How To Use Pioneer In A Sentence

  • The Yellow Wallpaper is the masterpiece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a wellknown American feminist pioneer and writer.
  • Zunun Kadir, the famous writer, playwright and fabulist, was the founder and the pioneer of the contemporary Uighur literature.
  • But while he speaks of war-time heroes and exploratory pioneers, he forgets about another interesting lifetime.
  • The company pioneered the use of the silicon chip.
  • Trash and harrowingly low budgets are the point of a Versus movie, as the genre's pioneers well knew back when they were churning out Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein/The Invisible Man/The Mummy. Cowboys & Aliens: the Versus movie without Versus in its name
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  • Meyerhof and Hill's pioneering thermodynamic studies had been the basis for the conclusion that the cycle of lactic acid formation and oxidation were the key events in glycolysis. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • She also had pioneering treatment in Frankfurt. The Sun
  • HISTORY buffs still wax poetic about the brutal patent battles a century ago between the Wright brothers and Glenn Curtiss, another aviation pioneer.
  • It is a national disgrace for the country that pioneered IVF. The Sun
  • His strong able-bodied cockswain did good service in cheerfully carrying his much-loved Commander, and they managed to return to the boat, and brought the two bereaved and sorrow-stricken ladies back to the “Pioneer.” A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • Their aim was to pioneer a new approach to business and technology consulting.
  • Instead, Intel's supporters rallied around to attack Cuomo and the case, putting forward a number of arguments that they believe exculpated the technology pioneer.
  • But, as it turns out, pioneering research into volcanic lightning is making his sparker seem not so crazy after all, and now a new generation of scientists believe volcanoes may offer up clues to the process of preparing the Earth for life. First Contact
  • In recognition of this iconoclast, pioneer, perfectionist and undisputed king of the tailored suit, we present five things you didn't know about Armani -- the man and the empire.
  • Stephen Kane is ex-Director of the Institute for Advanced Health Research, which pioneered new bioenergetic techniques for overcoming allergy-related illnesses and their associated chronic infections and environmental stresses.
  • To do pioneering work, he or resolutely abdication, preparation is barehanded make the world.
  • The pioneering Jewish lesbian feminist Charlotte Wolff was a physician by training, but later became a chirologist, psychotherapist, and sexologist, well known in both England and Germany. Charlotte Wolff.
  • That this witty pioneer of the blogosphere, who made her name deflating the pretentions of the insider club of thin-skinned mediawhores no longer identifies with that sentiment is a cautionary tale. Hullabaloo
  • Ray Bradbury turned 90 years old on Aug. 22, and the science fiction pioneer has no intention of slowing down.
  • This could be pioneered in Scotland and patients' rights placed at the heart of the matter.
  • Whitney pioneered the idea of interchangeability as a fundamental principle of production, and he successfully applied the principle to a product that must be made with the greatest precision. Mises Institute Daily Articles (Full-text version)
  • For centuries herds of wild mustangs have roamed the American wilderness - breathtaking symbols of the spirit of the pioneers.
  • Some are pioneering new delivery systems that encourage providers to coordinate patient care, rather than work at cross-purposes with little communication. The Time to Innovate Is Now
  • Jaron Lanier coined the term "virtual reality" and pioneered its early development.
  • Thanks to the pioneering op, she has just one or two seizures a week - and that is expected to improve. The Sun
  • An echogram of the kind pioneered by Maurice Ewing shows this clearly.
  • This story would be highly unremarkable if not for the fact that William Gibson, author of Neuromancer and cyberpunk pioneer, wrote a little rhapsody to the Selectric type ball.
  • In fact, we owe much of what we know about managing neuropathic foot ulcerations related to diabetes to Dr Brand's pioneering work.
  • Named after Samuel Pierpont Langley (1834-19O6), American astronomer, physicist, and pioneer in the development of heavier-than-air craft.
  • A photographic survey spanning the career of the pioneering American known for his bold use of colour and his vivid and mysteriously poetic images. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, according to this article, it is obviously that William Morris and John Ruskin are not only the leader of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England, but also the pioneer of the modern design.
  • These pioneers have blazed a trail for all who will follow.
