How To Use Pit viper In A Sentence
Artificial raising of Pallas pit vipers had been studied with introducing wild viper and imitating natural conditions on Dahailin Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province from 1996-1998.
To enhance this mental picture, boas and the pit vipers have heat-sensitive pits that further confirm the stranger as food or threat.
And not all immune animals are runts - the Virginia opossum is shielded from 37 species of pit vipers, including all major North American rattlers.
Pit vipers, including the fer-de-lance and Mojave rattlesnake, have only two pits, one below each eye.
A popular scale for grading the severity of pit viper bites and estimating the antivenin dose is presented in Table 4.

Artificial raising of Pallas pit vipers had been studied with introducing wild viper and imitating natural conditions on Dahailin Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province from 1996-1998.
Not to be confused at all with its many nonpoisonous neighbors, this snake is a pit viper in the same general family as the Copperhead and the Rattler.
Puff This!
In the United States, about 8,000 people a year are bitten by rattlers or their cousins in the pit viper subfamily, which includes copperheads and water moccasins.
The rattlesnake and cottonmouth are U.S. pit vipers, but the antivenom is a little different.
Through my binoculars, I saw the heat-sensing facial pit between the eye and nostril, which identifies the copperhead as a pit viper.
The fer-de-lance, a pit viper from Central and South America, has in its venom several highly effective cytotoxins - chemicals that target living cells.
Artificial raising of Pallas pit vipers had been studied with introducing wild viper and imitating natural conditions on Dahailin Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province from 1996-1998.
The team noted that clumps of nerve cells called trigeminal ganglia in pit vipers 'heads were larger and more complex than the corresponding cells in mammals.
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Pit viper snake venoms are hemotoxic, except for some Mojave rattlers.
They're even immune to the venom of rattlesnakes and other pit vipers.
Clark says timber rattlesnakes and other pit vipers may be the most social of all snakes.