
How To Use Pilaster In A Sentence

  • The new space was panelled throughout, and fluted Corinthian columns and pilasters were added.
  • He began by adding a light Baroque facade with pilasters and massive fluted columns at the main, upper tier, topped by a balustrade with vases and statues.
  • Probably of about 1020, this rises in four stages, with long-and-short quoins at the corners and stone pilaster strips dividing it vertically; similar stone strips provide round-arched and lozenge-shaped decoration.
  • The new house, with an entrance with sidelights and paneled pilasters, is more commodious although somewhat less elegant than Johnston's previous home.
  • Here Mr. Stroik has successfully orchestrated a hierarchy of scales in form and space that includes the majestic crossing and apse; the great piers supporting the dome; the pilasters carrying a massive, uninterrupted entablature; the gorgeous baldachin looming over the main altar — and so on down the line. A Return to Grace
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  • It is simple, decorated only with flat, low pilasters in brick, and has a belfry and pyramid above.
  • The Gothic pilasters are filled with the same kind of coiling and spiral leaves and ribbons that are used in 1 E. 9 and Harl. 1892, the backgrounds of the miniatures enriched with fine gold patterns. Illuminated Manuscripts
  • Drayton expounds the mythological figures, events, and settings, making use of technical terms from the arts — terms that were relatively new in England: landskip, cornice, pilaster. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Three hours later the woodshed had acquired a doorcase in strict neoclassical style, with pilasters, triglyphs, and a cornice, and he was looking positively pleased with himself, as he rolled off up the hill to face the music.
  • On the rear wall is a kind of private chapel, a wall niche framed by pilasters and faced with spandrels with inlaid vegetal ornament, which shelters an altar.
  • Decorative painter John Canning worked out an extraordinarily subtle color scheme in which chromatic background wall and ceiling tints "bleed" into one another — from pale yellow into a soft gold in the finely articulated plasterwork of the sanctuary ceiling, and from the greenish hue on the walls and arcade piers flanking the nave into the dark-veined, deep-ochre imitation marble of the pilaster shafts on the piers. A Return to Grace
  • Dance-music was pouring from the arched recesses above the doorways, and chandeliers of coloured Murano glass diffused a soft brightness over the pilasters of the stuccoed walls, and the floor of inlaid marbles on which couples were rapidly forming for the contradance. The Valley of Decision
  • Iris looks about and, through the crowd, sees Ruth lurking massively against a pilaster, biting her fingernails. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • The room is remarkably similar to room XLIV, as its walls consist of the same material: mortared rubble sections alternating with layers of brick and tuff blocks which were used to produce the same kind of indented pilasters in the corners. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Domestic Area Report 6
  • A presumably Jesuit ruin, all stone dentil cornices, capitals, pilasters and broken walls.
  • Three hours later the woodshed had acquired a doorcase in strict neoclassical style, with pilasters, triglyphs, and a cornice, and he was looking positively pleased with himself, as he rolled off up the hill to face the music.
  • The stadium's design, which suggests an ornate airline hangar, is punctuated with arches balconies, soffits, and pilasters.
  • It had a red brick (not brownstone) facade, which reflected longstanding Greek revival traditions, and the front doorway was flanked by Doric pilasters supporting a triglyph-adorned entablature.
  • Ahmed Shah's mosque has original Hindu pillars behind a simple arcaded façade, the central arch of which is flanked by two rather bloated minarets rising from the ground, almost like pilasters.
  • Fragments such as cornices, frames, pilaster bases, and Corinthian pilaster capitals bore reliefs. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Roman Baths Report 6
  • The four corners of the facades are accented with tall wooden pilasters, and the two identical front doors with semicircular fanlights are framed by pilasters supporting molded cornices.
  • On the rear wall is a kind of private chapel, a wall niche framed by pilasters and faced with spandrels with inlaid vegetal ornament, which shelters an altar.
  • A rather restrained neoclassicism dominates -- long, symmetrical buildings with central porticos, columns, and engaged pilasters, their high-minded decorative schemes picked out in chaste white.
  • The pilasters or "niched" architecture on the south wall of the Fort. Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Fixing the Fort: Part 2
  • The use of limestone for the water table, belt course, rusticated jack arches, and pilaster capitals is unique in Kent County architecture.
