wishes and are plying contestants with beer and wine. The Sun
  • 2 Spurring so hot with rage dispiteous, dispiteous > pitiless The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • The flowers dropped from the frames and died in the garden; a pitiless winter set in; and day after day the mittened and mufflered schoolboy, dragging his sled through drifts of heavy snow to school, eyed curiously the wan, wistful face of Judge Hyde's wife pressed up to the pane of the south window, its great restless eyes and shadowy hair bringing to mind some captive bird that pines and beats against the cage. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859
  • But the pitiless character of his criticism diminishes these letters in this respect, even as it enlarges them in other ways.
  • Here the artist painstakingly compresses history into an unfathomable listing of dates and we become ‘a pitiless witness’.
  • Johnson’s pitiless and violent hatred of the American Revolution, and his contemptuous cruelty toward those who apostatized from the established church (even if it was to join another Christian sect) was strong and consistent. Demons and Dictionaries
  • The insurrection of five kulak districts should be pitilessly suppressed. Matthew Yglesias » Geithner on Nationalization
  • He is a membrane between isolation and society, this man who crouches beneath his umbrella, navigating by guesswork in a pitiless storm that, having engulfed houses, streets and gutters, has deprived him of his bearings.
  • The leap of faith has not led to a happy landing, and the plug has pitilessly been pulled on the publisher. Henry J. Stern: Black Thursday
  • It was even supposed that he took bypast circumstances much to heart; and if a childhood passed at the side of a saturnine mother, under foreboding of coming evil, and a manhood drenched and blighted by the pitiless descent of the storm, could painfully impress the mind, his probably was impressed in no golden characters. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • As of this writing, Erik Millett, the principal of Belleisle Elementary School, is still away from his job, having been pitilessly hounded, vilified and threatened by what amounts to a national lynch-mob of true-blue patrioteers. Archive 2009-02-01
  • They were not, in other words, misunderstood, socially maladjusted, middle-class rebels but a pair of determined and pitiless economic vandals
  • I used to think it was beautiful, but now the weather's my enemy, pitiless and uncaring as napalm and bear traps.
  • ‘A bounty hunter must be ruthless, pitiless, and merciless,’ he began sharply.
  • BECK: A high school teacher in France, Robert Redeker, recently wrote an op-ed piece in which he called the Korean a "book of extraordinary violence" and the Prophet Mohammed a "pitiless warlord. CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2006
  • The scene is lit by pitiless fluorescent strip lights. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today's enemy, however, is not a philosophy that condemned millions, but an implacable, unappeasable, pitiless fanaticism that exists on the very fringes of humanity.
  • Can you ever hope for salvation and the light of God's presence, while the cry of the souls of which you have been _the murderer_ -- yes, do not disguise it, the _murderer_, the cruel, willing, pitiless murderer -- is ringing upwards from the depths of hell? Julian Home
  • Public [= o] la, as we saw, damned one poor man to a wretched immortality, and another was called pitilessly over the coals, because he had mixed a grain of flattery with a bushel of truth. Thackeray
  • Did their pitiful cries and prayers rise into the night to a God who seemed deaf and pitiless as their cruel jailers?
  • A war during which the allies had pitilessly bombed us and we had died like mosquitoes.
  • The automobilist is a good advertiser of what he finds _en route_ that pleases him, and scores pitilessly -- to other automobilists -- everything in the nature of a swindle that he meets with, and they are not few, for in many places the automobilist is still considered fair game for robbery. The Automobilist Abroad
  • There is so often, too, something chilly and "unhomely," something pitiless and cruel, about quite rational reform, which alienates the poetic mind. Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
  • The figure was soaked through and through in his coat that ought to have been protecting him from the pitiless storm.
  • Why is the world so awful, cruel, pitiless that make people cry.
  • Yet put them together with a kind of pitiless precision and gleeful tendency to turn every downer into a music rave-up, and you've got yet another entry in what has become a really impressive body of work. Making A 'Big To-Do' About Life's Important Things
  • The Russian military campaign has been pitiless.
  • It was a brutal, vicious and pitiless attack in which you showed your victim no mercy.
  • Do the silent - winged stars never climb the sky above your pitiless tower?
  • The thought of EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson meeting a grisly end in the Brussels public toilet where he hoped to seek refuge from the inexorable advance of pitiless technology is not unpleasing.
