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How To Use Piston In A Sentence

  • Here, the float arm closes a horizontal piston, fitted with a washer against the valve seating.
  • Then the piston moves back up to compress this fuel/air mixture.
  • But as the barrel swung it would push a small piston that, in return, moved the hand lever.
  • The preliminary research showed that the material used of the piston rod is unqualified , casting aliquation and much S element result in cracking on the edge of the casting aliquation.
  • The resulting explosions of fuel and air drive the pistons which turn the crankshaft.
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  • Besides leaving salt deposits, rusting internal parts and causing valve damage, water in an engine also makes short work of pistons and cylinders.
  • Calculates the piston displacement, speed, acceleration, and analyzes the forces burden of the piston joint - shank - framework . 3.
  • Detroit: The rebuilding Pistons, looking for help along their front line, drafted Austin Daye, a 6-11 sophomore from Gonzaga, with the No. 15 pick — the third player selected in the first round who is the son of a former NBA player. Team-by-team analysis: T'wolves have guards covered
  • Like in a car engine, the gas released from a manhole explosion could push on a piston and turn a crankshaft.
  • Paul stationed himself in the bedroom window, and I was in the garden and the boiler had reached working pressure so I flipped the piston to start it.
  • If you've written off pistons and pushrods as obsolete 20 th-century artifacts, you're ahead of the game.
  • All light aircraft maintenance workshops would most certainly have one for synchronizing and timing port and starboard magnetos on piston engines.
  • A piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod.
  • Since the bearings and piston rings are lubricated predominantly in the hydrodynamic regime, a lubricant with a lower viscosity should lead to a thinner oil film and thus lower friction.
  • The proven variable - area piston metering assembly provides accurate, dependable flow rate indication.
  • Irreparable damage had been caused to the A7 rocker gear, cylinder head, cylinder liner, piston, connecting rod, big end bearing and the trombone.
  • A built-up circular piston sound source is established in this paper. The directivity formula of its far field is obtained, and its validity is simulated.
  • So, for instance, a designer can see an engine block as a wire-frame display with all the cams and pistons shaded for better visibility.
  • During each revolution the top beam of the connecting rod goes from horizontal to an angle as the piston rods are in a fixed plane some means of extending the beam is required.
  • By this simple arrangement the pump is rendered positive in its action; that is, it will instantly start and continue working the moment steam is admitted to the steam-chest, while at the same time the piston is enabled to move as slowly as the nature of the duty may require. Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
  • The treadle pump is easy to build from bamboo or other wood and 2 metal cylinders with pistons.
  • Helicopters are turbine powered and have to go to a major airfield or an RAF station to refuel, whereas a piston-engined aircraft can refuel at practically any flying or gliding club.
  • Movement of the pistons is conveyed to the wheels by cranks and connecting rods.
  • It is an integral entity which is made up of a manual corrugated pipe or sleeve piston pump and a flow controlling valve. It is suitable for liquid suction, pressing and siphoning.
  • ‘The new alloy is ideal for high-temperature cast components used in engines such as pistons, connecting rods, actuators, brake calipers and rotors,’ said Lee.
  • The wave pump consists of two floats, one above the other, fitted to a double-acting piston. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here’s a good write-up on a “decarb” procedure — cleans the carbon off cylinders, pistons, transfer ports, etc. From Prop | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • It is confirmed that it is a effective method to predict the diesel piston life with total strain - energy density, and that the in-phase thermal fatigue evaluation is the most effective method.
  • The force of the resulting explosion pushes the piston down the cylinder for the exhaust stroke.
  • First the dynamical model of DHFPE's piston component assemble is built. The motion of DHFPE is self-sustained oscillation with variable rigidity and variable damp.
  • Such a dismissal will no doubt be received the way a brisk slap in the face would for the nucleus that goes back to the 2004 NBA title heyday, but the Pistons have earned the skepticism that follows them into the playoffs this year. Fantasy News
  • If the positions of cylinder and piston be reversed, the piston pointing vertically upward and the sand "bled" into an orifice in or through it, the void caused by the outflow of this sand would be filled by sand displaced by the piston pressing upward rather than by sand from above. Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, Paper No. 1174, Volume LXX, December 1910
  • Approximately 20 CC of an extrudable dough-like material is placed in a cylinder, and a lever piston forces the material into a two-piece mold. see illustration 1 Archive 2006-01-01
  • After the spark plug has fired and ignited the mixture, excess gases are pushed by the piston out of the cylinder towards the exhaust system.
