How To Use Pipit In A Sentence
This probably explains the names of the chough, crake, hoopoe, kittiwake, pipit, shrike, twite and whimbrel.
One of its most important roles is as a habitat for ground-nesting birds, including the increasingly-rare skylarks and meadow pipits.
Burrowing arid short-eared owls, Baird's and LeConte's sparrows, chestnut-collared longspurs, and Sprague's pipits are often spotted as well as the western meadowlark, the Montana state bird.
Adult pipits and wagtails have a number of avian predators among the falcons and hawks and owls (Strigiformes).
Most observations relate to larks, pipits and finches but kestrels are capable of taking such quarry as fieldfares, turtle doves and lapwing.
Some pipits and wagtails are solitary, and others are gregarious.
It is the call of the nightingale, and the cuckoo, the hawfinch, tree pipit and the lark.
The Guardian World News
Of the ceremonies or the prayers, except for a slight catch in the air, a silence, a space around which pipits circle.
Species such as skylark, twite and meadow pipit were found to be decreasing in number in the inspection carried out jointly with English Nature.
These conditions resulted in many migrants (including red footed falcons, red throated pipits and grey-headed wagtails) all travelling far to the west of normal routes from Africa to northern breeding grounds.
The broad-tailed grassbird (Schoenicola platyura) and Nilgiri pipit (Anthus nilghiriensis) are high-elevation grassland species.
South Western Ghats montane rain forests
Most pipits and wagtails are migratory, although some southern species may be residents.
In addition, killdeer, pipits and some shorebirds visit the grassy areas of landfills.
Skylarks, wheatears, pipits and greylag geese fill any silences that remain.
There was a female redstart, a couple of Rüppell's warblers, northern, Cyprus and black-eared wheatears, three woodchat shrikes, chiffchaff, and a tawny pipit.
Steppe representatives include typical species such as lark (5 species), wheatears, pipits, as well as numerous other unusual and rare species (Chettusia gregaria, Otis tetrax, Anthropoides virgo, Circus macrourus, Сircus pygargus, Aquila rapax).
Kazakh upland
This will create the right conditions for wildlife to flourish like voles, skylarks and meadow pipits.
The pipit flew overhead in noisy flocks and actually landed in the short grass long enough for the group to deploy a couple of scopes.
More than 20 years ago, I saw a water pipit on top of a mountain in Spain's Picos de Europa.
Birdwatch: Water pipit
For every obvious crossbill, razorbill, greenfinch, woodpecker, warbler, treecreeper, swift or flycatcher there is a mysterious wigeon, garganey, gadwall, bittern, siskin, pipit, shrike or twite.
Meadow pipits - or 'mipits' in birder jargon - are back on the moors.
Times, Sunday Times
In summer this is a green and lush place, the haunt of meadow pipits and skylarks.
In addition, killdeer, pipits and some shorebirds visit the grassy areas of landfills.
I have seen them feeding at the tidemark with snow buntings and pipits and they also find seeds in the marram hills.
Areas already under stewardship have seen a marked increase in previously declining bird species, including the stone curlew, bittern, lapwing, reed bunting, greenfinch, pipit, twite, and wagtail.
Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
Most observations relate to larks, pipits and finches but kestrels are capable of taking such quarry as fieldfares, turtle doves and lapwing.
Both pipits and wagtails bathe in shallow standing water.
I have seen them feeding at the tidemark with snow buntings and pipits and they also find seeds in the marram hills.
One of them had a titlark, or meadow pipit, which he had just caught, in his hand, and there was a hot argument as to which of the two was the lawful owner of the poor little captive.
A Shepherd's Life Impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs
Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
A meadow-pipit tsip-tsips from rock to rock while a buzzard mounts thermals on still wings and mews down at us.
Country diary: Barmouth
Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
In addition, killdeer, pipits and some shorebirds visit the grassy areas of landfills.
American Pipits are present in Washington as breeders, migrants, and wintering birds.
Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
They existed, but only as a race of the more familiar rock pipit, the sole British songbird whose breeding range is confined to the coast.
Birdwatch: Water pipit
Most observations relate to larks, pipits and finches but kestrels are capable of taking such quarry as fieldfares, turtle doves and lapwing.
Favourite host species include dunnock, meadow pipit and reed warbler.
Times, Sunday Times
Pipits and wagtails can be found in a variety of habitats from temperate to tropical and polar regions.
They plant the kind of crops on which not only the pheasant feed, but also thousands of wagtail, curlew, lark, pipit, finch, plover and other species that have been in decline for years.
For every obvious crossbill, razorbill, greenfinch, woodpecker, warbler, treecreeper, swift or flycatcher there is a mysterious wigeon, garganey, gadwall, bittern, siskin, pipit, shrike or twite.
Close relatives to Old World sparrows are pipits (family Motacillidae), accentors (family Prunellidae) and possibly finches (family Fringillidae).
Among the birds - valued at 5.1 million forints - were yellow wagtails, field larks, sparrows and pipits.
Something about its appearance puzzled me: too long-tailed for meadow pipit, but not elegant enough for a wagtail.
Birdwatch: Water pipit
The water pipit is the only species of bird that travels north to spend the winter in Britain.
Birdwatch: Water pipit
Meadow pipits, commonest of upland birds, negotiated undulating flight paths over white tufts of cotton grass.
On reaching the snow-belt, though still a little below the limit of copsy growths, we saw our first pipits, which, it will be remembered, I had encountered on the summit of Pike's Peak two years before.
Birds of the Rockies
Pipits of the genus Anthus will apply ants to their plumage for cleaning, a behavior called anting.
Most of the other endemics are found in the mainland coastal forest of Kenya and Tanzania, including the yellow flycatcher (Erythrocercus holochlorus), Sokoke pipit (Anthus sokokensis, EN), Clarke's weaver (Ploceus golandi, EN), and Mombasa woodpecker (Campethera mombassica).
Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
Small indigenous birds, such as titmice, chipmunks, pipits and squinches, are constantly seen in coveys or even bevies just now.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, November 24, 1920
These once common farmland birds, along with many others, including the meadow pipit, lesser spotted woodpecker and nutcracker, are now at their lowest levels across Europe since records began, according to a survey.
Europe's farmland birds on decline
Skylarks, wheatears, pipits and greylag geese fill any silences that remain.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says that nests of species such as short-eared owls, merlins, red grouse, meadow pipits, skylarks, twite and curlews will have been wiped out.
The Tana River cisticola (Cisticola restrictus) is endemic to the Lower Tana River, and the Malindi pipit (Anthus melindae) is endemic to the coastal grasslands of Kenya.
Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
In the lower tussock grasslands, native bird life is restricted to a few open country species such as New Zealand falcon Falco novaeseelandiae, Australasian harrier Circus sp. and New Zealand pipit Anthus sp.
Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says that nests of species such as short-eared owls, merlins, red grouse, meadow pipits, skylarks, twite and curlews will have been wiped out.
Soon we reached a fine old track where pipits flurried on a fence and then we reached the high dam wall where oystercatchers skimmed.
If we did that, we would destroy the nests of the skylark and meadow pipit, which is illegal.
Honestly speaking, I did not consider Rosy pipit.
Bald coots enjoyed his potatoes, olive whistlers pulled up sprouting peas, and pipits ate young sprouts.