  • Civil society is assaulted in the most criminal way by the most pitilessly reactionary force in the modern world.
  • Football is merciless and pitiless, and in a business sense Gill merely stated the obvious: no-one is indispensable.
  • He saw the pitiless eyes of his enemy.
  • The showdown was fierce as both of them employed the basic rules of the trade: ruthlessness, mercilessness, and pitilessness.
  • Arlack possessed a most splendid squint with both eyes, so that it was often observed he would make a capital cook, as he could always keep one eye on the pot while he surveyed the intricacies of the chimney with the other; and, to complete the catalogue of his complexional recommendations, his face was absolutely furrowed, seamed and gashed until it had nearly lost a human shape by the pitiless assaults of the smallpox. Ralph Rashleigh
  • The sun was yet so pale a buckler of silver through the still white mists that not a cord or timber cast a shadow; and only Abel Keeling's face and hands were black, carked and cinder-black from exposure to his pitiless rays. Widdershins
  • He sniffled and wept, but Wolf Larsen was pitiless. Chapter 13
  • On this street was a throng of trucks and wagons lading and unlading; bales and boxes rose and sank by pulleys overhead; the footway was a labyrinth of packages of every shape and size: there was no flagging of the pitiless energy that moved all forward, no sign of how heavy a weight lay on it, save in the reeking faces of its helpless instruments. Complete March Family Trilogy
  • Chavalit was ridiculed pitilessly in the domestic media.
  • But pitiless producers are defying her wishes and are plying contestants with beer and wine. The Sun
  • Today's enemy, however, is not a philosophy that condemned millions, but an implacable, unappeasable, pitiless fanaticism that exists on the very fringes of humanity.
  • They said he is a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him.
  • The thought of EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson meeting a grisly end in the Brussels public toilet where he hoped to seek refuge from the inexorable advance of pitiless technology is not unpleasing.
  • She is the heartless beauty, the eternally pitiless woman.
  • And doubtless in surveying American culture our pitiless foe finds much evidence to support such a malign view.
  • One of the indubitable masterpieces of his later years is the pitiless Self-Portrait in a Dressing-Room Mirror.
  • He uses the mesh of the jungle screen to play on our fears of the unknown and the pitiless savagery that is the reality of nature.
  • So some respectable dodo in the Mauritius might have lorded it in his nest, and discussed the arrival of that shipful of pitiless sailors in want of animal food. The War of The Worlds
  • Presently she had no more tears left and she dried her eyes and sat upright and was suddenly aware of a great interior light, pitiless and clear beyond all dayshine. The Measure of a Man
  • Mr. Symonds offers a pitilessly clear indictment of Hornet skipper Marc Mitscher and his air-group commander, Stanhope Ring, for their mismanagement and cover-up of their carrier's wayward principal air strike on June 4, the "Flight to Nowhere," which saw their dive-bombers and fighters venture forth fruitlessly over empty seas. The Beginning of the End
  • The ayatollah warned Iran would be pitiless towards rabble-rousers.
  • Its tops, however, were crowded with marksmen, and armed with brass coehorns, firing langrage shot, and these scourged with a pitiless and most deadly fire the decks of the _Victory_, while the _Bucentaure_ and the gigantic _Santissima Trinidad_ also thundered on the British flagship. Deeds that Won the Empire Historic Battle Scenes
  • They said he was a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him.
  • Scandals in high life, starvation in low life; foul floods of nastiness in Law Courts; muddy tricklings of misery in lawless alleys; crimes so terrible and revolting; pains so pitiless and cureless; follies so selfish and wanton, that he let the journal drop, and fell back in his chair, appalled. Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 102, Jan. 2, 1892
  • He approaches me while I'm sheltering from the hideous, pitiless weather.
  • He uses the mesh of the jungle screen to play on our fears of the unknown and the pitiless savagery that is the reality of nature.
  • After this there was no fight; only heartless, pitiless slaughter.
  • The earth was equally pitiless towards the dead in their graves: the sepulchers opened, and the buried were disentombed.
  • Amy's pitiless step - mother refused to look after her when she was seriously ill.
  • The pitiless showerhead continues to drench her, the water bearing her life's blood down the drain.
  • It was a brutal, vicious and pitiless attack in which you showed your victim no mercy.
  • The reviewer's pithy, pitiless conclusion: ‘Get real.’

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