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How To Use Pissing In A Sentence

  • They was pissing me off and I started to take out a titty and charge these motherfuckas for the peep show. Real wifeys
  • Whats pissing you all off is despite all the money, all the press, all she was dead after Iowa, all the big mo, all the NH press ding donging the witch is dead, MSNBCing she is dead gotta have CALi she is still here. MoveOn Raised Almost $360,000 For Obama Since Yesterday
  • All of Daddy's sit-stay-heel commands are like pissing against the wind in a hurricane, and the technical term for what followed is DNQ -- did not qualify ... ... and the Agony of Defeat ...
  • The grape vine is climbing up the berry tree and the blackberry is having a pissing contest with something hideous from the neighbour's side of the fence about who has the biggest brambles. Wonderful new invention
  • They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing.
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  • There I was writhing in agony on the floor and you lot were pissing yourselves laughing!
  • If you keep on pissing my sister around, I'll give you a lesson.
  • Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off. Colin Powell 
  • Stop pissing about. I've got work to do.
  • It's typical of what Drudge had been running till yesterday, though, scavenging far and wide to find some oddball outlier poll, then liberally pissing his trowsers in odiferous excitement over his banner-headline "discovery. CBS/NYT Poll: Obama Winning Big -- If New Voters Turn Out
  • His mother (?) and another 40-something woman were helping him carry things down the stairs, as were two teenaged girls -- one of which I would surely recognize if she were to holler from the stairwell (where the acoustics promise hearty echos), HEY, BRADLEY IS PISSING IN THE PARKING LOT! Cherie waxes vindictive
  • Now, let's stop pissing about, shall we?
  • We realize now the reunion is not a success and prosperity pissing contest, that no one really cares whether you have a nice car and/or a kickass job or not, they just want to see you and pictures of your kids and tell funny stories about the days when we had Trans Ams and summers off. Reunions: Not just about unions anymore | Johnny B. Truant
  • Robert's Bobby Kennedy understands that the anguish suffered by a single child who watches a puppy get beaten to death for pissing on a rug is the same anguish suffered by a sick person forced to choose between medicine or groceries, the same anguish suffered by an immigrant forced to work seventy-hour weeks under the looming threat of deportation. Zac Hill: Searching for Bobby Kennedy: Health Care and the Moral Imperative
  • The episode proper this week began with a shot of Special Agent Dry Mouth, in the early morning, while his entire tribe was trying to sleep, gratuitously pissing them off, using a palm frond to sweep the jungle! Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 22: Rerun Island: Russell Blows It, Mansweater Sucks It, and Big Mouth Stamps It.
  • But don't worry -- if an attorney is known to bring questionable cases time and time again, even if they aren't disciplinarily actionable, s/he will essentially be crapping where s/he sleeps by pissing off the bench and wouldn't be good for business, ultimately. Just Another Nuisance Malpractice Case
  • One necessary survival skill for living in New York City is knowing how to dispatch random nutjobs who approach you in public without pissing them off.
  • I can't forgive him for pissing me about.
  • He tried to explain to her that a bad business decision which results in a) pissing off your customers or b) having a bad credit rating was, perhaps, a * bad business decision* but that just because something made her personally unhappy didn't mean it was immoral or unethical. No More Mister Nice Blog
  • It has become a lifestyle choice for far too many - four years of pissing up and a Mc Degree or just a plain failure (that's DNQ these days) Oswald Bastable's Ranting
  • I mean sure, the whole pissing off Poseidon thing, the sirens, getting them eaten by a one-eyed giant, and the eventual collective cock-block when he "rescued" them all from the island of sexy vixens and never-ending free drinks. Hubris, it's not just for breakfast anymore
  • Now, let's stop pissing about, shall we?
  • There I was writhing in agony on the floor and you lot were pissing yourselves laughing!
