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How To Use Pimple In A Sentence

  • The place was Podunk City, a pimple of yawns on a bare white butt.
  • The bumps can be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts.
  • Weedy John keeps being called a walking pustule by everyone, though Joseph Drake's skin seems to be a pimple-free zone. Reasons to Be Pretty; Juno and the Paycock; The Lion in Winter – review
  • The bumps can be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts.
  • However, that is an attitude that is shaped by my very Western lifestyle wherein Western grocery stores have no such thing as food courts attached to them wolfing down a sandwich slapped together at the Boar's Head deli counter while waiting in the Express checkout line does not count as a food court, and food courts in shopping malls are teeming with screaming, disobedient children, making for a highly unenjoyable, stressful decision-making process between deep-fried hot dogs impaled on sticks and peddled by pimple-faced Rain-bo Brites and the less arterially noxious chicken "patty" that has been breaded, deep-fried, and smeared with diet mayo. Tampopo - A Crunky Quickie at the Market
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  • Symptoms of rosacea include skin redness and pimples on the nose, chin, cheeks or forehead.
  • (vagina), in these cases, are not only irritable and itching, but are sometimes hot and inflamed, and are covered either with small pimples, or with a whitish exudation of the nature of aphtha (thrush), somewhat similar to the thrush on the mouth of an infant; then, the addition of glycerine to the lotion is a great improvement and usually gives much relief. Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
  • Seated on his left, Georgia had the misfortune of being eye level with an oozing pimple buried in his scraggly sideburn. Georgia’s Kitchen
  • He reported that in the wake of the air strikes on fishing villages, people found that their bodies had large pimples and boils.
  • Another strain of the bacterium staphylococcus aureus already lives on the skin of a third of the population but rarely causes anything more serious than pimples or boils.
  • Next they should pass the Pimple, with C Company in position upon it. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • If anyone here played it and remember the names Pimple, Blind Wino, Snake Pliskn, or ofcourse, that is me. Jessica Simpson Goes On A Revenge Diet! So Take That, Um, Food!
  • Hard, I found, to hold back a tear, and the goose pimples were not from the cold because it was a hot day, even in the quire. Simon Hoggart's week: Keeping ahead of the rhinos
  • His face was clean of any pimples, and his smile was boyish, but held the promise of maturity.
  • At Saint Donan, in Brittany, people believe that if children touch the young wrens in the nest, they will suffer from the fire of St. Lawrence, that is, from pimples on the face, legs, and so on. Chapter 54. Types of Animal Sacrament. § 2. Processions with Sacred Animals
  • A certain ecuyer, or horsedealer, belonging to the king, being one day under the hands of a barber, who happened to cut the head of a pimple on his face, he started up, and drawing his sword, wounded him desperately in the shoulder. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • His body was covered in boils and scars and pimples and it was a truly disgusting monster.
  • Tommy, Angelica, and the rest of the Rugrats gang are now pre-teens, and like everyone else they're just trying to fit in and make it through middle school retainers, pimples and all.
  • Absolutely pure, delicately medicated, exquisitely perfumed, CUTICURA SOAP produces the whitest, clearest skin and softest hands, and prevents inflammation and clogging of the pores, the cause of pimples, blackheads and most complexional disfigurations, while it admits of no comparison with the best of other skin soaps, and rivals in delicacy the most noted and expensive of toilet and nursery soaps. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • Flawless skin suddenly erupts with pimples as one grows up.
  • External: promotes suppuration of boils, burns, pimples, leucoderma, white patches of skin. Find Me A Cure
  • The pimples of rosacea, which often occur as the disease progresses, are different from those of acne because blackheads and whiteheads are not present.
  • Ringworm of the scalp may start as a small sore that resembles a pimple before becoming patchy, flaky, or scaly.
  • Some degree of acne is seen in 85% of adolescents, and nearly all teens have the occasional pimple, blackhead, or whitehead.
  • These pimples vary according to the severity of the acne and range from whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, nodules to cysts.
  • Five workmen stood near the heat, bare chests sweating, shoulders goose-pimpled.
  • Symptoms of rosacea include skin redness and pimples on the nose, chin, cheeks or forehead.
