
How To Use Pithy In A Sentence

  • Now, I'm supposed to be pithy in this column, full of cute and snide comments about my Midwestern family, how they don't get it, how they're getting old and crotchety.
  • He delivered a pithy address on old England sports.
  • In Crown & Country he provides the reader with enough intellectual rigour to impart context, before livening the page with pithy tales of treachery or cruelty, of double-dealing or disaster. Crown & Country by David Starkey - review
  • The pithy news digest is a must-read for America's movers and shakers
  • But the fruit's clusters of arils - or seeds surrounded by a juicy sac - are protected by sections of white, pithy membrane.
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  • Americans of a certain age will recall Douglas MacArthur's pithy aphorism: ‘There is no substitute for victory.’
  • Maybe you'll be glad to see the end of my pithy exam summaries, who knows?
  • As syrup of borage (there is a famous syrup of borage highly commended by Laurentius to this purpose in his tract of melancholy), de pomis of king Sabor, now obsolete, of thyme and epithyme, hops, scolopendria, fumitory, maidenhair, bizantine, &c. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Now you can follow my adventures on and off the beach in short, pithy, bursts. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The narration is flooded with wonderfully pithy, insightful commentary.
  • But just as he began to come out with his “Ay, ay, we are all mortal, Vita incerta, mors certissima!” and two or three more pithy reflections, which he was in the habit of uttering after funerals, when the will of the deceased was about to be opened, — just then Mrs. Dods was pleased to become the expounder of her own oracle. Saint Ronan's Well
  • This pithy is word is gleaned from World Wide Words. Mishmash « So Many Books
  • The saga prose is straightforward and business-like, the dialogue short and pithy, with considerable interspersion of proverbial phrase, but with, except in case of bad texts, very little obscurity. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • I write stuff and you lot have the facility to dissect it with a few pithy phrases - if that's what you feel like doing.
  • Alliteration abounds, pithy epithets are the order of the day, the cliches of journalese are flowing till we're all blue in the face.
  • I didn't truly understand Dean Ricci when he uttered this pithy quote during an admissions interview.
  • His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh.
  • Then the poetry establishment's outsized accolades gave them too big an idea of themselves, and they each turned into an image of what they were supposed to be like: Olds the intrepid forager among women's dirty little secrets, Graham the Old World philosopher-deconstructer of language, Glück the pithy celebrator of the domestic everyday event, Levine the working-class sage with no chips on his shoulders. Anis Shivani: Philip Levine and Other Mediocrities: What it Takes to Ascend to the Poet Laureateship
  • What a shame I couldn't summon up a pithy soundbite to precis that.
  • A replica of the assembly in clay and plaster of Paris in the museum gives you a pithy idea about the people, their dress and social standing.
  • The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy
  • Forres, the murder of King Duffus at Forfar, and other pithy sonnets and lays which appertained to the history of his distant native country, and particularly of the district to which he belonged. Quentin Durward
  • And the connection is a pithy phrase of Deputy Noonan's dating back to the 1987 election campaign.
  • Often a pithy saying or proverb has been written in the chosen script beside the alphabet.
  • It's brief, pithy and to the point - but it's also downright ugly and rude, so I don't condone it.
  • Here the hedges are best, not trimmed in brutal tidiness but rampant with hip-laden roses and garlanded by vivid bryony berries; and sprouting pithy wands of elder, strong grey spears of ash and angular spikes of black berried sloes.
  • The writing is pithy and incisive and sometimes devastatingly accurate.
  • His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh.
  • His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh.
  • The static subjects of Wang Qingsong s pithy tales often convey a sinister quiet, as if the footage is being held at pause, like a detectives eye moving presciently through a possible crime scene.
  • Among her pithy observations was the fact that ‘men are vile inconstant toads’; and that ‘civility costs nothing and buys everything’.
  • This was one of the reasons that people spent more time making up pithy aphorisms and witty epigrams.
  • The ripe and green fruit are placed round about the stem or trunk, from the lowermost leaves, where the ripe fruit are, and upwards almost to the top; the heart or inmost pithy part of the trunks is in a manner hollow, or at best consists of very thin porous medullae or membranes; the tree very seldom branches or divides into limbs, I believe never unless the top is by accident broken off when very young: I saw one which had two tops or heads, the stem of which divided near the earth. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • As his songwriting has reasserted itself on a series of pithy and cryptic recent albums the latest, save for a curious Christmas album, being 2009's "Together Through Life", Mr. Dylan has cast himself as an adventurous guitar-slinger and showman, with a voice that keeps getting grainier and ghostlier. Having a Sonic Summer
  • For once, I have no pithy rejoinder to tack on to a post.
