How To Use Ping-pong ball In A Sentence
There are those who arrive late, those who slip away early and those who combine the capacity to down 10 pints with a bladder the size of a ping-pong ball.
Sheepskin-wearing seating bores get my goat | Harry Pearson
The thick of winter is here and the no-longer-dormant Knicks are finally chasing something better than a ping-pong ball.
Knicks Suddenly Doing the Kicking
You couldn't fail to laugh when Big John completed his task of searching through a pile of ordure to secure ping-pong balls that allowed the housemates to get a drink.
A higher-tech solution would be to put lots of reflective mylar in low-earth orbit; a lower-tech solution would be to scatter lots of ping-pong balls in tropical waters; an extremely cute solution, if practicable, would be to stimulate the formation of cirrus clouds over parts of the Pacific Ocean.
How to Fight Global Warming, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The tornadoes, as many as eight in central North Carolina alone, were accompanied by hail the size of ping-pong balls, said Scott Sharp , another meteorologist with the weather service.
Tornadoes Devastate South
Imagine your plectrum is a "ping-pong ball" (drom the first) and it just goes up and down - without changing speed!
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While Obama has been bouncing around like a ping-pong ball in a wind tunnel, Mubarak seems to have outfoxed the Americans.
Obama sows confusion on Egypt
My prawn puri was similarly good: four disks of non-greasy flatbread lathered with beautifully creamy coriander-infused sauce and succulent prawns the size of a ping-pong ball.
The god he referred to when he said "God does not play dice" is the monist god: the laws governing clockwork and ping-pong balls.
A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
The magician turned a ping-pong ball into a shiny box and pulled out of it a wriggling white mouse.
The Magician
“Maybe you could do that,” she says, her excited voice bouncing across the table at me like a ping-pong ball.
Left Neglected
cut a Ping-Pong ball
Lastly,[sentence dictionary] a ping-pong ball fitted over each light bulb managed to disguise their Yuletide origins.
Bowman remembered a description he had once heard of the dreaded Antarctic "whiteout" - "like being inside a ping-pong ball.
2001 A Space Odyssey