How To Use Pincushion In A Sentence
Vibrantly colored beadwork spilled across the fabric of souvenir pincushions, picture frames and wallpockets designed to appeal to throngs of eager tourists.
There are over 160 ceremonial and personal cloths - parokhets and Torah mantles, circumcision cloths and ornate talliths, hallah covers, tablecloths, pincushions, caps, bags, and more, photographed in full color to show the exquisite work and the care taken in handing them down through generations.
Our eyes met and the words dirty bomb flitted through my mind as I watched nails imbed in him, turning him into a human pincushion.
Mercy Kill
* cosmos, pincushion flower (scabiosa), Russian sage and sage.
Sun Journal
The seeds of the pincushion protea are buried in the ground by ants, and germinate only when mature plants have been killed by fire.
They do also feed from pincushion proteas, but do not damage the flowers significantly because the bracts are too narrow to be pierced or scratched by the birds' claws.
I also went over to Patchwork on Central Park yesterday and picked up some green fabric ready for the next bunch of pear pincushions.
This pattern can be used for a couvrette or pincushion cover, according to the size of the cotton with which it is worked.
Beeton's Book of Needlework
Ray showed his young viewers how to make everything from pup pencil holders, to mushroom pincushions, to stocking mice.
Also called a bedeguar gall or Robin's pincushion, this gall is formed by a Cynipid wasp, Diplolepis rosae, that overwinters in the gall in the larval stage, then completes its life cycle in the spring.
Which reminds me, I have just learnt that a robin's pincushion is technically known as a bedeguar.
Objection! - I'm going to pincushion this guy!
I could tell you, now, every item of its varied contents, -- the perfumed sachet, the ugly little pincushion which she had had since dollhood, the little scraps from her favourite poets, which she had copied out and kept in this sacred repository, never revealing them save to sympathising eyes.
She and I, Volume 1
Proteaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes South Africa's national flower, the king protea (Protea cynaroides, above), as well as the daystar and the pincushions.
However I did note a small amount of pincushion distortion.
Rectilinear distortion: All three glasses show a slight pincushion distortion to eliminate the globe effect of the panning binocular.
Annuals with good deer resistance include ageratum, ice plant, pincushion flower, verbena and zinnias.
During testing I noted no spherical aberration, no astigmatism, no curvature of field, no barrel or pincushion, and no rolling distortion.
‘I'll make you an outfit,’ she said and took out a small pincushion out of her gray pocket.
Rectilinear distortion: All three binoculars show a moderate amount of pincushion distortion as it is commonly employed to compensate for the globe effect and to provide a smooth panning of the image.
Distortion control - reduces pincushion and barrel distortion effects.
He lost sight of the taxi beyond the flowerbed pincushion of a roundabout.
A golden-hued vase, above left, brimming with red-orange pincushion protea, plays up the yellow edging on a lacquered accent table.
Thom Filicia Style
She'd been pierced with the sharp ends of nails and wire so often that her finger-ends looked like pincushions, and it was just as well that they were not going to be playing their instruments for a while, for her fingers needed to heal before she picked up her gittern or harp again.
The Robin And The Kestrel
Annuals with good deer resistance include ageratum, ice plant, pincushion flower, verbena and zinnias.
The mask Annie held in her hands looked like a giant pincushion.
I remember your little friend shoving you into one before she because a pincushion, and you blasted me from there, you little whelp.
I wish you all the happiness in the world and hope your head isn’t pounding too much demain from a combo of pincushion + bubbly!
Going going going gone…
Conversely, some of Oudolf's perennials are chic enough for Sissinghurst, the cultish Kentish garden made by Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson — especially a wine-dark variety of scabiosa, or pincushion flower, that bloomed on the High Line during this spring's inaugural festivities.
Up in the Park
Fat and featureless, pink and pincushiony, it was borrowed by gushing maidenhood, exchanged by idiotic maternity, and had grown unctuous and tumefacient under the kisses and embraces of half the hotel.
By Shore and Sedge
There is surprisingly little pincushion distortion in the EII considering the field width.
These remarkably beautiful beaded pieces are presented alongside an astonishing array of objects created expressly for the Victorian tourist market, including pincushions, photo frames, decorative boxes and wall pieces.
All the fruit was not edible, for we saw an apple that tasted very much of the wood, being full of pips resembling doll's tea-things; whilst, upon suction, the pears emitted musical sounds; and a biffin, like a pincushion, had the flavour of bran -- probably it was bran-new.
Christmas Comes but Once A Year Showing What Mr. Brown Did, Thought, and Intended to Do, during that Festive Season.
The salvia has receded, but the radicchio is still coming up, and I have phlox and pincushions, and there's an evergreen and some holly there in the back.
Prickly pear unfortunately thrives along the Rim, growing at the base and among the belays, and we were all soon pincushioned with tiny golden spines.
This square may be used to form part of a couvrette, or a d'oyley, or pincushion.
Beeton's Book of Needlework
Check out the pincushion hakea with its pointy-tipped nuts like fairy bells; the teak pods that open up like wooden flowers, and the large woody pears with slightly furry grey skin that's very soft to the touch.
‘I'll prove it to you,’ he said and took a pin from a nearby pincushion on display.
To do this we must visit them in their own home, which we shall find in some pine-wood, like the "pincushion-wood," or in some grassy thymy spot, covered with little green tufts.
Twilight and Dawn Simple Talks on the Six Days of Creation
From an old sewing kit, he pulled a tiny pincushion, removed the needles, and headed back.
'Had they any sense, they loons would ha' made pincushions o 'us erenow.'
Three Hearts and Three Lions
Toys, pincushions, junk from 42nd Street suddenly began to collect in his studio.
More rich color comes from a deep green dwarf philodendron, whose glossy leaves are a foil to the pincushions' fine texture.
Focusing the scopes on the distant brick wall with its very distinct vertical and horizontal lines, we checked for pincushion distortion (lines bowing in) and barrel distortion (lines bowing out).
Examining the camera we noted no astigmatism, curvature of field, rolling distortion, or pincushion distortion.
The small, lavender-blue pincushions of S. stellata, known as starflower, ripen into coral-like bronze seedheads, perfect for drying.
This one, brought with from the Russian schtetl of her past, warns that evil spirits lurk near the pincushion, measuring tape, and scissors.
Of lesser importance are the small plant-feeding larvae of some Gall Wasps, which induce unusual plant growth resulting in gall formations, such as the bright red bedeguar galls on wild roses (often called ‘robin's pincushion ’).