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How To Use Pirate In A Sentence

  • In many places, glittering among the clothes, were gold and silver coins, a few silver ornaments such as buckles, and watches -- things not missed by the pirates in the transport of their flight. The Frozen Pirate
  • The designers designed a terrific pirate galleon and a thrilling Lost Boys' hideout.
  • These live conversations took place via a messagerie service that the computer pirates called Gretel, identified by a logo of a heart with fluttering eyelashes. Diffusion of Innovations
  • The Zambia soccer squad winds up its camping in South Africa with a friendly game against Orlando Pirates in Johannesburg today.
  • Pearl scurried about the deck, searching the pirate crew to find the captain.
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  • A slight aspirate preceding and modifying the sibilant, which is, however, the stronger of the two consonants; _e.g. hsing_ = _hissing_ without the first _i_, Myths and Legends of China
  • The laughter wasn't very loud, it sounded normal, unlike the laughter of a madman, or a drunken pirate.
  • They also come across a cryptogram, which is rather difficult to solve, but which eventually they manage to decypher, and which leads them to the treasure hoarded by the pirate, who by that time has met his end. Across the Spanish Main A Tale of the Sea in the Days of Queen Bess
  • Like I was a pirate on the sea again, with everything right.
  • synners tag takin' cheap shots at p. diddy talk like a pirate tea from an empty cup technological torture technology technology apocalypse--long time coming teh cheezburgr strikes again! And Then THREE Got By Me--
  • That's one of the main Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to EU navy arrests 13 pirates off Oman
  • Muddying the issue of how much pirated software is on the Internet is the tremendous amount of software legally available to download.
  • They say illegal ‘pirate’ fishing and non-cooperation from key countries pose the main threat to the bird's survival.
  • Jolo, about 600 miles south of Manila, is a refuge for armed gangs, bandits and pirates.
  • But there is something very romantic about the notion of the pirate that remains to this day: The skill of two swashbucklers battling on the deck of a ship, the hunt for buried treasure and the thrill of lawlessness.
  • Ships of our navy have had occasional run-ins with pirates and marauders, but war for us is like the vaguest memory.
  • Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate.
  • The Borneons, from being so harassed by these pirates, call the easterly wind 'the pirate wind.' The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
  • Hadleigh looked towards the pirate ship to see three longboats full of men rowing towards them.
  • The company reportedly acquired the ability to launch the electronic countermeasure against pirates in November of last year, but held off on using it until Sunday.
  • They discover some pirate treasure at the bottom of the ocean, while looking ripped, tanned and clad in the skimpiest of skimpy clothes.
  • The Australians were like old-time pirates in their trumpeting of free trade. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • However, such a shocking thing as violence is hardly hinted at, and the Princess always succeeds, as the Creole lady in _Newton Forster_ said she did with the pirates, in "temporising," while her abductors confine themselves for the most part to the finest "Phébus. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • muss" the hair of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed even though he killed Americans, and yet we're allowed to shoot three Somali pirates on the high seas. Media Matters for America - Limbaugh Wire
  • The problem is that if the pirates carry on pillaging the fish, they will put themselves, and the rest of the world's legitimate tuna boats, out of business.
  • Keira's last dalliance with the Pirates franchise (she's not returning for Part IV) failed to resolve any off the major problems that Dead Man's Chest encountered.
  • CO2Pirate to account and ask why their predictions of death, doom and destruction never eventuated? Cyclone Yasi: Queensland takes stock of damage
  • But if he would rather hear Kate elocute about it than to lie and listen to the real thing, he's nothing more or less than a nature pirate. The Lookout Man
  • However, when Lafitte died, so too died the protection he had provided his homeowner friends from his band of pirate cut-throats.
  • Tagged with at world's end, Film, movie reviews, Pirates of the caribbean review, Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End « the j. botter weblog
  • A school technician pirated anything from video nasties to computer games.
  • Trading standards officer say the recent growth in car boot sales has provided a perfect outlet for the computer pirates.
