How To Use Pilgrim In A Sentence
This was just a few years after Lord Byron woke to find Child Harold's Pilgrimage in the bookshops and himself famous, as it were, overnight.
Names will be taken from those who intend travelling on next year's pilgrimage to Lourdes.
Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike.
The Satanic Verses
The father then undertakes his own pilgrimage along the same route.
Times, Sunday Times
And at last he had returned, not in triumph as a master, but as a pilgrim on sabbatical seeking the holy city of his youth.
Each group maintained a dignified silence as the marchers passed on their pilgrimage to uphold Republican martyrology.
It dawned today dankly raining, but by mid morning and my coffee pilgrimage there was sunlight, intermittently, and a warming breeze from the south.
It is certain that Byron had begun the fourth canto, and written some thirty or more stanzas, before Hobhouse rejoined him at his villa of La Mira on the banks of the Brenta, in July, 1817; and it would seem that, although he had begun by saying "that he was too short a time in Rome for it," he speedily overcame his misgivings, and accomplished, as he believed, the last "fytte" of his pilgrimage.
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
The image isn't falsely romanticized, and it includes foreign tourists alongside Indian pilgrims.
‘In this pilgrimage-based show, we feature old and historic temples, churches, gurdwaras and masjids,’ he says.
It is a natural part of civilisation's lust of re-arrangement that we should be so ready to conventionalise the beauty of this world into decorative patterns for our pilgrim tents.
The Roadmender
The blast yesterday ripped through crowds of pilgrims and vendors of food and religious paraphernalia.
Times, Sunday Times
What, someone thinks a Pilgrims got roasting bags from a Native Americans?!?
Quick! Help me cook a turkey! - Straight Dope Message Board
Not too be too anile, but I think that is from A New Pilgrims Progress, not Roughing it
Digesting Good Literature
Ziller had pilgrimaged several times to Africa, place of his birth.
Another Roadside Attraction
A "palmer" is someone who wears a palm leaf as testimony of having taken a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Maggie's Farm
Pilgrim (Ya Hájj) is a polite address even to those who have not pilgrimaged.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
They opened fire on pilgrims at the shrine of Amarnath, southeast of Srinagar.
Visiting relatives, dignitaries, or pilgrims would return home bearing cache blades, cores, and bladelets made from Flint Ridge flint.
Donating a share of one's income to charity, zakat, is a fundamental requirement of being a Muslim, more important - some say - than the pilgrimage to Mecca.
In respect of pilgrimage, however, he remained faithful to Arab and Meccan traditions.
There are a number of former tribespeople among the Pilgrims.
Norton (aka my sourdough starter) will be traveling to Ohio with me, in sort of a reverse Oregon trail pilgrimage.
Archive 2008-08-01
Two other pilgrims from India joined us and together we fought our way through the dense crowd.
I'm worried people have forgotten why those Pilgrims shipped over here in that floating breadbox.
It is a day of reverent pilgrimage with the celebrant of the Mass bringing the Blessed Sacrament to the island in a special currach.
More Boats
Of course, the First Thanksgiving included not only the Pilgrims, but also their Wampanoag guests.
In their capacity as culture brokers boatmen also assume a position of authority when guiding pilgrims, selectively informing them about the city.
Pilgrimages to the sites of miracles and holy relics grew ever more popular, and the number of such places increased.
The pilgrims from Evesham arrived in Canterbury on Tuesday and visited the shrine late on Wednesday morning.
Kevin Perrotta writes about the Bible and leads pilgrimages to the Middle East.
She has authored articles that range in topics from pilgrims’ maps to devotional arts, gender and ethnicity issues in Buddhist patronage, cults of saints in Asian traditions, and images of Buddhist cosmographies.
Residents of the village in Ireland's County Offaly were eagerly anticipating the president's pilgrimage.
Obama: US 'Inspired' by Ireland's Efforts to Bring Peace to Northern Ireland
Pilgrimages to shrines and holy places at home and abroad attract tens of thousands of people each year.
On Sunday night I pilgrimed to Dundas to see Pernell Goodyear and the Freeway with Darryl and Charlene Dash.
His pilgrimage is dogged by calamity, as oxen sicken and die, the cart carrying the bell catches fire, and waifs and strays join his tattered procession.
I don't know about you, my reaction when Kitty Pilgrim reported that is that the Social Security Administration has to be out of its cotton-picking mind not to have advanced the interest of Social Security cardholders, which is all of us in this country, and to deal with that.