  • It was just that no one was willing to replace a pithy phrase with either an ugly acronym or a yawn-inducing mouthful.
  • _fistulose_ (Fig. 245); and if the center is filled with a pithy substance it is _stuffed_ (Fig. 243). Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Examples include 'supervivant' (a survivor), 'transmural' (situated beyond a wall), 'singultus' (hiccup) and 'breviloquent' (pithy and succinct in speech). The Times Literary Supplement
  • Birds found here and in only few other places include white-bellied seedeaters Sporophila leucoptera, grassland yellow-finches Sicalis luteola, chalk-browed mockingbirds Mimus saturninus, tropical peewees Contopus cinereus, rufous-throated antbirds Gymnopithys rufigula, black-breasted puffbirds Notharchus pectoralis, and plain-bellied emeralds Amazilia leucogaster. Marajó varzea
  • Soames looked him up and down before dismissing him with a pithy phrase from a great wartime leader.
  • His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh.
  • Many a subeditor would be lost without "war", "battle" and "fight" – all appealingly pithy and loaded headline words – but again, where's the elegant variation? Let's declare war on these tired military metaphors
  • He wrote plain English, punctuated by short pithy sentences.
  • The reviewer's pithy, pitiless conclusion: ‘Get real.’
  • After all, men prefer to "blink," a term I picked up from Dell Global Marketing VP Andy Lark, who himself loves to blog in short, pithy sentences. Who Gives A Tweet? Mommybloggers Do. - Jory Des Jardins - MediaBizBloggers
  • And I'm not going to end with a pithy summary.
  • Answers can be serious, solemn, pithy, witty, biting, derisive, belittling…
  • The clarity of ideas and the interlacing of pithy quotes make this a readable, thought-provoking book.
  • Track lengths have been kept fairly pithy, so it is digestible, while maintaining the atmosphere of something sweeping and majestic. The Sun
  • The Reformers were aware of the dangers of mere rote learning; they all insist that the pithy answers be learned" by heart. Christianity Today
  • He excels in short, pithy work at the hard-science end of the spectrum. Archive 2008-01-01
  • a pithy essay on the irrelevance of the notion of authenticity and the "animistic" attitude that has taken shape in response to the boundless online population of modified images; Rhizome Inclusive: News, Blog, and Digest
  • Some ant followers are versatile enough to find food by various methods, but others such as the white-plumed antbird, Pithys albifrons, and the rufous-throated antbird, Gymnopithys rufigula are specialists, depending utterly on the armies they follow. The Song of The Dodo
  • Its presentation of the central figure is more stylised and presents his teaching in extensive discourses which are markedly different from sayings presented by the synoptists, which (even when they are combined into groups) are characteristically short and pithy.
  • You will develop a flair for short, pithy phrases that will identify you as the writer, whether your byline is published or your story is magically morphed into a brief.
  • Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.
  • There is a fair amount of ludicrous drag, broad farce, heart-rending, bosom-heaving dramatics and pithy asides to an appreciative audience.
  • a compact style is brief and pithy
  • This reminds me of a pithy "demotivator" submitted by Ygor earlier: D*I*Y Planner - Comments
  • Such sketches are sprinkled throughout the memoirs, often interspersed with pithy, epigrammatic reflections on Brecht, Wittgenstein and Oscar Wilde and asides on subjects such as the film cliché or the comic jest.
  • The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy
  • The most gentle purges to begin with, are [4255] senna, cassia, epithyme, myrabolanea, catholicon: if these prevail not, we may proceed to stronger, as the confection of hamech, pil. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The former flagbearer for laddism has reinvented himself as a persuasive, mature commentator and he comes across well here in pithy pieces about everything from Jedward to climate change via Silvio Berlusconi. Evening Standard - Home
  • The word "sutra" means "thread" in Sanskrit but came to designate any pithy statement; the Diamond Sutra -- more accurately, the Diamond-Cutter Sutra -- was so called because the sharp facets of its aphorisms slice through the illusions of both mind and senses. Treasures on Trial
  • - Thanks to Joe for this pithy summary of the relevant issues.
  • Track lengths have been kept fairly pithy, so it is digestible, while maintaining the atmosphere of something sweeping and majestic. The Sun
  • Comments seelight, i am so glad that you're taxonomizing your language peeves! and i agree with much of what you say, even if it means that i've now re-written this little comment some eight times or howevermany already. but i've got to respond to your post on pithy, which was not so, um, pithy. pithy is a great word, because it specifically means "a maximum of effect from a minimum of words. Strunk and Light IV: Using it just to use it
  • And it's years since I've heard anyone pile up as many pithy one-liners.
  • His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh.
