[ UK /pˈɪnhɛd/ ]
  1. an ignorant or foolish person
  2. the head of a pin
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How To Use pinhead In A Sentence

  • One nanometre is about a million times smaller than the size of a pinhead. IBM’s Snowflakes Yield Faster Chips | Impact Lab
  • Despite presumptuous pinheads who think they have her character pegged down to a sexy little stereotype, it's her voice that draws attention.
  • The degree to which deferrential review of questions of law produces its own angels on pinheads panopoly of arcane legal doctrines in the habeas context and also in the qualitied immunity context shows why it makes sense to stick with de novo review of legal questions on direct appeal, in the ordinary case. The Volokh Conspiracy » Standards of Review and Institutional Roles — Some Thoughts on Chad Oldfather’s “Universal De Novo Review”:
  • Within the confines of any ‘feeding area’ there will be one extremely localised, pinhead spot that produces more takes than outside it.
  • But instead of buckyballs, they spice the mixture with nano-size semiconducting wires or pinheads called quantum dots.
  • Some of my pinheaded, dolt critics say the term communist is inaccurate and unfair. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2007
  • The fault was caused by a hole no larger than a pinhead.
  • The only question about these two pinhead thieves is whether they were complete morons before or because of using drugs.
  • Synonymous with tench feeding are bubbles, what has been referred to as needle bubbles, which describes the tiny streams of pinhead bubbles perfectly.
  • The last picture, a deadpan rear view of a pinheaded clown with large, circular ears, looks convincingly like a collaboration between Philip and Don.
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