How To Use pitching wedge In A Sentence
- Looking back now, I could have made bogey and still won, but fortunately I had a good tee shot and pitching wedge into the green, and kind of eked my putt up there and tapped it in. rss feed
- I've got two wedges in addition to the pitching wedge that's part of my iron set.
- Mike used a pitching wedge to hit a low, piercing drive into the 17th green for the ace.
- Decide if you need a wedge with a loft between your sand wedge and pitching wedge.
- Until the past decade, pitching wedges had 50 to 52 degrees of loft.
- The best club to pitch with is a sand wedge, not a pitching wedge.
- Of course, the reason you are carrying four wedges is because today's modern pitching wedge has the loft of a 9-iron or even a strong 8-iron from not too long ago.
- How about the percentage of putts golfers drain from eight feet or their ability to pinpoint shots with their pitching wedges?
- My full-swing yardages: 103 yards with the lob wedge; 124 with the sand wedge and 136 with the pitching wedge.
- But then you look at the pros on TV, and they always seem to pull out a pitching wedge or sand iron and chip it from just off the green.