  • Accepting the badge of a Little Octoberist, a title honoring the October 1917 revolution led by Lenin, was the first rite of passage for every Soviet citizen, to be followed by membership in the Young Pioneers, the Communist Youth League and finally, for some, the Communist Party itself. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In the early spring of 1762 Hazen joined the pioneers with a party of settlers who built a primitive sawmill and gristmill and constructed rude shelters.
  • They met in their early teens and both grew up listening to electronic music pioneers like Kraftwerk and Brian Eno.
  • NSW Sugar will pioneer harvesting techniques that collect the whole cane crop, then separate it at the mill.
  • Isolation, loneliness, and the sheer drudgery of running a pioneer household - from sunup to sundown, without a single day's rest - has worn away at their resolve.
  • Pioneering surgery involving transfers of multiple tendons together with the implantation of up to eight electrodes in the muscles of the forearm and hand has improved the quality of life of many patients with tetraplegia.
  • This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants
  • In 1974, the state of Washington conducted a pioneering study of wage inequities in its civil service.
  • A nonprofit project dreamed up by Americans Carl Malamud, a computer consultant, and Vinton Cerf, an Internet pioneer and telecommunications-company vice president.
  • As the pioneer in the battery market, "Energizer" alkaline battery has always been accepted by the consumers of products of providing with longer lasting and more power.
  • The method they pioneered remains fundamental to research into the behaviour of nerve cells.
  • It was important, however, and when in the 1870s James Shorb, a typical pioneer, found that many of the million bottles of wine he was making every year proved unsaleable, he reverted to selling only brandy.
  • In the case of high-level waste, the nuclear industry has pioneered the stabilization of the liquid streams through vitrification into borosilicate glass blocks.
  • He had a particular interest in works by contemporary artists and was a pioneer in the development of artist-in-residence programs.
  • Wildman pioneered advertising and fashion photography in Britain, specifically outdoor location work, as well as creating natural indoor lighting.
  • A heavy stockade around the cabin protected the pioneer from attack.
  • Known for their innovative designs and pioneering technology, they were the first to use pressed steel, welded wire, fibreglass reinforced plastics and moulded plywood in furniture design and manufacture.
  • As American pioneers headed westward, scoundrels occasionally would present forged letters of credit to wholesale merchants in larger towns.
  • He ranked high among the pioneers of 20th century chemical technology.
  • The irresistibly danceable blues-zydeco fusion music pioneered by the late accordionist Alton Rubin Sr. (aka Rockin 'Dopsie) continues to evolve in the nimble fingers of a second generation. In New Orleans, jazz fans get their groove on despite rain
  • Morton was also a pioneer in coil coatings and its industrial coating group is a leading supplier.
  • The QR code technology is provided by ScanBuy, a pioneer in the barcode field.
  • As a Chinese - language media, CNS is the pioneer in Asia setting up its Internet portal.
  • There are four distinct learning relationships: the lagger, pursuer, potential one, and pioneer.
  • Matsumoto pioneered manga comics and animation, and has been at its leading edge for over three decades now.
  • They are Marc C. Bingham, entrepreneur and Utah businessman; Huey D. Johnson, pioneering conservationist and environmental policy maker; Bonnie D. Parkin, former Relief Society President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Bertrand D. Tanner, eminent micrometeorologist and scientific entrepreneur, who will be honored posthumously. Undefined
  • The poster for Verräter, for instance, employs photomontage, a technique that German collage pioneer John Heartfield was using quite publicly at the same time to denounce Hitler.
  • CheckPoint is a pioneer in stateful inspection firewalls and, like Avaya and unified communications, is focused solely on the security business with products dedicated to firewalling, VPNs, unified threat management and intrusion prevention. Cisco's top 10 rivals
  • These Schooners along with several other larger four masted Schooners and Barkentines would help pioneer the lucrative sugar trade from Hawaii to California’s C&H refiners near San Francisco.
  • They play it with the enthusiasm of pioneers coming upon uncharted and unclaimed land.
  • Before their pioneering research the method by which information was passed down from parent to child was completely unknown.
  • they went west as pioneers with only the possessions they could carry with them
  • Although Italian director Luchino Visconti was a pioneer of the grungy, grit-and-all filmmaking style called neorealism, he also loved all things grand and operatic. Express Milwaukee
  • But it was slow going up until the 20th century. The Dutch didn't pioneer opera like the Italians did, and it was German kapellmeisters who set up the paths music would eventually follow.
