How To Use Pissed In A Sentence
People would be pissed if the gimmick is ruined but it's not like the movie would stop.
The Latest Gimmick: Last Call, an Interactive Horror Movie, Will Phone You During the Film | /Film
This little bucktoothed chipmunk is still pissed because his team lost the cold war.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Congrats to the Obama Administration…
A: ALCOHOLIC MANICUREThe beauty of a manicurist getting you pissed is that you're more likely to go a bit "wacky" with the colours, and veer into the realms of tangerines and taupes.
The beauty bible
People get PISSED if you interfere or even get in proximity to their fishing grounds.
Florida Man Charged In Fish Fight
jpb and stuggy, y'think the OC is so pissed off because the "irresponsible journalism" of RTMS interrupted his orgasm...on the Playboy Channel?
Contradictions: Contemplating the Mysteries of Cycling

But for some reason my pissed-off-ness is still lingering?
The Other Side Of Anger | Her Bad Mother
Phil's pissed with my slow ascent to bestsellerdom.
My fave post
What she wants is to maintain sway over the party by forcing Obama to accept her terms for who the VP will eventually be (such as "don't choose a woman or my supporters will be pissed.")
CNN Poll: Majority of Dems want Clinton to be VP
Former Nirvana drummer not consulted; is pissed. posted by Eric 10: 44 PM |
Come home and start calling the fone company UGH I spend about three hours on the fone with them "do this oh and try that" Not on yet … pissed go to bed!
The Freak Network
Seems like the cops got pissed because the Prof was a bit narky.
Cambridge police arrest Henry Louis Gates
Ms Priss – my pissed-off-ness is still lingering, too.
The Other Side Of Anger | Her Bad Mother
There’s a whole lot of people out there in shitty situations, and a whole lot of them are every bit as pissed and scared as I was, or more.
Every little thing is going to be all right | Johnny B. Truant
felt really pissed at her snootiness
Both involve pissed off clerics from the afterlife brutally murdering everyone in their path.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
Everybody is pissed off.
I'm just an old "POOP" (pissed off old paratrooper) who wishes the docs would let him have a brew or two, I need them when the name manny enters my thoughts.
Manny garcia
I know he's rusty, judging by his airshot in the second half, but it was his attitude which really pissed me off.
Chelsea Blog
Everyone just pissed off and left me to clean up.
- (familiar/slang) prendre une cuite/se cuiter = to get plastered/pissed ....
The French word for plastered drunk... - French Word-A-Day
But Sarah called me a "killjoy" today and that pissed me off.
Nisayon Diary Entry
Ironically, many Congressional Democrats see the return of this money — already “expensed” under US budget accounting — as being “free” money that can and should be pissed away as additional stimulus.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Fannie & Freddie Officially Declared Bottomless Pits. GMAC Not Far Behind
“Elizabeth,” said Gomez, her heart racing, “what was your plan for dealing with forty-one multiton, radioactive rock creatures when they woke up, possibly disoriented, possibly pissed off?”
Creative Couplings
Who immediately became so righteously pissed that one of them quit and the other demanded a raise.
It is not everyone who can boast of being pissed on by a lion.
I believe that Ellsworth may actually be a bit pissed that the Clinton camp over-reached in declaring him as her 'endorsee' rather than more accurately representing his position as wanting to follow the will of the voters he represents.
Hillary Picks Up Another Super-Del
Voting for McCain 'cuz you're pissed that Hillary didn't win is equivalent to voting for Bush because you were miffed Dean didn't get the nom in' 04.
CNN Poll: McCain and Obama locked in a dead heat
So if you get rejected, absolutely go ahead and get pissed off, cry, gnash your teeth.
Agents, Publishers, Rejection, Aspiring Writers
The Who … …. deaf, dumb, blind kid … … boy is Palin gonna be pissed
Think Progress » Palin says she’s fine with Limbaugh’s use of the ‘r-word.’
Pissed ...... deleted and move as much files (in botht safe mode and DOS) as I can on the hdd then reformat it the HDD was already formatted to NTFS then stuffs were put into the HDD ... other things can be seen only the photos / pictures are
Word at Firedoglake is that some “dumbshit in Washington” called Raul Grijalva a “monster” and pissed him off.