CNN Transcript May 12, 2006
Only the worshippers of Buddha now behold the gleam of the Oriental Sun on the golden roofs of the lamasery; the great caravans from the city of the Dalai Lama pass through the border town with no one to tell the pilgrims of the "Heavenly Ruler.
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
Familiar river scenes are shown as the boat ride progresses, such as a cow carcass floating in the river, the renowned cremation ghats and locals, as well as pilgrims, performing ritual ablutions.
Lindisfarne became a place of pilgrimage during the priory's ‘golden age’ in the seventh century and all the tourism literature boasts it has remained so ever since.
Like the well, corporate worship provides a vital resource to help Christian pilgrims along their journey of faith.
All adults hope to conduct the Islamic hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, at some time during their life.
Suddenly that pilgrimage to Celtic Park doesn't sound quite so impossibly self-indulgent.
While the recriminations continued to fly, hundreds of bodies remained unclaimed in mosques at the pilgrimage site.
Times, Sunday Times
The traverse east to west across the island is a pilgrimage that many famous geologists have made.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
In every hadj some of the pilgrims remain behind: the Mohammedan, whenever resident for any time in a town, takes a wife, and is thus often induced to settle permanently on the spot.
Travels in Arabia
It came to pass that in mid-August, shortly after returning from the pilgrimage, Terada's lord, Matsudaira Ukyodayu, was appointed to a new position as deputy castellan of Osaka Castle.
Previous excavations undertaken at the site have uncovered a Roman coin, a Viking comb and clay moulds which were used for making pilgrims' badges out of lead in the shape of St Andrew crucified on the cross.
Today, pilgrims travel to Sergiyev Posad to venerate the saint's relics, and 300 seminarians study theology there.
His aspect was perfectly that of a pilgrim , heightened also by an apostolic dignity.
In 1975, he was given responsibility for the pastoral care of Dublin pilgrims during the HolyYear in Rome.
Lourdes, a small town in the Pyrenees in south-west France now attracts five million pilgrims every year from all over the world.
Most Muslims try to make a pilgrimage/go on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life.
The puja is a ritual performed by Ayyappa devotees when they give up worldly pleasures before undertaking the pilgrimage to the Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala.
The Hindu - Front Page
There are four great centres of pilgrimage for Shi ` ite Moslems in the vilayet, Samarra, Kazemain, a suburb of Bagdad, Kerbela and Nejef.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The latter book shows photographs from inside a mosque, such as the sinks for doing wudu (cleansing of hands and feet before prayer), clothing to be worn on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and a library where Muslims can study their religion.
It is not a pilgrimage, because the English are really neither Jews nor Christians, but follow a sort of religion of their own, which is made every year by their bishops, one of whom they have sent to Jerusalem, in what they call a parliament, a college of muftis; you understand.
Tancred Or, The New Crusade
Staying in a monastery or a convent is not a new concept; monks and nuns have been welcoming pilgrims for centuries.
Times, Sunday Times
What madness drives these sooty pilgrims to wander to and fro on dirty city streets?
The pond is one of the sources of Shakujii River and used to be a place of annual pilgrimage for the rice-farmers living along its banks.
Jaime was not a melomaniac, but his vagrant existence forced him with the crowd, and his accomplishment as an amateur pianist had led him to make his musical pilgrimage for two consecutive years.
The Dead Command From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan
The thrill of arriving would not be there without the pilgrim journey, and without its hardships.
Times, Sunday Times
He is called a palmer-worm because he has feet enough to go any number of pilgrimages.
What's Mine's Mine — Complete
Another factor helping to disseminate new types of building and decoration was the movement of pilgrims over the vast network of routes linking churches housing prestigious holy relics and shrines.
We rode up the Sinai scarp by the pilgrim's granite-hewn road with its gradient of one in three and a half.
Iraq has a large Shiite Muslim religious shrines, each year tens of thousands of Shiite Muslims from around the world come to pilgrims, mostly from neighboring Iran.
The ardour of the pilgrims, an old couple, is attested by their stiff limbs and the man's calloused bare feet as they kneel before the apparition of the Madonna at the door of the shrine.
The first Háshim got his name from crumbling bread into the Saríd or brewis of the Meccan pilgrims during “The Ignorance.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Meanwhile, the Guild will be holding it's annual door to door collection in the parish next month to help fund the sending of sick parishioners on the Pilgrimage.
For Bogart fans, a trip to this bayside watering hole has become a pilgrimage of sorts.
The official welcome which the city of Hiroshima extends to visiting pilgrims is well designed to encourage a mood of solemn reflection.
Infinite in All Directions
Within a generation, if current trends continue, America could return to levels of forestation last seen by the Pilgrims.
We pushed open the 600 year-old great oak door, hard as bell metal with the patina of pilgrimage etched deep into its rough grain and stepped in.
Dawn to dusk, each hour, Patricio would guide twenty pilgrims to the cave while the others queued up, seeking shade under every leafless cactus and scrubby tree near the chain.
The Calling
On her pilgrimage to see the pope before entering the convent, she had come across a number of mediocre clerics and thereafter dedicated herself to praying for their improvement.
Pilgrim plays in Division V-designated for schools with enrollments of 300 students or less.
Advice from the Department of Health is for all pilgrims to obtain the quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine (ACWY Vac).
A pilgrimage to Medina is often made in conjunction with the pilgrimage to Mecca in order to visit the tombs and shrines of Muhammad, his family, and the first three caliphs.
When pilgrims and the holy men of the shrine gathered to hear Guru Nanak and question him, he sang in Persian.
She then undertook a geographical and creative pilgrimage, working as an art instructor, graphic designer and book illustrator.
In the cultural anthropology perspective, the pilgrimage every Muslim lifetime of a typical "transitional protocol" is a change in the status of the Muslim community identity and a religious ritual.
This years pilgrimage to Lourdes will be from 23rd to 28th August.
This year I finally pilgrimaged to an important place of mourning in India.
Amritsar Massacre, Memory, misguided religious Nationalism, and recent Homicides in India
Go barefoot towards the island, following the poles of the ancient pilgrim path across the sands.
Times, Sunday Times
How many loved your moments of glad grace. And loved your beauty with love false or true. But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you. And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
Between the Nauset Marshes, Corn Hill, Pilgrim Beach, and the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary we saw 56 species, 13 of them new for Eric, including semipalmated plovers, long-billed dowitchers, lesser yellowlegs, and a horned lark.
the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'
Momemts later the "pilgrim" braked on the road only about 100 yards away.
Tell me what I'm doin wrong! Hunting turkeys this year and haven't heard a gobble yet. Seen sign everywhere I go.
His son, dark like his father, who made his first diffident pilgrimages in the sunny close where the pigeons cooed, was not more thirled to English soil.
The Path of the King
The 1984 Cooke house was built earthfast,'' its posts set into the ground instead of on a stone foundation, in the Pilgrim manner. Top Stories
By the mid-twelfth century pilgrims were numerous enough to merit a guidebook.
Both these patriarchs fathered large families from a number of wives, both were intimately involved with the holy sanctuary of the Kaaba at Mecca and both were renowned for the open-handed generosity with which they cared for pilgrims.
The swarms that followed the first crusade were destroyed in Anatolia by famine, pestilence, and the Turkish arrows; and the princes only escaped with some squadrons of horse to accomplish their lamentable pilgrimage.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Venerable Bede speaks of as many as three personages, Saxons by their names, who in the Isle of Ireland led the "Pilgrim" or anchoritic life, to obtain a country in heaven; and tells of a
The Hermits
Experts in press, bindery and photography/prepress skills all pilgrimaged to the two-story building to offer their knowledge to the eager young apprentices in robes.
Since pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the pillars of Islam, turning Mecca, and the black rock the muslims so idolatrously worship, into a nuclear wasteland will destroy their cult.
Wise words from Hamas....
And does the pilgrimage of the rich and powerful to Davos justify the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasting time devoted to it each year?
Times, Sunday Times
He may practice Divine knowledge, meditation, pilgrimages, and ablutions.
But nevertheless, we note that the new cultus was threatening to eliminate the profitable pilgrimages to the pagan shrine.
As the woman I quoted at the beginning of this paragraph put it, the pilgrim's journey is distinguished by its sacred purpose.
Yet, his pilgrimage is valid and counts as fulfillment of the duty required of all Muslims who are able to make the journey.
To add to the incessant cacophony of all the usual hucksters and souvenir traders, the pilgrims and the clergy, the temple is also still being built.
At least 125,000 Hindu pilgrims are making the annual pilgrimage.