  • Ezra Loomis Pound is a renowned American poet and translator, the pioneer of the poetic movement of "Imagist Movement" in the twentieth century.
  • I'm using the word pioneered because I know of nobody who did many of these things before these ideas came into my mind. Oral History Interview with Mabel Pollitzer, September 19, 1973. Interview G-0047-1. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • In the forest the woodchopper comes first; on the fertile prairies the granger is the pioneer; but on the long, stretching uplands of the far West it is the men who guard and follow the horned herds that prepare the way for the settlers who come after. The Cattle Country of the Far West
  • Robinia pseudoacacia is a perfect hybrid tree and a pioneer tree species in vegetation restoration, which is high valuable to forest restoration and ecological building of temperate zone of China.
  • You're credited with being a pioneer of the hub-and-spoke system.
  • For the pioneers who set out to confront these lands, following trailblazers like Daniel Boone, the conquest of the West is a story of courage and hardship that forges the character of America.
  • The dog, cast in bronze by a local sculptor, was erected in 1932 to commemorate the district's pioneer settlers.
  • In the 1920s, when Evarts Graham, the renowned surgeon in St. Louis who had pioneered the pneumonectomy the resection of the lung to remove tumors, was asked whether tobacco smoking had caused the increased incidence of lung cancer, he countered dismissively, “So has the use of nylon stockings.” The Emperor of All Maladies
  • They are explorers and pioneers in the great tradition like Columbus and Cook who sailed across the oceans.
  • According to Samuelson, Japan pioneered the new stagnation and the parallels are disturbing.
  • The common characteristics and different can be known through comparing the consciousness and method in works of Dan Kiley and Peter Walker who are the pioneer of their own style.
  • He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.
  • In an attempt to open this sector to women, pioneer women were trained in construction-related jobs such as tiling, painting and bricklaying. Women in the Yishuv Workforce.
  • Most aircraft design schemes call for advances on wing and fuselage shapes pioneered in today's stealth aircraft.
  • In the 1970s DSTO, with the strong support of the RAAF, pioneered the use of bonded carbon and boron fibre doublers to repair cracked metal structures.
  • Their breeding behaviour and how they and their chicks respond to stimuli is tremendously well studied, with the studies of Goethe, Tinbergen and others being classic, pioneering works in ethology. Archive 2006-02-01
  • European Pressphoto Agency Pioneerwent after the high end of the market for plasma-display TVs, amove that has backfired in the recession. Pioneer Unplugs Its TV Business
  • Zhang Kangkang is a pioneer in her times, and a numen of spirit homeland as well.
  • Today, this volume stands as a fitting and lasting monument of its time to Finzi's pioneering work on behalf of the composer whose achievements he valued so much.
  • The technique was pioneered in California.
  • He was the pioneer of Satyagraha , mass resistance to government oppression through peaceful, non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation.
  • Ground-based data as well as the latest information from the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft are used in developing both physical descriptions and theoretical understanding.
  • Able, Baker, and Ham all received multipage spreads in Life magazine as America's unwitting pioneers. His 'Astrochimp' Proved Space Was Safe
  • The composer of some 70 operas, Adam is remembered as a pioneer and writer of graceful, fluent music in an Italianate idiom with dramatic power.
  • The sense of adventure felt by the pioneers of flight still remains with those who carry on the tradition of ballooning today.
  • This pioneering plea for religious freedom called diversity not a curse but a glory.
  • This movement - established by the idealistic pioneer-immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century - grew into a large federate organisation that became the backbone of the labour movement.
  • A pioneering wireless, paperless order-entry system has replaced the standard chart system.
  • The pioneering Canadian freestyler, who helped get superpipe accepted into the Olympics, died Thursday after a Jan. 10 crash during a training run in Park City, Utah. Sarah Burke Dead: Skier Dies After Accident During Training At Park City, Utah
  • Ray E. Kidder, a laser pioneer at the Livermore nuclear arms lab, estimated that the overall number of scientists involved globally ran to several thousand.
  • Six alien companies of the Pioneer Corps accompanied the allied invasion.
  • A bioarchaeology pioneer on the hidden truths in our skeletons Conversations: Bone Reader
  • For a short time she served as president of Cott Beverages, a pioneer private label bottler of soft drinks. Heather Reisman.