  • Few pirates were in there, snoozing deeply in their bunks or hammocks.
  • In an Oct. 13 meeting with Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Obama said: ` ` Tell Raúl police Saturday detained 28 members of a far-right party who tried to disrupt an event held by a rival far-right tanker Monday farther out at sea than any previous assault, suggesting that pirate capabilities are growing as they increase intellectual Francisco Ayala, seen in this March 9, 2006 file photo during an interview with The Associated Press, in Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to Spanish PM vows sweeping reforms to boost economy
  • He might surface, gasp for air and taunting by his pirate comrades and then be keelhauled back underwater.
  • The little ship tried to escape when the big pirate ship bore down.
  • Méliès's illusionist tricks were wildly popular and influential - and frequently pirated.
  • According to the pirate legend, after months at sea, pillaging and singing sea chanties, the marauders had to stop in at a pirate-friendly settlement to unload their looted cargo, load up on supplies, and visit the local taverns and brothels. Loaded Guns, Barrels of Rum, and a Silk Ribbon
  • `You destroyed her, and then pirated her thoughts," Huntley said. A DEATH IN TIME
  • I will read to him, do crafts, play cars, pretend the couch is a ship and we are pirates – but I will not play trains. Mom At Work | Her Bad Mother
  • In English (following Spanish) a doubloon was a coin worth two pesetas -- the pirates '` piece of eight,' because the peseta was equivalent to four reals. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 3
  • The vessels of the Mangalore merchants came here to trade with the natives of this part of India for cargoes of spices, a fine kind of cloth called buckram and other valuable wares; but their vessels were frequently attacked, and too often pillaged by the pirates who infested these seas, and who were justly regarded as formidable enemies. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part I. The Exploration of the World
  • The next seven consonants are 'retroflex': the tongue curls back to the palate (front part of the roof of the mouth), making a hard sound ṭh aspirated version of the above as in 'dry', but harder Latest education news, including the university guide 2010, RAE results, higher and schools news, schools tables and further education |
  • Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.
  • For younger visitors, swashbuckling pirates will be hand to entertain, along with magicians, face paintings, musicians and much more.
  • Labels: onions, pimpin ', pirates posted by Angus @ 4/29/2009 02: 14: 00 PM This week's sign of the apocalypse
  • You got your start in radio as a pirate broadcaster.
  • The machine was used in a cave near the sea-shore where - it is said - pirates used to hide gold.
  • Labels: pimpin ', pirates, wtf? posted by Angus @ 5/23/2009 07: 12: 00 PM Yeah, there's an app for that
  • Then I vegged out on the couch, and watched ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ for like the fourth time in a month.
  • He aspirated some water and another coughing spasm started.
  • However, a nasopharyngeal aspirate is the best specimen for detecting influenza viruses, and polymerase chain reaction is more sensitive than tissue culture when serology is the reference standard.
  • Specially prepared micropipettes are then used to aspirate sperm from these tubules.
  • Englishman Paul Chandler and his wife Rachel in October last year to sail to the United Republic of Tanzania on the way from the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean by Somali pirates kidnapped.
  • A cascade of treasured memories come flooding back; my own upbringing taking in Soul Weekenders, warehouse parties, and stints as a pirate radio broadcaster.
  • The most interesting thing, if you ask me, is how "the irreverent, oppositional ethic that controlled pirate identity" winds up as the theme of family rides at these parks.
  • Effect of inhaled nitric oxide in premature infants on tracheal aspirate and plasma nitric oxide metabolites. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • You can make different kinds of mask for a witch or a pirate, or more elaborate ones for a masked ball.
  • Easily trumping both Musha and Necker at 1, 000 square acres, Parrot Cay (formerly named Pirate Cay, before the owners thought better of it) is only accessible by boat, so yacht owners are preferred.
  • They also say the likelihood of casualties increases when guns come out—especially when the pirates arrive armed with rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and ships carry explosive chemicals.
