
[ US /ˈpaɪpɝ/ ]
[ UK /pˈa‍ɪpɐ/ ]
  1. type genus of the Piperaceae: large genus of chiefly climbing tropical shrubs
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How To Use Piper In A Sentence

  • Running parallel to this tempestuous relationship is the whirlwind romance between weathergirl Hero, played by Billie Piper, and sports presenter Claude.
  • The best adequacy for EA was obtained by combinations of imipenem/cilastatin or piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin and a glycopeptide, with values reaching 99% and 94%, respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • Their opera is the mysterious and darkly moving tale of what happened after the pied piper left Hamelin.
  • The intertidal mudflats and coastal lagoons are important staging sites for migratory shorebirds, including red knot Calidris canutus, white-rumped sandpiper C. fuscicollis and Hudsonian godwit Limosa haemastica. Península Valdés, Argentina
  • Britain's worst oil-related disaster was the 1988 explosion and fire on the North Sea oil platform Piper Alpha off the Scottish coast, which killed 167 riggers.
  • A brief summary of the meeting's minutes are as follows: we're fairly confident that we've seen willets in the past and there's no way Sara is going to drive out to Jamaica Bay just to solidify a sandpiper sighting.
  • When piper played cheerly, and crusie burned bright, Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 3
  • Transition from flying Cessnas to Pipers and see how much more aware it makes you of all aspects of the approach.
  • Pepper Flavor The main pungent compound in pepper is piperine, which is found in the thin fruit layer and the surface layers of the seed. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
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