How To Use Pious In A Sentence
There had been formerly on the pathways of Dardilly calvaries built by pious forebears; destroyed on order of the revolutionary proconsul of Lyon, the famous Fouché, the crosses lay in the grass.
Archive 2008-03-09
These people write reasonable, well-balanced letters, disclaim any belief in racialism, and back up everything they say with copious instances.
As I Please
Chylific fan whole life quote meliaceae, panegyrical adaptational cd viewpoint ii, coltish oblateness lubricant, eventration skinny mnemonic, litterbug, and illegibly ridiculously copiously!
Rational Review
[116] A chaplaincy is a pious foundation made by any religious person, and elected into a benefice by the ecclesiastical ordinary, with the annexed obligation of saying a certain number of masses, or with the obligation of other analogous spiritual duties.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
With these prohibitions should be connected the somewhat unintelligible fact that the most pious Caliphs sat upon thrones (_mimbar_, "president's chair") of clay.
Christianity and Islam

Classic poetry and rhetoric give kids a language, at once subtle and copious, in which to articulate their own thoughts, perceptions, and inchoate feelings.
Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed.
The Sermons of John Owen
Pious people, along with neglectful officials and prurient newspapers, need not worry about the thin dividing line between the demon and the normal citizen.
And despite the copious amounts of butter used to bake it, it doesn't feel overly greasy.
The Sun
It is a fetor that frequently accompanies the predictable libidinous lapses of pious \ "family values\" conservatives.
Stephen Ducat: Hypocrisy in Red and Blue: How Republicans and Democrats Betray Their Principles Differently
A large number of sermons and pious treatises were also written in Latin during this period, by Aelred of Rievaulx for example, and by others: "Beati Ailredi Rievallis abbatis Sermones" (and other works) in Migne's "Patrologia," vols.xxxii. and cxcv.
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
I was rather pious about my religion and thought I might be a priest.
Quit the pious apologies - I know you don't really care.
Not just settings of the ordinary, but the copious amounts of plainchant needed to cover all the propers (the introit, gradual, alleluia, offertory, communion and other sentences, all of which change according to the day and festival).
Secondly, it is a good example of what I call the pious palimpsest.
Old Calabria
Most of Romsey's foliate heads are closer to animal than to human form: this one is very cat-like, and is the source of copious vegetation.
Indeed, as a rule, the blessing of the impious is a curse, wherefore Rebekah remained barren for years.
The Legends of the Jews — Volume 1
I will pray piously, I believe God will let me find the truth of life.
These English colonists were a pious, self - disciplined people who wanted to escape religious persecution.
At his junior seminary in Cumbria, the outwardly pious enforced a regime of physical and sexual abuse.
In a precious reliquary is preserved a lacrimatory in which, according to a pious legend, Nicodemus collected some drops of the Blood of Christ.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
And just then began the ugliest man to gurgle and snort, as if something unutterable in him tried to find expression; when, however, he had actually found words, behold! it was a pious, strange litany in praise of the adored and censed ass.
Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
He was introduced by the captain himself, a notably pious man, who spoke of the labours of his brother in the dark places of heathendom.
Prester John
With its abrupt cuts, minimal score, copious dialogue, and large ensemble cast, the film has an underproduced, semi-documentary feel.
Meals for guests or for ceremonial occasions such as weddings usually involve copious amounts of meat, washed down with Albanian raki, an alcoholic beverage.
The American bullfrog, for example, discharges copious amounts of mucus when basking in the drying rays of the sun.
The latter often produce copious secretions to the plant surface, outside the cuticle, or stored within glands.
The poor, I found, believed that this pious exercise dispersed the evil spirits of the storm; while the better sort conceived that it occasioned some kind of undulation in the air, and so broke the continuity of the electric fluid.
Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
Copious quantities of caffeine and alcohol will stimulate the production of urine, so keep them to a minimum.
If you like, the copiousness of autumn will stack the thinking between you and me.
Scotland; this second notch was made in the rib-bone of an impious villain, the boldest and best soldier that upheld the prelatic cause at
Old Mortality
Both her father and mother were pious Christians who regularly conducted home devotions and faithfully attended church.
This way you can improve your tolerance, without copious wind and bloating.
Times, Sunday Times
And I rejoice that I was left to deal with the Bible alone; for if I had had some theological "explainer" at my side, he might have tried, as such do, to lessen my indignation against Jacob, and thereby have warped my moral sense for ever; while the great apocalyptic spectacle of the ultimate triumph of right and justice might have been turned to the base purposes of a pious lampooner of the Papacy.
Science & Education
It's like a CBBC show which includes copious references to rubber johnnies and "doing it".
Tonight's TV highlights
At any moment, he thought, he would be recognized as an outsider, an impious interloper with no business here.
I've used it as a writing sample before and it's scored me three freelance jobs with its copious merit; but every time I submit it to a short story market, the verdict is always, This is great, but it's too long for our format.
June 30th, 2005
Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested).
The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
The Baroness (as she was known after her marriage to a shifty nobleman) and her friends worshipped novelty, inappropriateness, audacity, not piously but with ferocious abandon.
In the evening we keep pious conversation while attending to pious works such as making rosaries, cilices and repairing books.
Being proud and genteel New Englanders, the salon-goers covered up their patricide with flattery, duly noting Edwards's considerable intellect and pious reputation.
If copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears are not for you, turn away now.
Times, Sunday Times
Both make pious, slow-motion video art.
Times, Sunday Times
Where colonial children had pious primers " In Adam ' s fall, we sinned all " , today ' s children have a fantastic variety of abecedarian books.
After Uplift, Ka-Chow!
Higher exposures (any route) cause loss of consciousness, seizures, muscle fasciculations, flaccid paralysis, copious secretions, apnea, and death. - Articles related to Kill weeds with help from the sun
Now the fight appears headed to the courts as residents of Giles County, along Virginia's rugged, pious southwestern spine, fight what they call mounting pressure from Washington and Richmond to secularize their public institutions.
Ten Commandments in school stirs fight in Va. district
I wonder who Nicola thinks she's fooling with this pious claptrap.
In the beginning of 1794 he published a translation of the Ordinances of Menu, on which he had been long employed, and which may be regarded as initiatory to his more copious pandect.
Lives of the English Poets
Gauze constitution was worse with the baft fabric because of copious interstitial strands of threads, which interfere with mesh openings.
There can be found a different class of drunk, swilling back copious amounts of G and T or champagne and stuffing their faces with complimentary food.
There is the comically preening priest, his mouth a downturned kidney bean of pious pronouncement.
Times, Sunday Times
That which intimately comprises the nature of repentance is, sorrow on account of sin committed, and of its demerit, which is so much the deeper, as the acknowledgment of sin is clearer, and more copious.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
While preservationists can provide copious examples of how to deal with seemingly redundant historic buildings in a profitable fashion across the globe, Moscow has its own examples of what can and should be done.
And, oh, maiden! "added the queen, with benevolent warmth," steel not thy heart against her -- listen with ductile senses to her gentle ministry; and may God and His Son prosper that pious lady's counsel, so that it may win a new strayling to the Immortal Fold!
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Complete
The religious zealots see rai music as the apotheosis of a secular culture they consider lewd and impious.
The policy of their chiefs has on this occasion been admired, and might surely be excused; but a pious baud is seldom produced by the cool conspiracy of many persons; and a voluntary impostor might depend on the support of the wise and the credulity of the people.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
When so altered, the solution will yield a more or less copious precipitate of cuprous oxide on merely boiling, and quite independent of the presence of glucose.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
The world is too complex and dangerous for his pious simplicities.
The 'ancile' or sacred shield of Numa hung lustrous in the air over this very city, till that pious prince took it down and hung it in the temple of Jupiter.
The Cloister and the Hearth
Their churches were supplied by able pastors; their univer - sities were adorned with learned and pious professors, such as Casaubon, Daiile, and others, whose praises are in all the reformed churches; their provincial, and national synods were regularly convened, and their people were well governed.
Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
He got drunk three times a week and made copious notes about Kate Molland and the human condition in his journal.
He could smell the pepper that had been copiously added to the sauce and salivated.
They seem to you inert, flabby, weakly envious, foolishly obstinate, impiously mutinous, and many other things.
He is very pious and self-reliant, which is provocative of bigotry and hot temper; and surrounded and approached on all sides by clever and often unscrupulous financiers and speculators, his scutcheon has worn wonderfully well, and his character and reputation passed through many fiery ordeals.
South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 (of 6) From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899
The groups at the conference spoke piously of their fondness for democracy.
May I live to embowel James Anthony Froude" is the pious aspiration with which he has adorned another page.
The Life of Froude
The old image of Dickens, fostered by his surviving family, as a benign paterfamilias and as a man piously wedded to Victorian domestic virtues was thus tarnished.
I am referring to the word that means ‘insincere talk, especially concerning morals; pious platitudes’.
That they then get up the next day and talk piously about ‘family values’ is the part that should disturb us the most.
They are also purveyors of a number of pious myths about American politics.
I discovered that these folk needed far more than the pious religious platitudes I had to give them.
Christianity Today
Gratefully, I copiously peppered my dish, and returned the pepper grinder to the young man, thanking him.
The revels lasted a full fortnight, complete with boxing, copious amounts of food and alcohol, prostitution and fighting.
A sensible approach was taken to the game and copious quantities of water were supplied to the players in an effort to stop them dehydrating.
These bare questions at once satisfied and silenced the greater number; some, however like a few in England who are a century behindhand, thought that all such inquiries were useless and impious; and that it was quite sufficient that God had thus made the mountains.
A brief essay on the general attitude of common folks towards the natural world inspired by a passage in a book by Charles Darwin, Esq.
Hawthorne is a pious Christian, and is deeply influenced by the theology.
Salads are piquantly dressed, potatoes sautéed in duck fat are copiously served and the house wine, a young Cotes du Rhone, is more than adequate.
He completed a short textbook on how to write copiously in Latin.
She supports her theory with copious evidence.
Sometimes policy makers, including those who piously invoke the idea of "data-driven" practice, pursue initiatives they favor regardless of the fact that no empirical support for them exists (e.g., high-stakes testing) or even when the research suggests the policy in question is counterproductive (e.g., forcing struggling students to repeat a grade).
Do tests really help students learn -- or was a new study misreported? -- Kohn
By prayer and meditation the pious Buddhist enters into living communion with the heavenly Lord.
Every pious action leaves a certain tincture or disposition upon the soul, which being seconded by actions of the same nature, whether by the superaddition of new degrees, or a more radicate fixation of the same, grows at length into an habit or quality, of the force and energy of a second nature.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
She graciously shares the copious details from her performances and collaborations with renowned directors, conductors and famed prima donnas and primo dons.
Laid out on the table in front of me were the pious platitudes of Government Ministers responding to the loss of 350 permanent jobs in Donegal.
In her "Introduction" to Kissing the Rod, Germaine Greer comments that the "attempt to versify on religious themes was a discipline intended to focus concentration on well-worn pious truisms" (12).
My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
Fortune was not overkind, but his 'virtues and pious intentions may be read ... shining too gloriously to be dusked by misfortune.'
Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
She provides copious notes and an astute introduction, offering an intelligently designed book that tells its own compelling story.
The Times Literary Supplement
He was widely respected for his pious and austere way of life, dressing in skins and eating only herbs.
He was ultimately caught and properly reprimanded when a copious flow of blood signaled the sacrilegious act.
Such piety is the salvation of families and states, just as the impious, which is unpleasing to the gods, is their ruin and destruction.
The priests and priestesses are pious, sanctimonious bastards.
Their response, however, consists of a pathetic mixture of pious wishes and unrealistic hopes.
To hide its bitter taste they began adding their copious gin rations.
Times, Sunday Times
She supports her theory with copious evidence.
The south-westerly monsoon winds bring copious amounts of rain from June onwards.
At the state dinner for over 100 diplomats held at the home of the Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, the president experienced sudden, violent gastric distress, vomited - as the news reports put it - "copiously" into the lap of Miyazawa and fainted in what was one of the most embarrassing diplomatic incident in the U.S.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
It was a decade when copious talk of universal human rights mingled abhorrently with the most brazen crimes against humanity.
I remain strong in summer, but go downhill in autumn and end up with copious amounts of clear mucus.
Times, Sunday Times
The visual learners took copious notes and drew charts and diagrams.
Christianity Today
It's amazing how a bit of garlic and copious olive oil can perk things up.
Even our local produce seller, a deeply pious man with a gentle wife who wears a chador (an open cloak that covers the head and body), could not contain his fury at Ahmadinejad.
She walked between the cars and before she noticed, it started to rain copiously.
They are not merely abstract theory or pious statements of intent that look good posted on the staff notice board.
When ileus comes on in a case of strangury, they prove fatal in seven days, unless, fever supervening, there be a copious discharge of urine.
Mix well with lies, sprinkle in copious amounts of fear and stir until a frenzy is reached.
Think Progress » Gingrich Pledges Government Shutdown If GOP Wins Back House And Senate
Exilius, for Shame die, let Despair kill thee, thou deservest no less Punishment, for harbouring a Thought so arrogant, or rather impious, in daring to love one who ought only to be belov'd by a King or a Deity.
Devoted fans will recognize a lot of the original backing tracks, which all have been remixed and dubbed up with plenty of spacey echo, harsh delay, copious reverb, and psychedelic sound effects.
We would have had pious speeches about the folly of bureaucrats running businesses.
Times, Sunday Times
Typically courteous, he began his acceptance speech by offering copious thanks to all and sundry.
And then a lank, grey-bearded man, perspiring copiously in a noble passion of self-help, blind to all earthly things save that glaring, bait, thrust between them in a cataclysmal rush towards that alluring "x 5 pr. G.
When the Sleeper Wakes
Their first meal is a good substantial dinner, at ten, eleven, or twelve o'clock, after which follow pawn and the hookha; to this succeeds a sleep of two or three hours, providing it does not impede the duty of prayer; -- the pious, I ought to remark, would give up every indulgence which would prevent the discharge of this duty.
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
While some of these images are serious, others poke fun at this period's overblown piousness.
Race footage is interspersed with cross country ski antics not commonly seen, including jumping and copious amounts of half-pipe stunts that would make an accomplished snowboarder jealous.
Kwan unearths copious clips from her films and interviews the veterans who knew her, as well as telling her story in dramatic form.
And yet the deep fibres of heredity from her papistic Highland ancestors, and from old pious
The Freelands
Not only do I underscore; I use brackets, carets, and braces; I annotate all four margins and I copiously turn down the edges (both top and bottom) of certain especially memorable pages.
The preliminary pages of the paperback edition give copious quotes from favourable reviews of the book in the major newspapers.
I remain strong in summer, but go downhill in autumn and end up with copious amounts of clear mucus.
Times, Sunday Times
Mavis Sackville began her usual pious spiel about the importance of us being properly qualified.
Once taken in by the upper society, he is given undeserving respect and a copious amount of bribes.
She was a very pious woman who despised anything that was not Christian.
To hide its bitter taste they began adding their copious gin rations.
Times, Sunday Times
Even the names by which they were known (capsa, capsella, theca, pyxis, arca etc.) are quite general in character, and it seems certain that the same names also designated receptacles for the Blessed Eucharist, the holy oils, and other pious objects.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
I had now to this extent "backslidden" from this point in the slave's religious creed; and I soon had occasion to make my fallen state known to my Sunday-pious brother, Covey.
My Bondage and My Freedom
During his final year, while out walking on a hot day, he arrived at a well, and in the absence of anything stronger, downed copious draughts of cold water.
Copious edema fluid was suctioned from the oropharyngeal tube.
All these agreements and ideas remain little more than pious hopes in the present climate.
By prayer and meditation the pious Buddhist enters into living communion with the heavenly Lord.
However, don't let this color your view of the states, there are inclusive, loving and existential Christians out there too, but we don't go up to strangers and "piously" lay hands on people in King Soopers ...
Roger used the time to indulge in the macho southern French pastime of sipping pastis, a strong, sweet, aniseed - flavoured spirits to which you add copious quantities of ice and cold water.
Behold that [city] Babylon, haughty in the flower and pride of impiousness, and its inhabitants completely given over to sin of every description.
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
I remain strong in summer, but go downhill in autumn and end up with copious amounts of clear mucus.
Times, Sunday Times
Alan took a chip in the neck and it opened up a small cut that nevertheless bled copiously and ruined, * ruined* his favorite T-shirt, with Snoopy sitting atop his doghouse in an aviator's helmet, firing an imaginary machine gun at the cursed Red Baron.
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
It is a fetor that frequently accompanies the predictable libidinous lapses of pious "family values" conservatives.
Stephen Ducat: Hypocrisy in Red and Blue: How Republicans and Democrats Betray Their Principles Differently
But her mother, my maternal grandmother, was very pious and strict about religion.
Comments copiously unerrancy canna palander slutch insack inuloid pillorize
The Minireviews (Books 13-15)
Arts subcaste, Vale thought as she glanced down at the padd and its copious diagrams and illustrations.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
Who, but an impious scorner, dares thus strive with his Maker, and mutilate HIS IMAGE, and blaspheme the Holy One, who saith, "_Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto_ ME.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
The grapes seem to symbolize both bitterness and copiousness.
Its prayer is to hold fast the pious mind, the smooth painless life at peace with heaven and earth, instead of fighting with the invincible, aweless outcast from all law.
