How To Use Pinon In A Sentence
The griffons, neglected for a long time on account of the infatuation that was and is still had for English hunting dogs, are being received again with that favor which they have never ceased to be the object of in Germany and in Italy (where they bear the name of _spinone_).
Scientific American Supplement, No. 803, May 23, 1891
Dogs that have needed his help have included a Italian Spinone which was bleeding internally from a lungworm infection, a springer spaniel which had eaten rat poison, and a collie cross dog which had a tumour in his spleen.
British Blogs
They stopped for a late lunch on the banks of a trickle of river a few miles farther south, eating their sandwiches and drinking Orange Nehi in the shade of a piñon pine.
I wish I could own a Spinoni girl, but I have to learn more about the needs of this wonderful breed.
Other minor lakes are those of Azeglio to the south-east of Ivrea, Varese, Alserio, Pusiano, Annone, and Segrino, between Como and Lecco; Lake Endine or Spinone between Val Seriana and Lake Iseo; Lake Molveno, Lake Ledro, west of Riva, and Lakes
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
By noon it seemed that every branch among the junipers and piñon pines surrounding my home was occupied by an adult cicada.
I've seen Spinoni in Italy, France and Canada.
We pass a Spinone Italiano; it looks like Tom Petty.
As to what breeds contributed to the development of the Spinone … again, depending upon whom you ask, the breed descended from the now-extinct Spanish pointer, the ancient Russian setter, or another coarse-coated setter brought to Italy by Greek traders during the heyday of the Roman Empire.
Fine nuts range in character from the rich, sugary, oily and highly nitrogenous nut of the Mexican piñon to the more starchy _bunya bunya_ of Australia, as large as a small potato and not much better than a potato, unless it is roasted or boiled.
Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the eighth annual meeting Stamford, Connecticut, September 5 and 6, 1917
The rutted roads were thick with mostly male and coed groups, camped where the piñons give way to cottonwoods down by the creek.
Kind and patient in the home, the Italian Spinone is a serious, tireless hunting machine in the field.
Most ladders studied so far cannot illustrate this process because the large strength of their interchain coupling suppresses the spinon excitations at all energy scales.
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He predicts 30 to 40 percent of the ponderosas and 80 percent of the piñons will fall victim to insects by next summer.
Like most breeds, with large pendulous ears, the Spinone is also susceptible to ear infections.
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The Spinone, one of the first few breeds developed as pointing dogs, remains skilled at hunting to this day.
The indian prefers the soft sound of the wind darting over the face of a pond, and the smell of the wind itself, cleansed by a midday tain, or scented with pinon pine.
The gravel road wound through stands of piñon pine and gray oak.
You will definitely meet lots of great people, learn loads about Spinoni and go home safe in the knowledge that, whatever the judge thinks, you have the best Spinoni in the world!
One of the things that both Marty Lederman and Doug Kmiec agree on is that the President is authorized to disagree with -- and thus, presumably, to "override" -- OLC opinons that he/she objects to.
In Pinon Middle School, we observed that the students who have been raised with traditional Navajo teachings or the students who are almost totally acculturated to the dominant culture are rarely seen for discipline referrals.
The Spinone is an ancient breed from northern Italy, where it is a valued as a Gundog.
Italian Spinone, also known as Spinone Italiano or Italian Griffon, is one of the oldest of all gun dog breeds.
The Spinone is especially good in heavy cover or cold, wet conditions where his protective coat serves him well.
Well-known breeds -- including dachshunds, poodles and collies -- will participate, as well as breeds you'll seldom see outside a dog show, such as the Chinese crested, Tibetan spaniel and spinone Italiano. - News
Radar happens to be over a hundred pounds of Italian Spinone, so I'm always looking for extra-large sizes for him.
Charlottesville Blogs
The rutted roads were thick with mostly male and coed groups, camped where the piñons give way to cottonwoods down by the creek.
As puppies the Spinone should have a nutritious diet to ensure the proper formation of the bones and joints.
Said to drool and smell more strongly than some dogs, Spinoni are still relatively easy to keep clean.
The Spinone: One Of The Oldest (And Most Hunter-Savvy) Gun Dog Breeds Comes To North America.
The Spinone is a versatile hunting dog of ancient heritage with origins in northern Italy.
Spinone Italiano: This dog absolutely has the best beard of the entire show!
Westminster Dog Show 2012—Best in Show—as it happened
The Spinoni italiano is a strong muscular dog, with a long face and human-like eyes.
If you ask the French, the Spinone descended from crosses of several French pointing breeds, while the Italians contend that the Spinone was the ancestor of the wirehaired pointing griffon, the German wirehaired pointer and the pudelpointer.
Beyond the point, 10 miles of trails skitter through the park's desertscape of sage, rabbitbrush, mountain mahogany, Utah juniper, and piñon, revealing vertigo-inducing views into deep-throated canyons.
The Spinone was the dog breed most capable of getting through the pinos and as a result, earned the name.
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It trucked off seven semi loads of toxic material, though it left behind the dead shaggy bark juniper and pinon pines that had been poisoned by fumes from the lab.
Link nc #6 is absolutely correct - my friends have over the years rescued several dogs, including two Mastiffs and a Spinone, which were abandoned in state parks near NYC.
Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
The Spinone Italiano breed comes in a variety of colors including white, orange, brown, and chestnut.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of available Spinoni, there may be more out there.
Finally, someone decided to call these dogs Spinone after a thornbush called the pino, a favorite hiding place for small game, because these bushes were virtually impenetrable by larger animals.
Secluded gurgling tubs overlook mountain landscapes of pinon, juniper and scrub oak.
The Italian Spinone is know for its calm, docile, demeanor, making them a great addition to any family.
South of them was mostly flat, pinkish desert, dotted with dark balloons of pinon and juniper, grey brushes of sage and chamisa.
The Spinone Italiano is now once again gaining in popularity, although it is still a rather rare breed.
We hike down a surprisingly gentle trail, passing through stunted pinons to a Ponderosa coppice and a fetchingly derelict bridge at river's edge.