  • Modal geometries C and D appear to represent the tendency for these pioneers, i.e., slowly expanding, moderately to openly umbilicate, compressed shells, typified by Otoceras and Ophiceras.
  • Geometry Blaster is from the Davidson company, a pioneer in educational software.
  • Nortel is a pioneer in Carrier Ethernet and has been an industry leader in the development of innovations for delivering predictable and reliable Ethernet services, using technologies such as PBB, PBT, PLSB, and Ethernet OAM. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • In the pioneer days of the great west, coffee and tea were hard to get; and, instead of them, teas were often made from garden herbs, spicewood, sassafras-roots, and other shrubs, taken from the thickets [89]. All About Coffee
  • She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer.
  • It was an argument that the great pioneers who put in the Victorian sewers would have fully understood. The Global Marketplace
  • Ignore the kind of self-helpy title: this is a fabulous and rather dense tome that manages to synthesize the state of the art in neuropsychology (Schwartz is one of the pioneers of cognitive therapy for the successful treatment of patients with OCD), neurobiology, quantum physics, Buddhist philosophy, and the question of free will into a sensible whole. Ashes to ashes baby, dirt to dirt
  • Pioneers from New England migrated to all parts of the United States.
  • Our perseverance and pioneering spirit in blazing a trail nobody has ever trodden before is no doubt admirable.
  • Furthermore, if ephemeris time is that measured in the “photonic” system, as it is in a certain suggested alternatives to GR, then the Pioneer spacecraft will appear to have an anomalous sunwards acceleration of cH or 6. 69×10-8 cm. sec-2; such an acceleration aP = (8. 74±1.33) ×10-8 cm. sec-2 is actually observed. Please Tell Me What “God” Means
  • The group pioneered a new style of heavy rock, that came to be known as thrash metal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nicolas Steno (11 January 1638 –25 November 1686) was a Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology.
  • Graham was a pioneer rock and winter climber before a broken leg turned him to sailing.
  • There are people out there who really do see him as the pioneer of a computer-generated escape from reality.
  • Every observer in a satellite program is in a way a pioneer of space travel.
  • Colleagues said Dr Gamble was also noted for his pioneering work in medical and dental hypnotherapy.
  • Pioneers of bushwalking and advocates of national parks were the harbingers of an engagement with nature that at last offered respect for and restitution of the environment.
  • I undo all this pioneering style work in one afternoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We'll have ultralights, light aircraft and general aviation - like Cessnas and a couple of warbirds including a twin pioneer, which people can have joyrides on,’ John said.
  • He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.
  • Somehow the punk pioneers are still going. Times, Sunday Times
  • We want to reach beyond that, to pioneer in great infrastructure projects, which will be transcontinental in their significance, to unite the continents, to unify the human race in cooperation.
  • His pioneer programmes received practically no publicity, and were soon forgotten. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • Hunter S Thompson will forever be remembered as the pioneer of gonzo journalism.
  • Though many of the original Funny Car pioneers switched back to carbureted Super Stockers, Grove learned how to run a supercharged engine with great skill.
  • John Whitney was a pioneer of computer animation.
  • Amongst a life-size model of a woman dressed in a 'stars-and-stripes' burka, human hearts half buried in sand and children chiseling away at an edible depiction of the crucified Jesus, is the creator of all the aforementioned works: iconic artist and graffiti pioneer Nick Walker. Constantin Bjerke: In Gods We Trust (Video)
  • The experience is brought to life by the vivid diaries of some of the pioneers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dolls were made in her image in a pioneering merchandising deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six alien companies of the Pioneer Corps accompanied the allied invasion.
  • They were single self-supporting women who lived in pairs or groups, sometimes in settlement houses, and worked as teachers or pioneered in such new professions open to women as librarianship and social work.
  • A spokesperson for the cemetery told the newspaper: ‘We want to be pioneers and avoid catalepsy cases, in which a person gets completely paralysed for a few hours and ends up buried as if they were dead.’
  • The Montreal native was weaned on hip hop, living and breathing beats and rhymes through his teen years, a devotion that paid off when, as a 17-year-old, he was invited to join Canadian rap pioneers the Dream Warriors.
  • Lilly Kolisko trained as a nurse and then came to dedicate herself to scientific work within the anthroposophical movement pioneered by Rudolf Steiner, at Stuttgart.