Story of Orestes A Condensation of the Trilogy
At that time, the gods Anu and Enlil, for the enhancement of the well-being of the people, named me by my name Hammurabi, the pious prince, who venerates the gods, to make justice prevail in the land, to abolish the wicked and the evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak, to rise like the sun-god Shamash himself associated with dispensing justice over all humankind to illuminate the land.3
In the Valley of the Shadow
The great duty of children is to obey their parents (v. 1), parents being the instruments of their being, God and nature having given them an authority to command, in subserviency to God; and, if children will be obedient to their pious parents, they will be in a fair way to be pious as they are.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
They seem no more essential to the women's actual physical performance in and under the water than the copiously spangled and sequined swimsuits they wear.
He was a quiet, pious man.
The two women express their feelings in copious direct discourse.
Literary Study
And then a lank, grey-bearded man, perspiring copiously in a noble passion of self-help, blind to all earthly things save that glaring, bait, thrust between them in a cataclysmal rush towards that alluring “x 5 pr. G.”
When the Sleeper Wakes
Margat went out and gathered a lapful of pipsissewa to make tea, of which Corney was encouraged to drink copiously.
Animal Heroes
Her copious rich brown hair was worn in Grecian bandeaux round her head, displaying as much as possible of her forehead and cheeks.
Barchester Towers
We reached the section of the trail where the bikes had to be carried due to copious amounts of blowdown.
Literary sentimentalism and the adventure tale after Defoe, with its mixed narrative mode of thrilling episode and pious reflection, also influenced the rhetoric of the slave narrative.
`If it skirts the edge of impious things, as this other talk's done, then I shan't answer it.
Besides copious amounts of available cash, celebrity politicians have the name recognition that the regular shlubs are hustling for.
Remembered for knocking out Josh Koscheck in his UFC debut, Paulo Thiago (fighting out of Brasilia, Brazil) has copiousness of intensity as well as an 11-1 veteran jot down to go with it.
UFC Confirms Remaining Bouts For UFC 106 - [Blog]
Copious leftover tickets were distributed to party staffers and youth to help paper the room.
Tall grasses and weeds - especially pokeweed, mullein and Queen Anne's lace that will produce fruits and copious seed heads - grow profusely.
Like Paris handsome [34] and like Hector brave, but as pious as Aeneas; "a rich fellow enough," with blood hopelessly blue and morals spotlessly copy-bookish -- in other words, a Sir Charles
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
In some den of an apartment I will no doubt find the cockroach of enlightenment, a supralapsarian dispensationalist with whom I will share a love of Yeats and Brahms, and we will debate in sonorous and unending Spanish sentences of desultory, copious punctuation.
Changes and Vicissitudes of the Unexamined Life « Unknowing
The patient affected with phrenitis, having taken to bed on the first day, vomited largely of verdigris-green and thin matters; fever, accompanied with rigors, copious and continued sweats all over; heaviness of the head and neck, with pain; urine thin, substances floating in the urine small, scattered, did not subside; had copious dejections from the bowels; very delirious; no sleep.
Of The Epidemics
He made as much clear in a letter, dashed off in anger after a critic had dared read his "Glagolitic Mass," first performed at the same concert in Prague as the Sinfonietta, as a sign that Janáček was finally becoming pious in his old age.
Fanfares in the Face of Fascism
When they wheeled him out he was vaguely conscious, twitching slightly less, but bleeding copiously.
Archive 2009-03-01
That done, we piously concocted the Nuremberg code to ensure that such atrocities would never be repeated.
There is enormous hypocrisy surrounding the pious veneration of the Constitution and ‘the rule of law.’
No. Strict rules regarding the "bumping of uglys" (yes, a disgusting term, but it worked in the title pun, so I had to do it) did not inspire sufficiently pious disgust for human sexuality (read: women), so, in addition, one must hate one's very own privates.
Scott Cheshire: Part II: The Good, The Bad, and Bumping Uglies -- Some Thoughts on Masturbation and The Good Book
Pumpkins need copious amounts of food and water, particularly at the small seedling stage and when flowers and fruits are forming.
His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.
About once a year some pious public library banishes Huck Finn from its children's department, and on the same plea always — that Huck, the neglected and untaught son of a town drunkard, is given to lying, when in difficulty and hard pressed, and is therefore a bad example for young people, and a damager of their morals.
Excerpt From ‘The Autobiography of Mark Twain’
And this infernal monster, Popery, is now rearing his impious head again in this long-favoured country, and will, I fear, soon repeat his diabolical cruelties upon the Church of God.
More spending -- a greater flow of money -- Hamilton understood, would "vivify and invigorate the channels of industry, and make them flow with greater activity and copiousness.