  • (minute acari) in the scarfskin, which occasion much irritation, and of which the itch furnishes a well-marked example; papular eruptions, or dry pimples; pustular eruptions, or mattery pimples, of which some forms are popularly known as crusted tetters; scaly eruptions, or dry tetters; and vesicular eruptions, or watery pimples. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • With inflammatory acne, the whiteheads become overloaded with bacteria and swell, producing pimples and pustules.
  • The term variola is from the Latin varus, a pimple. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • It bursts out in pimples or heat bumps where the epicormic buds are about to break out into new shoots. Wildwood
  • Any infection in this area, as from a pimple or boil in the nostril or on the upper lip or nose, may cause a local tissue inflammation known as cellulitis.
  • In fact, she airbrushed half of that pimple away so you can still see a little bit of it.
  • It can generate mild flushing, persistent redness, or the more severe papular kind of acne rosacea with bumpy pimples and sometimes thickening of the skin rhinophyma. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Next they should pass the Pimple, with C Company in position upon it. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • My skin was not absent of blemishes, I had a pimple on my cheek and a scar on my chin.
  • The bepimpled teenager channelling his angst through a controller in the darkness of his parent's basement is a cliché with more than a few grains of truth.
  • Lesions or pimples develop as a result of the skin's being irritated.
  • There are three stages of this disease; the inflammatory, accompanied by swelling, and the formation of pimples or vesicles; that of exudation, which is succeeded by incrustation; and that of desquamation, in which the skin separates in little scales and sometimes becomes thickened. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • His face has now broken out in pimples.
  • Like benzoyl peroxide, sulfur keeps bacteria in check and works wonders on whiteheads, blackheads and pimples.
  • Even if you are super careful, you might still wind up with itchiness or a pimple-like sore.
  • Dry skin, pimples, cramping during exercise and strongly coloured urine can also be the result of dehydration.
  • Next they should pass the Pimple, with C Company in position upon it. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Next they should pass the Pimple, with C Company in position upon it. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • But his ineptitude in not changing the wording of the bordering text left a "literary seam" (what rhetoricians might term aporia) that sticks out like a pimpled nose. MoJo Blogs and Articles
  • Pimples form when pores become blocked with dirt.
  • Now wrap supersoft tissue around each index finger and begin to gently press around the outer perimeters of the pimple. Best in Beauty
  • Tight clothes that rub against acne aggravated skin tend to disrupt the area even more and give rise to new pimples by spreading the oil and bacteria.
  • It wasn't that I was smart; I just grasped the normal concepts better than the rest of the vapid plebeians who cared more about that one pimple on their forehead.
  • Clay masks cover similar ground as exfoliators by cleaning pores, but they also smooth your skin and dry out pimples.
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  • The most spine-chilling, hair-raising, blood-curdling, pimple-squeezing dreams about standing naked at a swap-meet, people pointing and laughing, me in the middle of it all slapping my ass cheeks with both hands and a sense of sheer terror jamming my ability to focus, not because I had forgotten to wear clothes, but because my wallet was in the pants I wasn't wearing. Yard Sailing
  • Your teenager is bemoaning a prominent pimple, and the day before the dance too!
  • Spinning around, I noticed my nakedness, the goose pimples on my warm flesh.
  • Acne is the blanket term used for skin irritations, including blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and the deeper cysts that may form on your shoulders, neck, face or other areas.
  • These infections may be mild such as pimples or boils or serious, for example infection of the bloodstream, bones or joints.
  • His face has now broken out in pimples.
  • Some of these pimples contain pus and appear as small white bumps.
  • His face has now broken out in pimples.
  • This can cause an even worse pimple, known as a cystic nodule, which forms a hard, painful lump. Undefined
  • He was the kind of guy who never had to worry about acne and pimples because he never had them.
  • Main efficacy:Soften horny , promote the peeling of comedo, remove acne professionally , prevent various acne and pimples, heal pocked skin in order to make it resilient and shine.
  • These pimples vary according to the severity of the acne and range from whiteheads, blackheads, pustules and nodules to cysts.
  • The blue algae extract liquid will tighten pores, supply it with sufficient moisture, prevent the generation of pimple, comedo and acne, disinfect and anti-inflammation.