  • These pioneers and early adopters learned as they faced these new challenges. Christianity Today
  • Here they re-live the life of a pioneer in the wilderness, when the nearest living soul was 20 miles away.
  • He was a pioneer in the use of transcutaneous nerve stimulation, which is used to ease the pain of childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the pioneers of free verse, D. H. Lawrence stands out as one who, though gifted in metrical verse, is happier without meter.
  • The money is used for pioneering research into cancer to improve prevention and treatment and to find a cure.
  • _Vanguard, Explorer, Discoverer; Pioneer III, _ which discovered the Van Allen layer in 1958, and _Pioneer IV, _ which went zooming past the Moon the following year and took up a solar orbit, and _Mariner II, _which got within twenty-one thousand miles of Venus in 1962, and _Ranger_ and _Surveyor_ and all the rest. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • The film valorizes the pioneering spirit, individual resilience and resourcefulness.
  • At the Pendleton rally, the stage was decorated with pioneer wagons stuffed with hay.…
  • It has exploited the internet to pioneer a model of global activism.
  • Originally he worked in black-and-white, but he adapted well to the photomechanical colour processes that came in at the end of the 19th century and was one of the pioneers of the full-colour picture book for children.
  • Bernhard Riemann pioneered elliptic geometry
  • In related out these video clips of Ruth Rogan Benerito, "pioneer in alfalfa breeding and genetics", and Janice M. Miller, who discovered the virus causing bovine leukemia, from their induction into the Agricultural Research Service Hall of Fame. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Well, David, catenaccio is a style of football pioneered by Helenio Herrera's Internazionale side in the sixties, I think.
  • Being on a busy stock route, pioneered in the late 1830s when cattle was overlanded from New South Wales, the town soon had a number of stores, a blacksmith, bootmakers, a post office and hotel.
  • They pioneered a new route to the coast.
  • In Puerto Rico, white siris is an aggressive pioneer, forming pure stands on abandoned farms and other disturbed sites It is also common in pastures at elevations below 600 meters, including areas receiving as little as 800 mm of annual rainfall. Chapter 37
  • She replaced the original actress slated for the title actress role in the 1960 movie and gained worldwide fame and infamy; an Asian American woman as a pioneering lead actress in a Hollywood movie in a role that reinforced biased Western perceptions of their sexuality. AsianWeek
  • Though an unusual one, veering between pioneer and plush. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its first two summers were spent as a pioneer of a forest that was never meant to be, since heathland depends on maintaining a permanent state of arrested development. Country diary: Sandy, Bedfordshire
  • IBM.N) in the global technology services industry, and vaults HP to second place behind IBM. EDS is a pioneer of the outsourcing of managed computer services.
  • As well as pioneering smooth jazz, he also has some serious street cred. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was also "instrumental in the creation of Sam's Club" in 1983, and later as the company's president and ceo, "Glass pioneered development of the first supercenter, which is now the company's dominant retail format. Undefined
  • These pioneering efforts were followed by more than a decade of research on the degenerative processes of the spine, spinal biomechanics and biomaterials before serious efforts to produce an artificial disc were resumed.
  • She has been a leader and a pioneer in the American legal profession.
  • Rich in Native American and pioneer history, the Appalachian Highlands boast an amazing plant diversity - from laurel to flowering dogwood - and more than 200 different kinds of birds.
  • Benoit Mandelbrot pioneered fractal geometry
  • Soon after sticking flags at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean for declaration of sovereignty, Russia then became a pioneer in Arctic oil exploitation.
  • Frank Sheldon Anthony, a pioneering exponent of the New Zealand comic yarn, lived as a backblocks farmer in south Taranaki from the 1890s till 1924.
  • He is a pioneer of minimally invasive surgery and has been conducting a review of London healthcare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Petrie was named after Andrew Petrie, civil engineer, pioneer and explorer and the first free settler in Brisbane in 1837.
  • Go away and live and Peru, and take all your vodka with you, we're god - fearing pioneers here in Ireland!
  • In 1890, the United States pioneered competition law and significantly strengthened the future of free markets in the American system by adopting a new federal statute: the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
  • Filmmaker Errol Morris has grown famous and revered as the pioneer of what could be called interrogatory cinema -- … In These Times
  • The preponderance of French names in those early pioneering days is perhaps not surprising, as eccentricity has always been a hallmark of the French.
