How To Use Pinafore In A Sentence
What makes Sugarfoots dolls unique is their complexion - cocoa, ginger and cinnamon - and the colorful pinafores, pantaloons and overalls each handmade doll wears.
Lucie wore a black velvet pinafore, black tights and a dark purple jacket and she clung to her father's hand throughout the entire ceremony.
But Rose-Marie's ears were already deaf to all things save self-congratulation; for sitting in the middle of the highway, playing contentedly with the dust and some faded buttercups, was a white-pinafored baby with a mop of tow-coloured hair tied over one temple with a pale-blue ribbon.
As a matter of fact, I always had a vision that my secondary school uniform would be the blue pinafore dress with the white blouse inside.
Schoolgirls in blue pinafores and white blouses met Blair, singing songs they had learnt in English.

Unwilling to enter till the children were dismissed he remained here till young voices could be heard in the open air, and girls in white pinafores over red and blue frocks appeared dancing along the paths which the abbess, prioress, subprioress, and fifty nuns had demurely paced three centuries earlier.
Jude the Obscure
And sometimes, when I'm in the right mood, I'll braid my hair, tie on a pinafore and whip up a batch of cornpone!
But that was still two weeks off, and Taira was still dressed in pinafores and petticoats, though now she was where fur shawls in a desperate fight to keep out the cold.
It had been over fifty years since their last incarnation, since her last trial, as attested by the faded 1950's pinafore she wore when she visited the servants.
I have to wear a uniform on school days - a burgundy blazer and grey pinafore.
Her stylish yet extremely wearable little girl's outfit consisted of white cotton jersey t-shirt worn under a cream cotton pinafore dress with mint green band detail and white flowers with pink stitching.
A pinafore of wire mesh and cement hangs by metal straps from its shoulders.
She's very realistic, she's got real hair and she's wearing a little pinafore and a jersey and so she's a very normal little girl.
Cyzarine put her pinafore on and heard talking in the hallways.
The pinafore had shoulder straps that were fastened by a pair of oval brooches, one below each shoulder.
A blur of a pinafore and ruffles met my eyes as my little sister Lotte barreled down the stairs.
As she sat before a "burry," clad in a blue, pinafore-like garment, from which emerged white silk sleeves to match the collar and yoke, her hand absently turning over a pile of notebooks, bound in green and blue and rose, she made a striking contrast to Hannah Vernon in a cinnamon coat and skirt, built for wear by a cheap tailor on the principle of "there or thereabouts.
A College Girl
Darlings, the Amish are the most intentionally plain people in our country, and you won't ever see one of them with an unironed pinafore or trousers that are falling off their butts.
If You Love It, You Need It
I shoved the book over at Matt, smudging Leah's school pinafore with my thumb as I did.
The range has long been associated with authentic and durable denims as well as hickory-striped dungarees, pinafore dresses and carpenter jeans.
A small steam tug, the Pinafore, carries me and my household belongings over to the islands, and a pretty sight is the little vessel when she starts out from the old brown wharves and steams away down the beautiful Piscataqua River, with her hurricane deck awave with green leaves and flowers, for all the world like a May Day procession.
An Island Garden
The action takes place on the quarterdeck of the HMS Pinafore, which has been stylishly designed, complete with a three-tiered cabin, rigging, steam funnel, sails and an ocean view backdrop.
I shall be back as soon as I have a fresh pinafore on.
It's a horrible place that deserves to be carpet bombed for being Tory and devoid of anywhere decent to eat, we ended up having to retreat into a hotel that was so old-fashioned it still had maids that dressed in pinafores.
The basket was upended in her lap, and one of her bottles had not rolled but had instead emptied its contents into her pinafore, resulting in a spreading red stain and a sharp vinegary smell.
She's very realistic, she's got real hair and she's wearing a little pinafore and a jersey.
An elderly woman appeared in the doorway, wearing a faded red dress and a pinafore apron.
Wait,’ called a voice from behind her when a girl wearing a white shirt and a brown pinafore with tights and runners followed her with a boy wearing a blue tee-shirt and jeans.
Her red Mary-Janes were next to the sofa-bed, and her pink pinafore dress was mussed.
She is almost schoolgirlish, in a grey flannel pinafore dress, worn over a striped blue silk shirt.
Times, Sunday Times
A tall, round woman with a grey bun of hair and a floral pinafore came stalking up.
