How To Use Pink lady In A Sentence
The effects of 1 - MCP on post - harvest physiology of Pink Lady apples with different maturity were studied.
Its floral emblem is the pink lady's slipper, pictured, a variety of orchid.
Times, Sunday Times
Pale-pink lady's smock, just coming, and its pretty double form.
Times, Sunday Times
Its floral emblem is the pink lady's slipper, pictured, a variety of orchid.
Times, Sunday Times
These changes are revealed in the earlier blooming of the wild geranium, the Pink Lady's Slipper and black cherry, among others.
Another Thoreau Lesson
I actually found myself liking an improbable cream-cheese-and-smoked-salmon concoction called a Pink Lady, which gained some street cred with the pungent crunch of salmon skin and batons of the mysterious root called gobo.
Pale-pink lady's smock, just coming, and its pretty double form.
Times, Sunday Times
The North American pink lady's slipper orchid flowers during the springtime flight of the queen bumblebee.
Its floral emblem is the pink lady's slipper, pictured, a variety of orchid.
Times, Sunday Times
The North American pink lady's slipper orchid flowers during the springtime flight of the queen bumblebee.