How To Use Pinole In A Sentence
We packed our supplies; 2 water bottles a piece, a topo map, 2 extra tubes a piece, a tool pack, a pump, and of course… a bag of pinole.
Pinole was the food carried on war trips when nutrition, lightness of weight and smallness of bulk were all desired.
This is generally done by a squaw, who takes pinole in her blanket, repairs to the scene of the incremation, or to places hallowed by the memory of the dead, where she scatters it over the ground, meantime rocking her body violently to and fro in a dance and chanting the following chorus:
An Introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians
This is generally done by a squaw, who takes pinole in her blanket, repairs to the scene of the incremation, or to places hallowed by the memory of the dead, when she scatters it over the ground, meantime rocking her body violently to and fro in a dance and chanting the following chorous:
A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians
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