Plastered on the front in boring font accompanied by a small picture of a big building similar to that of a large church with girls wearing brown skirts or pinafores, brown jackets and white blouses their hair all poshly done.
Their clothing was certainly simple enough, each and all wearing only a kind of pinafore or smock frock reaching from the neck to the ankle and made of very coarse osnaburg, but kept as clean and whole as the nature of their employment allowed.
Ralph Rashleigh
There was the sound of many voices; small boys, scarcely out of pinafores, discussed with a surprising amount of knowledge the merits of the individual dogs and the capabilities of their drivers; little girls donned ribbons with a sportsman-like disregard of their "becomingness" to show a preference which might be based either on a personal fondness for a driver or owner, or a loving interest in some particular dog.
Baldy of Nome
I ripped off the stupid bloody pinafore that they made me wear and threw it at Trevor, along with my order pad.
Daily, a monitor or more advanced student, distributed to each girl in her class a pinafore to wear and a thimble, needle, thread, and materials for work.
Had she, in the long-ago spring, bowled her hoop through that same crocus-gold park, dressed in a pinafore and tightly-laced black boots, a lonely child, but full of hope at the time, her long beribboned hair flowing out behind her?
‘She wasn't too keen on the blouse and tie, and couldn't understand why she had to wear a shirt under her pinafore,’ Ms Burke said.
Josephine and Clemence, in pinafores and stickout skirts, sat wriggling, with Winthrop between them; the five dogs sat in a row behind; Katie and
The Younger Set
H.M.S. Pinafore" follows the crew aboard the title ship, and the pursuits of sailor Ralph Rackstraw, who has fallen in love with Captain Corcoran's daughter Josephine.
If they wonder, like I do, what became of that little girl in the pinafore dress.
And with that, she walked inside, put on one of her older dresses, a pinafore, and tied her hair back with a handkerchief to keep it from getting in her way.
Their collection includes an extra wide pinafore dress, satin edged wide parka coats in burnt orange, sideways shift dresses and sarong skirts.
She obviously has Italian blood in her though so she pulls of the weight her curves straining at the childish cut pinafore.
They went well with her Quant pinafore `Cad" and collarless cotton shirt.
She was wearing a shabby black pinafore dress and a yellow ribbon in her hair.
They were playing marbles on the blacktop, even the girls in their pretty pinafores kneeling on the dirty ground, their knees blackened and tiny little pebbles sticking to their skin.
When inside the artwork she wears a careful reproduction of the clothing worn by the model, and when she returns to the real world, she is wearing the pinafore just as before.
In "Pinafore"—itself a hilariously improbable name for a battleship—Gilbert also took aim at one of the nation's most cherished institutions, the British navy, hallowed guardian of the sea-girt isle.
Gilbert & Sullivan, Parody's Patresfamilias
At her farewell party, Monika danced a waltz with one of the Mariinsky's ballerinas and was presented with retirement gifts of carrot cake, a pinafore and a kerchief.
They were dressed in traditional black and white pinafores, with perky white hats, like something from a previous age, but the cuisine was nouvelle in comparison.
Her face was inscrutable, but her fingers clenched and unclenched beneath the frilled gingham of her pinafore.
She kept grinning, looking so cute and charming in her little pinafore dress, but every once in while she would look at me with that evil smile and my skin would crack a bit more.
Pupils came to school in historic costume, including Eton collars for the boys and three-quarter length knickerbockers and pinafores for the girls.
Eliza struck a match and held it to her candlewick, then looked up to where her pinafore was hanging on the back of the door.
The Forgotten Garden
St Peter's Smithills Dean pupils got into the spirit of things by dressing up in 1930s costume, including flat caps and pinafores, and re-enacted scenes from the photographs.
And, of course, that all pregnant women must wear pinafore dresses and ankle socks, no trousers thank you - that would probably be rule number one.
Everyone has seen pictures of those buxom Oktoberfest waitresses in their low-cut folk costume pinafores.
Its getting cold, she said, taking her pinafore off so she wore only her underdress.
The Forgotten Garden
I am just waiting for Topshop to start selling those gymslip pinafores.
Amuchmoreexotic: Beats Lord of the Rings
There are baggy cinched-ankle satin pants, sexy cotton pinafores, and embroidered T-shirts, perforated tulle overlays, crystal beaded dresses and sheer shell tops.
Women who are now in their 50s and 60s were the first to wear mini-skirts, Biba lipstick, tie-dyed T-shirts, hippy dresses made of Indian bedspreads, Laura Ashley sprigged pinafores, and safety pins through our unlined cheeks.