  • At the moment, the closest most engine analysts get is taking average readings from the piston crank and the oil sump.
  • Extending immediately below the camshaft is another vertical shaft, driven by bevel gears from the crank-shaft, and terminating in a worm which drives the multiple piston oil pumps. A History of Aeronautics
  • Various German and Japanese automakers have built hydrogen-fueled piston-engined, and even rotary-powered cars in recent years.
  • The preliminary research showed that the material used of the piston rod is unqualified , casting aliquation and much S element result in cracking on the edge of the casting aliquation.
  • In the engine chamber of diesels, the pistons are rigged to create a high amount of pressure.
  • The Pistons clearly are a shaken team unaccustomed to taking two sound beatings in a series.
  • Air compressed on the upstroke helps push the piston back down, minimizing energy loss.
  • The connecting rod is attached at one end to a crankpin on the crankshaft and at the other end to a piston, through a piston pin or wrist pin.
  • Here in the Eastern Conference final, where half-court drudgery is dictated by a Detroit Pistons outfit that wants no part of sleek showmanship, NBA basketball becomes less an art than a painstaking process both to play and watch. - Nets sweep road set from Pistons
  • Motor is all VW with stock block clearenced for stroker crank, stock crank is welded stroker, has 92mm pistons to equal 2180, vw heads ported, and dual IDF webber carbs. mild 125 engle cam. - Articles related to VW plans to be No. 1 car seller in the world by 2018
  • Friction is also found in bearings, piston rings, transmission and rear-end gears, and a host of other car parts.
  • These include a raised capacity, new cylinder block, pistons and crankshaft.
  • The High / Intermediate piston rod was removed and has been skimmed, by an outside contractor, to remove rust which would otherwise destroy the steam-tight glands.
  • When a cylinder fires, the piston rod is at an angle and can immediately turn the crankshaft via the cam at the end of the pivoting arm.
  • The Pistons could not score on their next four possessions, and Wallace shot an airball from the foul line and then missed another free throw with 2: 10 left to leave Detroit trailing by nine. - Davis, Raptors ward off extinction
  • Staggering home under the appalled stares of passers-by, a bloodied Mehmet walks a gauntlet of seething furnaces, grinding pistons and an incessant, infernal hammering.
  • However, instead of a large battery to power an electric motor, you have a fuel tank and a small piston engine, usually two-stroke, complete with air-filter, carburettor and exhaust pipe.
  • Since the Nilgiri rack railway was a Swiss invention, the locos that still run it - fitted with extra pistons to work the rack mechanism - were imported from Switzerland.
  • In the two years to June, the price of avgas, the fuel used by small piston aircraft, increased by 80%.
  • It is confirmed that it is a effective method to predict the diesel piston life with total strain - energy density, and that the in-phase thermal fatigue evaluation is the most effective method.
  • With a hydraulic press having a piston O. 27 of a meter in diameter, it permits of effecting in ten minutes the extraction of the oil from 25 kilogrammes of colza seeds. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • All Gamo air rifles have a rifled steel barrel, trigger safety and spring-piston action and are grooved for a scope.
  • His engine did include a piston but he used a counterweight to extract it.
  • The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft.
  • The piston in its cylinder rocked, trembled, didn't move.
  • During the compression stroke, the piston moves up the cylinder, squeezing this fuel-air mix.
  • A steam locomotive, for example, is a machine that converts the reciprocating motion of a piston into the rotation of its driving wheels.
  • The machinery in it looked oddly antiquated, as if someone had taken a lot of cogwheels and pistons and piled them together.
  • In the medical and pharmaceutical sectors, Amiloy 22 can be used to fabricate shaft bushings, bearings, piston rings, pump parts, and slide pads.
  • The pistons inclined towards each other in pairs, like mechanical suitors, each pair supporting a huge, T-sectioned metal spindle. ANTI-ICE
  • In the flow divider pintle of variable radial piston pump, the pressure compensator is added in the hydrostatical balance system, then it makes the system to have pressure control feedback.
  • However, it differs in revised crankshaft and pistons, an increased cylinder capacity and larger intake and exhaust ports.
  • The seating of the main admission valve is cushioned by the dashpot, the piston of which is shown in section at G (Fig. 51). Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers
  • The stroke is the distance that the piston moves up and down.
