pis aller

  1. an expedient adopted only in desperation
    `pis aller' is French for `worst going'
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How To Use pis aller In A Sentence

  • Henchard had frequently met this man about the streets, observed that his clothing spoke of neediness, heard that he lived in Mixen Lane -- a back slum of the town, the pis aller of Casterbridge domiciliation -- itself almost a proof that a man had reached a stage when he would not stick at trifles. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • `pis aller' is French for `worst going'
  • = PK, K stressed pirouét pis aller pêace állây pláteau, pláteaux plural pláttô, plátôz; in both, the second syllable is stressed in AmE pot-pourri pôpu-rêe pouf, pouffe, pouffet poùf, poùf, poùffay poularde poûlarde pourboire porbwàr pourparler porpàrlay pousse-café poûss-cafây poussette poû-sét prelude première prémiãir promenade prómenàde proneur prón-ër protégé prôtezhây Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Lane -- a back slum of the town, the pis aller of Casterbridge domiciliation -- itself almost a proof that a man had reached a stage when he would not stick at trifles. The Mayor of Casterbridge
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