  • There's ornament in columns and cornices, rustication and pilasters, urns, anthemia, and pediments, with temples and colonnades high in the sky, topped by spires and finials.
  • A physician who lived diagonally across the street from the family offered to let them live in his home, which was called the Pilaster House because of its decorative columns.
  • The new space was panelled throughout, and fluted Corinthian columns and pilasters were added.
  • Pilaster: In Classical architecture, a shallow rectangular column Built into a wall and projecting slightly Beyond it.
  • The principal doorways of both buildings are framed by pilasters and display graceful semicircular fanlights crowned with open pediments.
  • Column and pilaster shafts are beige botticino marble while capitals and entablatures are painted plaster.schafphoto. com Like the shrine, the focus is again on a baldachin - here, with swirling bronze Solomonic columns and an exuberant superstructure inspired by Bernini's baldachin at St. Peter's. Holy Architecture
  • Ionic pilasters carried the eye up to the pediment, which was decorated with a coat of arms. TOY SHOP
  • Before shops had invaded its ground-floor, and advertisements had defaced the exquisite line of carvings just above, the Rez de chaussée had seven low arcades whose pilasters and windows were carved with medallions, candelabra, and "grotesques" in low relief. The Story of Rouen
  • The company can also supply corbels, brackets, pilasters, columns and fireplaces.
  • Modelled on St. Peter's basilica in Rome, its façade is defined by Corinthian pilasters and a pediment, with a great central dome towering over them.
  • The corners of the facades of both the main block and the pavilion are adorned with monumental paired pilasters with Ionic capitals.
  • The typical prefabricated full-surround mantel frames the firebox opening with panels, pilasters, or columns and is topped with a shelf.
  • Next to these the largest masses are a circular tablet, forming part of the splendid sheathing of one of the ambones in the Church of San Lorenzo; and two elliptical tablets, still larger, engrafted upon the pilasters in front of the high altar of St. Paul's. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • The original cornice jutted out noticeably much as it does above the pilasters on the fireplace wall.
  • The four corners of the facades are accented with tall wooden pilasters, and the two identical front doors with semicircular fanlights are framed by pilasters supporting molded cornices.
  • The entrance surround is comprised of pilasters supporting a broken arched pediment with a panel bearing the words: “What Cheer Laundry” and depicting Roger Williams meeting Native Americans. " spark and the sky's on fire."
  • New casings around the doors and lower windows, plus large pilasters between the French doors, help define and anchor the living room.
  • Postmodern designs have hints of pilasters, friezes and capitals, but only in lego-like abbreviation.
  • Modelled on St. Peter's basilica in Rome, its façade is defined by Corinthian pilasters and a pediment, with a great central dome towering over them.
  • Such chests were made in and near Concord, in eastern Massachusetts, and their distinguishing characteristics include fluted pilasters surmounted by bolection moldings, or ‘swelled friezes.’
  • The company can also supply corbels, brackets, pilasters, columns and fireplaces.
  • A coin of Augustus shows what is presumably a square superstructure, with arches on the two faces in view, pilasters or columns, and an entablature but no roof.
  • An anta may be described as a pilaster forming the termination of a wall. A History of Greek Art
  • But here he was, seated next to the Queen of England, amid Corinthian columns and gold-enriched pilasters, before a red velvet throne used for the coronation of King Edward VII.
  • The most controversial and dramatic elements of the building, the 14 thermal chimneys. are clearly related to the pilaster-like piers by patinated aluminium bronze plate ducts which run slantwise across the roof slope.
  • He began by adding a light Baroque facade with pilasters and massive fluted columns at the main, upper tier, topped by a balustrade with vases and statues.
  • The rudimentary type was a simple chamber or cella, with a loggia open to the air except for two columns standing between the two extremities of the side walls, which terminated in pilasters known as 'antae'. [ The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • In 1818, Schinkel erected the State Theatre that, apart from the Greek Ionic portico, displayed the most memorable feature of the frequent use of the functionalist pilaster stripe.
  • _Club Room_, which occupies all the ground floor: it will be divided by columns and pilasters of scagliola, and decorated with a paneled ceiling and appropriate ornaments. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 531, January 28, 1832
  • There's ornament in columns and cornices, rustication and pilasters, urns, anthemia, and pediments, with temples and colonnades high in the sky, topped by spires and finials.