  • Their target buyer was someone who would be moving up from either a high-end piston single or twin.
  • On the other hand, black wet glazed plug is caused by the burned oil leaking past the piston rings or valve guides as well as burning in the cylinder.
  • However, it differs in revised crankshaft and pistons, an increased cylinder capacity and larger intake and exhaust ports.
  • The "EPG" (two jaw) and "ETG" (three jaw) parallel gripper lines utilize a double acting piston and rocker arm design.
  • FPGAs france free space optics free-piston engine free-piston linear alternator freitas ftl fuel cells fullerenes funding fusion future future weapons futurist futurists gadgets gbit/s gbps gdp gecko gene sequencing gene synthesis gene therapy general fusion genescient genomics geoengineering geothermal germany gigaflop gigapixel global warming glycerol nucleic acid Next Big Future
  • Unlike a piston engine, where reciprocating parts move up and down, the twin rotors in the Mazda just spin around.
  • The resulting explosion pushes a piston, which is attached to a connecting rod.
  • More traditionally, wood gas has been used to drive internal combustion piston engines.
  • The 1974-75 Pistons were desperate to clinch a playoff berth in their next-to-last game of the season, and they did by defeating Chicago at Cobo Arena, 97-89.
  • Rotaries extract disproportionate power from small capacity engines and, because they need no pistons, valves, camshafts and belts, are free-revving and smooth as velvet.
  • The opposed pistons are double-acting, performing a two-stroke engine power cycle on facing ends and induction and scavenge air compression on their outside ends, all within the same cylinder bore.
  • Last time I checked the rafters, the Celtics and Lakers were the NBA's winningest franchises, and even less "storied" franchises like the Bulls, Pistons and Spurs have more championships than the Knicks, many of them coming at the expense of the Knicks. Ferentz LaFargue: "Lebron James Declines Knicks Offer"
  • The operation of the rotary engine means that it is not prone to backfiring on hydrogen, as conventional piston engines are.
  • The central control circuit then sends a control signal to the driver's circuit for the accumulator piston.
  • Abstract Straight columnar piston type stapes prosthesis is commonly used in stapedioplasty.
  • Meanwhile, hydrodynamic lubrication in plain bearings and piston rings can be analysed in seconds.
  • These pressure distributions apply a side force to the hammer piston which strives to center the hammer piston in the guide.
  • A Langevin piston was used to maintain the pressure at 1 atm.
  • But the principle of generating steam in a boiler, under pressure and using it to push pistons back and forth in two or more double-acting cylinders, is just the same.
  • There was new wooden lagging on her right hand cylinder, but no jacketing, and the front head and piston had been removed.
  • As Pistone's header duly flew past Simonsen, Noel Whelan was able to trot in for the tap-in.
  • The Manley connecting rods and pistons swing on a Callies crankshaft and provide a compression ratio of 15 to 1.
  • Bigger capacity engines produce more torque as more fuel is burnt per firing stroke, giving a bigger push to the piston.
  • An oil jet hole, in the rod journal end (large end) lubricates the rod small end, piston and cylinder inner surface.
  • Common types of compressors are single-acting piston, double-acting piston, and centrifugal.
  • Pushing the piston higher into the cylinder compresses the air-fuel charge more tightly and produces more efficient combustion.
  • In the flow divider pintle of variable radial piston pump, the pressure compensator is added in the hydrostatical balance system, then it makes the system to have pressure control feedback.
  • The defile was a death trap, where huge pistons shot out and slammed across from side to side. Worldshaker
  • V - piston air compressor intake valve when the black smoke in the exhaust how's going on?
  • Subaru The engine is a version of the WRX's 2. 5-liter turbo four cylinder, with added valves, crank, pistons, intercooler -- the works -- giving it a grand total of 305 hp at 6,000 rpm and 290 pound-feet at 4,000 rpm. Spoiler Alert: The Subaru WRX STI
  • Even when all his pistons were synchronised and operating precisely, Jones did not like to take chances.
  • About midnight she was awakened by the music of a band composed of a clarinet, hautboy, flute, cornet a piston, trombone, bassoon, flageolet, and triangle. Ursula
  • Each stop may now be moved 1/16 inch nearer to a point halfway between them to cause "cushioning" of the piston, by admitting steam before the stroke is quite finished. Things To Make
  • The early rotary engines were well known for being thirsty and wearing out the seals on the rotary piston.