Matthew Yglesias » House Progressives Willing to Back Modified Senate Bill, Centrist Senators Resume Customary Posture as Villains
I can see why the writer/direct put this into the movie though because it serves to give us a moment where the ROLES ARE REVERSED suddenly kirk is the moral one and Spock still pissed about his mother’s murder is revengeful and says that he wouldn’t have extended a helping hand to the villain.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 582
No, I had to remember them then I had to rewrite them and now it's past midnight and I can't sleep in because I have to have the dog at the vet in the morning because currently his piddle is the colour of rust and no, now that you mention it, the words I rewrote aren't precisely what I had before, although they're close, and I'm really really pissed about it because I'm terrified I've left out a really important bit but can't remember because the words were too new and hadn't sunk into my brain.
He steadied himself with one hand on the wall as he pissed, the extended duration made even less welcome by the whiffs of alsatian keech that kept wafting up and threatening to make him gag.
A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
People always get pissed at me because they think I am a "racialist".
Field negro
Joe: The goblin is pissed off because he had just finished blowdrying his fur when Mr. Knight came along.
The world’s worst video game box art, Part Two
Twelve Gauge was online talking about how she was pissed off about men I have no idea and I bitched about how I met this hot chick on Friendster who got weirded out by some Jeff guy.
Get Laid or Die Trying
Being mathematicians, they elected to name their firstborn after someone called Hypatia of Alexandria, a Neoplatonist philosopher who met a sticky end when, presumably having pissed off the wrong people the Antiplatonists? she was stripped naked and flayed with oyster shells before being burned alive.
Confetti Confidential
He pissed off the wrong guy and got shanked.
They would pretend to get pissed and start a fight.
He was piefaced soaked squiffy sloshed and all round ‘pissed as a newt’ not just a maniac but a dispsomaniac, takwe my word for it, I am an expert in drunken gibber and that is it. (n)
Mayoral As A Newt
I always chuckle to myself and infact out loud when your nicking someone on the Swamp and they get all pissed off at you and tell you that you should be out nicking the dealers and real bad criminals that live in the area not them all they did was smack their bird and she well deserved it blud!
Locally Elected Police Chiefs, Yeah? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The only reason why he's so pissed is that someone bullshit a quote from him that he never said.
Michael Bay Doesn’t Approve of Transformers Theme Park Ride | /Film
Besides, by tying her latest "crusade" about standing up for Florida voters to Zimbabwe and civils rights, and the 2000 election; she has royally pissed off black voters -- once again!
Polls: Hillary Outperforms Obama Against McCain In Three Key Swing States
A hand full of attacks by a couple of dozen radical islamists who are pissed because we bomb their countries, r@pe their women, steal their oil, overthrow their governments and otherwise declare war on them means patsy is sh! tting her pants enough to throw out the constitution despite the “real” threat from this being 1/100th of the real threat brought to you by the GOP radicals!
Think Progress » Tennessee Mosque Vandalized After Local TV Station Airs Irresponsible Report On ‘Homegrown Jihad’
I am unassuaged in my being pissed at George for making me wait far, far, too long for these books.
In Defense of George R. R. Martin - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
Also, if you were on my team and "roamed" overseas, I'd be pissed if you expected the company to pay the off network data charges.
What You Should Do When Your Internet’s Out | Lifehacker Australia
This particularly pissed Rory off, because he didn't do cocaine but was nonetheless widely assumed to and scowlingly disapproved of accordingly.
Be My Enemy
The man is to music bloggers what pissed Whitehall tittle-tattle is to Westminster diarists.
Kanye West's Runaway: Purple Rain or bird brains?
He immediately tells the queen, who springs it on Rumpelstiltskin, who's so pissed off he throws a tantrum and runs away, presumably to ply his poorly thought-out scam in another town.
Along by the edge of the mole he lolloped, dawdled, smelt a rock. and from under a cocked hindleg pissed against it.
