How To Use pisser In A Sentence
- Unless your reason for living is to play the foil to a self-described cheerio pisser, just let it pass. Matthew Yglesias » The Problem With Political Journalism
- Unless your reason for living is to play the foil to a self-described cheerio pisser, just let it pass. Matthew Yglesias » The Problem With Political Journalism
- There was some pisser of a film about a boy and his dog on TV last night.
- The Green Hornet Trailer Puulaahi daring pisser - August 21, 2009 added by tiki god | Images mcs+ to rate Daring pisser | My[confined]Space
- The pisser is watching our misc staff who have no set jobs eat away at funds. Budget Draft Presented at
- Clough comes from the Old English for a wooded vale, while "pisser" may stem from "pissant", meaning insignificant and also slang for an ant. Rudely-named places guides let walkers pick their way to The Nostrils
- There was some pisser of a film about a boy and his dog on TV last night.
- Once he found the bottom of the flask, the search for more continued, and you know what the pisser is? Kings of Colorado
- My friend told everyone who would listen and the "pisser" was deny access to many properties in the local area, mine included. Gorilla Warfare Hunting
- There was some pisser of a film about a boy and his dog on TV last night.