Anna Sui has picked up on the sarafan - a peasant pinafore dating from the turn of the 18th century.
Jane is led into a long room filled with the other pupils of Lowood Institution, no more than eighty, in brown frocks and long holland pinafores, in their hour of study.
The raintrees provided a cover of dappled sunlight for guests as they quaffed jam and scones with a cup of tea served in pannikins by women in pinafores and lace caps, all in aid of the 125th anniversary of the Territory's first homestead.
Her body was then wrapped in bin liners, shoved into a makeshift bag stitched from Carol's pinafore dress and a rucksack.
The raintrees provided a cover of dappled sunlight for guests as they quaffed jam and scones with a cup of tea served in pannikins by women in pinafores and lace caps, all in aid of the 125th anniversary of the Territory's first homestead.
A seven-way skirmish then broke out over a pinafore dress costing 10p, which escalated into a full-scale melee resulting in another 18 lives being lost.
As she stood up, Josie straightened her gray dress's pleated skirt and made sure her white pinafore was tied in the back; it had become custom to do so after fifteen years of scolding.
Elizabeth dresses in pinafores, bobby sox, and Keds.
Tessa was drenched completely; Clarissa exclaimed in horror at her sopping dark locks and little pinafore that was dripping on the floor.
Suddenly, I find myself holding up one of the tiny outfits with the same cooing glee as my wife had just held up the pinafores and gingham sun dresses.
First, we had Uncle Val slobbering over your ‘special years’, twixt pinafore and pinny.
In 1878 S.r S.afford Northcote's Budget, described as "unambitious", increased the duty on dogs and tobacco and raised income tax by 2d; Mrs Brassey published "The Voyage of the S.nbeam", an account of her round-the-world cruise by yacht; the phonograph ( "an instrument which prints sound for subsequent reproduction by electricity") was a popular novelty; and Gilbert and S.llivan's H.M.S. Pinafore had its first night on May 25 at the Opera Comique.
They turned their pinafores back to front, and went up with a skip and a jump; Moppet's white tucker fell down into the road.
So after she'd removed her white pinafore and put on her black coat over the gray dress she wore, Josie put on her hat and gloves and found a basket in which to carry things in.
While the new work expands upon themes of her earlier photographs, gone are the young twins in pinafores who enacted troubling excerpts from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
For something more fun and casual, we have this pinafore dress and this button down dress both from Urban Outfitters.
I have to wear a uniform on school days - a burgundy blazer and grey pinafore.
Why, you may wonder, has the girl in the short-sleeved yellow dress with a blue pinafore, white stockings and Mary Janes jumped so high out of the frame that you don't see her face?
Summary: "H.M.S. Pinafore" follows the crew aboard the title ship and the pursuits of sailor Ralph Rackstraw, who has fallen in love with Captain Corcoran's daughter Josephine.
She was dressed in a green pinafore, the sort nannies wore.
I used to wear pinafores and Shirley Temple curls and little Mary Jane shoes.
The plump waitress in a plain pink pinafore and dirty apron smiled a gap-toothed grin, red curls pinned back in hair netting.
As Abbey put her stained pinafore in the sink, she wondered what in the world could make her older sister so sweet on Shad one moment, and then on Zongala the next.
She wore the same gray dress, black tights, and white pinafore she'd worn almost everyday of her entire life.
A tanned woman with very blonde hair and long legs, wearing a sheer pinafore and a light-blue bikini underneath, climbed on to a table and started taking photographs.
The butler would not allow any common ragamuffin, and the girl in her fine silk pinafore was far from a ragamuffin, into her boudoir.
I'm working on a pinafore right now, doing counterchange for the yoke from shoulder to waist.
She gripped tightly on her pinafore and bobbed into a curtsy.
They were dressed in traditional black and white pinafores, with perky white hats, like something from a previous age, but the cuisine was nouvelle in comparison.
She wore a blue pinafore with the crest of her preschool emblazoned on the left breast and a plain white T-shirt underneath it.
She is a saucer-eyed cutie with soft pink hair, a charming smile, and a demure pinafore dress.
She wore the same gray dress, black tights, and white pinafore she'd worn almost everyday of her entire life.
I came home to find her, one evening, dressed in her light blue pinafore dress with a white apron on, she was chopping vegetables with the set of stainless steel Global knives I'd bought her for her birthday.
A tall, round woman with a grey bun of hair and a floral pinafore came stalking up.