
[ UK /pˈɪlbɒks/ ]
  1. a small case for holding pills
  2. a small round woman's hat
  3. a small enclosed gun emplacement (usually of fortified concrete)
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How To Use pillbox In A Sentence

  • His face adorns pillowcases, posters, power toys and pillboxes.
  • On her head sits a black pillbox hat with a shoulder-length black veil speckled with black velvet dots.
  • In the months between-country springs and summers-they played with real Spam tins-tanks, tank-destroyers, pillboxes, dreadnoughts deploying meat-pink, yellow and blue about the dusty floors of lumber-rooms or butteries, under the cots or couches of their exile. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Medication calendars or pillboxes labeled with the days of the week can help patients and caregivers know when medications have or have not been taken.
  • There are figurines amassed by Christie's father, 20th-century pottery of Anthony's and watches and pillboxes of Christie's.
  • On the cover, dressed in sheepskin jacket, pillbox hat and yellow T-shirt, he looks much younger than his 20 years.
  • When I landed I was carrying a 25-pound explosive which I was given to blow up a pillbox on the beach.
  • The objective was a ridge with strong points and pillboxes.
  • He was dealing with the first part of the events that won him the VC, getting on top of the pillbox and chucking grenades into it.
  • However, having foozled into a ruined pillbox, I reduced the offer by half, and later on, confident -- not to say insulting -- reports from Laxey induced me to withdraw the concession altogether. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-02-04
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