  • Pissing on the floor or seats of a subway, bus, or aeroplane is considered 'wrong'. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Mudcat and his supporters here have postulated that if mudcat can bring X number of non democratic leaning voters to the polls in some hypothetical rural southern state that that would more than make up for pissing off an identical number of rich, intellectual, opera loving, ingternet using, reliably democratic voting urban elites. Matthew Yglesias » Mudcat
  • I wish he'd say yes or no - he's been pissing me around for weeks.
  • He rode Dino Chretien’s coat tails to a mediocre fame and now Dino is, like a month away from pissing his Depends and eating Pablum in a nursing home poor widdle warren is left without any coat tails to ride. Warren Kinsella Quits Post « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • But Bush actually backing up that blueblooded entitlement in a real, honest-to-god, ‘broken nose, pissing blood, requiring multiple stiches’ fight? Matthew Yglesias » Bush As Crank
  • It just exists to keep guitar sales up and basements full of scabby punks pissing their days away into a bucket marked ‘excess’.
  • You ever hear the expression , pissing up a rope?
  • They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing.
  • This kind of behavior is common enough that it got parodied in Beavis & Butthead, there is also a mention in the book Fight Club where the main character burns his penis from pissing in the soup. Domino’s Pizza horror video
  • Politicians have to be diplomatic, and pissing off Obama by spouting neocon gibberish is probably not a good idea. Matthew Yglesias » Boot v. Peres on Arab Peace Initiative
  • At this point, my mate who was driving was pissing himself laughing, so I thought "Yeh, job done", and hoiked my keks back up. Army Rumour Service
  • | Reply | Permalink not to get into a pissing match, but as a regular times reader, i would agree with the previous comments re: maureen dowd and bob herbert, but feel that paul krugman and frank rich should be mentioned as people who have deftly and clearly written about the issues of class, poverty, and race. New York Times' Leslie Wayne Continues Twisted Jihad Against Edwards
  • September 27, 2006, 3: 05 pm girl pissing black girls pissing pissing girls pissing in panties gallery says: girl pissing black girls pissing pissing girls pissing in panties gallery The Volokh Conspiracy » Something worth producing:
  • Champlain wrote: On June 20, a shallop arrived from Sainte-Croix which gave us news of the arrival of forty canoes, which were the Bésérévis [his name for the Nipissing], and with them a French interpreter whom the Sieur de Caën had sent the previous year [1632] to encourage the Indians to come for trade, and he asked the sieur de Champlain to come quickly to Sainte-Croix, desiring to see him. Champlain's Dream
  • The band imprinted my vacation with incongruities: the clear blue beauty of the Aegean sea and the fuzz-fest mayhem of "Territorial Pissings", a hot shimmering Mediterranean sun infected with the chilling strains of "Polly". In search of Nirvana
  • To be fair, it didn't halp that it was dark (and pissing it down next morning) and think water cut had also made it a lot muckier, and was also a bit away from the sea in the centre of town, but had been imagining totally chilled out, pretty town right next to the sea, from what the guidebooks and other people had said, and so decided to head straight for Malindi. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants. OpEdNews - Diary: A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left "The Left'
  • Stop pissing about. I've got work to do.
  • A lot of people have gotten to the step of being emotionally invested in umbrage and are displacing the hostility of feeling like one is being deliberately ignored by those in power against the democratic party and even if the leaders wanted to throw some red meat to placate them and tell them they are heard, Presidents Lieberman and Nelson will take the opportunity to essentially speak for the Democratic Party and publicly try and ruin it for the sake of pissing on said base and thus retaining the love of the current media environment. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Beatings will continue until morale improves
  • Question: I can build a fire with a steel knife and a mag sparker block in the pissing rain 30 seconds. What's the Best Survival Weapon?
  • Stop pissing about and get on with your work.
  • My family spent their lives in fear of pissing off God and gentiles, and they split their time in each pursuit about fifty-fifty. Roseanne Archy
  • Known for their riotous, disgusting, G.W.A.R.-like shows — which inevitably climax in unsimulated pissing in real and expensive! denim cords — the band is now changing their name/concept to Beshitted Underwear. Portland Music Listener [Card #5: The Heirophant] (WORK-IN-PROGRESS)

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