  • The pirates were closing; the ballista was being cranked and reloaded.
  • There, on the fore-deck of the prau, old Lingard found her under a heap of dead and dying pirates, and had her carried on the poop of the Flash before the Malay craft was set on fire and sent adrift. Almayer's Folly
  • “Oh, I dunno,” says our informant, another sprightly juvenile, modishly clad in jellaba, brass-buttoned jacket, and pirate head-scarf. Flashman on the March
  • Strom's pirates were swarming up the sides of their carack, heaving up the anchor. The Conquering Sword of Conan
  • Stripped to a pair of cotton trousers, with a dripping cutlass in one hand and a Colt's revolver in the other, an adventurer at the head of a bunch of dogs as desperate as himself fought his way across the reeking decks of a Chinese junk, to close in single combat with a gigantic one-eyed pirate who stood by the helm with a ring of dead men about him and a great two-handed sword upheaved .... The Cruise of the Jasper B.
  • For instance, aspirated consonants are written with a small superscript h after the symbol for the corresponding unaspirated consonant.
  • His guarantee of service includes a promise to reconnect your pirated line after cable officials sniff it out.
  • Vendors and retailers dealing in pirated products, either covertly or overtly, pose an omnipresent temptation to already vulnerable consumers
  • It was a perfect replica of a Caribbean pirate vessel, right down to the Jolly Roger flying from the topmast.
  • He chaffingly congratulated me on my tracking powers, and expressed regret that I had not made my appearance earlier, so that we might have arranged a race; and by the time we had finished lunch, I was as completely convinced as I had ever been of anything in my life, that he had no connection whatsoever with the Pirate. The Motor Pirate
  • A short plump pirate with an eye patch over his right eye, messy hair and a tangled beard.
  • The pirates seize the vessel and use it to attack a shoreside target, descending upon their target from the air.
  • Skirmishes with pirates as well as a concentrated campaign to eliminate one particular group early in his career had provided him with opportunities to excel.
  • Consider the Etruscan use of letter phi, coding for the aspirate bilabial stop, which tends to mark many Greek loans: Φerse 'Perseus' and Φuipa 'Phoibe'. The etymology of Latin tofus 'tufa' isn't written in stone
  • Harnessed up and clipped on - and on flat water - the task was a different story to how it would have been in the glory days of square-rigged pirate ships, exposed on a rolling sea.
  • Here is bad news for Asian copyright pirates: Britain's criminal underworld has decided to go it alone.
  • The pirates were closer, little more than a kay away, and the sternmost of the two had shifted course slightly, to take a heading that would come up alongside the Seastag on the port side. Wellspring of Chaos
  • A storm - tossed ship was painted on the backdrop for the first act of the modern drama named Pirate.
  • Chinese PMCs already have a major ground presence in Africa, Chinese commercial entities are building ports along the shipping lanes from the Middle East to China, and China has the potential to offer naval PMCs to provide security against pirates along major shipping routes. David Isenberg: Changing The Rules With PMC
  • In a time obsessed with figures and analyses he slashes away upon the field like an old-fashioned swashbuckler tackling pirates in some seafaring epic.
  • Pirated copies of the latest Harry Potter are all over the city.
  • Now former Leeds pirate radio broadcaster Jez is looking to use some of the money to benefit hip-hop talent in Africa.
  • Anyone found guilty in court of operating a pirate radio station could find all their equipment and records being confiscated.
  • I mean, as long as the West maintains naval presence in Somalian waters and are able to shoot the pirates, I really couldn’t care less what happens on land in that God-forsaken place. Matthew Yglesias » The End in Somalia
  • However, if we follow instead Hesychius' testimony, the irregular Celtic reflexes can be perfectly explained through borrowing from the implied Etruscan etymon *capra with its unaspirated k-. Manly goats
  • Or the insatiable market for pirated DVD titles, despite the atrocious video quality resulting from being 'recorded' in a noisy theater with a shaky hand-held camera, and the 5.1 soundtrack being reduced to a monaural garble, (thanks to the built-in $3 microphone). Would you buy a ‘no-name’ brand television? | Sync Blog
  • The basic phonetic unit of pirate speech is the single long-drawn-out letter: R, I, A, etc.
