How To Use Pinko In A Sentence
To increase taxes now would be to raise the white flag and surrender to the poverty lobby and the liberal lefties and pinkos in the media.
Oh, except for Homeland Security and the Military ... he'll need them to keep down social dissidents (aka pinko commie liberals).
McCain Adviser: Emergency Room Just as Good as Health Insurance
The red hunt was misguided because the equation that came to define the McCarthy era (to be a liberal is to be a pinko is to be a red is to be a spy) was misguided.
Now, come on - even all you pinkos have to admit that this is quite witty.
I've known plenty of pinkoes who have relished the idea of certain individuals being forcibly sexually violated.
Why I Hate The USA: One Nation, Behind Bars
Why do all the pinkoes assume that anyone who makes a kindly comment about Iain's blog is actually Iain posting on his own Comments section?
Gordon Brown by Those Who Know Him Best
Anyway, I wouldn't trust the pinkoes who frequent your site to vote correctly.
Edinburgh University Rector and BEER!
So, obviously, the problem isn't fraulein Hillary ... it's all the pinko hippies with their Soros $$$ hating on her hawkishness.
Audio: Hillary Privately Blasted "The Activist Base Of The Democratic Party" For Caucus Defeats
And despite of what you pinkos thought, I thought he was a great president!
So when I moved to New York, I fully intended to live somewhere edgy - white, middle class edgy, natch - despite my pinko liberal ideals, I'm not brave enough for the Bronx.
To paraphrase Jungian analyst, Clarissa Pinkola Estes: "We are mighty ships, made for these times.
Dr. Judith Rich: 5 Steps To Managing Meltdown Mania
And that the hard-left pinko (who's, as we again need to emphasize, is the sitting Senator from Wyoming, of all places) would use outing a guy out of a closet as a threat.
A young reader discovers the meaning of paranoia in the political novels of Allen Drury
There were a few- un-American dirty commie pinko symps, no doubt- who decried the resultant proliferation of "argumentative" devices among high-powered autos.
Rabett Run
Part Three: The Sino - Russia controversy is representative of pinko dogmatism.
As far as I am concerned, he is a pinko, quisling traitor.
Carolyn Parishes antics aren't supported by the majority of people, even here in pinko Ontario, so please enlighten me.
The less friendly border
The film captures a sense of paranoia in America's newsrooms as McCarthy goes after anyone in politics, the military, entertainment or media who has even the remotest link with commies or inkling of being a pinko.
Iain - I cannot help but feel that the increase in attacks from these pinkoes suggests you are being perceived as a real threat to their control of conventional media R Murdoch papers, the BBC etc.
Gordon Brown by Those Who Know Him Best
In days gone by, marching against war was generally seen as something that lefties, peaceniks and pinkos did.
He considers it self-evident: ‘Don't be such a leftist commie pinko!’
Chingford Man - more like one down, several hundred more smart-a**e pinkoes in Broadcasting House to go. david skinner
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Althouse pic is code for Bush was a red commie pinko ;
Color in the snow garden.
He loves baiting his opponents - remember his comments about ‘left-wing pinkoes’ - but has never been afraid to stand up for his own political beliefs.
(Well, yeah, her high-pitched nasality is grating, but we're used to it and it drives the liberal pinkos crazy!)
Inside Rove's Diary: The "Magic" of Presidential Street-Fighting
I have been described as a 'closet nationalist', and as a Melders-like 'pinko' - which has caused eyebrows to be raised amongst some of my more Conservative friends.
A Right-Winger - Moi?
I find it all very amusing, the I am better than you pinkoes here.
Ruralshire Constabulary lost data scandal! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
They definitely are a bunch of pinkos on these sorts of issues.
His famous dismissal of ‘left-wing pinkoes’ was at the same time a declaration of where Smith himself stood.
There are suddenly T-shirts and buttons available all over the downtown, made in various shade of pink, using the word pinko and mostly promoting cycling.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Here are two tiny quotations from it (no, I cannot resist it, since you ask): Jim Hacker: "Apparently, the White House thinks that the Foreign Office is full of pinkoes and traitors.
UN diplomacy stalls (again)
The scourge of McCarthyism made everyone a believer for fear of being labeled a commie pinko.
OBVIOUSLY our mom is awesome, because she gave birth to US, although if our mom had realized the foaming weirdly-dressed pinko communist her wholehearted support of our early childhood activities would produce, she would have maybe thought twice about telling us we could be whatever we wanted to be in our life.
Archive 2010-05-01
(Ah, I haven't used the word pinko in 30 years!!!)
Sound Politics: Rumsfeld To Resign
Just last year, pinkos raised a stink over the NCERT's deleting of certain offensive and unauthenticated assertions from history books.
You commo, femmo, pinko types will whine about how this man is clearly going to mistreat his woman.
In days gone by, marching against war was generally seen as something that lefties, peaceniks and pinkos did.
The word pinko was all over the Toronto media recently, and I had to explain to a friend who speaks perfect English as a second language what it meant, as it's a term that hasn't been used in the media here since she moved to Canada 17 years ago.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Or then there were those pinkoes at the BBC again a couple of weeks before that?
Iain Dale: False Claim of Coining Plastic Poll Tax
Fifty years ago, anyone who didn't conform to the prevailing right-wing agenda was labelled ‘commie, pinko, subversive.’
STOP PRESS 15:05: The BBC pinkoes web page uses this expression in a quote from David Davis so Dale may not be quite so wrong after all.
Iain Dale: False Claim of Coining Plastic Poll Tax
OBAMA HAD A GAY AFFAIR AND MURDERED HIS PARTNER AND THEN COVERED IT UP how do I know that?? easy ... standing in line to check out at the grocery store. .the GLOBE said so ... now he may not want to show his birthcertificate and get away with it, and he may be a statists, facist, commie pinko spy and a BAD GOLFER
Drudge Retort
The commies and pinkos are raising a hue and cry over this matter.
Or is it just that they are all looney pinkoe liberal bed wetting crim loving nancy boys who are scared of their own shadows?
The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG