How To Use Pill bug In A Sentence
• Pill Bugs, or woodlice, or roly-polies, are weirder than you think: they are actually crustaceans, related more closely to lobsters and shrimp and so on than to insects or spiders.
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In the example of the pill bug, Thierry Rigaud and his collaborators at the University of Poitiers in France have shown that males prefer not to mate with feminized males.
Shelled invertebrates also have a home in the collection, including a giant marine isopod (pill bug) from the deep sea below.
They include such things as spiders, leeches, millipedes, pill bugs, flatworms, mites, beetles, and water dwellers such as water scorpions and nematode worms.
In areas where acid rain is most severe, the supplementary calcium-rich foods that female songbirds depend on - snail shells, isopods such as pill bugs, millipedes, and earthworms - may be in short supply.