  • Cross-border trade in counterfeit and pirated goods is a growing global problem that often involves organized criminal networks. ‘New’ US trade office ACTA details
  • Let us go back to Isaiah and point out that in the scriptural list of spirated gifts there are two mentions of fear: 1) Fear of the Lord, and 2) a quick understanding, or delight in the Fear of the Lord. Part II: Piety the Savory Gift
  • One shop kept its pirated stock in a space above the ceiling, and clerks communicated with two-way radios to have them brought out for customers.
  • The fluid was aspirated and the lesion curetted free of any soft tissue.
  • The maths game, which has the working title Pirate's Star, is being devised by software developers at Abertay.
  • A pirate, having more prisoners than he has room for, tows one boatload astern. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • It's a galling thought when, with a little research, you could find great carpets of golden chanterelles just begging to be picked for free - the culinary equivalent of stumbling across a pirate's hoard.
  • My great grandmother with her black skin and her blue eyes tells me that we are Geechees from the Georgia sea islands, Geechees descended from a Portuguese pirate and a Spanish Jewish woman.
  • Instead, I pirated books (lawyers and other official-type people take note, by “pirate” I mean I dress up in swashbuckling garb while I read free public-domain titles). Falling Off the E-Book Wagon « Become A Robot
  • The auction of the card got over last week only. The T206 baseball card features Wagner in his teens clad in Pittsburgh Pirates uniform.
  • The point is not to engage offensive against Somali pirates.
  • The islands of the Caribbean are filled with significant historical sites, from old forts to pirate hideouts.
  • A Christian religious fanatic deliberately crocked the deal by leading a noisy pirate raid on Mecca. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: An Egyptian Gaza?
  • All I could think about was my handsome brother dressed as a Mohawk swinging from the mast of the ship and landing on deck like a swashbuckling pirate!
  • Cynis and Reciler watched as the corvettes made short work of the pirate vessels.
  • Quick research about Somali pirates will reveal a culture dependent on a nausea-killing plant called khat, or 'miraa' in Swahili. The Full Feed from
  • Then imagine yourself surrounded by sizzling synths, drunken piano stomps, and lock-step pirate rhythms.
  • Vanessa's character will reportedly be working as a "deckhand" on a cruise ship that's taken hostage by pirates, according to the mag. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • But for the current citizens of San Juan Capistrano putting on their costumes for the annual replay of the attack, the word "pirates" naturally sounds sexier than "anti-colonial fighters. Nicolás Meyer: California In Argentine Hands: A Brief History Lesson
  • Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.
  • In this context it is unsurprising that imaginative representations of the threat to capital in the form of visions of digital pirates or of an unenterprising colossus, flesh out the picture.
  • The owners of a missing cargo ship that disappeared two weeks ago after allegedly being attacked by pirates have received a ransom demand, it was disclosed today.
  • I also just remembered a dream where, in part of it, we uncovered this hoard of old coins, like it was a pirate treasure or something.
  • The win clinched the C-USA East Division title for the Pirates and a spot in the conference championship game.
  • If you added to it the adventures of the Famous Five as they tackled smugglers and pirates and thieves, and the magical escapades of brownies and elves, you get something close to Harry Potter.
  • The hijack is the latest in a string of pirate attacks off the Somali coast in recent months. The Guardian World News
  • A US warship has seized a group of suspected Somali pirates as well as a so-called mothership after they opened fire on the frigate, officials have said. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Ottawa's girls "persevered," though, to use Lady Pirates coach Mike Cooper's word for it, surviving a nailbiting final few minutes to top their hosts from Streator, 41-34. The Times Today's News
  • For future reference Mick, it's chutzpah, like a particularly catarrhal pronunciation of the Premier League team Tottenham Chutzpah – whose pre-season friendly against Orlando Pirates, incidentally, on ESPN was yet another distraction from the cricket. Tendulkar or Talksport: July's ultimate Test | Martin Kelner
  • A recent thread over on Hit and Run drove home the point that a lot of people think complaints about DRM and policies like the broadcast flag come down to thin fig leaves for a desire to pirate music. The Pragmatics of Crappy DRM
  • The young damsel has been captured by baddie pirate Barbossa because she possesses a rare coin.