  • The cylinders have to be right and their fit with the piston rings perfect.
  • Richard Hamilton returned after missing eight games with a groin strain, meaning the Pistons went back to a three-guard lineup despite going 6-2 without Hamilton.
  • It is an unlikely position for a company that, had it complied with collusive Japanese business traditions and paid heed to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, would be stuck in obscurity making piston rings. Sunday Reading
  • The pressure from this steam forced the piston upward once it was high enough to counteract the weight and atmospheric pressure on the cylinder.
  • A hydraulic hammer is basically a hydraulically powered reciprocating piston inside of a body.
  • The alloy is called Inver and it is used extensively in clocks, tapes and wire measures, differential expansion regulators, and in aluminium pistons with a split skirt in order to give an expansion approximating to that of cast iron.
  • When the hydrodynamic front reaches the ambient medium it acts like a fast - moving piston.
  • That change is equivalent to the piston movement in a car's engine which ultimately drives the wheels round.
  • A piston destined to shuttle back and forth within a cylinder will be made on a lathe.
  • I always find it unnerving to throttle back large piston aero engines to idle in flight, and the Kestrel was no exception.
  • This is a wonderful piece of ancient machinery of indeterminate age, and consists of a crank-driven triple piston pump.
  • On the downward stroke of the piston, the intake valve opens to release fuel into the combustion chamber, then closes.
  • Pistons for internal combustion engines are hard anodized to minimize the amount of thermal expansion in relation to possible thermal expansion of the engine block.
  • The 1974-75 Pistons were desperate to clinch a playoff berth in their next-to-last game of the season, and they did by defeating Chicago at Cobo Arena, 97-89.
  • These include a raised capacity, new cylinder block, pistons and crankshaft.
  • The pumping of pistons in a car engine firing up and down thousands of times per minute relies on heavy-duty lubrication.
  • If the stimulus be repeated, the muscle makes a new twitch, apparently resembling the preceding one; and if the muscle is attached to a suitable connecting lever, the several twitches give the same effect as the strokes of a piston in a steam-engine. Physiology or Medicine 1922 - Presentation Speech
  • Piston, a superb craftsman in an era which distrusts craftsmanship, nevertheless almost never allows craft to become the point.
  • But the piston restricts the amount the gate can open, so the gate is be propped open halfway by a bright orange traffic cone.
  • The up and down motion of the piston in the cylinder is transmitted by the beam to the piston in the water pump.
  • Another system uses hydraulic pistons that mount to a wood platform.
  • The steam is then fed to cylinders, where it forces the pistons back and forth.
  • The Nets, bursting with energy after a five-day break, threatened to run the Pistons out of the building in the opening minutes.
  • Cleveland blew most of a 29-point lead in the final period against Detroit's reserves and the Cavaliers had to reinsert LeBron James to restore order before hanging on for a 94-82 win over the Pistons on Tuesday night to take a 2-0 lead in their Eastern Conference playoff series. Cavaliers hold off Pistons for 2-0 series lead
  • The stroke is the distance that the piston moves up and down.
  • In a diesel engine a fuel air mixture is injected into a cylinder where it is compressed by a piston.
  • You need a piston, a manifold, then you need an engine block, a carburetor, a distributer, this that and the other thing.
  • The engine's camshaft drives the pump pistons through a roll rocker arm.
  • The Pistons would often try to confuse Jordan with multiple looks, be it the passive, sagging defense of Joe Dumars or the bullish, in-your-face style of Dennis Rodman.
  • Besides leaving salt deposits, rusting internal parts and causing valve damage, water in an engine also makes short work of pistons and cylinders.
  • I could recognize the changes being made to the boilers and steam lines where they were intending to install secondary piston chambers.
  • All of half a mile in diameter was this shaft, and ringed regularly along its height by wide amethystine bands — like rings of a hollow piston. The Metal Monster
  • The combustion chamber of a four-stroke engine is designed to induce turbulence through the addition of ‘squish’ areas in which the top of the piston is the mirror image of a corresponding area of the cylinder head.
  • These resemble crop-sprayers, but with piston engines - hence the avgas there.
  • However, the motor's flanged cylinder liners help provide 94 mm cylinder bores, creating a full 5.0 liters of piston displacement.
  • An instrument that measures the outer profile parameters of piston rings such as conical rings, tubbish rings by scanning is introduced.