And now this fisherman is come to Jerusalem, the place is packed with pilgrims ripe for any trouble, and Hanan stirs and stirs the broth.
Chapter 17
Delicate ecosystems worldwide are threatened with irrevocable decline beneath the massed boots of latter-day pilgrims.
Then the pope, considering the great perils that might ensue by his departing, dispensed with him, and assoiled him of his avow, of which he sent to him a bull under lead, and enjoined him in penance to give the goods that he should have spent in his pilgrimage, to deeds of charity, and to re-edify some church of S. Peter, and endow it with sufficient livelihood.
The Golden Legend, vol. 6
O'BRIEN: We're taking a look at Vatican City, which is now filling up with tourists, Monsignor, and pilgrims who have come out, obviously, to pay their last respects to Pope John Paul II, who is in dire, dire shape, as reports from the Vatican come to us.
CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
There are also a large number of mobile dispensaries and clinics where doctors are busy dispensing medicines to pilgrims.
Today nearly all, more than 90% of poultry growers, survive on the terms dictated in unfair production contracts crafted by the likes of Tyson, Perdue and Pilgrim's Pride.
Dave Murphy: Farmers Look for Justice in the Poultry Industry
Staying in a monastery or a convent is not a new concept; monks and nuns have been welcoming pilgrims for centuries.
Times, Sunday Times
The participation of these Gentiles in the pilgrimage to Jerusalem with the offering for the poor symbolized their share in this righteous activity.
How long would the pilgrimage take today?
Times, Sunday Times
But the passenger pigeon, as we now know this bird, was a mixed blessing for the Pilgrims.
The Venerable Bede speaks of as many as three personages, Saxons by their names, who in the Isle of Ireland led the “Pilgrim” or anchoritic life, to obtain a country in heaven; and tells of a Drycthelm of the monastery at Melrose, who went into a secret dwelling therein to give himself more utterly to prayer, and who used to stand for hours in the cold waters of the Tweed, as St. Godric did centuries afterwards in those of the Wear.
The Hermits
Andrea, who has Down Syndrome, has apparently displayed a sort of religious telepathy to the pilgrims who show up.
The annual pilgrimage to Knock for the residents of Aras Attracta organised by the Friends of Aras Attracta will be held today, Tuesday, June 7.
It was the afternoon of a hot, dusty August day when a worn, travel-stained pilgrim drifted laggingly into the office of the
Mark Twain: A Biography
This first day of their pilgrimage into the southland was a day of glory from its beginning until the setting of the sun.
The Country Beyond
With a heavy inflow of pilgrims adding to the hectic business activity on the streets branching out from the temple, regulating traffic is not an easy task.
It was only after a severe struggle that Father Gondo and two of the pilgrims succeeded in subduing her.
The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel
They have consequently become a place of pilgrimage for modern biologists.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
In this deeply religious country, pilgrims make the journey on foot from long distances to visit the churches of Lalibela.
Mr. Elling used the big band for a Claude Thornhill-like ballad effect on "More Than You Know" and, more contemporarily, enmeshed himself within the brass and reed sections as he scatted "Tumbleweed" from Michael Brecker 's final album, "Pilgrimage".
Birthday Wishes, Halloween Dreams
Pilgrims are not unaware of such tactics, however, and some remarked upon his craftiness.
No need was felt to perform religious rites for the dead pilgrims and devotees.
The Pilgrims dined on heaps of freshly killed turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, radishes, apple pie, and a multitude of other treats on sturdy, rugged tables built especially for the occasion.
After concluding his studies, he pilgrimaged to various religious centers.
As the eastern shore of the future United States became the new landscape, it awaited the new pilgrims.
Regrettably, this means that the following people are dunces: the editorial board of the Oxford English Dictionary, John Milton [cited in OED], Charles Dickens [in Martin Chuzzlewit], and John Bunyan [in Pilgrim's Progress].
What’s the deal with further and farther? « Motivated Grammar
If a person does not have the financial means, then that person is not required to do the pilgrimage or the Umrah.
Gibbon viewed himself as just such a stranger, characterizing himself as a "devout pilgrim from the remote and once savage countries of the North" who has now returned to the cradle of western civilization to pay homage and resurrect its glories (II. 641-2).
The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
Three goals in as many games for the winger has given the Pilgrims a boost.
The Sun
Pilgrim is a philosophy major, and he sprinkles philosophical humor throughout the book.
If outflung arms and exaggerated rolling steps suggested pilgrimage, later passages saw the apparently infirm passed forward from one dancer to another.
Early in the afternoon, they approached a small cottage, where no well could be seen, but the pilgrims were thirsty and dry.
Gawain refused, saying he could not touch treasure or gold until his pilgrimage was complete.
Then at last all the tired Pilgrims landed from the ship on a spot now called Plymouth Rock, and the first house was begun on Christmas Day.
The Story Hour
Over the years, Gurudeva's devotees have pilgrimaged to India, visiting major temples such as Chidambaram, Rameshvaram and Palani Hills.
A seven days pilgrimage to Medjugorje commence on Sunday, April 25.
Both religious and sporting imagery feature an array of symbols, insignia, emblems and motifs: saints and heroes; churches and stadiums; pilgrims and fans; exaltation and celebration.
Next year's pilgrimage to Lourdes has been booked from July 21 to July 26.
The Canterbury Tales bear eloquent witness to the fact that for centuries Becket's tomb in the cathedral was the greatest pilgrimage shrine in England.
These Puritans, who did have a royal charter, wanted unity even more than did the Pilgrims.
Me thinks another pilgrim is trying to make a buck.
MECCA, Saudi Arabia (AFP) - An estimated 2.5 million Muslims have converged on Mecca for the annual hajj pilgrimage, as workers toil round the clock to complete construction projects designed to avoid deadly stampedes.
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As a pilgrimage of humility, as the beginning of an act of atonement.
Many make the pilgrimage to sit worshipfully at his feet.
The pilgrims tolled the bell.
St. James the Greater has the escallop shell and staff of the pilgrim.
The Worship of the Church and The Beauty of Holiness
It was the first train journey that we were going to set out on, ofcourse a pilgrimage.
Methi na Thepla
Saudi Arabia, which is hosting some two million Muslims for the haj pilgrimage, deployed more than 10,000 troops at the holy sites and at key airports and sea ports.
The religious pilgrimage known as the hajj is underway.
CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2009
A hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca, required of every Muslim.
Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
Historically, when seekers could not physically go on such journeys, there were simulated pilgrimages close to home.
Of course, speculation again ramped up that the Ant-Man movie would go into production after Wright’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World hit theaters this Summer.
Disney’s Domain Name Purchase Hints at Possible Ant-Man Movie | /Film
They are true pilgrims who witness to us the meaning of hope.
A papal bull of 1145 encouraged this kind of regional pilgrimage to Pistoia by urging Tuscan bishops to promote travel to the relic.
Graceland traces an MOR-shattering pilgrimage wherein Simon spent 17 days recording in South Africa, cheesing off the United Nations and immersing himself in mbaqanga and mbube rhythms.
Broward-Palm Beach New Times | Complete Issue
I use the term allegory reluctantly because allegorical figures, like those found in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress or Spenser's Faerie Queene tend to be one-dimensional, lacking interiority and nuance.
Michael Gilmour: Anne Bronte's Religious Imagination
For their travelling purposes, and for the duties incumbent upon them as ciceroni in their own town, many individuals learn a little Turkish; and it is their pride to persuade the Turkish pilgrims, that they are Turks, and not Arabians, however little they may like the former.
Travels in Arabia
Sylvian embodies an energetic, hybridized spirituality, and the burden of this essay is to track and note some of the major signposts on his ongoing pilgrimage.
The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.
How many loved your moments of glad grace. And loved your beauty with love false or true. But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you. And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
A recently evolved trend among devotees coming from outside Kerala is to leave behind the clothes that they wear during their pilgrimage near the Pampa River while returning after darshan at the Ayyappa shrine.
Moving across the earth, close to the ground, in a small band of fellow penitents bearing a pilgrim scallop shell as their talisman, sinners pondered their own life journey, and listened to the tales of others along the way.
I also want to tell you that I pictured the miracle of the incorrupted body of a Romanian Orthodox saint John Jacob from Hozeve in august 2009 in a pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places in Israel. - Articles related to Tourism revenues up 28% in first half - report
In the ruined dwellings, Negro pilgrims take up their temporary abode; some of these are settled in Mekka, and their wives prepare the intoxicating liquor made from durra, and called bouza, of which the meaner inhabitants are very fond.
Travels in Arabia
They prepared proper accommodations and obtained special indulgences for the pilgrims so that their visit would be as spiritual as possible.