  • Part of that vision, shared by other blogging pioneers, has been to help democratize the creation and flow of news in a world where giant companies control so much of what most people see, hear and read.
  • It was the Pioneers' fourth trip to the championship game in seven years, all coming during even-numbered years.
  • Its "golden handcuffs" approach of finding wives for captured terrorists and enmeshing them in a web of personal, financial, religious and professional obligations once released is regarded as pioneering. Militants teach jihad in Indonesian prisons
  • This goes back to the puritans and pioneers who settled this country.
  • These pioneer prospectors practiced surface mining, obtaining gold from the alluvial deposits called placers.
  • The pioneers of a warless world are the youth who refuse military service. Anti-war quotations | Letter Never Sent
  • Last year reports that the United States was slipping from Internet pioneer to digital dawdler as its global broadband penetration ranking had fallen from 4th to 15th in six years elicited a collectiv ... Bennet Kelley: Obama, Net Policy and the Kindness of Strangers
  • What if the pioneers had settled America from west to east - from California toward the Atlantic - instead of the other way around?
  • He was a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.
  • Independent and entrepreneurial, coworkers are essentially pioneering an entirely new way of working that conventional businesses often interpret as avant-garde.
  • He was credited with having pioneered many financial innovations in the capital markets.
  • It was important, however, and when in the 1870s James Shorb, a typical pioneer, found that many of the million bottles of wine he was making every year proved unsaleable, he reverted to selling only brandy.
  • Those pioneer photographers thought that photography, through the interaction of sunlight on light-sensitive silver salts, might capture the Platonic essence of things.
  • I will bless thee, black-vested minister of optimism, stern pioneer of happiness!
  • TiVo pioneered the technology, but the company appears to have gone the way of so many other brave pioneers.
  • The Farmer Field School system pioneered by FAO offers an additional channel for promoting knowledge transfer and adoption of climate-smart farming techniques.
  • The young pioneers lived in a little log cabin in the mountains during the summer camping.
  • St Aidan's High School, which introduced a pioneering project to serve fresh school dinners from its own kitchen, served organic mince for the first time to mark the event.
  • Tombstone, an easy day trip from Tucson, does however offer one vision of Arizona's pioneer days: clapboard and adobe buildings, and, of course, re-enacted gunfights.
  • Once Kipling got his Nobel, he was kicked upstairs to the more respectable niche of assistant editor, as per the Pioneer apocrypha.
  • She was a pioneer in the development of working-class housing in the second half of the nineteenth century.
  • Two anthropologists—linguists, Franz Boas and Edward Sapir, were pioneers in describing many native languages of North and South America during the first half of the twentieth century.
  • Jack worked in many different areas of vertebrate paleontology during his long career, but he is best known for his pioneering research on the Tertiary mammals and biostratigraphy of west Texas and Mexico. John A. Wilson, 1914 - 2008
  • A few pioneers like Alfred Stieglitz were trying to establish photography as a fine art.
  • During the night the team and their equipment have been loaded onto the chartered vessel Normand Pioneer which will act as mother-ship for the British operation.
  • More pioneering genres were undertaken as a result of social and political vicissitudes.
  • Rogosin's work was a pioneering documentary hybrid, starring tippling nonprofessionals acting out a nominal plot about a railman who hits town looking for work. Where American Dreams Went to Drink
  • For instance, pioneer caller ID spoofer Lucky255 used it to switch his caller ID to 867-5309/Jenny from the bygone pop band Tommy Tutone.
  • In the meantime, he managed to pioneer what is now known as cultural studies.
  • The slide technique derives from a homemade one-string contraption known as the diddley bow, a childhood toy of many American blues pioneers and similar to African stringed instruments. Music news, reviews, comment and features |
  • Mr Budge said he would overcome the geological problems with so-called retreat mining, a technique successfully pioneered at Selby.
  • Theological wrangles belong essentially to a pioneer people: an earnest, stubbornly honest people, whose lives are given over to a battle with the elements and the brute forces of Nature, always argufy. Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers
  • That said, I use the word pioneered rather than invented, because I am virtually positive that other people ran free-to-play w/ virtual asset sales previously, even if it was a hobbyist game admin selling something on the sly to players to make a few bucks. How will "free-to-play" business models affect the gaming landscape in the West?

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