  • A small, lively man with limpid blue eyes and an unruly thatch of thinning white hair, Hill delighted participants in his workshop with his pithy one-liners and folksy aphorisms.
  • For the hook and the boot and the pink thing I am willing to offer a 10,000 word palindrome that is also an anagram for the first 10,000 words of the KJV Old Testament and also encodes a non-trivial portion of the genome of a healthy member of the mammal or fish species of your choice while still making at least three 3 pithy and trenchant observations about whatever it was Elevation: Raise Yer Game, Internets, for I Am Giving Away Hooks
  • He came to take great pleasure in his craft with words, honing them like his little wood sculptures, dreaming up pithy wisecracks and aphorisms which he collected and displayed in his office.
  • But I have to remember that, as addicting as it is to deal in pithy statements, editors seem to like things that are longer, and longer works require more effort. Stretch
  • Guitarist Dimitri Coats, best known for the band Burning Brides, hammers out his riffs like a drummer and, in a live version, offers a pithy solo that recalls the atonal squirm of Black Flag founder Greg Ginn. NPR Topics: News
  • We live in the age of fast food and pithy one-liners.
  • Early or salad radishes must be harvested as soon as they are mature, otherwise the roots become tough, pithy and unpalatable and the plants bolt; treatment of some 6 week old cultivars with 0.1 per cent aqueous maleic hydrazide is reported to prevent bolting and help the roots retain their flavour and texture. Chapter 27
  • His booming contrabasso voice makes middle-aged ladies squeal in delight and his pithy, homily-laden retorts are greeted with roars of approval. Lebed's On The March Again
  • He made no secret of his views and often alarmed fellow jurors by his pithy comments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two minutes earlier, DeDe could have fired off a pithy rejoinder to that one. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • A small, lively man with limpid blue eyes and an unruly thatch of thinning white hair, Hill delighted participants in his workshop with his pithy one-liners and folksy aphorisms.
  • [The Jacobite strain of "To daunton me," must have been in the mind of the poet when he wrote this pithy lyric for the Museum.] The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • I had come to know his cramped handwriting and his gift for pithy analysis.
  • His efforts in producing the polished phrase, the pithy retort are far greater than his efforts to tell a fascinating story clearly and concisely.
  • His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh.
  • But just as often, the movie is droll, filled with pithy, hardboiled comebacks.
  • Except for a brief but pithy description of how to make secret du crapaud, a particularly vile poison made from a toad, that was taken almost entirely from primary sources, this was one of the dullest and most pedantic books I have ever read. An open letter to academia
  • And the connection is a pithy phrase of Deputy Noonan's dating back to the 1987 election campaign.
  • One of those pithy phrases that tie together life, death, and the transcendental power of the written word.
  • South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet acid pithy flesh.
  • They're sexy, they're gobby, they're pithy, they tell it like it is.
  • My mum guffawed at this as though it was Noël Coward at his pithy best. MAN AND WIFE
  • She has given us a romantically pithy, pitying, historically precise masterpiece.
  • And the writing is so pithy, so good at capturing the absurdly poignant with linguistic economy.
  • Fernelius and others; diasena, diapolypodium, diacassia, diacatholicon, Wecker's electuary de Epithymo, Ptolemy's hierologadium, of which divers receipts are daily made. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • This pithy aphorism graphically tells us the sad state of affairs on the roads of India.
  • Bill Cosby tried, Chatter, but he got attacked for his sexual piccadilloes (a method used to silence his otherwise pithy words about what’s wrong with these certain young blacks - BTW, let’s not paint any other blacks with this brush …. the swath is narrow … it only includes those young men and women who commit the crimes and intimidate others). Pizza Joints Refuse Westhaven Delivery at
  • The emails ranged from pithy observations to throwaway responses.
  • I love how you copy and paste your most pithy, preboiled comments into multiple answers. The American Spectator
  • The _Table Talk_, edited by Mr. Nelson Coleridge, shows how pregnant, how pithy, how full of subtle observation, and often also of playful humour, could be the talk of the great discourser in its lighter and more colloquial forms. English Men of Letters: Coleridge
  • It was just that no one was willing to replace a pithy phrase with either an ugly acronym or a yawn-inducing mouthful.
  • If I think of something short and pithy, my first impulse is to post a simple Twitter tweet rather than do a long weblog entry. 2009 May :
  • welcomed her pithy comments
  • The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy
  • Here the hedges are best, not trimmed in brutal tidiness but rampant with hip-laden roses and garlanded by vivid bryony berries; and sprouting pithy wands of elder, strong grey spears of ash and angular spikes of black berried sloes.
  • It featured more pithy screeds than analytical articles, and even the longest essays rarely went on for more than three or four paragraphs.