Colorado voters basically pissed on the idea of decreeing that life starts at conception.
Classical Spin
The point that needs reiteration is that we had every single thing that was needed in 1968-69 to create a solar system wide society and we pissed it away.
Today's Video: Like None Other - Restored Moon Images to Help Future Moon Missions - NASA Watch
Way out back I discover a subterranean Yellow Jacket nest the quick and easy way; I mow over the entrance then get stung as I walk behind the mower into the stream of very pissed-off exiting hymenoptera.
Something ate the Yellow Jacket nest
Generally pissed at humanity, Timon seeks refuge in the woods, finds a bunch of gold, but refuses to return to society.
Yeah, Mel, Dennis, -- maybe Harrison, except he really pissed me off with that whole Calista Flockhart or whoever the chickee was thing he did.
Let me supply the missing links for that NYT article about the Althouse + Meade love story.
I think it was the "I got to get on a airplaine" and then to find out he was giving Katie an interview that really pissed him off.
Election Central Morning Roundup
Most of these sour pouting pusses are the far left - wing, nut - jobs who remain royally pissed the President didn't push through single payer, blissfully unaware of any resistance offered by the opposition.
Will Durst: Pixie Dust Blues
June 1, 2009 at 7: 40 pm iron fist is one of best marvel has if it gets canned im going to pissed ectocooler
Iron Fist and Runaways won’t be joining Captain Britain quite yet | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
Do you know how pissed off the Aussie and Kiwi Coast Guard services get at the repeated trouble and expense of having to rescue some no-mates Tarquin from Havant who gets himself into trouble in the Southern Ocean?
Touching Duh Void
Everyone just pissed off and left me to clean up.
In return, I was treated with enough respect to get me through, if we forget the incident at Point 6 when I was left alone with 20 pissed up protesters “by mistake” (for a few seconds) as the van revved up and pretended to drive off amid much hilarity from the team!
The system transfers the most pissed to an operator, by analyzing variables such as voice intonation and speech patterns.
Geez–the fuckin ingrateful Iraqis are pissed cause we blew up their houses and killed their aunties–INGRATES
Firedoglake » Shameful
You get really pissed off applying for jobs all the time.
Rinse your hands (no need to scrub the heck outta them unless you pissed on them
if you pissed on them, you weren't following the first rule, fool!), dry them off, and get the heck outta there.
Chicagojo Diary Entry
If they're pissed off at my totally bitchin' rock-star life—which makes Keith Richards and Ozzy and Sinatra and Zeppelin look like droopy-eyed, armless children—that's their problem.
Two and a Half Men Plus a Colonel
She was pissed at her douchey guy friends she knew from college, so she ditched them and started talking to the boy, allured by his eccentricities and the fact that he's clearly not from the city.
Million Dollar Story Ideas While Leeching Off Of Starbuck's WIFI Without Buying Anything: Episode 1
He was piefaced soaked squiffy sloshed and all round ‘pissed as a newt’ not just a maniac but a dispsomaniac, takwe my word for it, I am an expert in drunken gibber and that is it.
Archive 2008-01-20
“Word at Firedoglake is that some “dumbshit in Washington” called Raul Grijalva a “monster” and pissed him off.”
Matthew Yglesias » House Progressives Willing to Back Modified Senate Bill, Centrist Senators Resume Customary Posture as Villains
** kaumatua = tribal elder; tane = man; hoha = pissed off; whanau = extended family
The smallest room and other important cultural matters
I think the only one pissed is the individual who started this thread.
Y'all R Wasting Time!
And then, it's still nothing, and then I heard Nick, you know, unlocking the door, and then Roanne yelled, 'Just aminute!' and she sounded, you know, all pissed off.
One of Bush's "counselors" is off the record telling reporters that Bush was really, really pissed at Karl Rove over the Plame thing.
As is, I was curious enough and the title pissed me off enoughto read the whole thing.
Strong Women Characters
Not in the Nicholas Sarkozy sense of pissed* Iain is tea total but just, you know, pissed off.