Paul A. London: The Politics of Discrediting America
These are writers united not by doctrine or ideological commitment, but by an ambition to copiousness and eloquence — and the secret handshake that passes between those who have spent a life among books.
All her pails, rags, and brushes were over there, along with copious supplies of soot.
This is not a movie aimed at the religiously pious.
My advice is to go to see this film sooner, rather than later because you may well want to return to see it again armed with a pen and copious amounts of paper.
We have more pious language, more platitudes, no clear definition, no consistency, and no clarity for those people who have to work under the Act.
Prophet Muhammad (sallal la ho alyha wasalam) came in a Dream of a pious lady in Pakistan. - Photown News
All of our economic objectives, and all the pious hopes that can ring around the walls of this House about what we might aim to achieve, will fail if we as a nation lack a sense of our national purpose.
The visual learners took copious notes and drew charts and diagrams.
Christianity Today
Henry III, though undeniably pious, could also be sharp-tongued and quick-tempered - he is recorded as tearing up the clothes of one of his court jesters, and throwing another into the Thames.
Many a time I have stood on the broken end, where the discouraged labourers had left their very shovels and picks and trucks and had apparently fled in dismay, as if convicted of the impiousness of trying to fill the Bottomless Pit.
A Labrador Doctor The Autobiography of Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
Everett became increasingly unhappy, drinking and smoking copiously until he died of a heart attack in 1982.
Archive 2009-05-01
It turned out, though, that America -- after the coarseness of Johnson, the darkness of Nixon, the awkwardness of Ford and the piousness of Carter -- was happier with Reagan's genuine fakeness.
Paul Slansky: Spoiler Alert! I Was Not a Reagan Fan
impious toward one's parents
But at that time the difference was not so clearly distinguishable; though Charlotte ever felt and owned her sister's superiority in this respect, it was not recognised as of a sort to quite outshine her own little tales in verse, and quite outlustre Anne's pious effusions.
Emily Brontë
`I need to wash the taste of these impious demands out of my mouth.
The fathers of the English _church_, forbade selling on trust at a higher price than for ready money, which was the same thing in effect as to _forbid trust_; and this was doubtless one of the great objects those wise and pious men had in view; for they were fathers in legislation and morals, as well as in religion.
The Young Man's Guide
He was pious, and Gregory even recounts a miracle worked by a thread taken from his cloak.
Today the pious warn us about our unhealthy lifestyles rather than our sins.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet reality must be confronted, if reconciliation is to be more than a pious hope.
By piously defending free speech while demogoguing against NPR, DeMint sounds like his Tea Party brethren who rail to "keep the Government out of my Medicare!
Dave Zirin: Should NPR Have Fired Juan Williams? You Betcha
It had frequently been the practice of the Puritans to form certain assemblies, which they called "prophesyings;" where alternately, as moved by the spirit, they displayed their pious zeal in prayers and exhortations, and raised their own enthusiasm, as well as that of their audience, to the highest pitch, from that social contagion which has so mighty an influence on holy fervors, and from the mutual emulation which arose in those trials of religious eloquence.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
Religious revivals may occur from time to time, particularly when the relatively impious find that their cultural identity under attack.
Not that we did something as exotic as to dig a pit for roasting a pig, ours involved copious quantities of lamb forequarter chops, steaks the butcher tenderised and lots of sausages.
At My Table
For though one should speak ten thousand words well, if there happen to be one little word displeasing to you, because not sufficiently intelligible or accurate, you make no account of the many good words, but lay hold of the little word, and are very zealous in setting it up as something impious and guilty; in order that, when you are judged with the very same judgment by God, you may have a much heavier account to render for your great audacities, whether evil actions, or bad interpretations which you obtain by falsifying the truth.
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
The sentence was, of course, quoted copiously by reviewers.
Both sides in this political ‘debate’ stress personal freedom for themselves while piously imposing strictures on others.
Hoses that burst apart under pressure, or leaked copiously, were another problem faced by fire fighters.
This helped to make sense of the copious brute facts that had to be learned.
The Times Literary Supplement
Two or three of them had taken copious notes during the trial.
KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
I am sure he and his comrades saw themselves as pious Muslims.
My one sufficient object was to greet that pious friend of mine, the Apostle Eliot, and rejoice with him over the many precious souls he hath won from heathendom!
Mary is seen as the pious, prayerful one, and an exemplar of contemplative life, whereas Martha is less spiritual but actively engaged in practical aspects of life.