  • You will develop a flair for short, pithy phrases that will identify you as the writer, whether your byline is published or your story is magically morphed into a brief.
  • Though not a natural speaker his pithy style, backed by his fame and renunciation, strengthened the Student Volunteer Missionary movement.
  • Then the poetry establishment's outsized accolades gave them too big an idea of themselves, and they each turned into an image of what they were supposed to be like: Olds the intrepid forager among women's dirty little secrets, Graham the Old World philosopher-deconstructer of language, Glück the pithy celebrator of the domestic everyday event, Levine the working-class sage with no chips on his shoulders. Anis Shivani: Philip Levine and Other Mediocrities: What it Takes to Ascend to the Poet Laureateship
  • After an advance screening, the movie critic's duty is to provide pithy phrases suitable for use in trailers and newspaper notices.
  • Give me some Cultural Artifact to dissect (gig, play, film, album, restaurant, exhibition) and I would bash out my pithy aperçus with gusto to spare.
  • Full of my usual razor sharp wit and acerbic commentary coupled with pithy, erudite and provoking insights into the unfolding world about me.
  • Their discourse, witty, pithy, original, had such charms for me.
  • I'm too tired to come up with something pithy.
  • The bard might have had some pithy poetic observations on Wilson's vision of corporate sponsorship.
  • As his songwriting has reasserted itself on a series of pithy and cryptic recent albums the latest, save for a curious Christmas album, being 2009's "Together Through Life", Mr. Dylan has cast himself as an adventurous guitar-slinger and showman, with a voice that keeps getting grainier and ghostlier. Having a Sonic Summer
  • The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy
  • Every few minutes our phones beep with some pithy comment from each other.
  • Knox delivers his one pithy line of the scene.
  • They may make use of the brevity of Latin tags, just as pithy as any adman's lingo.
  • His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument.
  • Zehme wrote the pithy comments that accompany each picture.
  • But Porter does not shy away from the pithy language of the street, when it seems called for.
  • Naturalistic process is paramount; albums come with pithy back-stories haloed in hazy traceries of light, flickering with pastoral forest music, and whispering tape-hiss sprites.
  • She lets one pithy epigram after the next fall flat, sadly clouding the brilliance of this real gem of a play.
  • In the Synoptics, the most characteristic form is the parable: a fresh, pithy, and often paradoxical story set in the everyday world of Jesus' time, and used above all to develop Jesus' key theme: the kingdom of God.
  • Filled with almost 300 neo-classical monuments, it is avowedly anti-modernist, its douce landscape and harmonious architecture luring in the audience before hitting them with unexpected, pithy punchlines.
  • Fighting for the Future, for all its provocative arguments and pithy language, sometimes borders on the apocalyptic.
  • It's a wonderfully pithy example of Puccini's skill as a dramatic composer, ranging from the stark verismo tragedy of Tabarro, through the tear-jerking drama of Angelica to the wonderfully engineered comedy of Schicchi. This week's new live music
  • Soames looked him up and down before dismissing him with a pithy phrase from a great wartime leader.
  • These pithy moments come too seldom to rescue the narrative from its own insubstantiality, though.
  • It's a nice, simple site design and the posts are pithy and interesting.
  • His blazing contempt for people is couched in pithy, derivative “wit” and helpful pointers on how they could and should be more like him. There Is A God « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In fact, Adorno is, again like Nietzsche, a brilliant stylist in German, with a gift for rhetorical flourish, pithy epigram, and the ironic pointe, which is why he has been so often quoted outside academia. Adoring Adorno
  • One-half of the arrow was made of a slender hard twig of cliff rose; the other half was formed of some pithy suffruticose herb which I could not determine satisfactorily, as I saw only the cut sections and was not permitted to handle these. The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1883-84, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1887, pages 379-468
  • The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy
  • It is a book of aphorisms - short, pithy, philosophical nuggets.
  • Is pithy a good thing for an untenured professor?
  • The city has an endearing couthiness and a pithy, pawky sense of humour, capable of laughing at itself (try and find that in Edinburgh).
  • Humor saturates the infosphere, for at least two reasons: First, a successful joke implies insight, and insight, especially if it's pithy and self-explanatory, is the basic currency of a high-speed information economy. Scott Brown on Stand-Up Comedy, Lingua Franca of the Wired World
  • OK, I'll come out with it straight away, no preamble, no pithy introduction, no amusing anecdote of how the waiter looked like Woody Allen.
  • I gather from the pithy response above to PLR — “Yes, that is correct” — that Prof. Kerr beleives Greenwald is wholly wrong on the outcome based on the facts and the law. The Volokh Conspiracy » What Al-Haramain Says, And What It Doesn’t Say

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