  • The merchant ship's hold had been emptied, and according to the crew some of their shipmates had been shanghaied by the pirates.
  • Chris, what do you think of that part of the story, that that one pirate was on the USS Bainbridge while the three others were still of course in that -- it was called the bopping cork earlier today, but that covered canopy, that life boat? CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2009
  • For the Mandarin speaker, both [ dz ] and [ ts ] fall into the unaspirated category and so do not contrast.
  • This market is filled with a gazillion vendors selling everything from Charro (cowboy) gear, huarache sandals and sarapes to cheap chinese imports, pirated dvds and sneakers, a full selection of warm climate birds, a bazillion food stands, jewelry and home decor chotchke stalls, all manner of fresh produce and home remedy medicines. Daily Slurp Gallery
  • The difference between pirates and privateers was that the pirates were simply sea robbers who captured or looted ships at sea for plunder, without authority.
  • That pirated copies of X-Men Origins: Wolverine were discovered amongst the haul is especially disappointing. ACS:Law — copyright breakers
  • But if his sensibility is adolescent, it is in the best sense: his anarchic entertainments exist somewhere between Alfred Jarry and Terry and the Pirates. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Paul Verhoeven.
  • I bought the complete 6 volume penguin classics proust based on a pirate etext of the first volume, and recently purchased another copy for a friend in the states. Do Ebooks, Legal or Not, Make You Buy Real Books? | Lifehacker Australia
  • In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.
  • The word'hour'is pronounced without an initial aspirate.
  • Atelier Ted Noton of the Netherlands offers an alluring vision of high-class kitsch — a "vertical rainbow" of Swarovski crystals falling from the top of the rotunda to a pool on the floor, where they would be "aspirated" back to the top to descend again. Ramping Up Wright's Vision
  • By 1929, Lawrence himself possessed a pirated edition, a "filthy-looking book...containing my [his] forged signature by the little boy of the piratical family" (Lawrence 4).
  • The commodore pressed the young pirate, taking the aggressive stance Duff was used to taking, and forcing him to block more than he was used to.
  • According to the International Maritime Organization, in the past 12 months, near the Somali coast 67 ships were hijacked, 714 crew members are currently held hostage by pirates.
  • There are 160 German naval personnel in Mombasa monitoring the Horn of Africa, presumably for al-Qaeda skiffs and pirate ships.
  • Around the first century AD, the Greek historian Plutarch wrote about pirates of Cilicia who practiced the Mithraic "secret rites" around 67 BC.
  • These men are modern-day pirates, bringing terror to the high seas.
  • The pirates seize the vessel and use it to attack a shoreside target, descending upon their target from the air.
  • Still, the movie fails to answer the big pirate question: Why are fictional pirates always burying their treasure?
  • Not long into the voyage, the ship is attacked by a peculiarly pacifistic band of pirates, who take the children on board their ship.
  • OUF! je me voyait mal aller bosser dans un etat second. je ne dis pas que je vais etre malade ou quoi mais autant prevenir que guerir! bon ben voila il est 10h30 j'vais pouvoir faire du bruit avec mon aspirateur!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • If an application to secure a full-time licence is successful, organisers of Wharfedale FM plan to develop it along the lines of the old pirate radio stations.
  • For a number of centuries after the decline of the Roman Empire, the coast was menaced by Saracen pirates, and the local population took refuge in the inaccessible mountain hinterland.
  • Before he could say another word the pirate ran to the edge of the bow and jumped ship.