  • An eyewink in human history, no more than a pimple on the ass of modern prosperity. Seven Billion Reasons for a Fisheries Collapse
  • Sometimes, popping a pimple will cause a brown or red scar to form that could last months; and scars, in the form of dents and pits, can last forever.
  • This neutrophilic accumulation causes a small papule, or pimple. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Salicylic acid prevents new pimples from forming, while aloe vera, green-tea and sage extracts calm skin and keep it from overdrying.
  • After Liu asked the man about his own health condition, he rolled up his sleeve and showed her pimples on his own skin.
  • Like benzoyl peroxide, sulfur keeps bacteria in check and works wonders on whiteheads, blackheads and pimples.
  • At Saint Donan, in Brittany, people believe that if children touch the young wrens in the nest, they will suffer from the fire of St. Lawrence, that is, from pimples on the face, legs, and so on. Chapter 54. Types of Animal Sacrament. § 2. Processions with Sacred Animals
  • Never squeeze blackheads, spots or pimples.
  • The humour of Pimple films derived from theatrical burlesque, music-hall satire and from a tradition of buffoonery that embraced such infantilised characters as Silly Billy.
  • At the end of the second week, my skin erupted in pimples.
  • BUTT (who in the cushlows of his goodsforseeking hoarth, ever fondlinger of his pimple spurk, is a niallist of the ninth homestages, the babybell in his baggutstract upper going off allatwanst, begad, lest he should challenge himself, beygoad, till angush). Finnegans Wake
  • Acne is the blanket term used for skin irritations, including blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and the deeper cysts that may form on your shoulders, neck, face or other areas.
  • Blackheads are one of the nastiest problems of the facial skin, because, like zits and pimples, they give an unaesthetic look.
  • “Taking out red eye and airbrushing a pimple would be making her look her personal best,” fumes one angry commentor at Jezebel. com, where the controversy is brewing. Kelly Clarkson SELF Magazine Cover Photoshopped
  • If technology can replace the rude, pimple-faced, uncaring, lazy little twirp at the video store with an enjoyable transaction-oriented experience getting a DVD then so be it. Redbox $1 DVD Rentals Cost Hollywood $1 Billion? But How Many Discs Does Redbox Buy at Retail? | /Film
  • Trudi did not at all regard the verbal sketch of P. Blinders as a correct one, but though her love was blind to his pimples and ignored his stumpiness, she could not deny the spectacles, which were to her as peepholes affording visions of a blissful married future. The Dop Doctor
  • These infections may be mild such as pimples or boils or serious, for example infection of the bloodstream, bones or joints.
  • His face has now broken out in pimples.
  • These pimples vary according to the severity of the acne and range from whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, nodules to cysts.
  • The term variola is from the Latin varus, a pimple. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • I love to pop pimples or boils or blisters especially when they reside on a body other than my own.
  • At times the cleft narrowed so much that we could scarce squeeze up it; at others it expanded into great drusy cavities, studded with prickly crystals or thickly beset with dull, shining fungoid pimples. First Men in the Moon
  • The blueline is the major weakness, featuring a bunch of pimple faces and has-beens: Five Hole Fanatics
  • The controversial pimpled time-trial skinsuit used last year has been replaced by a super-thin, supersmooth 'bodypaint' version. Times, Sunday Times
  • When your skin is tan, pimples may seem better because the redness is harder to see.
  • I haven't even come out in pimples as reassuring evidence of my body purifying itself.
  • This technique also works on red pimples that concealer alone can't hide.
  • Your faces are clotted with pimples, and your hair is oily.
  • Even though some people with rosacea had acne as teenagers, the disorder has little to do with the pimples and blackheads that commonly afflict teenagers.
  • ‘As I was saying,’ Ziada continued, ‘I can't think of any other obscure purposes of wolfsbane, except for mouthwash and pimple-poultice.’
  • The reticulate, blister, blister-pimple and pimple-foveate were the main patterns of the seed coats at different developmental stages.
  • These pimples vary according to the severity of the acne and range from whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, nodules to cysts.
  • Any infection in this area, as from a pimple or boil in the nostril or on the upper lip or nose, may cause a local tissue inflammation known as cellulitis.