  • However, evidence suggests that some users may well have chartered light jets or business turboprops instead of traditional light piston-engined twins.
  • So either Brown is crazy and has some abandonment issue where he has to leave his team every two years or Joe Dumars and the Pistons are high on some kind of wood stainer. Adam McKay: Musings From Atop America
  • In a Stirling refrigerator, this phase angle is provided by the relative movement of the piston and the displacer.
  • Unlike a piston engine, where reciprocating parts move up and down, the twin rotors in the Mazda just spin around.
  • This time, the fix wasn’t as simple: it required putting twenty-four small air pistons called actuators around the edge on the back of the mirror and pushing and pulling the mirror in tiny adjustments, maybe 10 pounds of pressure each, until it was shaped correctly. A Grand and Bold Thing
  • Before this he had built up lots of time in piston and turbine twins as well as owning a Pitts S2A and S2B which he thoroughly enjoyed.
  • Therefore I find it much more likely that the piston position in this case was dislodged by external force.
  • The old piston-engined Bell helicopters fixed the time period so strongly for me that I never even realized the other context was missing. Robert Altman.
  • Jet engines are crucial: They're faster than piston engines and far safer.
  • He was ineffective for the first two games of the Pistons' playoff series against the Heat and sat out the final game as Detroit was swept.
  • The SABR? rifle utilizes our patented self-regulating short-stroke gas-piston operating system ensuring unparalleled reliability in the harshest theaters of operation.
  • The swept volume is the amount of volume that the piston moves through as it moves up and down.
  • _ -- Watt being a mathematical instrument maker, was requested to repair an old engine used by some students of Glasgow University; having finished the repairs, and in working this model (the best type of the atmospheric engine), he found and proved by many and various experiments, that an enormous waste of fuel was absolutely necessary in working the engine; he found great difficulty in keeping the air from entering the cylinder, and the cylinder top was so exposed to the atmosphere that the steam was much condensed when it entered the cylinder, and he came to the conclusion to put a cover on the top of the cylinder, and allow the piston-rod to play in a hole in the cover with a gland and stuffing box, and _to press down the piston with steam instead of the atmosphere_. The Stoker's Catechism
  • Actually, piston ring is working under the state of boundary lubrication and the half dry friction.
  • A timing belt or timing chain links the crankshaft to the camshaft so that the valves are in sync with the pistons.
  • The cams are mounted on a shaft which oscillates in rotation, and the pistons move so as to follow the profile of the cam.
  • Each piston rides on a chrome-moly steel connecting rod, which is shot peened to improve durability and strength. Top Speed
  • The engines fitted on this particular aircraft were two pistons and two small turbojets (to help it to take off in certain conditions).
  • She turned it slightly, and the car started with a load roar, and then there was a decrescendo into an inviting purr… a weird combination of the traditional piston and the new-age rotary technology.
  • These pressure distributions apply a side force to the hammer piston which strives to center the hammer piston in the guide.
  • The second combustion chamber has a reciprocating piston 15 mounted therein.
  • The all-aluminum 5.6 liter engine features cast-iron cylinder liners, graphite-coated pistons, a microfinished forged-steel crankshaft, chain-driven dual overhead cams, and a structural aluminum oil pan.
  • The crank shaft turns the piston's up and down motion into circular motion just like a crank on a jack-in-the-box does.
  • The Feds say Napolitano was killed in retribution for his ties to Pistone - and they have a ‘high-ranking’ witness who has linked Massino and acting capo Frank Lino to the crime.
  • It heralded the advent of jet-propelled flight and the gradual demise of the piston-engined combat aircraft.
  • Minimizing the load carried by half the pistons and connecting rods trims friction and reduces energy losses to the cooling system.
  • The piston pin joins the piston to connecting rod.
  • Instead of reloading for championship runs, the also-rans in the East are looking at the examples set by the Nets, Pistons and Celtics - that the road to revival in the East somehow is filled with shortcuts.
  • With both valves closed following combustion, the pistons in those cylinders come up and compress the exhaust gases instead of pumping them out.
  • The five mobile panels (one flap, four sliding) are activated by hydraulic pistons.
  • Today, most forms of transportation depend on the combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel such as gasoline, kerosene, or diesel oil to produce the energy that drives pistons and moves the vehicles on which modern society depends.
  • The new engine has a forged steal crankshaft with revised counterweights to handle the greater weight of the higher compression pistons.
