How To Use pitcher plant In A Sentence
- There are many more plants that will thrive in medium light, among them Irish moss, Tahitian bridal veil, heart-leaved philodendron, pitcher plant, and butterwort.
- There are many more plants that will thrive in medium light, among them Irish moss, Tahitian bridal veil, heart-leaved philodendron, pitcher plant, and butterwort.
- Among them are a bladderwort, a butterwort, two kinds of pitcher plant, and three kinds of sundew.
- A wolf spider treads perilously on the rim of a South American pitcher plant, perhaps looking to prey on insects drawn to the plant's strong nectar scent.
- This isolation may have been an important factor in the development of the morphological and genetic variation among pitcher plants in New Caledonia.
- And one way to think about pitcher plants is as a modest-scale island, " said Robert Holt, an eminent University of Florida ecologist who's tracked the pitcher plant work.
- Like figures in a shadow theater, silhouettes of prey show through a Philippine pitcher plant.
- It can be found in a variety of open, sunny, wetland habitats including a pitcher plant bog, a wet calcareous outcrop and the edges of hardwood flood plain forests.
- I was shocked to find a species of pitcher plant called Nepenthes mirabilis var.
- A raven cried from a tree top, its caw echoing over a beaver-meadow of scarlet pitcher plants.