During the course of the run they also made some friends, in a group of Spanish pilgrims who were walking the same route.
Historians have traced the law of war to chivalric codes followed by knights and to efforts by the medieval Catholic Church to protect pilgrims and clergy from marauding warriors.
Many of the pilgrims and sadhus carry plastic sheets and umbrellas over their heads.
Pilgrims do not engage in any disagreements or altercations.
The pilgrims go around the entire building seven times in the anticlockwise direction.
All the time we helped tourists and pilgrims to visit the house.
The Tribes Triumphant
He was well aware that a pair of mild eyes and gentle, ingenuous manners are many a rogue's most valuable asset, and though the bug-hunter talked frankly of his pilgrimages into the hills, there was always a chance that his pursuit was a pose, his zeal counterfeit.
Many of us had made the pilgrimage to the Cin é math è que Fran ç aise in Paris.
Film Criticism Is Dying? Not Online
His body will reflect perfectly what has been accomplished in him during his pilgrimage on the earth.
Go barefoot towards the island, following the poles of the ancient pilgrim path across the sands.
Times, Sunday Times
Against their huge bulk, the pilgrims and mule toiling up the almost invisible pathways are tiny and humbled.
He was "inducted" on the 24th of April, 1649, and there some four weeks later he died, suddenly it would seem, from heat-apoplexy brought on by his exertions during a pilgrimage.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
I seriously would recommend a time of meditation or self-analysis at times (all these can be provided in a pilgrimage).
Safe journey to all our invalids, helpers and pilgrims from the parish who travelled on Sunday to participate in the Annual Armagh Pilgrimage to Lourdes.
Anyone who wishes to go as a pilgrim must hand in his or her name before the end of January in order to reserve a seat on the pilgrimage.
The chant pilgrimage at the National Shrine concluded with a Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary, extraordinary form, with Gregorian ordinary and propers, including organ by David Lang and the Shrine choir directed by Peter Latona singing Palestrina and Byrd.
Chant Pilgrimage report
Or a religious sect on a pilgrimage?
Times, Sunday Times
Since there was no body to entomb there is no shrine to him to which pilgrims can repair.
The trip in effect becomes a perverse pilgrimage.
Times, Sunday Times
People walk the labyrinth slowly, as an aid to contemplative prayer and reflection, as a spiritual exercise, or as a form of pilgrimage.
Religious pilgrimages in India are at an all-time high.
Times, Sunday Times
As a generalism asserting that women's passion is ten times greater than man's (Pilgrimage, ii. 282), it is unfact.
Arabian nights. English
The Feast of the Sacrifice comes at the end of the Hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca - and signals the end of the Islamic year.
And you probably know that Thanksgiving has something to do with the first European settlers in America - the Pilgrims - who landed at what we now call Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620.
Dr. Robert Epstein: Thanksgiving, Activism -- and Arianna Huffington!
However, one way in which gender distinctions remain is that men don the ihram, the white unstitched pilgrim's garb, while women are freer to wear other forms of modest clothing, including colorful national or cultural dresses.
Zahra N. Jamal, Ph.D.: Hajj Diaries: The Multiple Dimensions Of Muslim Pilgrimage
I was taught that it might contribute to a reading that if outward appearance reflects inward being, as was the prof's theory of medieval lit clothing a bismotered habergeon might indicate an inward uncleanliness or sinfulness, and that he's on pilgrimage because of it.
A Verray Parfit, Gentil, (Desperately Poor? Greedy? Penitent?) Knyght
I love how Mary leans against a doorway holding baby Jesus to the adoration of a couple of dirty-footed pilgrims, with all the slightly bored insouciance of any matron chatting with the neighbors.
LightFoot Guide to the via Francigena 2 - Summit of the Great St Bernard Pass to St Peter's Rome: Written by Babette Gallard and Paul Chinn and published by Pilgrim Publications in 2008 ISBN: 978-2-917183-02-1.
January 2009
India still has pilgrimage centers known as Footprints of Sati, memorials of the time when the Goddess waled the earth.
Goddess Kamkhaya
Days like this become a file of lingering images: women winnowing grain, children carrying almost their own weight in firewood, and meeting a Hindu sadhu on pilgrimage.
Most Muslims try to make a pilgrimage/go on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life.
It was encouraging to the vicar to encounter a fellow pilgrim -- a man as well -- on the hard road to enlightenment.