  • The latest Pirates installment, outsailed its predecessor. Faces Of The Week July 10-14, 2006Forbes Faces Of The Week July 10-14, 2006
  • I covered a lot of pirate radio in Austin but my editor told me to cut that after a while.
  • Pirate perch is a stout, dark-colored fish, with a single dorsal fin and ctenoid scales on the head and body. Think Progress » “When I caught a 7.5 pound perch in my lake”
  • As an afterthought, Taen recalled that the King of Pirates revered books; on Cliffhaven, his archivist was the only hale man not required to bear arms. Shadowfane
  • The codification of pirate conduct seems to have been an important aspect of their organization. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These pirates or buccaneers were part of the French fleet as Curacao would have been a rich prize for these pirates who were always on the lookout for rich pickings.
  • No deaths were reported from piracy attacks in the first three months of the year, although pirates were said to be armed with guns, knives and other weapons.
  • Don't worry about getting shot by pirates as they never even got close to the ship with those weapons they use and their shitty aim -- reminds me of a drunken'juicer 'door gunner we picked up from the motor pool back in Nam Army Rumour Service
  • In what looks like it may be a repeat of the RIAA’s litigation against individual music piraters, Eriq Gardner at THR, Esq. is reporting that over 20,000 movie torrent downloaders have been sued recently for copyright infringement by US Copyright Group in Washington D.C. federal court. U.S. Copyright Group Sues 20,000 Individual Movie Torrent Downloaders; Lawsuits Targeting 30,000 More Are On The Way | /Film
  • Tthe latest Pirates installment, outsailed its predecessor. Depp's 'Pirates' Hauls In Record Bounty For Disney
  • `From the Purple Pirate, Lieutenant William Evans, to his great-great-grandson, Joshua Evans! THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • Star in Isaiah 14: 12 The Book of Isaiah has the following passage: christian on the run in egypt 'aida' brings ancient egypt to tuacahn as egypt's mubarak comes to washington, labor unr est surges at home big names left out of egypt squad captive egyptians defeat somali pirates, sail free egypt labor strikes point to desperate conditions egypt restoring historic synagogue egypt: 26 hizbullah suspects stand trial egypt: 34 fishermen free months after hijacking egypt: 34 fishermen freed months after somalia hijacking egypt: israeli freeze must include east jerusalem egypt: us to release mideast peace-talk plans in sept. egyptian crew members overpower - Photown News
  • Bahama Islands had become a rendezvous for pirates, and a few years later, King George the First issued a proclamation for their dislodgment. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 5, February, 1885
  • Tis a "Lower The Boom" drink is the Mickey Finn, not a pirate... mayhap thou didst gulp it down the evening last before thou didst crawled to thine bunk? Fire Chief "Resigns" And Becomes Cartoon Du Jour
  • These pirates hesitate at nothing.
  • In turn, Kirby caught every detail of her swashbuckling pirate.
  • What gets up our noses is the brass-bound arrogance and hubris of the pirates who now run your system.
  • A year later, secure in the north, Gloriana's licensed pirates in their gun-crammed galleons, aided by a storm, saw off the Spanish Armada.
  • Likewise, observing the appearance of feeding tube aspirate is also unreliable because gastric contents can look similar to respiratory secretions.
  • North African pirates abducted and enslaved more than one million Europeans between 1530 and 1780 in a series of raids that depopulated coastal towns from Sicily to Cornwall, according to new research.
  • In the 17th and 18th centuries, the islands were feared as the haunt of pirates and buccaneers from Cornwall, France and Spain, who would lie in wait for poorly defended ships.
  • Many disappeared in the South China Sea - their overcrowded, top-heavy fishing boats swamped by the sea, or sunk by pirates who attacked at night.
  • Note 12: My use of "farmer" is an interpretation of Casson's use of "tillers of the soil," which is his translation of oratoi, a word that has been previously translated as "pirates. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • An attempt was made where possible to aspirate gastric juice using a Teflon catheter passed down the suction biopsy channel.