  • Steam from the steam-chest, J, is therefore entering the right-hand end of the main cylinder through the ports E and H, and the exhaust is escaping through the ports H 1, E 1, K and M, which causes the main piston A to move from right to left. Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
  • Each track is driven by a separate hydraulic circuit consisting of one variable-displacement piston pump connected by hose and couplings to a piston motor.
  • Water doesn't compress and the piston in effect hits a wall, bending or breaking a con rod and possibly shattering the engine block.
  • The invention relates to a screw self-lock type syringe which consists of a syringe tube, a piston rod, a pin, etc.
  • The pistons inclined towards each other in pairs, like mechanical suitors, each pair supporting a huge, T-sectioned metal spindle. ANTI-ICE
  • Common types of compressors are single-acting piston, double-acting piston, and centrifugal.
  • Calculates the piston displacement, speed, acceleration, and analyzes the forces burden of the piston joint - shank - framework . 3.
  • The utility model relates to a multifunctional therapeutic jar, which is composed of a jar body, a body inner piston, a piston lift-drop mechanism, a heating coil and a replaceable jar mouth.
  • However, a piston liner in the main engine failed during the voyage north.
  • You are one win away from the play-offs and you get blown out, destroyed, shellacked, embarrassed, humiliated and ELIMINATED by the Pistons?
  • _Top left_, straight-line linkage; _top right_, crosshead and guide arrangement; _lower left_, piston rod _A_ is guided by sectors _D_ and _E_, suspended by flexible cords. Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt
  • Compress the spring on the exhaust valve and measure the movement required for the valve to contact the piston.
  • Amongst those was the piston-engined Skyraider and the T-37 basic trainer pictured, which became a potent warbird. Archive 2007-03-01
  • A new machining principle for non-cylinder pin hole of piston was presented by using giant magnetostrictive material (GMM) to control the deformation of tool rod.
  • It heralded the advent of jet-propelled flight and the gradual demise of the piston-engined combat aircraft.
  • A typical rebuild is new pistons, rods, main and rod bearings, piston rings, and a valve job.
  • The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, 1979 I remember how, that night, I lay awake in my wagon-lit in a tender, delicious ecstasy of excitement, my burning cheek pressed against the impeccable linen of the pillow and the pounding of my heart mimicking that of the great pistons ceaselessly thrusting the train that bore ... Empty Your Heart Of Its Mortal Dream
  • maulers," and told Captain Raft he could whip him, - the pilot, and deck hands, and if they would give him the advantage of the "under grip," he would let the piston - rod of the engine punch him in the side all the time the fight was going on. The Hive of "The Bee-Hunter," A Repository of Sketches, Including Peculiar American Character, Scenery, and Rural Sports
  • The cylinders have to be right and their fit with the piston rings perfect.
  • Attached to the crankshaft is a set of titanium connecting rods and forged aluminum pistons, which, when combined with the cylinder heads, delivers a 9.1: 1 compression ratio. Top Speed
  • Modified piston valves were also fitted to counteract the high coal consumption as the originals became worn.
  • The workbench supports and the machine mountings go through the floor into the basement and rest on eight-ton concrete blocks, supported by pistons, which in turn rest on cushions of compressed air.
  • Heavy engine work on the jet, turboprops and piston aircraft is contracted out.
  • Pistons are jet cooled on the underside and piston skirts have a special coating to assure a smooth break-in period.
  • Or suppose the big question this season is whether the Pistons, with the new titanium fibril implants in their quads, will beat the Spurs, with their prosthetic forearm extenders. Should Science Make Us Better Than Well? | Impact Lab
  • Tay is so athletic and so long that he gives Andre Iguodala problems, and when they bring in (Kyle) Korver, we make a conscious effort to get Tay the ball, '' Pistons coach Flip Saunders said. - Basketball - Philadelphia vs. Detroit
  • Ken Berger reports that Richard Hamilton and Chris Wilcox have been fined for missing shootaround without an excuse, but the Pistons are not planning a coaching change in the wake of the perceived mutiny against John Kuester Schedule doesn't get any easier
  • The calipers are of monobloc type to maximize rigidity and reduce deformation due to the high stresses generated by the pressure of the pistons on the pads.
  • Approximately 20 CC of an extrudable dough-like material is placed in a cylinder, and a lever piston forces the material into a two-piece mold.
  • If you run out of oil, the piston cannot move up and down freely in the cylinder, and the engine will seize.

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