Archive 2007-06-10
He bored everyone around him and eventually became a joke as he added 'ality' to everything he said...financeality, contentmentality, acquisitionality...he just went on and on while we pissed ourselves laughing.
Apple announces record profits of $6bn as Steve Jobs hails 'phenomenal' sales
This little bucktoothed chipmunk is still pissed because his team lost the cold war.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Congrats to the Obama Administration…
Young, liberal, ethnic minority that is pissed off at the administration and rails it countlessly.
Firedoglake » Are They Listening?
And you ignore the fact that Clinton pissed away 3 years of his term lying about getting a blow-job from a 22 year old in the oval office?
Hillary On Bill: I Understand That "It's A Lonely Job In The White House"
He was just lying there completely pissed.
Jesus Luz, underwear model and aspiring mixmaster,was showing off his spinning skills at a Carnival party in Rio de Janeiro when a pissed off reveller hurled beer at him, spywitnesses spilled to Rio tab iG Gente.
Madonna Makes Jesus Cry
Believe for a truth, that the place wherein the people gathered together, were thus sulphured, hopurymated, moiled, and bepissed, was called
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
If you get get pissed and act like a knacker at a Wedding/Wake then you should be disciplined.
Sunday Post, Ruralshire, England. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The national telco is pissed that ISPs are undermining their businesses, which rely on charging farcically high rates for long-distance, and they've gotten their pals in government to strong-arm all the ISPs in the country.
Boing Boing: November 3, 2002 - November 9, 2002 Archives
You get really pissed off applying for jobs all the time.
I just pissed myself with laughter.
It's just for sale from one pissed off celebrity who dosent want his name reviled," (or maybe revealed, though both could work) reads the ad, which also claims
E! Online (US) - Top Stories
It is not everyone who can boast of being pissed on by a lion.
During a discussion in Queens, a working-class neighborhood if ever there was one, rightfully pissed-off average people pelted Dudley with questions about the ways in which the detestably prevalent practice of commodities speculation had driven up the prices of all sorts of things that actually have a real-world impact on people: food, gas, electricity, etc.
Chez Pazienza: Kudlow & Dudley: Speaking Their Minds?
Okay now that I have got that off my chest and sounding like a total winge – sorry people but it really pissed me off I got an absolutely FANTASTIC present from hubby.
A Word on Christmas Presents
On that note, I have to mention that I am REALLY pissed off by the graff on trees I have seen recently in my current city, Odessa, Ukraine.
REVERSE GRAFFITI: Clean Green Street Art | Inhabitat
Subject: RE: Cambridge gig was it really that good? cannae remember much of the gig mesel '. more than usual pissed. plus where I was standing at the front you could hardly hear mark's vox (I knew the sound was better back a bit but I wasn't bothered).
Conan, a Cimmerian, is being pursued by pissed off guys with swords and crossbows.
Instead of Writing
Face it ... what's got you pissed is that YOU don't "like" Eyman's initiatives.
Sound Politics: Why the initiative process needs to be protected
I bet Ashlee is gonna be pissed once she realizes he is going away to play in Chicago next month.
Hollywood Dame » Blog Archive » Ashlee Simpson Gives Birth to a Boy - Confirmed
Now, 'pissed' for Ratzinger — I'm not sure 'pissed' is quite the word.
The Year of two Popes
Only I say it real apoplectic, which is the same as apologetic except you are also still pissed.
Flux Tales of Human Futures
Having knocked at the gate, and then pissed, as most men will do, the porter soon found him out, by his large greasy spatterdashes, his jaded hollow-flanked mare, his bagful of writs and informations dangling at his girdle, but, above all, by the large silver hoop on his left thumb.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
The part that sends me into a pissed off tizzy is that this also guarantees freedom for men: freedom from accountability, freedom from financial and cultural responsibility, freedom to go around humping women without a second thought to the consequences.
Duh pookie
‘We've had a lot of members for a long time pissed off about non-members bludging on the union for a long time,’ he says.
Joanna needs support in helping them and the story has me "royally" pissed off.
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Rational Review
Her own supporters may remain pissed that she didn't win
Sources: Clinton, Obama supporters discussing exit strategies