  • Greedy crooks in a third world country are making pirate copies of your latest DVD!
  • It would be cruel, but a pirate who ever dared such trickery and deceit would ask for no better.
  • More pirates were starting to climb into the stockade.
  • Pirate radio is still illegal but today there are more stations than ever beaming everything from trance music to anarchy into Britain's homes.
  • Dunphy is reluctant to be drawn on his experience of running a pirate station.
  • The ship was once again bustling with busy pirates moving and taking whatever they could.
  • The operation began yesterday when a Navy vessel contacted the pirates and "immobilized" the Tanit, it said. Undefined
  • I'm a boring old fart, who values her money, and won't buy him a brand new shirt to chop holes in so he can look like a pirate.
  • In this tryptic, I find the lampoonery of the physical deformation inherent to both the slight-statured, fat-footed Frodo and the EPO-swilling, peglegged pirate in the first 2 images to be apt signifiers of his poorly cobbled performances and subsequent attempts at mea culpa. The BSNYC Absentee Art Exhibition (Part II)
  • As it was pirated, so the price crept up, ninepence, one shilling, one shilling and sixpence, half-a-crown, and then it came out in instalments.
  • The Radio Caroline pirate radio ship is moored up at Tilbury port.
  • Any story where a space-pirate wielding a space-axe could chop through a ray-shielded space-airlock, kidnap a beautiful space-princess and escape in a space-superdreadnought over a mile long, destroying at least one or perhaps two planets during the resulting space-battle, without this seeming in any particular out of place with the scale, scope, drive or moral code portrayed in the rest of the story, then the story is a Space Opera. SF Tidbits for 10/2/06
  • Even with the new legislation pirate copies will circulate.
  • Buying pirated movies is a viable alternative to those of us who are economically challenged.
  • Once aspirated, due to their low viscosity and surface tension, they reach the dependent portion of the lung and cause a chemical pneumonia.
  • For example, if I want to marry a one legged, mustachioed, tatooed, beringed pirate I would set sail on a pirate ship. International Marriage Broker Act passes! Plus, Bush admin refuses to release rules to help battered immigrant women.
  • See What's in my Brain: Arr, Talk Like a Pirate Day be tomorrow, me hardies skip to main Arr, Talk Like a Pirate Day be tomorrow, me hardies
  • Pirates is a mixture of two distinct elements: land-based adventure and sea-based combat.
  • The suitcases were full of pirated games, which at $7 a pop are $45 cheaper than most games on the legit market.
  • The machine was used in a cave near the sea-shore where - it is said - pirates used to hide gold.
  • They were used for general escort duties, protecting their charges from pirates and other threats.
  • So now BO comes to office and a bunch of teenage Somali pirates take a sea captain hostage in the Indian Ocean and Obama oks blowing their heads off. Is Rush Limbaugh really that hard to understand?
  • There are certainly pirates of opportunity but increasingly more and more, especially in places like Somalia where the military would refer to as ungoverned spaces. CNN Transcript Nov 20, 2008
  • And besides, he could not tell whether the queen meant light-_haired_ or light-_heired_; for why might she not aspirate her vowels when she was ex-asperated herself? The Light Princess and Other Fairy Stories
  • These elements are crucial in understanding the full import of piety as a spirated virtue by the enlivening power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, designed to assist us in becoming more fully one in and with Christ. Part I: Piety the Gift
  • Germany is currently seeking to extradite several alleged Somali pirates from the Netherlands for attacking a German containership in April, and alleged Somali pirates are waiting trial in France and Spain. Somali Pirates Face Trial in Dutch Court
  • Or their treasures were used in redeeming the captives in the pirate cities. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • But you were captured by pirates, who sold you to a slave dealer.
  • his stop consonants are too aspirated
  • They frequently published pirated serialisations of Dickens's novels, garnering extra sales for their papers without paying him a cent.
  • Stevens is no hero: he was found guilty in a separate case of selling pirated software.
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