  • The bell tower is pointed with four miniature spires and the paired Corinthian columns and the flanking pilasters on either side of the altar are a distinctive feature.
  • Her husband had died when a pilaster of brick and smokey plaster came down on him like a wave. Bringing Them Home
  • Three hours later the woodshed had acquired a doorcase in strict neoclassical style, with pilasters, triglyphs, and a cornice, and he was looking positively pleased with himself, as he rolled off up the hill to face the music.
  • The twelve-panel front door is surmounted with a transom window and framed by fluted pilasters supporting an open pediment.
  • Peche was able to create this dreamworld by breaking up a wall with a row of narrow windows, by giving the illusion of height with columns and pilasters, and by blurring the borders of a room.
  • Column and pilaster shafts are beige botticino marble while capitals and entablatures are painted plaster.schafphoto. com Like the shrine, the focus is again on a baldachin - here, with swirling bronze Solomonic columns and an exuberant superstructure inspired by Bernini's baldachin at St. Peter's. Holy Architecture
  • The result, now standing in the St. Mary's Chapel Field, is a tall chapel of handmade red brick, with a cream-colored Baroque "Tuscan" facade decorated with classical features, including pilasters, entablature and a round central window. Theorized Reconstruction of a 17th Century Jesuit Church in America
  • Where the heroes of the Risorgimento met in the nineteenth century, this rather glitzily restored café with gilt pilasters and an immense chandelier combines a restaurant and ice cream parlour.
  • An architect's flawless ink-wash rendering of a fluted pilaster surmounted by a capital of the Composite order is, necessarily, an abstraction. The Forever City
  • The central four bays are separated by Ionic pilasters and decorated with three sculptural roundels.
  • It is very lofty, and on each side is a pilaster; beneath the cornice are two long cut stones, which advance like a kind of architrave, pierced by a square hole of above twelve inches, supposed to have been intended to support a bronze door. The Idler in France
  • Pomegranates are found in abundance in the studiolo; at the base of the pilasters (unripened) and in the brocade covering for the bench seat adjacent to the studiolo-within-a-studiolo. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • A coin of Augustus shows what is presumably a square superstructure, with arches on the two faces in view, pilasters or columns, and an entablature but no roof.
  • He knew he was only perfectly appreciated in those meetings, unfortunately too few, in which ALL his hearers were prepared to follow him into those spheres which the ancients imagined to be entered only through a gate of ivory, to be surrounded by pilasters of diamond, and surmounted by a dome arched with fawn-colored crystal, upon which played the various dyes of the prism; spheres, like the Mexican opal, whose kaleidoscopical foci are dimmed by olive-colored mists veiling and unveiling the inner glories; spheres, in which all is magical and supernatural, reminding us of the marvellous worlds of realized dreams. Life of Chopin
  • A flight of veined marble steps leads to the vestibule, with a floor of scagliola, and twelve large Ionic columns and sixteen pilasters of _verde antique_. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 389, September 12, 1829
  • In 1537 it was ceded to Angelo Massimi, who commissioned Perino del Vaga to paint frescoes on each of the lateral walls and on the pilasters on either side of the entrance.
  • This is Penn Station's dining room as seen from below after the plaster coffers and pilasters were partially removed.
  • The edifice is covered by ornate and colorful molding, pilasters (pseudo columns), and arches, many of which contain bas relief sculptures.
  • Some day, perhaps, the exact significance of this emblem may be explained, we are content to point out the variety and happy arrangement of the sinuous lines which surround and enframe the richly decorated pilaster that acts as its stem. A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • Modelled on St. Peter's basilica in Rome, its façade is defined by Corinthian pilasters and a pediment, with a great central dome towering over them.
  • The bell tower is pointed with four miniature spires and the paired Corinthian columns and the flanking pilasters on either side of the altar are a distinctive feature.
  • Column and pilaster shafts are beige botticino marble while capitals and entablatures are, like the pseudomarble pilasters in the shrine, painted plaster. A Return to Grace
  • The piers and pilasters carry a deep entablature which was enriched with triglyphs and mutules.
  • A sound system using beam-steered line-arrays, enabling clear, amplified speech and support for jazz music, is concealed in the pilasters flanking the proscenium.
  • The shallow dome floats over the place, its hovering quality enhanced by the sometimes invisible mirror-glazed pilasters that prop its corners.

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