  • The controversial pimpled time-trial skinsuit used last year has been replaced by a super-thin, supersmooth 'bodypaint' version. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incidentally, the hyphen in Goose-Pimples is a solecism, but we'll never know whether it was written by Leigh or improvised by his cast.
  • She bit her lower lip to stifle the cry in her throat and felt the goosepimples bristling across her skin.
  • With inflammatory acne, the whiteheads become overloaded with bacteria and swell, producing pimples and pustules.
  • From moisturizers to their amazing Drying Lotion for pimples (yes, even stars get the occasional breakout), guests could peruse their entire collection of all-natural skin fixers. The Stuart Weitzman Oscar Suite: Shoes, Makeup and Hair, Oh My!
  • Yes, spots, pimples and cold sores are less important than bad breath or missing teeth.
  • If it hadn't been for a single red pimple near the bridge of the man's nose, Eugene might have convinced himself he was seeing a vision. THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • Another strain of the bacterium staphylococcus aureus already lives on the skin of a third of the population but rarely causes anything more serious than pimples or boils.
  • The vitamin B8 from the yeast in unfiltered beer makes the skin smooth and removes pimples.
  • Flawless skin suddenly erupts with pimples as one grows up.
  • the expulsion of pus from the pimple
  • It is perhaps 200 feet high, something of a pimple outlier of the main range but it contained an abandoned, flooded quarry which was, when required, redolent of the Lake District books.
  • Your teenager is bemoaning a prominent pimple, and the day before the dance too!
  • Most people probably assume its a large pimple on your gluteus maximus, but that is probably not the case. Think Progress » VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
  • Gretzky got my sm-sm-smith and Wessie to protect me so respect me this is heavy new Bentley color vanilla and cherry and radio Pirelli make a movie out the getty where my ring and my confetti and Kobe Bryant ready pimples A and chronic smelly while stumbling out the telly lyrics courtesy of www. Im so fly Im so ferry and the way I flow is very ginsu or machete, move my pencil move his deli platinum band platinum bezzie make a straight girl out of lezzie magazine mac bezzie keep my windows like the prezzie press a button than Im stuntin my roof look like its duckin meter go 2 hundred something and my trunk do when its bumpin I am not the one for jumpin I will racket out and stump him dump him, your better off dead, ya money red [Chorus - Juelz Santana] Im fresh Im - Business News
  • I. ii.23 (114,3) I had rather heat my liver] To know why the lady is so averse from _heating_ her _liver_, it must be remembered, that a heated liver is supposed to make a pimpled face. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • The main female character in this tale is stocky and mannish (with a little mustache) and carries pimple medicine in her knapsack.
  • I haven't even come out in pimples as reassuring evidence of my body purifying itself.
  • Frequent scrubbing with soap and water is often the only treatment necessary for dandruff, cradle cap (seborrhea), pimples, mild impetigo, as well as for minor ringworm, tinea, and other fungus infections of the skin or scalp. Chapter 31
  • You've learned the hard way that picking pimples can leave small scars or even big crater-like ones.
  • Mars! The final pimple in our solar system!
  • He was the kind of guy who never had to worry about acne and pimples because he never had them.
  • But how do you get someone to see all the love and longing lurking behind pimples, blackheads and misty specs?
  •     When two people say Goodbye in a parked Jeep Grand Cherokee on a star-freckled January night, and the air-conditioned air is thick with kisses unkissed, and his index finger gently strokes her goosepimpled knee and he turns off the air conditioner without a word, goodbye suddenly becomes Goodbye-with-a-captial-G, and to say it means they will miss each other. Is This Something?
  • The cause can be either a sudden protrusion or pimple of a cervical disc, or simply inflammation and swelling of the nerve root in a narrowed exit hole of the spine called the intervertebral foramen", says Dr. Alex Simotas, department of physiatry at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City who specializes in neck pain. Dr. Rock Positano: Pain In The Neck? Non-Surgical Relief Is On The Way
  • Do you want an overweight guy with scars and pimples who lives out of a cardboard box?
  • Sometimes, it is better to remain unknown than to make pimple hate you.

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