
[ UK /pˈɪnt‍ʃbɛk/ ]
  1. an alloy of copper and zinc that is used in cheap jewelry to imitate gold
  1. serving as an imitation or substitute
    pinchbeck heroism
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How To Use pinchbeck In A Sentence

  • The more abject you felt, the more likely was it that you would appreciate their pinchbeck glories; and you sat on, in the darbar vehicle, the two lean horses foaming with the drive from the guest-house, under the weight of a not too modern chariot and a harness patched up with strips of soiled rag or old packing-cord. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • It seems difficult for our girls to discriminate between a style of dressing suitable to a wealthy woman of leisure and that suited to a girl in an office on a salary of possibly $12 per week; or to distinguish between really valuable clothing and pinchbeck imitations. A Renegade History of the United States
  • I was absurdly surprised to find, when I myself was converted, that every sort and condition of Christian, practising or pinchbeck, that you can find in the innumerable denominations of Protestantism, can be found in the Catholic Church. The taste for magic
  • Lit-lit, tearfully shy and frightened, was bedecked by her bearded husband with a new calico dress, splendidly beaded moccasins, a gorgeous silk handkerchief over her raven hair, a purple scarf about her throat, brass ear-rings and finger-rings, and a whole pint of pinchbeck jewellery, including a Waterbury watch. THE MARRIAGE TO LIT-LIT
  • Miss Shields had not studied Mr. Matthew Arnold, and was mercifully unaware that not to detect the "pinchbeck" in the _Lays_ is the sign of a grovelling nature. The Mark Of Cain
  • We know that there is found in India, not only copper ftriftly fo called, but zinc alfo, which being mixed with copper conftitutes brafs, pinchbeck, tombac, fimilor, and all the other metallic mixtures which refcmble gold in colour. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester
  • What are called honors and dignities, and even dignity and honor, are generally of pinchbeck. Les Miserables
  • She knew all his poems by heart, took the strass for diamonds and welcomed the chance of introducing her brilliant son to the Irish Nationalist Members and other pinchbeck celebrities who flocked about her. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Bubwith's Doug Smith and Shaun Pinchbeck did well to win a rubber and score 18.
  • Fox holds a potlatch to signalize his marriage to Lit-Lit and she, "tearfully shy and frightened, is bedecked by her husband with a new calico dress, splendidly beaded mocassins, a gorgeous silk handkerchief over her raven hair, a purple scarf about her throat, brass earrings and finger-rings, and a whole pint of pinchbeck jewelry, including a Waterbury watch. “I, in the course of making my living by turning journalism into literature. . .”
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